Monday, January 31, 2005

The Natural Medicine Of Humor Can Add Years To Your Life...And Life To Your Years!

We've all heard, haven't we, that a 40-year-old was considered elderly in the past? With America's aging population, why wouldn't we take advantage of reasons to count ourselves lucky to live beyond 40? After all, as little as 200 years ago the average life span in North America was 37 years. But the idea that anyone over 40 back then is a misinterpretation of statistical data. I'll explain why in a moment...

Natural medicine is a hot topic. There are more than enough websites, newsletters, and products offering solutions to your ailments to keep you busy for a year investigating them. The advent of the Internet has made it easier than ever to research and try alternative or adjunctive treatments. You no longer need to an entire afternoon waiting in a doctor's office to remedy many of your symptoms because reliable, reputable purveyors of proven natural medicines are all around you.

Luckily for you, you already possess the most powerful natural medicine on earth. You carry this medicine around in your own chemistry and its benefits are unparalleled. While I would never recommend that you discard traditional medicine (I am a medical doctor, for goodness sake!), I do know beyond a shadow of a doubt that maximizing the amazing, free natural medicine of humor can solve a wide array of medical and personal problems.

No other doctor in the world has the credentials I have to teach you about this particular application of the free natural medicine of humor. Having discovered the power of humor twenty-five years ago while working with a terminally-ill cancer patient, I have spent more than two decades researching, fine-tuning, and prescribing humor in an amazingly diverse array of personal and medical applications. You will soon discover that you can use the free natural medicine of humor to skyrocket your relationships, your career, your stress management, your weight loss, your mental health, your fitness program, your parenting, your sexual health and more, because humor is powerful, abundant, free, and always accessible to you.

After decades of research, I can teach you how to turn on humor's amazing power as easily as flicking on a light switch. From working as a performing comedian on the national Comedy Caravan tour to developing intimate, working relationships with great humor/practitioners like famous comedian Jerry Lewis, I have learned how you can infuse your personal and professional life with such an amazing level of resilience and energy that you will feel reborn - no matter how successful you are now!

In this article I will outline the second main reason that the free natural medicine of humor is far superior to any other medicine, natural or otherwise. (I've outlined the first in my previous post and will outline the third in my next.)

Humor Is Abundant And Free

Humor, as you will learn, is everywhere you look and as abundant as trees or water. We can never run out of humor, or use it up, because humor perpetuates itself as we engage it; when we look for humor, we find it and vice versa. In other words, when you use the natural medicine of humor you won't find that your reservoir of humor is merely quickly refilled, you will find that you always have more than you started with.

Humor is also always free; this natural medicine has no co-pays and no deductibles. Yes, it takes practice and some discipline to maximize its amazing power, but humor's natural medicine will remain at your beck and call, regardless of your financial circumstances. Unlike other things that are free, however, humor's value to your health, wellness, and success is incalculable.

How exciting it is to know that the most impactful medicine in the world is also the one most readily available and accessible to you. Once you are familiar with my Fun Commandments, which you can learn for free on my website, you are set for life - especially after I reveal the last reason that humor is far superior to any known medicine.

Start Using the World's Most Powerful, Free Natural Medicine...Right Now!

Here are some simple, easy steps you can take right now to start using the free natural medicine of humor to supercharge your life.

  1. Subscribe to my Fun Times newsletter. The Fun Times is all about using your natural power of humor to increase the quality of your life. The Fun Times is 100% free, and is delivered instantly, every week, to your email inbox. If you sign up now, I'll also throw in a copy of my "Stop Your Seriousness" Ecourse and my book, Ten Ways You Can Be Happier...Right Now! which will show you how you can use my Fun Factor prescription in your life to increase your success!

  2. Check out The Fun Factor. This prescription has changed so many lives for the better - it would be a shame if you passed it up. Check it out here if you're ready for this amazing, free natural medicine to start shaping your life in a most unique and positive way!

By the way, two thousand years ago our average North American life span was only 23 years! But that cannot mean that people who exceeded the average life span were considered old. The average life span is determined by the ages of all those who die, and that figure is drastically impacted by the rate of infant mortality.

Thus, as infant mortality rates have dropped (which they have steadily for hundreds of years), the average life span has increased. Most deaths, after all, have always clustered around two age groups: under one year of age and over 75 years of age.

Don't just increase the length of your life, increase the quality of it too! Start using my Fun Factor prescription to infuse your life with the free natural medicine of humor today!

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

Listed on Blogwise

Friday, January 28, 2005

The Natural Medicine Of Humor Can Do What For Me?

Press agents and publicity people are always pressured by their clients to get them noticed by the public. In the 1940's, the press agent for the famous comedy duo, Abbott and Costello, found a unique way to get his clients into newspapers across the country. More about this in a moment...

Natural medicine is a hot topic, there are enough websites, newsletters, and medical products that you could stay busy for a year investigating them. The advent of the Internet has made it easier than ever before to research and try alternative or adjunctive treatments. You no longer need to spend the afternoon waiting in a doctor's office to remedy your symptoms because reliable, reputable purveyors of proven natural medicines are all around us.

Luckily for you, you already possess the most powerful natural medicine on earth. You carry this medicine around in your own chemistry and the pharmaceutical companies would pay a fortune to reproduce its effects because this medicine's benefits are unparalleled. While I would never recommend that you discard traditional medicine (I am a medical doctor, for goodness sake!), I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that maximizing the amazing natural medicine of humor can solve a wide array of medical and personal problems.

I am the only doctor in the world with the credentials to teach you how to apply the natural medicine of humor. Having discovered the power of humor twenty-five years ago while working with a terminally-ill cancer patient, I have spent more than two decades researching, fine-tuning, and prescribing humor in an amazingly diverse array of personal and medical applications. You will soon discover that you can use the natural medicine of humor to skyrocket, among other things, your relationships, your career, your stress management, your weight loss, your mental health, your fitness program, your parenting, and your sexual health because humor is powerful, abundant, free, and always accessible to you.

Through my decades of research, I have learned to turn on humor's amazing power as easily as flicking on a light switch. From working as a performing comedian on the national Comedy Caravan tour to developing intimate, working relationships with great humor/practitioners like famous comedian Jerry Lewis, I have learned how to infuse your personal and professional life with such an amazing level of resilience and energy that you will feel reborn - no matter how successful you are now!

In my next three blog entries I will outline the three main reasons that the natural medicine of humor is far superior to any other medicine, natural or otherwise, known to humankind.

Today: Reason Number One

Humor Is Powerful

Humor is a staggeringly powerful natural medicine. This vibrant, endless resource packs a wallop in at least ten proven, documented areas of health and wellness. You will never find a list of benefits this comprehensive from any medicine. And with this medicine you will never experience any side effects, nor will you ever have to purchase refills for your prescription - you'll only need to be reminded to use it!

I have researched and documented the following ten effects of using the natural medicine of humor (if you'd like to read the research, contact me through my website, Can you imagine how much money the pharmaceutical companies would pay for the rights to a drug with these effects - and with no side effects? The natural medicine of humor:

  1. Reduces your stress

  2. Stimulates your immune system

  3. Relieves your pain

  4. Rests your brain

  5. Stabilizes your mood

  6. Decreases your anxiety

  7. Enhances your communication

  8. Inspires your creativity

  9. Maintains your hope

  10. Bolsters your morale

I have watched my patients use the natural medicine of humor to:

  • Overcome fatal cancer diagnoses

  • Enhance the pleasure of their life by learning to paint and draw

  • Lose their depression

  • Form lasting relationships with a mentor that opens doors of employment and promotion

  • Get back to hiking and bicycle riding again

  • Experience a very fulfilling sex life

  • Lose the spare tire around their midsection

  • Lower their blood pressure

  • Fall in love with their husband all over again

  • Land their dream job

  • Bound out of bed with an energy and enthusiasm they thought was lost

  • Overcome shyness and attract positive social attention at parties

  • And so much more!

