Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Connection Between Acne And Hormones

The connection between acne and hormones is well known to the science community. Realizing that connection is your first step in fighting those zits that you just cannot get rid of. Whether you are one of eighty-five percent of teenagers who deal with acne on a regular basis or one of eight percent of adults who have a serious problem with acne, understanding the connection between acne and hormones will help you fight your unsightly problem.

The hormones of your body control a number of different things. If your hormones get unbalanced at any point in time, a number of different problems can form. There are several typical times that the hormones get unbalanced in the body. Puberty, pregnancy, and menopause are just a few of the times that the connection between acne and hormones is very visible. In most people, just prior to an acne outbreak, the androgens in the body go crazy. This can lead to overproduction of oil in the glands. That overproduction leads to clogged pores and hair follicles. This, in turn, causes black heads, white heads, and nasty red blemishes to form.

Adding natural progesterone to your diet, though, can help diminish the connection between acne and hormones. Using a natural progesterone cream can help to stop acne breakouts before they start. Natural progesterone is a cholesterol derivative. It can be found in Mexican yams and soybeans. In South America where these are consumed on a regular basis, people simply do not experience the acne problems that people do in other parts of the world. Using natural progesterone to fight acne has no known side effects, unlike prescription medications.

Understanding the link between acne and hormones can help you understand how to better fight your zits and get clearer skin in less time than you ever though possible.

About Author:
Dean Iggo is the webmaster of quick-acne-treatments.com a website providing the best acne treatments as well as unbiased reviews of popular acne remedies and scar removal products.

Business Card Design

one of the things that really bugs me is how many practitioners do not what it takes to have a successful business. They concentrate on their therapy and often leave the marketing side to take care of itself.

No wonder many practitioners aren't very successful. On My Therapy Practice I have a look of articles in the running a successful practice section designed to encourage practitioners to be more business-like.

I've just added a great one from Sean D'Souza on business card design - he writes in a humourous way but makes clear points about what is and is not good business card design.

Take a read - what he says doesn't just apply to therapists but is relevant for anyone who is thinking of having business cards made.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Blog - Bloglines Kesehatan

Dengan semangat untuk berbagi dan dapat mengikuti perkembangan web/weblog rekan-rekan khususnya bidang kesehatan (dan atau teknologi kesehatan; lainnya menyusul...) di Indonesia, saya menyusun bloglines kesehatan ini untuk publik.

Kriteria, web/weblog:
  • memiliki konten kesehatan (dan atau teknologi kesehatan.. :D..)
  • ditulis oleh orang kesehatan sendiri/menyatakan diri sebagai orang kesehatan atau dalam ruang lingkup kesehatan (dan atau teknologi kesehatan)
  • memiliki feed
  • setidaknya aktif dalam 3 bulan terakhir
  • apa lagi yaa...

Mohon maaf jika web/weblog rekan-rekan saya masukkan tanpa ijin sebelumnya. Kritik dan saran dipersilakan melalui komentar di topik ini...

Terima kasih

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Available Acne Treatments

Individuals who are experiencing acne breakouts, either serious or not, may receive a medical prescribtion from their doctor which may help heal their skin condition. A few of these medications may be topical or those that are applied on the top of the skin, others are methodical or the drugs that are taken orally.


Retin-A is a current medicine obtained from Vitamin A's retinoid metabolite. It increases cell turnover and free blocked materials from the hair follicles.

It is also known to decrease the formation of new acne but improves the appearance of wrinkles. In several cases, this medicine enhances the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight and irritation. A considerable side effect of this medication is extreme drying of the skin which can develop into red, swollen and blistered condition. It is also recommended that people with already sunburned skins must not apply this drug.

Oral Antibiotics

In alliance with numerous actual drugs, oral medications may be prescribed by a dermatologist. Still, target bacteria may reveal immunity to some
antibiotics. In cases comparable to this, different medicines may be considered. As with oral antibiotics, up to date antimicrobials may goal the identical bacteria or may be used straight on the existing spot of acne infection.

Spironolactone Acne Treatment

Spironolactone is a diuretic known for its potassium-sparing properties. It was first designed to reduce body fluids without depleting the potassium level of
the body. For the interest of people who suffers from acne, Spironolactone can reduce the production of androgens, the specific hormones excreted to activate
the production of sebum, the oily substance found on the skin. If this sebum is trapped in the hair follicles, it may cause the onset of acne outburst. As a result, the control in androgen release would diminish the possibility of acne infection and infection.

However, in taking Spironolactone, there are several considerations which must be identified both by the physician and the patient. This is due to the fact
that there are certain medications and health conditions that may be significantly affected through the use of this diuretic. It is equally significant to note the side effects of this drug to the body conditions to equate the benefits of this drug. Some side effects may include skin allergies, diarrhea, muscle cramps and nausea. This medication, if taken under extreme control of a physician may confirm as an effective way of reducing the risks of acne.

Doxycycline Treatment

Doxycycline is a frequent medication used against mild inflaming acne infection. This antibiotic is known to minimize the impact of the attacks of the
bacteria that clog within the hair follicles which in effect, cause the acne outbreaks. This drug is also noted to cure a host of other diseases and ailments
such as gum disease, urinary tract infections and a number of sexually-transmitted diseases.

Typically, this medication can grow the individuals susceptibility to sun's harmful radiations. If exposure to sun cannot be avoided, then it is best to
apply sunscreens or employ the use of protective clothing. At any rate, acne-inflicted individuals must never be allowed to over-expose their skin to

Minocycline Treatment

Minocycline is derived of tetracycline, very often used for acne treatment. Children age must not take this medication as it will reduce the development of
teeth and bones. As with the doxycycline, minocycline can effectively decrease the potency of the bacteria thriving in the skin pores. Along with acne, it is
also noted to efficiently provide treatment for other bacterial skin infections.

About Author:
Bjorn Gutter writes articles on health related subjects. This article was written foracne treatment.

Gadget - Memilih PDA untuk Dokter

Fungsi PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) untuk dokter yang utama (teorinya) ialah mampu mendukung aktivitas keseharian dokter terutama dalam hubungannya dengan pelayanan kesehatan.

PDA memberi dampak yang signifikan terhadap pembuatan keputusan klinis dan pelayanan pasien (Dee dkk., 2005).

