Monday, January 29, 2007

Health Care for the 21st Century: a call to action Does anyone know what John Kitzhaber's been up to since he stopped being governor of Oregon? The Archimedes Movement. Check it out.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Menopause - Your Last Chance To grow Up

I loved the title of this article by Mali Livingstone, so I'm really pleased to have it on the Health & Goodness site.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Acne Phototherapy Treatment With Medical Dermalight80 UVA Phototherapy Lamp

Acne is a chronic disorder caused by excess production of oil from sebaceous glands causing of the hair follicles to become plugged. Pimples, black heads, white heads, cysts and sometimes scarring can result.

Acne usually appears around puberty but may also start in adulthood. About 85% of teenagers develop Acne, 15% of which may be moderate to severe. Acne is not infectious and the exact cause is not known but there are many treatments which are effective, but Acne is slow to respond or returns after treatment is stopped. Antibiotics are commonly prescribed to treat the resulting acne infections and pimples, often reducing the patients own immune system.

The dermalight80 (sometimes mistaken for the Handisol in the USA) is the original and highest quality hand held UV phototherapy device; it is also the most economical and manufactured to the highest medical standards - anything else is a compromise. The dermalight80 is a compact and versatile UV home phototherapy unit. The dermalight80 is also our most popular product. It can treat all parts of the body, including the scalp, with the special comb attachment that is included as standard. The comb enables a penetrating and highly effective treatment of the scalp (please note some of our competitors charge extra for a comb attachment!) The Dermalight80 can be ordered with a medical UVA bulb for specific treatment of Acne at no extra cost, but this must be specified when ordering. The Dermalight80 is easy to use and also ideal for in-home phototherapy and Acne treatment.

UV phototherapy lamps have for many decades been recognized widely as a relatively safe medical treatment. It is free from the common and sometimes dangerous side effects of many of the drugs in common use today. If used properly there are almost no side effects. It is not a gimmick or passing "new age" therapy. It has been scientifically proven time and time again. Most orders are processed same day for immediate express world wide delivery and in many cases private health insurance will cover part or all of the cost of your purchase.

Nick Balgowan is the winner of several Australian sponsored small business and entrepreneur awards. Since 1995 he has build and sold several successful online businesses. His current businesses include offering medical product worldwide and offering Dermalight80 UVA for Acne treatment. Nick Balgowan He can be contacted at

Friday, January 19, 2007

Best Ways To Cure Back Acnes

Acne is fast becoming a common occurence in both teenagers and grown-ups. People often think of acne which occurs on the face because that is where it is commonly noticed. However, as many acne sufferers know, the face is not only the area where acne can develop.

Other areas where acne can occur are the chest and the back. Unfortunately, chest and back acne are often harder to treat compared to those on the face. This means that products that one usually uses to treat facial acne might not be as effective as acne on the chest and on the back. Further, since the back is always in contact with the clothes (and other materials which could irritate the skin), this could worsen the condition of the acne further.

Treating back acne is similar to how one would treat facial acne. For example, one has to stick to a daily skin regimen for treatment, consisting of cleanser and moisturizer. However, applying medication on back acne could be more difficult compared to facial acne.

The clothes that you wear could be worsening your back acne condition. For example, tight or rough clothing rubs against the skin on your back and cause skin irritation. Also, the sweat from the tight clothes could cause excessive oil production by the skin. This eventually results in acne breakouts on the back.

In addition to clothes, we could also figure out the other things that could be causing back acne. For example, heavy backpacks that are worn across the shoulders and the upper back could aggravate back acne conditions. If you have acne on the areas in the shoulders and the upper back, you should consider stop using a backpack. A good alternative would be a shoulder bag. Once your back acne clears up, you could then use the backpack again.

The first step to treat back acne is to determine the severity of the acne's condition so that the appropriate treatment could be given. The degree of 'seriousness' of back acne could be characterized into three types - mild, moderate or severe. Additionally, one should also determine the type of skin - oily, dry or combination of both. This is important because different skin types show different reaction to acne medication.