Not using your humor to its fullest potential is like owning a Porche that you only drive to the corner grocery! Humor has so much more value than a recreational tool! And the good news for all of us is, no matter how well you are now using your sense of humor for health, success, vitality, and wellness, you can always learn use it more effectively! The natural medicine of humor is that powerful because it never runs out!

Abbott and Costello's agent, by the way, took out an unusual insurance policy with Lloyd's of London that got fast national attention. The Abbott and Costello policy promised to pay $100,000 to the survivors of anyone who died laughing during one of their performances!

How's that for the power of humor! Find out how to start using that power yourself by visiting my website today!

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

Listed on Blogwise

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Find The "Other Half" Of Your $60,000 Equation

Steel magnate Andrew Carnegie, the well-known philanthropist, kept a close eye on where each of his contributions went.

He was once approached by the secretary of the New York Philharmonic Society for a contribution of $60,000. At first, Carnegie agreed. Then he suddenly changed his mind. "There must be other people," he said, "who like music enough to help with their own money."

He told the secretary that if he could find someone else to donate $30,000, Carnegie would match the contribution.

The secretary returned the next day -- successful! More on this in a moment...

I often encounter nodding heads when I talk about the impressive natural medicine of humor. Sometimes, unfortunately, those nodding heads mean that people feel like they are already experts and don't need to learn anything new. I say that anyone with that attitude is half-right.

Let me explain.

You are half-right if you think yourself an expert with nothing new to learn. You are an expert because you were born infused with the natural medicine of humor. Humor and the energy and excellence it produces oozed from your pores as a child. In fact, when my patients begin to hear whispers of jealousy about their new "can-do" attitudes and seemingly boundless optimism, they excited thank me for reminding them of things they once knew like the back of their hand.

You are also half-right because you don't actually have anything new to learn. You already know all the things you need to profit handsomely from the natural medicine of humor. You have simply been conditioned by society to relegate those parts of you, which I help you recapture with my Fun Commandments, to your recreation. So, you only get to experience the deep and replenishing power of your humor, on average, for a mere two or three hours a week. That's just not enough!

Society is very good at convincing us to be serious. We see lots of funny movies, television programs, books, magazines, etc. but, in reality, we are a very serious culture. Just look at how pervasive our political correctness has become -- pirate costumes with eye patches are now not recommended for Halloween costumes because they might offend blind people! (Who's going to tell them?) If we're not careful we are naturally led to take ourselves as seriously we take as our responsibilities and that's when we are really in trouble!

So you are right -- you already know about humor and how to use it. What I can help you do is learn to employ the natural medicine of humor in every area of your life. What would it be worth to you to be closer to your spouse, to be able to hike and ride your bike more often, to spend more time with your grandchildren, to get the job you always wanted, to make friends faster and easier while feeling more at ease in social situations, to enjoy more satisfying sexual intimacy, and to get out of bed with a smile each day because you can't wait to see what the day has to offer? I can't promise you that each one of these exact things will happen to you, but I can tell you that the natural medicine of humor, and my Fun Commandments, have made these things (and more) possible for me, my family, and hundreds of my patients.

Best of all, it won't cost you a dime to learn. Simply visit my website and start learning about the natural medicine of humor.

I know...I already know all about humor. Well, you're right - you do! Now all you have to learn is how become more energetic, successful, healthy, focused, relaxed, confident, creative, and resourceful than you already are! Sound like a good deal? See you at my website.

By the way, the secretary of the New York Philharmonic Society returned to Carnegie the next day and announced he had the donor. Carnegie happily wrote out a check for the other $30,000. Then he asked, "Would you mind telling me who gave you the other half?"

"Mrs. Carnegie," the secretary said.

Get the "other half" of humor's powerful natural medicine working for you today!

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

Listed on Blogwise

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Who Told You That You Were The Center Of The Universe?

Astronomer-mathematician Ptolemy (85-165) devised a theory of planetary motions which holds that the earth is at the center of the universe. The sun, moon, and planets revolve around the earth in the Ptolemaic universe. This notion was accepted for approximately 1,500 years. More on this in a moment...

I see more and more people each day who suffer from unhealthy levels of stress. Whether suffering from sleeplessness, weight gain, mood changes, hair loss, worry, agitation, or any other of the myriad symptoms commonly associated with stress, stress-related illness and suffering is at an all-time high in America and growing every year. Luckily for you, my work with the powerful natural medicine of humor has uncovered the culprit behind your unhealthy stress symptoms, as well as the solution to simple stress management.

My medical practice, involving decades of work with chronically and fatally ill patients, has clearly identified the cause of our painful stress symptoms - seriousness. Seriousness means taking yourself too seriously; seriousness means you are taking responsibility for the things for which you're not responsible (the results, or outcome, of your footwork) and, consequently, you're positioning yourself incorrectly as the "center of the universe." Seriousness causes so much pressure that stress management, which I will show you how to perform in this article, becomes impossible.

The antidote for your seriousness, and your foundation for healthy stress management, is the natural medicine of humor. Humor's incredible power is harnessed to maximum impact through my unique Fun Factor prescription. Based upon my Fun Commandments, which were forged in unison with some incredible patients of mine, my Fun Factor prescription is capable of producing such profound positive change to your health and personal success that you will soon have people whispering, "Is she always happy?"

  • Step One: Laugh with Yourself

    My first stress management Fun Commandment is: Laugh with Yourself. This Commandment is not about humiliation or self-denigration, it is the ultimate in self-respect because it teaches you to appreciate your "perfect imperfection" and find gentle amusement in your foibles. And, when it comes to stress, there is plenty of amusement to be found which will greatly aid your stress management.

    Here's the first amusing thing about your stress: you can't live without it, yet too much is bad for your health. Like many of the essential things in life: we need a certain amount of stress to survive, yet too much can kill us. Like water, for example. We die if we are without water for more than a few days, but submerge us in water and we die a lot sooner.

    Without stress, also, we might not eat. Hunger is a form of stress our body needs occasionally to remind us we need food. Stress causes the adrenal glands to work. Athletes would not perform at their best without stress-induced adrenaline. Every activity causes a certain amount of stress. So does inactivity. In fact, to be completely stress-free we would have to be dead - not a highly recommended stress management technique.

    As you learn to laugh with yourself you will become like an athlete - who can have fun running the mile or the marathon and still turn in peak performance. In fact, laughing with yourself even enhances performance. Too much seriousness can tighten muscles through negative tension which, of course, counteracts the wonderfully effective stress management power of this Fun Commandment.

  • Step Two: Make Sure You Are Motivating Yourself With Fun, Not Fear

    Step two in my Fun Factor stress management formula is not based on an actual Fun Commandment, per say. Motivating yourself with fun rather than fear, however, is a crucial step to allowing your commitment to laugh with yourself to fully impact your healthy stress management.

    Which brings us to the only true choice you have in life. Will you be inspired by fear or by fun? There is only one choice regarding our health, wellness, and fitness - fear or fun. It all boils down to that. It is your option and responsibility to choose one or the other.

    We live our lives as though every day was an emergency; as though a bear is chasing us all the time. This is unfortunate for three reasons:

    1. Of all the stress management techniques I know, this is the absolute worst because it only increases our stress! It reduces the effectiveness of humor's natural medicine to zilch.

    2. We now know that such a constant state of "wariness" or agitation breaks down our coping mechanisms over time. It is impossible to sustain the fear-based behavior without breaking down or burning out.

    3. A more pernicious error occurs. We begin to thing that the avoidance of whatever we fear is the same as having fun. Joy becomes synonymous with the avoidance of fear.