Teknologi hanyalah pendukung. Manusia (dokter dan pasien) tetap sebagai pemegang keputusan. Sebagai alat bantu pendukung keputusan (decision tool), PDA dapat digunakan sebagai referensi (buku teks, pedoman diagnosis, dosis obat, pemeriksaan laboratorium, atlas, jadwal imunisasi, grafik tumbuh kembang, kamus medis, dll), kalkulator medis (BMI, dosis infus, koreksi elektrolit, GCS, skor Bishop, cek waktu subur, perhitungan uji statistik, dll), alat bantu edukasi pasien (gambar anatomi, fisiologi), dan memo medis.

Dengan kemampuannya menyimpan basisdata pasien dalam jumlah tertentu(tergantung kapasitas kartu memori), PDA dapat digunakan sebagai rekam medis bergerak (mobile medical record).

Fungsi standarnya adalah sebagai asisten pribadi untuk urusan catatan tugas, janji pertemuan, daftar kontak, pengingat jadwal, dll.

Sistem operasi apa yang sebaiknya dipilih?

Jika digunakan untuk praktik berkelompok, pertimbangkan untuk menyesuaikan dengan sejawat lainnya untuk memudahkan bertukar aplikasi/data (perhatikan lisensi) dan pemecahan masalah bila menemui kesulitan. Dua pemain besar adalah Palm OS (Palm) dan Pocket PC (PPC; Windows Mobile; Windows CE).

Kelebihan Palm: aplikasi medis lebih banyak tersedia dalam format Palm dibanding PPC (mungkin karena Palm lebih dulu lahir dibanding saingannya), dukungan aplikasi office (Palm punya Documents To Go) yang lebih baik dari PPC, ukuran program aplikasi lebih kecil dan tampilannya sederhana sehingga relatif lebih cepat, lebih mudah digunakan, hemat memori, hemat baterai (apalagi tidak multitasking, kecuali beberapa program multimedia; jadi masih bisa bekerja sambil mendengarkan lagu), jarang reset/restart (asal program aplikasi kompatibel), harga relatif lebih murah.

Kekurangan Palm: tidak multitasking, tampilan antar muka kurang 'seindah' PPC, sedikit pilihan perangkat ber-WiFi (built-in).

Kelebihan PPC: tampilan antar muka lebih akrab bagi pengguna MS Windows, multitasking (perhatikan kapasitas memori internal/RAM), lebih banyak pilihan perangkat ber-WiFi, kini memiliki lebih banyak pabrikan (lebih populer).

Kelemahan PPC: ukuran berkas (file) program relatif lebih besar dari Palm, boros memori/RAM (dapat menjadikannya 'rajin' restart/reset dan hang), boros baterai (kalau digunakan multitasking?), kecepatan prosesor lebih tinggi membutuhkan daya lebih besar.

Debat klasik sering terjadi tentang Palm OS vs Pocket PC, carilah informasi dari pengguna yang pernah menggunakan kedua jenis sistem operasi ini agar lebih objektif.

PDA, PDA-phone, atau smartphone?

Keuntungan memiliki perangkat terintegrasi: praktis.
Kelemahan perangkat integrasi: hilang satu (baterai habis, dicopet, dll) hilang semuanya.. :D (ingat backup data).

Qwerty keyboard, phone keypad, add on keyboard, atau cukup stylus pen saja?

Stylus pen saja mungkin tidak cukup atau kurang cepat untuk input teks panjang.
Keyboard (lipat) tambahan dengan infra merah atau bluetooth? Sisi praktis mungkin menjadi berkurang dengan tambahan bawaan.
Phone keypad atau Qwerty keyboard (geser/horisontal) sepertinya masih cukup terasa handy jika mampu mengoperasikan dengan 1 tangan, biasanya ini harus dibayar dengan ukuran/dimensi perangkat yang lebih besar, berat, atau layar yang lebih kecil.


Kabel, infra merah, Bluetooth, GPRS, EDGE, 3G, WiFi? Sesuaikan dengan ketersediaan akses di lingkungan anda. Model 3G mulai digalakkan, WiFi masih terbatas di lokasi tertentu (kampus, hotel, cafe, bandara), kadang tidak gratis.

Harga dan model?

Bandingkan kelengkapan spesifikasi masing-masing. Harga barang elektronik kadang cepat berlaku surut. Jangan membeli model yang terlalu lawas dengan pertimbangan kesulitan suku cadang atau aksesorisnya.

Cek juga review di Internet (web/weblog, forum, mail list), majalah, koran, dan media lainnya.
Tidak ada perangkat yang sempurna, jadi sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan kita masing-masing..

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Gadget - Tips dan Trik Sony Ericsson K700i

Ini sekedar dokumentasi, saya peroleh dari Mobile Tech Blog.

Tips dan trik Sony Ericsson (SE) K700 bagian I dan II yang pernah saya coba dengan SE K700i jadul (risiko ditanggung sendiri yaa...) :

Gabungan Bagian I & II:

Standby screen:
  • Gerakkan joystick ke kanan 1x, tekan [*], gerakkan joystick ke kiri 2x, tekan [*], gerakkan joystick ke kiri 1x, tekan [*] (dapat dilakukan tanpa kartu SIM) --> masuk ke service menu
  • Tahan tanda [#] atau [c] --> silent mode
  • Tekan [More] --> quick options
  • Tekan [+] atau [-] / gunakan tombol suara --> phone status
  • Tekan [+] atau [-] / gunakan tombol suara; ketika menunjukkan jam --> menyalakan backlight
  • Tekan [#] dan [*] --> memunculkan screensaver
  • Tekan [7] dan [9] --> memunculkan 9p
  • Tekan *#06# --> memunculkan nomor IMEI
  • Tekan [More] lalu [Shortcuts] --> mengubah joystick shortcuts
  • Tekan [+] / [-] lalu [Nomor] --> mengatur level suara; misal +8 mengatur suara ke level 8.
  • Tekan huruf (saat berada dalam daftar kontak) --> menuju nama yang diawali huruf tersebut
  • Tekan dan tahan nomor tertentu --> menuju kontak melalui fasilitas speed dial (speed dial diatur dahulu)
  • Keypad dapat digunakan untuk navigasi cepat.
  • 1 --> Toggles picture size
  • 2 --> Toggles nightmode
  • 3 --> Toggles special effects
  • 4 --> Toggles self timer (tidak dalam video)
  • 5 --> Toggles flashlight
  • Joystick ke atas atau ke bawah --> Toggles Zoom
  • Zoom modus video : 176px --> 2x zoom; 128px --> 2x - 4x zoom
  • Zoom modus gambar : 320px --> 2x zoom; 160px --> 2x - 4x zoom
  • Saat ponsel dalam modus diam --> Mutes camera noise (hanya pada beberapa ponsel)
  • Tekan-tahan [*] dan gerakkan joystick ke bawah --> mengurangi brightness
  • Tekan-tahan [0] dan gerakkan joystick ke atas --> menambah brightness
  • Menggunakan binokular --> saat lebih dari 4x zoom
  • Tekan [c] setelah foto diambil --> menghapus foto tanpa perlu menelusuri arsip.
Media player:
  • Tekan [+]/[-] saat modus radio dan terkunci --> mengubah stasiun radio saat ponsel terkunci
  • 1 --> menunjukkan estimasi sisa waktu (detik)
  • 2 --> kembali ke tampilan waktu normal (detik yang dilalui)
  • Tahan [+]/[-] --> track selanjutnya
  • Menggunakan folder --> manfaatkan folder untuk menyimpan kumpulan jenis lagu atau nada bunyi
  • Tekan [*] --> [More] --> mengunci tanpa minimize.
  • Mengetahui status pabrikan --> akses service menu (lihat di atas) arahkan ke --> service info --> software info (biasanya urutan paling atas)
  • Layar mendukung latar belakang animasi
  • Tekan [More] di menu utama; memberi pilihan pengaturan infra merah, Bluetooth, silent, phone status dan kustomisasi shortcuts
  • Settings --> display --> light --> automatic --> memunculkan screensaver jam
  • Tekan softkey kiri saat slide show aktif --> pauses slide show
  • Mengatur online key untuk SMS --> membuat bookmark baru --> Name: Sms --> URL: sms: --> Save --> set bookmark as homepage
  • Mengatur online key untuk email --> membuat bookmark baru --> Name: Email --> URL: mailto: --> Save --> set bookmark as homepage
  • Tekan [*] --> get p- used for skipping voice automated phones e.g. instead of phoning 603123456 then pressing 32 to goto thoes options dial 603123456p3p2
  • Mengirim berkas .txt (teks) ke folder lain --> kirim via sms/mms --> sehingga berkas teks dapat dibaca
  • Tekan [More] saat menampilkan gambar --> photo editor (hanya bisa gambar ukuran 160 x 120 piksel saja)
  • Di photo editor --> tekan [+]/[-] --> efek (ripple, emboss, dll)
  • Saat membalas .txt --> [More] --> Add Item --> Original Message --> termasuk pesan awal
  • Saat menerima panggilan --> tekan [+]/[-] --> akan menghentikan vibrasi dan nada suara tetapi panggilan tetap bisa diterima
  • Selama menerima panggilan, tekan [+] lalu [-] --> mengatur suara
Hidden smilies (sms):
:-x --> hidden kiss smiley
:-] --> widesmile
:-[ --> widefrown
[:] --> robot

Tulisan ini tidak berkepentingan terhadap produsen ponsel manapun.

NB: ah nyaris..akhirnya Inter menang 4-3 lawan AC Milan.. :D

Core strength and your abs

I've never had a flat tum, but I'm now beginning to think I can get one that is a lot more toned which considering I'm 59 feels like a great way to be going. I have been using the Global Health & Fitness program I talked about in an earlier blog and already I can see and feel the results. My tummy is definitely more toned and I can feel the increased strength in my core muscles.

I've just posted an article on Sport & Me on the latest thinking about getting a toned tummy and in it Ainsley Laing talks about the importance of strengthening core muscles and the pelvic floor muscles in order to get a flat tummy or a six pack as the fellas like to call it.

Core muscle strength is really important for all of us, and not just from a vanity perspective. It helps to protect our backs and make every day activities easier and safer.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Acne free skin through Ayurveda

Acne is a very common skin problem which affects young people at their puberty and few adults till they reach 45. Acne are referred as Youvana pitikas (which means the eruptions of youth) in ayurveda. This shows the prevalence of acne from ages. Ayurveda has described the causes of acne and recommends the best natural herbal acne remedies too.

What causes acne?

A large number of oil producing glands called “sebaceous glands” are present under the skin on face, back, chest and shoulders. During puberty or menopause due to the influence of the sex hormones, which are produced in male and female, these glands become more active and produce an oily secretion called “sebum”. The sebum makes the skin more oily .The excessive sebum clogs the skin pore or the pit of the hair follicle forming acne.The blocked pore or acne acts as an excellent habitat for bacteria. The bacterial infection causes inflammation (red, painful swelling of the infected area) of the clogged pore or hair follicle leading to eruption of pimples.

Vata and Kapha are two main doshas, which are involved in eruption of acne and pimples. Rakta dhatu or blood also plays an important role in formation of acne.

Vata when gets vitiated due to unhealthy diet and lifestyles affects other two doshas (kapha and pitta) to aggravate them. Aggravated pitta affects rakta dhatu or blood. The vitiated blood affects the skin and causes excess secretion of oil from sebaceous glands. Kapha has sticky property. The aggravated kapha imparts the stickiness to the oil produced by sebaceous glands of skin. Thus the thick sebaceous plugs are formed in skin pores and hair follicles leading to eruption of acne.

Acne worsens when

1. grease, dirt or other harsh chemicals accumulate on skin.

2. you have Increased stress levels.

3. you indulge in Squeezing or pinching of acne.

4. when there are hormonal imbalances during menstrual cycle, menopause and puberty.

5. you are under medications like steroids or hormonal therapy.

Precautions to be taken to avoid exaggeration of acne eruptions:

• Avoid foods which are spicy, dry and oily. These may cause indigestion and lead to vitiation of vata.

• Keep a habit of emptying bowels regularly this always normalizes vata.

• Avoid fast foods and soft drinks.

• Wash your face twice daily with mild cleanser.

• Put a hair band to avoid falling of hair on face. The sweat and dirt accumulated on hair may fall on facial skin through hair strands

• Avoid application of scrubs.

• Wash your hair regularly with mild shampoo to keep it clean and avoid dandruff.

• Squeezing and pricking of pimples cause scaring. Hence avoid this

• Avoid exposure of skin to severe climatic conditions.

• Avoid oil based moisturizers. Water based moisturizers are always beneficial.

• Drink plenty of water.

• Practice a regular exercise regimen

Natural Herbal acne Home remedies :

• Wash your face with lukewarm water and mild soap twice a day.

• Wash fresh methi leaves (fenu greek leaves) and grind it to make a paste. Apply it on face and wash it off with lukewarm water after 10 minutes.