Jamie Lockwood finally succeeded in removing his decade-long acne problems. Read how he did it at his blog at

Therapies in Bosnia

Are you a therapist. If so, could you help bring therapies to Bosnia?

Phoenix-Aid needs your help. It is a charity taking therapies to Bosnia. Right now it needs your help. The charity is run by two women Sarah and Karen, who devote an enormous amount of unpaid time and energy to it.

Phoenix-Aid works in Bosnia in two ways:
to bring therapies to people in desperate need and
to train local people so that they will be able to provide treatments themselves
Karen is next going in March and will need:
Essential oils
2 self-funding therapists to go out on 17th March for two weeks
2 self-funding therapists to go out from 31st March to 7th April
Donations of money ( you can send cheques, or you can use the CAF web site if you want to use a credit card)

If you feel you can help in any way, or would like to get involved in the UK, please let either of them know. Sarah can be contacted by phone on 01924 830025 and Karen by email. And you can find out more by checking out their web site

Being a therapist in this way will be an amazing privilege and opportunity - I did something similar in Russia about 14 years ago - you are highly likely to come away with far more than you give. If you can't commit yourself to March, email Karen for the dates for later in the year.

I hope you'll feel able to do something.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

VitaminB5 for Dieting

Better metabolism, better digestion, and an in-sync melody of the vitamins and minerals within can help the dieter reach their weight loss goals a bit quicker and safer. Dieters generally restrict calories, vitamin supplements may help ensure better nutrition and a more efficient metabolism.

SkinB5 a revolutionary acne treatment has many other benefits due to its core ingredient, Vitamin B5, also called pantothenic acid, is one of eight water-soluble B vitamins. All B vitamins help the body to convert carbohydrates into glucose (sugar), which is "burned" to produce energy. These B vitamins, often referred to as B complex vitamins, are essential in the breakdown of fats and protein. B complex vitamins also play an important role in maintaining muscle tone in the gastrointestinal tract and promoting the health of the nervous system, skin, hair, eyes, mouth, and liver.

In addition to playing a role in the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates for energy, Vitamin B5 is critical to the manufacture of red blood cells as well as sex and stress-related hormones produced in the adrenal glands (small glands that sit atop of the kidneys). Vitamin B5 is also important in maintaining a healthy digestive tract and it helps the body use other vitamins (particularly B2 [riboflavin]) more effectively. It is sometimes referred to as the "anti-stress" vitamin because it is believed to enhance the activity of the immune system and improve the body's ability to withstand stressful conditions.

Pantethine, an active stable form of vitamin B5, has been gaining attention in recent years as a possible treatment for high cholesterol. Further studies are needed to confirm these findings, however. Panthanol, another form of vitamin B5, is often found in hair care products because of the belief that it makes hair more manageable, softer, and shinier.

Symptoms of a vitamin B5 deficiency may include fatigue, insomnia, depression, irritability, vomiting, stomach pains, burning feet, and upper respiratory infections.

Author: Nick Bell Nick provides vitamin B5 acne treatment product for acne cure.

Monday, January 15, 2007

How to Prevent Acne With Proper Face Care

Not many grade school children dream of growing up to invent a cure for blemishes but by the time they reach High School few things seem more important than finding a way to prevent acne.

It may not be an earth shattering problem but improper management of an acne condition can lead to scarring that will take expensive and time consuming procedures to remove. Often the damage is permanent. It's not easy but the best thing to do is to prevent acne. That calls for a treatment plan to which one fully adheres.

In the case of severe acne that is very widespread or includes the presence of cysts and nodules a dermatologist should be consulted.

With acne vulgaris or common acne, a twice a day skin care ritual should prevent acne. The face care procedure needs to be followed as regularly as brushing and flossing one's teeth. It is just another part of good hygiene.

To begin with, washing the face with a salicylic acid containing cleanser helps to unclog pores. It does this gradually over time because of its mild exfoliating affect. Apply an astringent. Use of a product containing benzoyl peroxide will fight the bacteria that cause acne by drying the excess skin oils and providing a mild antibiotic action. Follow with a tinted acne concealing product that contains sulfur.