  • Step Three: Tell the Truth

    The final step in your Fun Factor stress management formula is a Fun Commandment, Tell the Truth. This Commandment refers more to self-honesty than it does "cash register" honesty; getting in the habit of telling yourself the truth will cement humor's powerfully positive effect over your stress. Your stress management becomes second nature when you are honest with yourself each day, because you can then immediately, easily, and simply apply steps one and two of my Fun Factor stress managment formula to your life.

    Telling yourself the truth, for our purposes, focuses on knowing when your stress levels are rising. As we noted in step two, everyday activities normally produce a baseline level of stress and this stress is usually alleviated by your daily routines (for example, when you experience the stress of hunger, you eat). Step three in my Fun Factor stress management formula teaches you to recognize the signs of unhealthy stress and take corrective action immediately.

    Here are some simple stress management techniques to apply when your self-honesty reveals rising stress levels:

    1. Start your day off in the shower singing at the top of your voice a nonsense song you make up that incorporates the idea that this is a glorious day and great things are going to happen to you in it. Can't sing? Good! Can't rhyme? Who cares? The words are for you alone. This is not a contest. Be as off-key as you need to be...unless you are Placido Domingo.

    2. Travel to work alone along the same boring route every day? Make up a game to play as you look out the window of your car, bus or train. For example, how many dogs will you see on the way to work?

    3. Have a routine job? One that you find boring? Does it give you stress symptoms, such as drumming your fingers or tapping your toes? Perhaps you need to introduce fun into your workday.

    4. Smile. You feel stressed? Smile. It is a simple activity, so simple that even infants can do it. Just for kicks, count how many times you smile in an hour. None, you say? Then this stress relief game is even easier for you, and more important than it is for those who smile all the time. (And you wondered how they didn't feel the same degree of stress that you do?)

    5. Recognize that stress is a choice. We can accept it and put up with it, and the damage it can cause our bodies. We can avoid it, but that could be a difficult choice if it means quitting the only job we know in a tough job market. That might easily create worse stresses. Or we can deal with it and defeat it.

Just as Polish astronomer Nicholas Copernicus disproved Ptolemy's earth-centered universe in the 16th century, so the natural medicine of humor disproves that you must suffer from being the center of your universe. Remove yourself from the pressure and stress a life where everything revolves around you...start using my Fun Factor stress management formula, and the rest of my Fun Commandments, today!

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

Listed on Blogwise

Friday, January 21, 2005

Make Your Dreams Come True With Humor's Natural Medicine

By Guest Columnist, Greg Kuhn

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.'s son, Laugh Doctor Junior

Haven't we all heard that, no matter how long they seem to go on, our dreams last only seconds? Did you know that this was proven wrong back in the 1950's, when scientists learned that the dreaming portion of sleep can be measured by REM, or rapid eye movement? Our first dream of the night may last only ten minutes, while the one we finally wake up from may have lasted up to forty-five minutes! More on this later...

"Be forewarned," my mentor told me. "You're a great candidate but it's probably going to take you a couple years, at least, to meet the right people and get a job. This is a big, and political, school system." I was being mentored regarding how to secure a job as a high school assistant principal while teaching in the fifth largest school district in the United States. Even though I was a great teacher, my mentor was cautioning me because I had only four years of teaching experience, I had no influential allies at all, and the job I sought was a "plum" position not to be had without the right connections from "on high."

But what I did in the next year astounded my mentor; I rocketed up to the top of the organizational chart and wrote my own ticket by navigating the school district's politics and hierarchy with ease. I am not some "Slick Willie" character and I didn't sell my soul to the Devil -- I merely used the unbelievably powerful natural medicine of humor to motivate myself and super-charge my footwork!

Yep, with a mere five years of teaching experience (and without sacrificing any of my personal ethics), I landed an assistant principalship at one of the most prestigious high schools in the United States. How did I go from a complete unknown, an anonymous member of the herd, and merely one-of-a-hundred seeking the job to grabbing the "brass ring" in one of our nation's largest school districts? The natural medicine of humor provided all the fuel I needed and I'll tell you exactly how it worked.

First, I need to tell you that I learned to use this insanely powerful natural medicine by following my Father's unique Fun Factor prescription. From his work with terminally-ill and chronically suffering patients, my Dad crafted his life-changing Fun Commandments and then molded them into his Fun Factor prescription - which he can now dispense to people over the Internet. The Fun Factor turned my Dad's patient's lives around, his life around, and our whole family around too.

My incredible rise through the "ranks" was based primarily on two of Dad's Fun Commandments, Stay Focused, yet Flexible and Laugh with Yourself. Although these were my two mainstays, there are many more Fun Commandments and I highly recommend them all. If you are not familiar with The Fun Commandments, visit my Dad's website today to learn about them for free.

  • I stayed focused, yet flexible during my rise to success. My focus stayed squarely on developing a key relationship with a gatekeeper in our school system. I stayed flexible by knocking on every door I could find and not getting discouraged by the many dead ends I encountered. With persistence I eventually found a person who saw my talents, took a liking to me, and championed me to other decision-makers.

    Without the focus I wouldn't have been persistent enough to success and without the flexibility I would've given up long before I achieved my goal. The natural medicine of humor provides buoyancy during such a process because it is such a resplendent reservoir of energy, vitality, and zest. In fact, my focus was so intense that I turned strangers into allies in very short order and my flexibility so pliable I bounced back from slammed doors to immediately knock on the next!

  • I laughed with myself and, combined with my focused, yet flexible determination, forged a persona that left little doubt I belonged in the position I sought. Laughing with yourself, taking yourself lightly enough to find amusement in your "perfect imperfections" rather than beating yourself up for your mistakes, projects an aura of absolute self-confidence. In fact, as I've learned to fine-tune this Fun Commandment I've had to occasionally tone it down because I find less confident people become very jealous and resentful of me - as in "who does he think he is, feeling so good about himself?"

    Laughing with myself is not self-denigration, it is actually the most uplifting, self-affirming thing I can do. Combined with my flexible focus, I was able to laugh off the naysayers and negative people who decried my ambitions and would've delighted in my failure. I'm not special, anyone who takes a chance is watched by those around them. Laughing with yourself, however, allows you to find the amusement in the human drama of life and not get caught up in a dangerous game which invites seriousness (taking yourself too seriously...the deadly polar-opposite of humor's natural medicine) into your life - treating your feelings (and other's feelings) like facts.

While there is more to tell, my highest recommendation is that you visit my Father's website and learn all about The Fun Factor. He will teach you for free and your life will start changing today! Take this as a personal challenge and send me an email, through Dad's website, if I'm wrong about how incredibly powerful the natural medicine of humor is!

By the way, the longest dream on record was measured in 1967 in a lab at the University of Illinois. Two hours and twenty-three minutes! I hope it wasn't one of those "you're in front of the class with no pants on" dreams!

Make your dreams come true and last a lifetime by super-charging your life with the natural medicine of humor today!

Greg Kuhn, sitting in for,

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

Listed on Blogwise

Monday, January 17, 2005

Mental Health Maintenance Is Super-Charged By The Natural Medicine Of Humor

In the classic Frank Capra film, It's a Wonderful Life, George Bailey's mental health is overwhelmed by the difficulties of his life and he wishes he'd never been born. George's guardian angel grants his wish and takes him to a grim reality as it would've been without him. George feels nothing when he reaches into his coat pocket to retrieve the flower his daughter, Zuzu, placed there - and that's when George knows that his wish has come true...he's never been born.