• Grind juicy tender neem leaves with turmeric to a consistency of paste. Apply this paste on acne and pimples. Wash this off after it dries.

• Apply a face pack of ripe tomato pulp and wash it off as soon as it dries naturally (preferably after 45 minutes) .

• Do not keep the make up while sleeping. Cleanse it with a mild herbal cleanser.

• Mix besan flour (gram flour) with rose water and apply a face pack.

• Consuming fresh vegetable salads and fresh fruits keeps the skin healthy and resistant to blemishes.

• Drink plenty of water (15 glasses a day)

About Author:
Dr.SavithaSuri has been an Ayurvedic Practitioner since 1989. After getting a graduation degree in ayurveda (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery) in 1988 from University of Mysore, India, she started practising ayurveda . Her articles about ayurveda have been published in news papers and websites. She is a regular health columnist to an international magzine “Joyful Living” Read more about acne care at www.ayurhelp.com/acne_pimples.htm
email doctor@ayurhelp.com

HRT & Hearing Problems

I recently posted an article on My Therapy Practice about HRT affecting hearing. Shortly afterwards I received this email:

Hi Jane, thanks for the article - HRT could damage hearing - at last someone has acknowledged this! I took HRT for 2 months 6 years ago when I was suffering badly with hot flushes and night sweats, it was so bad my whole life was affected, so reluctantly I tried HRT. Within 6 weeks I had lost 50% of my hearing, it was very very frightening and I felt very isolated because suddently I couldn't hear people talking in the same room. I knew it had to be something to do with HRT because nothing else had changed, but I have never been able to get anyone to admit it, and in fact my doctor more or less told me I was imagining it !! I have never regained my hearing and it has made a huge difference to my life because I have lost a great deal of my self confidence because I can't hear properly and join in conversations. Be warned other menopausal women!.Julie Smitherman

I have found the best support for the menopause isn't HRT but is Neways Wild Yam & Chaste Berry Cream. Plus, of course, it's important to have a healthy diet,take exercise and find lots of things to get engrossed in and feel enthusiastic about.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Choosing the Proper Acne Alternative Treatments

Choosing the right regimen of acne alternative treatments can mean a lifetime of clear skin without the difficulty of obtaining yet another medicine from your doctor that either won't work or will cause such severe side effects that you will believe the acne is better than the treatment. Millions of people suffer from acne on a worldwide basis. There are a number of homemade and herbal remedies that we in the western world don't even consider because they are not a prescription medication. However, acne alternative treatments are the only thing that will cure your acne problems without side effects.

Acne Alternative Treatment 1

Choosing a diet that is reliant upon unprocessed fruits and vegetables can help to cure your acne. You will need no less than five servings of some type of vegetable and one serving of some variety of fruit every day for the diet treatment to work. If you eat a lot of trans fats, you will have to cut them out of your diet. Increase your intake of foods that contain omega-3 oils. Be sure to take in at least eight glasses of water each day with your new diet.

Acne Alternative Treatment 2

Increase your intake of vitamin and nutritional supplements. Taking five thousand international units per day of Vitamin A has been shown in a variety of studies to decrease acne in many people. Zinc can help prevent acne before it starts if taken in mild doses. Vitamin B6 can reduce skin sensitivity and help stop acne breakouts as well.

Acne Alternative Treatment 3

Using herbs like sarsaparilla, yellow dock, burdock, and cleavers has been shown to dramatically reduce acne outbreaks. If a blemish erupts while using these herbs, dab it with tea tree oil for overnight results. These are best taken in their natural form for full effectiveness. The best way to do this is through tea.

About Author:
Dean Iggo is the webmaster of www.quick-acne-treatments.com a website providing the best acne treatments as well as unbiased reviews of popular acne remedies and scar removal products.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

getting fit

For the last 10 or so years I've been a keen cyclist, but recently I've lost enthusiasm and I have also been losing fitness, so i decided to try the Global Health & Fitness program. The program is personalised so it doesn't matter if you are just starting out or are an experienced fitness fan.

I was amazed how cheap it was - about 20 US dollars a month, and they have a very very cheap one month trial program. Cheap it is, but the information and personal support is vast. I constantly found myself saying - how can they give me all this for so little?

I have access to a personal trainer - mine is Dani Myers and she's great :-) She always answers my emails quickly. I've asked her about protein intake for vegetarians and about how to do crunches without hurting my neck, and she's sent me detailed advice which is great. She also gives me lots of motivational support too.

I went to visit my mum recently so she told me about the part of the program for people who are travelling, and that was simple and straightforward to use.

I like the fact that all the strength and felxibility exercises come with litle onscreen videos as well as a list of do's and don'ts, so you can really check if you are doing the exercise correctly- I also fantasise about looking like the woman in the video!

There are recipes, motivational quotes, fit tip of the day and much more. It has been money totally well spent for me. Why don't you give it a try?

Bones and tissue stolen by undertakers and sold illegally

This CNN story is just the latest in a long line of exposés of the apparently irremediably corrupt bones-and-tissue market. How long can this business go without significant regulation? USA Today had a good report on the situation in June 2006. The illustration to the right, by the way, shows an X-ray of a corpse whose leg bones were surreptitiously removed and replaced with household PVC pipe,

Monday, October 23, 2006

Porter & Teisberg's "Redefining Health Care" gets raked over the coals

I was impressed by Michael Porter's and Elizabeth Olmstead Teisberg's article-length adaption of their health-care policy book when the article appeared in the June 2004 issue of the Harvard Business Review. Now the book is out, and judging from the lukewarm (at best) response over on the Health Affairs blog, it is either not up to the standards one might expect from one of Harvard's 21

Frequent coughs and colds

I used to dread the winter because I would get one cold after another, with an occasional bout of flu thrown in to compound my misery. Now I hardly ever get one. What's changed? My health has changed.

I've put together an article on how to keep those dreaded coughs and colds at bay and what to do if you get one.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Widener seeking new director of health law program

Widener School of Law is looking for a director for their health law program. Here are the specs:Widener University School of Law (Wilmington, DE campus) is seeking an experienced teacher and scholar to direct our nationally prominent Health Law Institute. Administrative experience is also desirable, but not necessarily required. The Director will be responsible for working with other health law

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Latest from AHLA's Health Lawyers Weekly (20 Oct 2006)

From the excellent Health Lawyers Weekly (AHLA member benefit), here's the table of contents from the October 20 issue:Top StoriesOIG Confirms Compliance Guidance Applies To Physician Investments In Medical Device Firms -- Compliance guidance on joint ventures involving physician investors applies to medical device and distribution entities, said the Department of Health and Human Services Office

safety of eating meat

I am a long term vegetarian. Becoming a vegetarian for the first time over 45 years ago when I was about 12 years old. My family thought I was crazy and that I would get ill, so eventually I started eating meat again. I became a vegetarian again in my 2o's and feel that is the way we should go. I do not believe we need to eat animals to be healthy.

So I was pleased to come across the web site of the Physicians Committee For Responsible Diet. It is a nont-for-profit organisation working for preventive medicine and high ethical standards.

I have included one of their articles on the safety of eating meat on my web site Health & Goodness.

I am a vegetarian for ethical reasons - I don't think we should or need to kill animals, but this article also gives detailed selfish reasons why meat eating is a bad thing.

I hope you'll read it - particularly if you eat meat.

If you want alternatives, our vegetarian and vegan recipe section is expanding.

Friday, October 20, 2006

The True Meaning of Alternative Medicine

Alternative medicine is a type of therapeutic practice that is not considered to be a part of traditional or conventional medical treatment. People use alternative medicine instead of using traditional medical treatment. This is often because they feel it is a natural way to get better.

There are many types of alternative medicine. Some are covered by medical insurance, but most are not. Some forms of alternative medicine that may be covered are chiropractic and osteopathic therapy. These forms of alternative medicine are widely used.

There are other forms of alternative medicine that are not as widely used, but are becoming more popular by the minute. These are: massage therapy, therapeutic touch, folk medicine, herbal medicine, special diets, homeopathy, music therapy, aromatherapy, naturopathy, faith healing, and new age healing. There are also some non-western forms of alternative medicine such as: Chinese medicine, gi gong, reiki, and ayarveda.

There are some less commonly practiced forms of alternative medicine as well. One is called biofield therapy. This is a form of alternative medicine that works with your so called "energy fields" to heal you. Another is bioelectrical magnetic therapy. This alternative medicine uses pulse and magnetic fields to heal you.

Alternative medicine is quite popular for people who are terminally ill. Many AIDS and cancer patients prefer it. An example of this is a cancer patient who uses alternative medicine instead of receiving traditional chemotherapy or radiation therapy. People also use alternative medicine to heal ailments such as back pain or migraines. Instead of traditional painkillers, the patients would use aromatherapy, sound therapy or herbal therapy. Alternative medicine is even used on animals. Have you ever seen the movie "The Horse Whisperer?" That was about a form of alternative medicine used on an animal. Acupuncture, herbal therapy, and others have also been used on animals.

The last thing you should know is that there is no scientific evidence that alternative medicine is effective. There have been no scientific studies to prove if they are safe or if they work for the diseases or ailments they are used for. Before using an alternative medicine, talk to your doctor, make sure your doctor feels it is safe and will not harm you.

There are many different kinds of alternative medicines to choose from. Now that you understand it a bit better, you can decide if it is right for you. For more information talk to your doctor or research it online. With careful research, you may find one that is right for you.

About The Author:Jay Moncliff is the founder of http://www.info-meds.info a blog focusing on the Medical, resources and articles. This site provides detailed information on medicines. For more info on medicines visit:http://www.info-meds.info

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Strength training and weight loss

You may know that muscle weighs more than fat and that the body uses more calories to support muscle than it does fat, so increasing your muscle tone means that you need more calories to sustain you, and you will look and feel much beter. Life become easier when you are strong - carrying shopping, running up stairs are easier; loking at yourself in a mirror may become a whole lot easier too!

Here's a great article on strength training for weight management.

Read it and do it :-)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Golf in the off-season

For many golfers in the northern hemisphere their chances of playing golf are diminishing - shorter days and difficult weather conditions may make it impossible to have a game, but they don't make it impossible to improve your game of golf, so that next season you get off to a great start. Read this article that I've just publsihed on Sport & Me for suggestions on golf and the winter months.

If it could happen to Triad, it could happen to you

It's a sign of the times, I suppose: As health insurance becomes more expensive, more employers (especially small businesses and others that operate at the margins of profitability) drop health insurance, throwing more employees into the category of "self-pay" (unless they can afford coverage in the extravagantly priced individual-policy market), thus increasing the percentage of self-pay

Whats The Real Cause Of Acne?

Most acne medications only mask the symptoms of acne and does nothing to stop the real cause of acne. This is why people buy acne products month after month (year after year). And every time they stop using the product acne would come back again and again.

What you need to do is find out what the real cause of acne is and stop it.

So what's the real cause of acne?

Acne occurs when your body contains more toxics than your kidneys and bowels can remove. (Your kidneys and bowels are the two primary channels of elimination that your body expel toxics and waste products through.)

These toxics can be the accumulation of fat stored chemicals the liver can not wash out or there may be a problem with fat digestion, fat accumulation, food allergy, or even the accumulation of hormones that your body produces.

Once these toxics build up, your kidneys and bowels can get overloaded and clogged up, causing it to not function properly. When that happens some of the load will be dumped onto your liver. One of your liver's main roles is to metabolize pile up fat into usable energy for your body.

This means, your liver will be doing some of your kidney's work. So now, your liver gets overloaded and it too will not work at full capacity.

What happens when your bowels, kidneys, and liver gets overloaded?

When that happen your body will expel toxins through your lungs and skin (your secondary channels of elimination). And this is when acne occurs. This is when your skin starts to breakout.
But whatever the toxic source is that's causing this problem, acne is a sign that your bowels and kidneys are overloaded with toxins, waste products, or hormones.

It is a sign that your liver is growing weaker in its detoxification abilities (and it will continue to grow weaker if you do not do what it takes to get rid of the toxics in your body).

So if you think that acne is your only problem, think again, your liver, kidneys, and bowels are getting weaker every time you breakout.

About the Author
Houa Yang is the author of "The Definite Guide To Acne Free Skin." It reveals the same method he personally used himself to get rid of acne in 3 days and stop it from ever coming back for the past 4 years...without any prescription drugs or acne medications! For more info visit: http://www.howtogetridofacne.com

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Latest from AHLA's Health Lawyers Weekly (13 Oct 2006)

From the excellent Health Lawyers Weekly (AHLA member benefit), here's the table of contents from the October 13 issue:Top Stories CMS Reduces Improper Claims By $1.3 BillionImproper Medicare claims payments were reduced $1.3 billion between 2005 and 2006, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) said October 12.The Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) error rate has declined from 14.2% in

Monday, October 16, 2006

"The Massachusetts Plan and the Future of Universal Coverage"

That's the title of an upcoming conference (click here) and law review symposium issue (click here) at the University of Kansas School of Law. (Do I see the fine hand of old pal Gail Agrawal in this topic and the great lineup of speakers?) Thanks to Professor Elizabeth Weeks for the heads up on this one.