Wishing she had never been born, Roberta became my patient, seeking desperately to improve her mental health. Like the fictional George Bailey character, Roberta's depression and anxiety had grown so strong as to threaten her ability to lead any semblance of a normal life. Fortunately for Roberta, she soon discovered exactly why the natural medicine of humor is one of the most powerful adjunctive treatments for improving mental health, because humor literally pours water on the fire of depression and anxiety.

Roberta is not alone. As many as 35% of all Americans suffer from depression and anxiety, the twins that make mental health elusive for millions. Your depression and anxiety is exacerbated by your seriousness - taking yourself too seriously. As we move into adulthood, we unfortunately buy into the notion that responsible and productive people must be "serious." As we make the biggest mistake of our lives and relegate our humor nature and fun to recreational activities (if we experience fun at all), we doom ourselves to all the symptoms of the corresponding seriousness that fills the void - declining health, rising stress, increased pain, lessened energy, impaired creativity, and more.

The good news for your mental health, however, is that we know how to shrink your deadly seriousness to practically nothing and reduce almost completely the sway it holds over your health, vitality, wellness, and zest. The natural medicine of humor is an incredibly powerful resource that you already possess; you've only forgotten how to use it to maximum effectiveness. You will soon discover that, while not a panacea, the natural medicine of humor is a tremendous tonic for depression or anxiety and will also supercharge other treatments because it is an amazing adjunctive medicine too!

I have distilled the natural medicine of humor, through my years of medical practice, into an amazing prescription I call The Fun Factor. Based on what I learned over twenty years ago from a terminally ill fifteen-year-old patient, I created a unique set of principles I call the Fun Commandments, then forged these Commandments into my Fun Factor prescription and have been prescribing The Fun Factor with great success for years. This report will show you how to use just three of my Fun Commandments to turn your mental health around, and gain new joy, pleasure, and appreciation from your life!

Improve Your Mental Health Using My Fun Factor Prescription

  • Step One: Always Go the Extra Smile

    The first Fun Commandment I recommend for improved mental health is: Always Go the Extra Smile. This Commandment is doubly helpfully for depression and anxiety because not only does it provide measurable emotional and physical relief, but it also is completely under your control - regardless of your circumstances. Because smiling remains totally under your control, it can be your greatest resource for using humor's natural medicine to accelerate your mental health.

    Smiling produces measurable physical benefits you can experience immediately: your stress decreases, your immunity improves, your pain and frustration tolerances increase, and your creativity soars. And guess what? You experience all these benefits even if your smile is "fake." That's right...forcing a smile onto your face perks up your immune system and lightens your mood just as readily as a genuine smile. Fake a smile and you'll soon feel well enough to wear a real one!

    This is great news for your proactive stance on sustainable mental health. You have an amazing amount of pre-emptive control over your mood - you can, literally, choose more energy and happiness. The key for your use of this Fun Commandment in enhancing your mental health is to start practicing right now, so that smiling becomes an entrenched, habitual method of accessing the natural medicine of humor. If you wait to smile until your mental health has taken a turn for the worse, and depression or anxiety has taken hold of you, it will not be as effective.

  • Step Two: Act and Interact

    Smiling leads us right into the second Fun Commandment you'll find instrumental in maintaining your mental health: Act and Interact. Humor's natural medicine works best when we are sharing ourselves and this Commandment will teach you how to capitalize on the control you've taken over your physiology and mood by smiling. Acting and interacting is now easier for you to do because you're smiling more. Not only is your mood improved, but your smile is also a pleasant invitation to other people.

    My suggestion is that you solidify the power of this Commandment by setting a reasonable goal regarding the number of people you will interact with each day. These social interactions are great for your mental health, forcing you to exchange information and ideas with another person. Combined with your commitment to smiling, your interactions should be pleasant, because your heightened energy, lessened pain, and lowered stress levels are very attractive to others.

    Beyond keeping you out of isolation, there is another reason why acting and interacting with the people you encounter fosters improved mental health. It allows you to avoid spiritual "flat tires." Spiritual flat tires occur when you sidestep, or avoid, an interaction that is about to happen naturally - you duck into an office to avoid encountering someone in a hallway or you don't answer the phone because you don't want to talk to the person calling. This type of avoidance drains and deletes your reservoir of powerful natural energy and siphons your mental health reserves.

    Have you ever noticed that it usually takes you twice as much mental and physical energy to avoid doing a job than you would have expended just doing it? It also takes twice the energy to avoid acting and interacting with the people who cross your path because you are, in effect, saying, "I'm going to correct the mistake that nature made by putting this person in my path and I'm going to correct it by being mentally and spiritually negligent." Mental and spiritual negligence have the same effect as physical negligence (isn't it strange how you get tired if you don't exercise?). If your mental health can afford to allow this much energy to be drained, then you have a much bigger reservoir than I!

    But spiritual flat tires do more than drain our energy, they are detrimental in at least two additional ways:

    1. We miss out on an interaction with a teacher. If nature didn't have a lesson for you, that person you just avoided would not have been placed in your path. You say that the person you just avoided was a negative influence or would've wasted your time? I know we have legitimate schedules to keep, but if I am avoiding people based on my prejudgment of them, I'm cutting myself off from my greatest teachers - those very same people.

      We all learn tolerance from the intolerant, patience from the impatient, temperance from the intemperate, gentleness from the ruffian, etc. I am supremely grateful for those teachers and the lessons they give me.

    2. We create a small, nagging spiritual void of dishonesty, the kind of dishonesty that keeps us from laying our heads down with complete peace of mind each night. Our spiritual flat tire is caused by the pothole our avoidance created; it is a natural consequence, or symptom, of our spiritual dishonesty. These consequences clutter our lives with mental and emotional baggage that further drains us of our energy and vitality.

  • Step Three: Celebrate Everything

    The third Fun Commandment which will help you use the natural medicine of humor to charge up your mental health is: Celebrate Everything. Celebrating everything may sound like a monumental task to someone who's mental health isn't up to par, but you will find this part of my doctor's orders much easier to fulfill once you start practicing my first two Commandments. In fact, celebrating everything is more than a maintenance step providing sustainable mental health. It will also become your lifestyle, the more you practice it, because you will enjoy the results so much.

    How do you celebrate everything and how will this keep your mental health on the upswing? The epitome of this Commandment is found in the old joke about the boy who wanted a pony for his birthday. Instead, he found a room full of manure waiting for him. But he dove right into the dung, gleefully exclaiming, "With all this manure, there's got to be a pony in here somewhere!"

    Laugh as we might, we're quick to remember that, as adults, we would never allow ourselves such "naive" enthusiasm. Why not? Do you realize what is behind such a "grown up," "mature" decision? Your deadly seriousness (taking yourself too seriously) encourages the attitude that a mature adult should not let herself be so optimistic and thus mental health is jeopardized.

    We could do more than chuckle at this birthday boy's unabashed optimism - we should emulate it! When was the last time you encountered an unexpected pile of manure in your life? You had absolutely no control over the mess, right? But you had absolute control over your reaction to it and this is the key to using celebration to keep your mental health improved!

    When you celebrate everything, the natural medicine of humor creates spiritual, emotional, and mental health like nothing you've felt before. You will find that your fears become much less controlling when you are celebrating everything because it no longer matters so much how things turn out. In fact, you are literally ready for anything because you are prepared to find the blessing in whatever happens.

    My daughter-in-law, for example, broke her back last year. My son, who is often my model for the embodiment of my Fun Commandments, can tick off a laundry list of blessings his family has received as a direct result of his wife's "tragedy." Not that his mental health hasn't been challenged, but faced with the choice of depression and anxiety over an event he couldn't control versus finding the blessings waiting for him, he has chosen the latter.

    The choice to celebrate everything is not a panacea; my son's choice did not change the reality of his wife's injury. What did change, however, was his ability to respond to the injury and, thus, keep his mental health on an even keel. Celebrating everything changes our lives because it allows us to positively control the only things we have control over - our actions, ideas, and attitudes.