AHLA, Matyas & Valiant score with new edition of fraud and abuse classic

I wouldn't want to guess how many thousands of health lawyers have turned to one of the first two editions of Legal Issues in Healthcare Fraud and Abuse by David Matyas (who joined in on the 2nd edition) and Carrie Valiant, both of the Washington, D.C., office of Epstein, Becker & Green. Since its publication by AHLA in 1994, LIHFA has served as a primer on fraud and abuse issues for the newly

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Some Acne information

By Martha Fitzharris

Severe or moderate Acne can be an upsetting an annoying problem to anyone. While acne treatments for a mild case of acne are usually successful, moderate acne is a greater problem. Even dermatologists cannot cure a severe case of acne but can only provide an acne treatment regimen.

Follow a specialist advice

After using an oral medicine or any treatment make sure that you understand and follow the directions for applying it. If you are taking a prescription acne medicine, read the patient leaflet that accompanies the medication carefully. In cases of severe and moderate acne, it's usual that only a professional or a dermatologist may prescribe medicines, each with its own treatment protocol and directions.

When going to a professional, it is important to use all the acne treatments he gives you in a proper and correct order. Consider bringing a tablet of paper, a pen, and a friend or relative with you to your appointment with your dermatologist. Simply jot down some notes about the order and time of day for applying each acne medicine and what its purpose is.

And if your skin seems to be clearing from acne, it doesn't necessarily mean that you have succeeded in curing this skin blemish. Most people with moderate to severe acne must continue to use their acne medicine long-term to prevent any recurrence of their acne problem. Using the acne treatments properly should translate to clear skin and freedom from acne scars.

Other products for Acne breakouts

There are a large number of products on the market labeled as skin cleansers, facial cleansers, pore cleansers, and facial pore cleaners that can be used in curing acne.

However, when cleansing skin that is afflicted with acne, an important point to remember is not to scrub the skin more than the necessary; never scrub your face with a washcloth. As we said, it is a misconception that acne is caused by dirt clogging the pores of the skin

You will only get a worsen condition of Acne over-washing or scrubbing your skin. Rather use only a gentle skin cleanser, lukewarm water, and a gentle motion with your fingertips as your primary acne skin care regime. And, when you wash your face with your hands, be sure to first thoroughly wash your hands.

Are Natural Treatments an effective choice?

After using medicine that may have side effects on you, try with natural methods to improve Acne. For example, a soap made from Echinacea and other herbal ingredients is an effective antibiotic facial cleanser that helps fight acne and restore clear skin. Tea tree oil also has known antibiotic properties and serves as a mild anesthetic that will soothe the irritated skin. There are also other natural skin care products available that have been proven being effective in improving acne.

It's important that, no matter how much Acne bothers you, you don't have to touch those pimples. People who are afflicted with acne should avoid touching their face except to gently wash it with mild cleanser as already discussed.

By trying to remove pimples by hand you run the risk of creating acne scars that will last for a lifetime. Instead, have patience and rely on your prescription or over-the-counter acne treatment to work. Acne remedies usually take from 6 to 8 weeks before curing acne.

You may also have to abandon the use of some cosmetics during the acne treatment period. Be sure to select only oil-free cosmetics and ones that are labeled as non-comodogenic (won't clog pores) to use on your road to clear skin.

Have this basic skin care advices in mind and search the best product for your Acne problem.

About the Author
Martha Fitzharris is a free lance journalist for http://www.naturalbioskincare.com a website offering a new biological natural skin care product that activates skin renewal for a healthy skin.

Back to the world of the living

I've been away for a little work on my damaged left knee. Sorry for the break in communications. I'll try to make up for lost time tonight and tomorrow. . . .


Some time ago I posted an article on living abundantly that I wrote myself. I've now posted another article on abundance - this time written by Michael Lee. It covers some of the same ground but offers other insights and strategies too. Abundance is easy - the difficult thing is believing t's this easy.

Snowboarding tricks for beginners

Snowboarding seems to be getting more and more popular so I've been adding articles to that section of Sport & Me. The latest tells the beginner how to do 4 basic tricks - the jump, the roast beef (strange name!!), the backside 180 and the Indy Grab. Intrigued check out this snowboarding for beginners article.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Basketball Tips

I've never watched a live basketball gamebut occsioally I come across it on the TV - it looks fast paced and exciting.

I've just added a new article to Sport & Me on how to be a better basketball player. Hope you people who love the game enjoy this basketball article!

Acne: 10 Most Common Myths

What we think we know about acne is steadily being replaced by what scientists are learning. Meanwhile, many myths continue to circulate and endure. Clearing up some of the misunderstandings about acne is what this article is about.

Myth #1: Acne only affects appearance
Acne can also cause deep psychological distress. Severe acne can lead to low self-image and feeling depressed. There is a strong link between severe acne and social withdrawal.

Myth #2: Acne is caused by poor hygiene
While skin infections are associated with acne, lack of cleanliness is not the reason for acne outbreaks. The combination of oil and dead cells which produce acne is located beneath the skin's surface where it is impossible to clean it away. Gentle cleansing with soap and water once or twice daily will keep your skin as healthy as possible. Scrubing too hard may worsen acne.

Myth #3: Acne is caused by specific foods
Chocolate has long had a reputation as a pimple producer. Studies have shown no scientific evidence that this is true. The same holds true for potato chips and sugar. There are some foods that do seem to aggravate (not cause) the condition: milk and foods high in iodine, such as seafood.

Myth #4: Acne has to run its course
There are many acne treatments available both over-the-counter and stronger medicines from a dermatologist.

Myth #5: The more acne medicine the better
Some people believe that if their acne gets worse they should just use more medicine. That's a bad idea because medicines can be dangerous when taken in large quantities. Excess use of acne ointments may just irritate the skin further.

Myth #6: Sunbathing is good for acne
Exposure to the sun dries out excess oils, so it does improve acne short-term. However, long-term the skin adapts and the acne is unfazed. Worse, there is scientific evidence that sun exposure damages the skin and increases the chance of skin cancer.

Myth #7: Makeup causes acne
Some makeup products can clog the pores, which is bad for the health of your skin. Cosmetics that are labeled "noncomedogenic" or "nonacnegenic" are safe to use. Some brands are made with ingredients that actually treat acne.

Myth #8: Acne is only a teenage condition
While most teens have acne, so do many adults. Acne generally clears up by the early 20s. But some people experience acne for the first time as late as their 40s. And for the most unfortunate of all, some people endure acne flare-ups their entire lives.

Myth #9: Acne is related to sex
We've probably all heard that either celibacy or too much sex causes pimples. There is no evidence for this. There is a link between sexual activity and hormone production, but the relationship between sex and the production of sebum (the oily substance which combines with dead skin cells to cause acne) is not known. Stress and anger also affect hormone levels.

Myth #10: Popping pimples is the best way to get rid of them
The fact is popping pimples may worsen acne by spreading the bacteria that is causing it. Popping can also lead to eventual scarring, which in severe cases, can be permanent.

About Author:
Ron King is a full-time researcher, writer, and web developer. Visit Acne Medications for recent acne research info.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

EFT Emotional Freedom Technique

We have lots of therapists registered on our free internatonal therapist listing -over 3000 last time I looked. If you're looking for a therapist that's a good place to start, and if your a therapist it's a good place to register.

A lot of therapists use EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique so I've just posted an article on our web site that will give you some idea of what EFT is all about.

Falling into Medicare Part D's doughnut hole

Good editorial in the Oct. 6 N.Y. Times about the Part D Medicare pharmaceutical benefit. It omits one fact and misleadingly states another.1. For some beneficiaries, the effect of the doughnut hole -- which leaves seniors paying 100% of their drug costs between $2250 and $5100 -- will be higher out-of-pocket costs after Part D became effective than before. For some, perhaps many or even most,

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Golf and nerves

golf and nerves? they go together for a lot of people who feel very conspicuous being watched by other people. Here's some good tips for coping with nerves when playing golf - could be adapted for other sports too.

Allergy Questions & Answers

When I was a full time therapist I saw literally thousands of allergy clients. I've put together in this allergy article some of the common questions they asked me and my replies. I hope you enjoy it.

Sunday, October 8, 2006

HRT & Hearing Loss

there have ben concerns about the safety of hormone replacement therapy for some time. It has been linked to increased risk of breast cancer, for example.

I'm now 58 but haven't used HRT at all. The newest research linking the use of HRT to hearing loss makes me glad I made this decision.

People ask me what I've done instead. The answer is very straight forward: I have a life that is full of projects and interests, I exercise regularly and I use Neways Wild Yam & Chaste Berry Cream (Subvene).

HRT is for people who want a pill or poion to fix their lives, rather than realising that menopause symptoms are a sign of an inbalance, not just in your hormones but in your lfe.

Saturday, October 7, 2006

Rationing flu vaccine: WSJ considers the ethics

Good discussion in a FREE online article over at the Wall Street Journal: "If We Must RationVaccines for a Flu,Who Calls the Shots?," by Sharon Begley. Here's the teaser:You have 100 doses of a vaccine against a deadly strain of influenza that is sweeping the country, with no prospect of obtaining more. Standing in line are 100 schoolchildren and 100 elderly people.The elderly are more likely to

Friday, October 6, 2006

Latest from AHLA's Health Lawyers Weekly (06 Oct 2006)

From the excellent Health Lawyers Weekly (AHLA member benefit), here's the table of contents from the October 6 issue:Top StoriesIllinois Department Of Revenue Denies Nonprofit Hospital's Property Tax Exemption Renewal -- The nonprofit hospital, Provena Covenant Medical Center (Provena), does not qualify for the charitable institution tax exemption provided for under Illinois' property tax

Are allergies on the increase?

Some sceptical people say that there isn't a real increase in allergies - it's just down to an increase in diagnosis. I am sure that to some extent this is true, but when I was young I don't remember anyone having eczema (apart from me). The situation has changed. I've posted an article on our health and happiness web site about the increase in allergy symptoms.

While you're there take a look at a self-help allergy treatment technique.

Thursday, October 5, 2006

Health Informatics - Implementasi sistem informasi klinik menurut kebutuhan dokter

Banyak aplikasi sistem informasi klinik dan computerized physician order entry (CPOE) yang telah diimplementasikan dan terintegrasi dengan sistem pembayaran maupun administrasi sehingga mampu menunjang sistem bisnis klinik/rumah sakit sesuai yang diharapkan. Beberapa diantaranya mungkin masih menemui kegagalan dan perlu dilakukan evaluasi ulang.

Kunci sukses implementasi sistem informasi klinik diantaranya adalah memahami kebutuhan staf klinik dan mengerti strategi pengembangan sehingga mampu menjembatani adopsi dan pemanfaatan suatu teknologi baru (Hobbs).

Penerapan komputerisasi klinik mungkin mudah bagi dokter yang berusia lebih muda. Tetapi bagaimana dengan para dokter senior yang telah terbiasa dan nyaman dengan sistem berbasis kertas. Hal ini tentu memerlukan perhatian tersendiri.

Dengan harapan mengurangi kesalahan medis, menekan biaya, dan meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan, beberapa pusat pelayanan kesehatan di Amerika Serikat mulai mengimplementasikan rekam medis elektronik.

Pengalaman Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, LA, California (Shabot, 2004) memberikan 10 pelajaran penting:

1. Kecepatan adalah segalanya
Tidak peduli indahnya desain, fitur, saran, atau sistem peringatan (alerts), yang lebih penting adalah kecepatan (waktu respon). Sehingga masih banyak sistem yang berjalan dengan DOS (berbasis teks).

2. Para dokter mengabaikan sistem peringatan
Padahal sistem peringatan dapat mengurangi medical error, tetapi karena kebutuhan akan kecepatan akses lebih diutamakan, maka sistem peringatan (misalnya peringatan akan adanya interaksi obat) cenderung diabaikan oleh dokter. Sistem peringatan ini masih digunakan oleh kalangan farmasi.

3. Memberikan informasi saat dibutuhkan
Dengan didukung sistem peringatan, informasi benar-benar disampaikan sesuai kebutuhan pengguna berupa pengingat singkat (reminder) tapi tetap menyertakan tautan (link) untuk informasi yang lebih lengkap.