There you have it. Start by going the extra smile, use your newfound smiling energy and vitality to act and interact with people, and celebrate everything to maintain your positive momentum. Say good-bye to imprisonment from depression and anxiety and welcome to your new world of improved mental health!

Start Using The Fun Factor to Improve Your Mental Health...Right Now

Here are some simple, easy steps you can take right now to turbo-charge your mental health.

  1. Subscribe to my Fun Times newsletter. The Fun Times is all about using your natural power of humor to increase the quality of your life - including your mental health. The Fun Times is 100% free, and is delivered instantly, every week, to your email inbox. If you sign up now, I'll also throw in a copy of my "Stop Your Seriousness" Ecourse and my book, Ten Ways You Can Be Happier...Right Now! which will show you how you can use my Fun Factor prescription in your life to increase your mental health!

  2. Check out The Fun Factor. This prescription has changed so many lives for the better - it would be a shame if you passed it up. Check it out here if you're sick of wishing for mental health and want to finally achieve your greatest mental health!

My patient Roberta, by the way, learned to use these three Fun Commandments - and the rest of my Fun Factor prescription. She has enjoyed the same job for three years now and was recently engaged to be married. Roberta occasionally has setbacks, as most people suffering from depression or anxiety do. But, her mental health has never been stronger as she continues to apply The Fun Factor to her life.

In It's a Wonderful Life, George Bailey is so shocked by the grim vision of a world without him that he decides he wants to live again and begs to return. He knows he is back when he finds Zuzu's flower petals in his coat pocket again.

Let this article be like finding Zuzu's petals. Move forward today with a new, positive outlook on your improved mental health by using my Fun Factor prescription.

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

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Friday, January 14, 2005

Casanova Only Wished He Had The Natural Medicine Of Humor At His Disposal Like You Do!

Giovanni Casanova (1725-1798) was an Italian adventurer, writer, soldier, musician, spy, and diplomat. Those accomplishments, however, have been historically overshadowed by Casanova's reputation as a freewheeling sensualist. The term "Casanova" has come to represent a person of great sexual ability and indulgence.

The feeling that he wasn't a "Casanova" and the thought that he should be, was what motivated Paul to seek my help. He was worried that he was letting his partner down sexually. Paul's problem was not unique and it had an understandably common effect on his self-esteem and self-worth. Humans are sexual creatures, by nature, and the inability to enjoy healthy, appropriate sexual activity and/or sexual desire weighs heavily upon our holistic health and well-being.

When you are unable to enjoy appropriate sexual activity, your mind, body, and spirit feel off kilter because of your inherent sexual nature. You were born to have fun - and sex plays a large role in that. You deserve to have a regular, healthy expression of your sexual nature. It is fun and doesn't need to harm or impose on anyone else.

Concerns regarding a lack of sexual activity, as well as a lack of sexual desire, are becoming more frequent each year. Consequently prescriptions for erectile dysfunction and low libido are growing at an astonishing rate. Perhaps part of that growth can be explained by a lessening of the stigma of reporting sexual problems, but we certainly know that the typical causes of sexual dysfunction are more common today than ever before. Putting aside diet and physical health, which can play a vital role in a healthy sexual lifestyle, the number one cause of sexual dissatisfaction is stress.

Stress-related illness is at an all-time high (and still growing), so it comes as absolutely no surprise that symptoms of stress are also prevalent. The good news for you is that we know what causes most of the debilitating stress you experience. Your stress is a direct byproduct of seriousness - taking yourself too seriously. As we move into adulthood, we unfortunately buy into the notion that responsible and productive people must be "serious." As we make the biggest mistake of our lives and relegate our humor nature and fun to recreational activities (if we experience fun at all), we doom ourselves to all the symptoms of the corresponding seriousness that fills the void - declining health, rising stress, increased pain, lessened energy, impaired creativity, and more.

Even better news for you, however, is that we also know how to shrink your deadly seriousness to practically nothing and reduce almost completely the sway it holds over your health, vitality, wellness, and zest. The natural medicine of humor is an incredibly powerful resource that you already possess; you've only forgotten how to use it to maximum effectiveness. You will soon discover that, while not a panacea, the natural medicine of humor is a tremendous remedy for a variety of health concerns and will also supercharge other treatments because it is an amazing adjunctive medicine too!

I have distilled the natural medicine of humor, through my years of medical practice, into an amazing prescription I call The Fun Factor. Based on what I learned over twenty years ago from a terminally ill fifteen-year-old patient, I created a unique set of principles I call the Fun Commandments, then forged these Commandments into my Fun Factor prescription and have been prescribing The Fun Factor with great success for years. This report will show you how to use just three of my Fun Commandments to turn your sexual health and performance around, and gain new joy, pleasure, and appreciation from your sexual activity!

My first Fun Commandment has a profound effect on your sexual health because it is a fabulous introduction to the natural medicine of humor, in general: Go the Extra Smile. Smiling, as simple as it sounds, is a key to improved sexual appreciation because of its simplicity and almost constant appropriateness. A smile almost never offends and it is completely controllable, regardless of your circumstances; smiling is the easiest way to infuse yourself with the natural medicine of humor!

Smiling enhances your sexuality because it immediately decreases stress and fills you with energy and creativity. The best news about the positive effects of smiling is that these benefits are measurable even if you are wearing a "fake" smile. If you are thinking that lowering your stress level, while simultaneously snowballing your energy level and creativity, will add rocket fuel to your are absolutely correct!

Smiling has multiple benefits for your sexual health and wellness because it turbo-charges both your mood and your physiology. But smiling does another thing that accelerates your sexual satisfaction. It attracts reciprocal attention from your mate because a smile is an open invitation. Think of a smile as a happiness virus and you'll soon realize that your improved sexual health, your reduced stress, and increased energy can be easily shared with your partner.

Another of my Fun Commandments that allows the natural medicine of humor to soup-up your sexuality is: Laugh with Yourself. Laughing with yourself is the epitome of self-acceptance, not self-denigration as you might've been led to believe. You cannot take yourself too seriously when you're willing to laugh with yourself because you're embodying the philosophy of taking yourself lightly.

Let's face it, we are funny creatures and that's how we're supposed to be! Looked at objectively, our bodies are both fun and funny; the physical act of sex forces us to conjoin in some awkward and, almost, impractical ways. Giving ourselves permission to see the humor in our funny bodies and their functions eases the pressure we place on ourselves to perform sexually and our humor adds further fuel to our commitment to take ourselves less seriously.

Why wouldn't we laugh out of sincere appreciation for our perfect imperfections and the funny physicality of sex? To not see the gentle, and sometimes obvious, humor in these things means we are taking ourselves, and our sexuality, way too seriously. It's really all quite hilarious, in my opinion...we spend so much time, energy, and resources focusing on an act that takes less than 1% of our waking time. If we're not careful this teeny, tiny portion of our day can dominate our culture and our personal thoughts! Not that you don't have some good reasons to think about sex, but give yourself permission to gently laugh at your obsession and you'll find some additional stress released.

The last Fun Commandment we'll apply to your sexual health today is: Let Go Frequently. I always say that in life, as in juggling, success depends on how quickly you are able to let go. Also in life, as in juggling, we all have a tendency to hang on to things too long, even when they are no longer working for us. In this case, hanging on to our harsh expectations creates stress that deflates our sexuality because we are unable to measure up.

Society deluges us with images of youthful sexuality; it's easy to imagine that everyone except us is engaged in passionate, daily sexual activity and we begin to feel that there is something wrong with us when our sex lives don't match the Madison Avenue fantasies. Let go of those images today, because no one except you has the authority or knowledge to decide what your optimal sexual habits and practices should be. Your sexual expectations regarding frequency, sensation, and/or duration are only placing unneeded pressure on yourself and that pressure only creates more stress.