4. Sesuai dengan alur kerja pengguna
Bukan hanya komputerisasi, tetapi mampu lebih dari itu. Para pengembang sebaiknya menyadari, kadang komputerisasi juga memperlambat proses. Jadi, sesuaikan dengan proses dan alur kerja yang ada. Sistem berbasis web Cedars-Sinai menampilkan data pasien terbaru dengan tautan ke laporan konsultasi, hasil radiologi, dan analisis gas rutin. Informasi dapat dioptimalisasi untuk menghemat waktu akses.

5. Respek terhadap otonomi dokter
Di tengah kesibukannya sehari-hari, para dokter dihadapkan pada suatu sistem informasi klinik yang baru, dan kadang bertentangan dengan otonomi praktiknya. Hal ini sering terjadi pada para dokter senior yang berusia lanjut. Otonomi ini berhubungan dengan adanya sistem peringatan komputer jika terjadi interaksi obat. Hal ini juga dianggap menghambat proses dan membuang waktu. Peresepan manual berbasis kertas dianggap lebih baik. Tetapi semuanya harus dilakukan demi kebaikan pasien dan dokter.

6. Pengawasan implementasi secara nyata dan respon dilakukan dengan segera
Tantangan terberat adalah manajemen perubahan pada manusianya. Implementasi sistem informasi klinik yang baru membutuhkan waktu dan biaya yang tidak sedikit. Biaya implementasi/pelatihan kadang lebih mahal dari harga perangkat keras dan lunak itu sendiri. Implementasi sebaiknya dituntaskan pada suatu unit, sambil mencari masukan untuk membentuk sistem baru menjadi lebih baik.

7. Hati-hati terhadap konsekuensi yang tidak diharapkan
Prosedural medikasi yang ditanamkan pada suatu sistem kadang terlalu detil sehingga dapat melelahkan (terutama) para perawat. Konsekuensi ini baiknya disesuaikan dengan prosedur manual yang ada dan dibicarakan dengan tim dokter.

8. Waspada akan kekurangan proses jangka panjang yang belum teratasi
Tidak semuanya dapat tergantikan oeh sistem. Saat proses registrasi memerlukan waktu tertentu sementara pasien harus segera diambil tindakan (masalah proses), dokter akan memesan perlengkapan medikasi dengan menggunakan nama sementara, tentu saja dengan tulisan tangan. Proses ini tidak tergantikan oleh komputer.

9. Jangan mengacaukan "magic nursing glue"
Sebelum komputerisasi, para perawat sering membantu tugas dokter dengan melengkapi status pasien yang belum lengkap, sehingga memudahkan pasien untuk pindah tahap perawatan selanjutnya. Dengan komputerisasi, proses ini menjadi terlalu detil dan spesifik. Sistem informasi klinik dapat mengganggu peran perawat.

10. Kecepatan adalah segalanya
Kembali, kecepatan adalah segalanya bagi pengguna klinik di tengah kesibukan masing-masing.

Kesuksesan implementasi sistem informasi klinik yang baru ditentukan oleh pemimpin yang baik dan pengikut yang baik pula.

Organic Food

An article in today's UK Guardian makes depressing and interesting reading. It says that the market for organic food in the UK is growing at 30% a year (hurray) but that the big supermarkets are pressing for more realistic (!!) UK standards for organic food.

Tesco, the biggest supermarket chain in the UK, says it is having to source some of its organic fod from abroad because the UK standards are too high. So if you buy your organic food from UK supermarkets, be aware that if it is imported from abroad the standard may not be what we expect. In the article it says:

"The Soil Association [that sets standards for UK organic farming] confirmed yesterday there was intensive lobbying from supermarkets to drop standards."

Read the full article.

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

GAO: CMS' medical data susceptible to hackers

Here are a few opening paragraphs that ought to startle even the most jaded government bureaucrat:Security weaknesses have left millions of elderly, disabled and poor Americans vulnerable to unauthorized disclosure of their medical and personal records, federal investigators said Tuesday. The Government Accountability Office said it discovered 47 weaknesses in the computer system used by the

SSRN roundup: public health law (September 2006 additions)

Governance, Microgovernance and Health - Temple Law Review, Vol. 77, p. 335, 2004Scott Burris, Temple University Beasley School of LawDate Posted: September 27, 2006Last Revised:September 27, 2006Accepted Paper Series3 downloads Regulatory Paradox in the Protection of Human Research Subjects: A Review of OHRP Enforcement Letters - Northwestern University Law Review, Vol. 101, No. 2, 2007, Temple

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

NLRB rules most charge nurses are "supervisors"

In a potentially far-reaching opinion on September 29 (and released today), the NLRB (by a 3-2 vote) ruled that permanently assigned charge nurses are supervisors -- and therefore are a part of managment -- and ineligible for union membership. Here's the "Daily Digest" version of the story from Modern Healthcare:The National Labor Relations Board ruled that certain full-time hospital charge

SSRN roundup: health law (September 2006 additions)

Consolidating Pharmaceutical Regulation Down Under: Policy Options and Practical Realities - Boston Univ. School of Law Working Paper No. 06-36, University of Queensland Law Journal, Vol. 26, No. 1, p. 111, 2006Frances H. Miller, Boston University School of LawDate Posted: September 26, 2006Last Revised:September 26, 2006Accepted Paper Series6 downloads Navigating the Social Safety Net: A

Monday, October 2, 2006

More on the Provena tax-exemption case

As previously noted here, Provena Covenant Medical Center last week lost its administrative appeal to the Illinois Department of Revenue of Champaign County's decision to revoke Covenant's tax-exempt status. The Department's September 29 ruling is available here (pdf).For an extremely helpful analysis of all the issues -- prepared by Linda Sauser Moroney, a partner in the Milwaukee office of

Stress & Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a nasty complaint so I'm delighted topost this well-written articleon my web site. It's not suggetsing that people with fibromyalgia should just "pull themselves together", but it does suggest some good (and sensitive) strategies:


Sunday, October 1, 2006

GAO report on emergency medical services post-Katrina

Hurricane Katrina: Status of Hospital Inpatient and EmergencyDepartments in the Greater New Orleans Area. GAO-06-1003, September29. Report; highlights.Summary findings:While New Orleans continues to face a range of health care challenges, hospital officials in the greater New Orleans area reported in April 2006 that a sufficient number of staffed inpatient beds existed for all services except for

Cancer treatment @ $4200 a pop: is it worth it?

Today's NY Times had an article in the Business section on Abraxane -- in the words of the author, "a new version of an old cancer drug has helped make Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong a billionaire":The drug, Abraxane, does not help patients live longer than the older treatment, though it does shrink tumors in more patients, according to clinical trials. And the old and new medicines have similar side