Let go of your expectations of performance too. Many of my patients and clients imagine they must achieve a certain level of sexual performance for their mates to be pleased. Nothing could be further from the truth. When you set expectations regarding outcomes, you set yourself up for failure because you are putting even more pressure on yourself. Let go of the end results; concentrate on the fun, joy, and love inherent in sex because that is where the true pleasure is found.

Let go of sexual frequency and performance expectations, smile, laugh with yourself, and go along with whatever unfolds as a result of your footwork today. If you can do these things you will be a very sexual, passionate creature and sexy in the most important eyes of all - yours! Remember that you are already perfect (perfectly imperfect) and you don't need fixing. Instead of fixing yourself, use the natural medicine of humor to relax, smile, and enjoy the ride.

My patient, Paul, committed himself not only to these three Fun Commandments, but also to my entire Fun Factor prescription. He and his partner did not morph into Casanova's...but they didn't care because they formed their own definition of sexuality based on fun, joy, and love. Over time Paul and his partner arrived at an open, honest, and fun expression of sexual passion, based on my Fun Commandments, with a frequency and zest that satisfied both.

By the way, what you don't know about Casanova was that his true value to humankind was not as a red-hot lover, but as one of the most gifted and authoritative social historians of his age. He spent his last years as a librarian, before dying of syphilis. Still want to be just like him? I suggest using the natural medicine of humor to find your own sexual identity and enjoy a healthy satisfying sex life of your own creation.

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

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Thursday, January 13, 2005

The Natural Medicine Of Humor...Priceless!

People commonly leave pennies lying on the ground, figuring it's not worth the effort to pick them up. Is it? Yes! I'll explain why in a minute...

Here's something that's definately worth your time: have you ever written a gratitude list? You'll be amazed at how infused you are with the natural medicine of humor afterwards!

I refer to a list of things, even the simplest, about which you are grateful.

Whether you have or not, try writing one right now. Make a list of five things about which you're grateful...

  • breathing

  • chocolate

  • a warm bed on a chilly Sunday morning

  • sunshine

  • a friend's smile

I invite you to contact me, at my natural medicine of humor website, afterwards to share your list, and let me know how it makes you feel. I'll bet you feel great because by writing the list you just celebrated!

Celebrate Everything is one of my Fun Commandments! You'll learn how to use them all, for free, when you visit When we celebrate, our humor nature flies free and we're at our best.

By the way, if it takes an average of three seconds to pick up a penny that translates into $12 an hour. I know some will say that $12 an hour is still not worth the trouble, but can we agree that you definately have to be raking it in to leave a nickel?

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

Listed on Blogwise

The Natural Medicine Of Humor Is The Root Of All Good

We've all heard that the Bible says money is the root of all evil, right? Maybe we've even used it to justify our not earning as much as we once hoped we would. If the Bible says this, we wonder, what are we supposed to do about it. Should we give away all we have?

Did you know that the Bible does not contain that oft-quoted phrase? More on this in a moment...

Your social status, of course, goes a long way toward determining how much money you have. Michael Marmot, a professor of epidemiology and public health at University College, London, says in his latest book, The Status Syndrome, that your position in the social hierarchy also signifies how much control you feel you have over your life.

Your social position can predict your susceptibility to disease, even if you take into account income, education, and access to medical care. Even tiny distinctions matter, Marmot found. So, not only would a factory worker be more susceptible to heart disease than a CEO, but a person with a master's degree will have a shorter life span than a person with a Ph.D.

Make you want to go back to school? Don't worry, the natural medicine of humor will take care of you a lot more quickly and inexpensively than getting another degree!

You needn't fret over your status. Subscribe to my newsletter,The Fun Times, and regularly visit my natural medicine of humor website to avail yourself of my many fun, free tools to maximize your humor nature.

You will be in control of one variable that Marmot didn't measure. You will be in control of your seriousness (taking yourself too seriously)! And being in control of your seriousness is your best, and most important, tool for transcending any negative prophecies regarding your health and longevity!

Take it from a doctor. Whether you're a streetsweeper or a CEO, following my prescription for fun, The Fun Factor, will help you lead a long, healthy, successful life!

By the way, what the Bible says is "...the love of money is the root of all evil." (1 Tim 6:10) Still need proof that money is not a great evil? The Bible also says "Bread is made for the feast, and wine gladdens life, but money answereth all things." (Eccles. 10:19)

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

Listed on Blogwise

Sunday, January 9, 2005

Neither Rain Nor Heat Nor Gloom Of Night Will Keep The Natural Medicine Of Humor From Making You Happy And Healthy

Have you ever considered how lucky we are that for a mere $.37 we can have mail delivered to almost anyone, almost anywhere in the United States? And the mail delivery and pick up is included in the price! Outside of federal holidays, the mail even comes regardless of the weather - hence the U.S. Postal Service motto: "Neither rain nor heat or gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds."

But did you know that the Postal Service doesn't actually have a motto? More on this later...

Celebrating Everything is important enough to your health and success that I've made it one of my Fun Commandments. I invite you to learn all about my Fun Commandments, and my unique Fun Factor prescription they form, for free on my website. Starting today, you can use the natural medicine of humor to find energy, zest, health, and vitality you thought was forever a childhood memory.

The epitome of celebrating everything is found in the old joke about the boy who wanted a pony for his birthday. Instead, he found a room full of manure waiting for him. But he dove right into the dung, gleefully exclaiming, "With all this manure, there's got to be a pony in here somewhere!"

Laugh as we might , however, we're quick to remember that, as adults, we would never allow ourselves such "naive" enthusiasm. Why not? Do you realize what is behind such a "grown up", "mature" decision? Your deadly seriousness (taking yourself too seriously) encourages the attitude that a mature adult would never let herself be so optimistic.

But we should do more than chuckle at this birthday boy's unabashed optimism - we should emulate it! When is the last time you encountered an unexpected pile of manure in your life? You had absolutely no control over the mess, right? But you had absolute control over your reaction to it!

When you celebrate everything, the natural medicine of humor creates mental, emotional, and spiritual health in us like nothing you've felt before. You will find that your fears become much less controlling when you are celebrating everything because you it doesn't matter so much how things turn out anymore. In fact, you are literally ready for anything because you are prepared to find the blessing in whatever happens.

My daughter-in-law, for example, broke her back last year. My son, who is often my model for the embodiment of my Fun Commandments, can tick off a laundry list of blessings his family has received as a direct result of his wife's "tragedy." Not that he's been without stress or struggle, but faced with the choice of resentment and anger over an event he couldn't control versus finding the blessings waiting for him, he has chosen the latter.

The choice to celebrate everything is not a panacea; my son's choice did not change the reality of his wife's injury. What my son's choice did change, however, was his ability to respond to the injury. Celebrating everything changes our lives because it allows us to positively control the only things we have control over - our actions, ideas, and attitudes.

Here are two methods to instill the habit of celebrating everything:

  • Make a point to say "thank you" to someone everyday. This works best if you appreciate someone who largely goes unnoticed because celebration is one half gratitude. Cultivate gratitude and you're halfway to making each day a celebration.

  • Listen for the sounds of laughter all around you. If you are intent on hearing it, you will notice over twenty variations...and you will notice a lot of it! The other half of celebration is joy and listening for laughter focuses you on the existing joy all around you.

By the way, that famous quote assigned to the Postal Service comes from the Greek historian Herodotus and was written about the mounted postal couriers of ancient Persia. It was the architects designing the New York City post office who placed the message along the top of the building - most likely because there exist no other quotes regarding mail service!

But if you start making a commitment to celebrate everything, you'll find that neither rain nor heat nor gloom of night will keep you from gratitude and joy. And a state of gratitude and joy unleashes humor's natural medicine like nothing else! See you at my website.

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.
The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor
"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

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Saturday, January 8, 2005

Start Losing Weight Today Using The Natural Medicine Of Humor

P.T. Barnum, who dedicated his life to entertaining the masses, often relied on size-related adjectives to sell his attractions. His posters and announcements were peppered with words like mammoth, extraordinary, colossal, and gargantuan.

Unfortunately, if you're like most of us those words might be used to describe you as well. Americans have an obsession with losing weight and with good reason; the percentage of overweight people in the United States is doubling every ten years - from 1 in 200 in 1986, to 1 in 50 in 2000. Pretty soon there won't be enough room for us all on this continent!

We've identified a curious paradox: Americans are obsessed with weight loss and spend billions on it each year, yet 140 million of us are overweight or obese - and that number grows (pun intended) each year. With all that energy and money thrown at it, why can't we lose that excess weight and why do we pack it on in the first place?

Let's quickly move beyond simple, though true, solutions. We intellectually "know" that there are only two things necessary for maintaining our proper weight (outside of a medical condition): eating right and exercise. We "know" these things are true - so why don't we apply them?

The answer is simple and so is the solution. As you learn the following diet you will realize that with a little willingness and discipline you need never worry about having to lose weight again. You will lose your extra weight and you will never gain it back as you see how well my weight loss method works!

Let's just be honest about it - we love food! Eating is an enjoyable ritual and we commonly use food to reward ourselves because it feels good to eat. Whenever we feel unfulfilled or frustrated (when we need affirmation or esteem) we are naturally drawn to fill that void with food. When we're lacking pleasure in our lives we rely on the eating ritual to make up the difference.

And this formula works; overfilling ourselves with food does fill our emptiness. It works so well that, just like any addict, we become gluttons - regularly overstuffing ourselves and/or eating too much "comfort" food to fill our emotional void. The end result, despite our best intentions, is a constant, steady weight gain because we're using food for a purpose it is not intended - support.

The healthful solution I've created to fill your emptiness exists already inside you because you were born with it. Unlike food, this solution fills your void while also fostering lasting and sustainable health, vitality, energy, and fitness. Instead of food, what you need is more fun because fun is the most accessible and constant source of energy and support known.

Because it is an energy, fun is readily and abundantly in you and around you. Once you learn to find more fun in your relationships, your work, and your home life I guarantee you will quickly do away with those excess pounds - and they'll never return. And the best news is...I will teach you exactly how to do this using my Fun Factor Diet.

My Fun Factor Diet is based upon my unique prescription, The Fun Factor, because The Fun Factor delivers you to new heights of health, wellness, and success. Years ago a terminally ill patient, Lisa, taught me about the incredibly powerful natural medicine of humor. I used Lisa's lessons to create my Fun Commandments, eventually molding them into my unique prescription, The Fun Factor, capable of producing health, energy, and vitality that others will envy.

My Fun Factor Diet works because it is based on my Fun Commandments and, thus, enables you to unleash your powerful humor nature on every aspect of your life. As you learn to have more fun in your relationships, your work, and your home life, you will rely less and less on food to meet your emotional needs. With the Fun Factor Diet the urge to overeat melts away, along with the excess pounds because you will be using food for its natural purpose - sustenance.

  • The first strategy of my Fun Factor Diet is to Always Go the Extra Smile. Smiling is a deliberate and controllable behavior that almost always calms inner stress and attracts outward fun. Smiling unleashes the natural medicine of humor anytime and anywhere because it has a profound physical and emotional impact.

    And here is the beautifully powerful secret behind the first Fun Factor Diet strategy: your internal physiology is fooled by your smile. Whether spontaneous or forced, your body thinks you're having fun when you smile, whether you are or not, because smiling activates the pleasure centers of your brain. By smiling you literally become more physically relaxed and enjoy a greater sense of fulfillment and enjoyment.

  • Step two in my Fun Factor Diet is to Be Willing to Laugh at Yourself. This is not a step of humiliation or self-denigration because those things are definitely not fun; it is a strategy of being willing to take yourself lightly. Easing your harsh expectations you impose on yourself, relaxing some of your self-administered pressure, sets the stage for astounding personal gains (or in your case personal "losses")

    Freed from the tyranny of your unrealistic expectations, you will be able to relax and have more fun. Things you have dreaded doing in the past will become enjoyable activities because you won't have expectations of perfection. Combined with your commitment to Go the Extra Smile, you will find your use of food to calm and comfort yourself almost extinguished because taking yourself lightly helps you see yourself as, literally, less "heavy."

  • In the next step of my Fun Factor Diet you Stay Focused, yet Flexible by not engaging in any other activity while you are eating. Activities that have commonly accompanied your eating are to be shunned while putting food in your mouth - including reading, watching television, or socializing at get-togethers. With the exception of reasonable table conversation, eating becomes a focused activity for you, not connected with any other behavior because you are about to halt the underlying cause of your weight gain.

    Once you begin disciplining yourself to separate eating from all the pleasurable and stressful activities with which you have associated it, you will discover a disturbing fact: you will be shocked by how much you've been using food as both a stress reliever and a pleasure enhancer. Your weight loss can be dramatic when you change your use of food from pleasure enhancement and stress relief to simple nourishment. You're ready for this change because, with the first two steps, you've already begun to fill your emotional and spiritual void with fun rather than food.

  • The final step in my Fun Factor Diet will make your weight loss permanent because it centers you in the unique paradigm of lasting success. My Fun Commandment, Practice Wanting What You Have, Rather Then Getting What You Want, increases your awareness of gratitude because it stops the merry-go-round of always needing "more" to feel satisfied. Ongoing gratitude for what you have has the amazing benefit of making it possible to get and keep more of what you want.

    Filling yourself up with gratitude is not a platitude, so to speak, because it works in real practice. You eat in excess to fill an emotional and/or spiritual void, not because you are hungry; you eat too much to provide yourself with emotional comfort, fulfillment, and reassurance. The strategy of Practicing Wanting What you Have, Rather than Getting What you Want, actually fills this emptiness in a meaningful, lasting manner because your emotional appetite is satisfied by the things that really sustain it!

Smiling fools your body and attracts socially fun attention, Taking Yourself Lightly releases you from the tyranny of your unrealistic expectations, Staying Focused, yet Flexible teaches you to use food for nourishment rather than fun, and Wanting What you Have allows you to fill your emotional void with fun and gratitude rather than food. There you have Fun Factor Diet. Welcome to a life free from weight worries!

So, here are some simple, easy steps you can take right now to prepare yourself for permanent, painless weight loss.

  1. Subscribe to my Fun Times newsletter. The Fun Times is all about using your natural power of humor to increase the quality of your life - including your physical appearance. The Fun Times is 100% free, and is delivered instantly, every week, to your email inbox. If you sign up now, I'll also throw in a copy of my "Stop Your Seriousness" Ecourse and my book, Ten Ways You Can Be Happier...Right Now! which will show you how you can use my Fun Factor prescription in your life to increase your success!

  2. Check out The Fun Factor. This prescription has changed so many lives for the better - it would be a shame if you passed it up. Check it out here if you're sick of being overweight and are ready to shed those excess pounds once and for all!

By the way, in one of his museums, P.T. Barnum found that he was having trouble getting the crowds to leave once they had seen all the attractions. So he devised a clever sign, elaborately lettered to draw as much attention as possible, which read "This Way to the Egress"

Most of the patrons expected to see some bizarre animal that Barnum had collected from one of the far corners of the earth when they followed the sign through the door. What they didn't realize, however, was that "Egress" is simply another word for "Exit." Funny...and true.

Today you begin your "egress" from excess weight and from all your worries surrounding it. Start using my Fun Factor Diet right now!

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

Listed on Blogwise

Thursday, January 6, 2005

What Do Rodney Dangerfield, John Adams, And Walt Whitman All Have In Common?

Rodney Dangerfield reflected how we all feel, from time to time, when he said, "I get no respect." Revolutionary hero John Adams eloquently said, as early as 1805, "The rewards in this life are esteem and admiration of others - the punishments are neglect and contempt." A recent Harris poll even revealed, not surprisingly, that "respect from others" is what 76% of respondents said they wanted most.

We've been searching for esteem and respect since humans became civilized creatures. We still search for them today. Why have they proven so elusive?

Respect and esteem are elusive for one reason - if we glean it from others we will always be wanting it. We cannot rely upon others to provide us the respect we seek and deserve so it must, therefore, stem from another source. And you have but one consistent, reliable source of respect and esteem - yourself.

Fortunately, you have a ready reservoir of self-esteem and self-respect - your sense of humor. And you are also fortunate to have a veritable medicine chest full of resources that turbo-charge your sense of humor. My Fun Commandments, the cornerstones of my unique Fun Factor Prescription, allow you to simply and easily maximize the amazingly powerful natural medicine of humor that you were born with and still carry inside you.

One of my Fun Commandments, for example, is to Allow Your Mistakes. Allowing your mistakes is not only a ready-made formula for adding abundant humor and joy to your life, it is also an insanely powerful method of creating and fostering self-esteem and self-respect. As my patients and clients continue to discover, you should be prepared to feel up to 60% better about the person who greets you in the mirror each morning once you begin allowing your mistakes on a daily basis.

First of all, if you allow your mistakes you will find that you're a very amusing person. You are a perfectly imperfect creation, a living breathing contradiction, full of frailties and foibles. You may soon enjoy your mistakes enough to make them on purpose - like the great Johnny Carson famously did on the Tonight Show to keep himself fresh and on his toes.

Secondly, if you allow your mistakes you will become what we psychiatrists call a self-actualized person. The self-acceptance and self-respect found through believing that your mistakes are okay delivers massive amounts of self-confidence; the self-assurance of knowing that you are just like you're supposed to be is finally here! Not only will you quit worrying and second-guessing yourself, but you must learn to temper yourself lest you create jealousy in others.

A great way to begin allowing your mistakes is to follow Johnny Carson's lead, make small ones on purpose. Press the wrong button on the elevator, wear mismatching socks, transpose the names of your pets - anything silly and harmless will do. You will immediately notice how naturally silly you are, how making mistakes causes no irreparable damage, and how ridiculous it was for you to expect perfection from yourself in the first place!

Actually, in the long run, you will discover that you are perfect - perfectly imperfect - and born to make mistakes. You'll finally unlearn the greatest lie that our seriousness ever told us - that mistakes are bad - because you'll realize that mistakes are our greatest teachers! You will set free the natural medicine of humor; you'll throw off the shackles of fear and seriousness that've help you back as you realize that a person who doesn't make mistakes isn't living!

In 1871, Walt Whitman said that in America, where our form of government promotes a uniformity among the citizens, one of our unique anxieties would be a constant struggle for "individual self-respect based upon social approval." Little did Whitman know how prophetic his words were. But you are a more fortunate soul; the more you understand that respect and esteem come from yourself, the sooner you stop denying yourself the natural medicine of humor as only my Fun Commandments can deliver it to you!

See you at my website, where you will learn about all my Fun Commandments - for free.

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

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Wednesday, January 5, 2005

Avoiding Interaction With Your "Prophetic Bishop"?

In the late 1800's a bishop of the United Brethren church was interacting with a college professor. The bishop's opinion was that the millennium was at hand. As evidence, he cited the fact that everything about nature had already been discovered and that all useful inventions had already been made. The college professor expressed his belief that man had far to go; he would, for example, one day be able to fly. "What a nonsensical idea," the bishop countered, "Flight is reserved for the birds and the angels!" More on this contentious interaction in a moment...

You have, within your personal chemistry, a pharmacy so powerful that pharmaceutical companies would pay a king's ransom to duplicate it. Your pharmacy is capable of delivering the natural medicine of humor - the most potent and effective pain reliever, stress reducer, creativity enhancer, and mood elevator we've yet to encounter! Engaging your humor, beyond the standard recreational uses, turbo-charges your energy, health, vitality, and success.

With a commitment to act and interact today, you should be prepared for an incredible surge of energy created by the natural medicine of humor you're engaging. Acting and interacting with the people who cross your path today is very important for your health and welfare. So important, in fact, that I've made Act and Interact one of my Fun Commandments - the pillars supporting my unique Fun Factor prescription.

How does acting and interacting with the people you naturally encounter open the floodgates of your natural humor medicine? It allows you to avoid spiritual "flat tires". Spiritual flat tires occur when you sidestep, or avoid, an interaction that is about to naturally occur - you duck into an office to avoid encountering someone in a hallway or you don't answer to the phone because you don't want to talk to the person calling. This type of avoidance drains and deletes your reservoir of insanely powerful energy created by your fully activated sense of humor.

Spiritual flat tires are a result, as are most of the habits which drain and deplete you of your health, vitality, and zest, of your deadly seriousness. Seriousness refers to taking ourselves too seriously; when we make the fatal mistake of taking both our responsibilities and ourselves seriously we are putting our productivity, serenity, peace of mind, and health at great risk. We start taking ourselves too seriously and pretty soon we're dodging a person placed in our path because we think we know best what we need today.

But have you ever noticed that it usually takes you twice as much mental and physical energy to avoid doing a job then it would've taken you to just do it? It also takes twice the energy to avoid acting and interacting with the people you cross paths with because you are, in effect, saying, "I'm going to correct the mistake that nature is making by putting this person in my path and I'm going to be mentally and spiritually negligent so that I can correct nature's mistake." Mental and spiritual negligence have the same effect as physical negligence (isn't it strange how you get tired if you don't exercise?) and if you can afford to allow this much energy to be drained than you have a much bigger reservoir than I!

But spiritual flat tires do more than drain our energy, they are detrimental in at least two additional ways:

  1. We miss out on an interaction with a teacher; nature had a lesson for us, otherwise that person we just avoided would not have been placed in our path. You say that the person you just avoided was a negative influence or would've wasted your time? I know there are legitimate emergency situations where I have to get somewhere, but if I am avoiding people based on my prejudgment of them, I'm cutting myself off from my greatest teachers - other people.

    And we all learn tolerance from the intolerant, patience from the impulsive, temperance from the gossip, gentleness from the rough, etc. I am supremely grateful for those teachers and the lessons they give me.

  2. We create a small, nagging spiritual void of dishonesty, the kind of dishonesty that keeps us from laying our heads down with complete peace of mind each night. Our spiritual flat tire is caused by the pothole our avoidance created; the flat tire is a natural consequence, or symptom, of our spiritual dishonesty. The natural consequences of such avoidance clutter our lives with mental and emotional baggage that further drains us of our energy and vitality.

By deciding to act and interact with the people we encounter today, we fully engage our sense of humor. When our sense of humor is thus engaged our personal medicine cabinet is wide open, flooding our body with the natural medicine of humor. We find resilience and creativity, we have a childlike curiosity for life that results in new solutions to old problems, and we find people being attracted to us personally and professionally without them quite being able to figure out why.

By the way, that bishop from the United Brethren church was named Bishop Wright. Bishop Wright was the father of two budding young inventors named... Orville and Wilbur. True story.

Make sure you employ the invaluable skill of acting and interacting. Visit my website today and let me teach about this, and all, my Fun Commandments - for free.

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

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