Every week or so a more involved treatment can be used. Start this by using a facial mask to unclog pores. A steam facial would work well too. Gently remove blackheads if they are easily removed. Wash with an acne wash. Massage with a circular motion. Rinse and pat dry. Apply astringent.

Once this beauty regime becomes habit it starts to improve the skin's general appearance. Good skin care needs to be a very long term project. Some of the products recommended for use over the years may change but the need for regular daily care will be lifelong. But so will the pleasant results.

Martin Hansen is the founder of MATR, a website dedicated to helping acne sufferers control their acne. Head over to for more helpful skin care tips as well as our reviews of Acnezine and Exposed acne treatment products.

AHLA's Health Lawyers Weekly (12 Jan 07)

From the January 12 issue of Health Lawyers Weekly (reprinted with AHLA's permission):Top StoriesHouse Passes Bill Requiring Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation; Bush Threatens VetoPresident George W. Bush has threatened to veto a bipartisan bill that would require the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices on

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Blog - Pindah (juga) ke

Akhirnya saya pindah juga ke

Setelah (baru) berhasil switch (berganti rupa) atau ber-konversi dari blogspot lama menjadi model baru dengan sistem layout, klik dan geser menu samping, publish yang lebih ringkas, format CSS, XHTML dan XML yang terkompresi, sehingga respon blog secara umum menjadi lebih cepat dan ringan.

Sebelumnya konversi belum behasil, mungkin dikarenakan jumlah tulisan atau komentar yang ada. Saya percaya Tim (BlogSpot) sudah bekerja keras semaksimal mungkin. Diharapkan semua pengguna BlogSpot lama akan beralih ke BlogSpot baru dengan akun Google Mail (maklum, karena sudah diakuisisi oleh Google; ranking pengguna akan lebih baik di hasil pencarian Google?).

Pembuatan menu samping masih dapat dilakukan dengan lebih mudah walaupun tidak se-merdeka versi lama.
Mengubah struktur body menjadi lebih sulit (tidak bisa?).
Yang mencengangkan menurut saya adalah kebanyakan template yang disediakan masih (saja) tidak valid CSS dan X/HTML-nya. Okelah ini memang versi gratisan (gratis kok minta enak!).

Dulu masih bisa valid XHTML 1.1 (coba-coba mengikuti petunjuk di untuk tampilan depan saja (halaman komentar masih dikuasai dengan menyembunyikan (bukan menghapus!) navigation bar (sumber invalid terkemuka!), kini mengubah beberapa tags-nya seperti diceritakan di Migrating to Blogger Beta. Validasi XHTML Blogger versi baru sangat mengejutkan dengan banyaknya pesan kesalahan. :(

Nampaknya masih harus banyak berbenah untuk dapat bersaing dengan penyedia mesin blog gratisan lainnya.

Mengapa validasi menjadi penting?
Bagi saya, hanya untuk pembelajaran saja (namanya juga gratisan).

Bagi para pebisnis (yang menggunakan Internet dan situs web), penggunaan 'senjata' SEO tentu sangat diperlukan.
Memang tidak hanya sekedar validasi struktur situs web saja yang mempengaruhi. Konten atau isi situs juga sangat penting.
Bagaimana 'jualan' mereka dapat dengan mudah ditemukan dari mesin pencari. Sehingga situs penjual pun akan mudah pula ditemukan. Alih-alih untung menanti (tentu lebih baik gunakan versi Pro atau yang berbayar).

Situs dengan struktur standar lebih berpeluang tampil aman di semua browser (maka gunakanlah Firefox! Tetapi cek juga dengan Opera dan Internet Explorer) yang sudah menerapkan standar web (misalnya standar menurut W3C).

Bagaimana dengan kesehatan?
Untuk mempermudah informasi kesehatan tertentu (yang benar-benar diinginkan) ditemukan oleh penggunanya melalui kata kunci yang dimaksud, maka sebaiknya cobalah ikuti standar yang ada, baik struktur penulisan situs web maupun penulisan konten situs web (valid CSS eksternal, valid XHTML, microformat, dan sebagainya).

Sehingga dengan alasan pembelajaran, dengan ini (tanpa potong tumpeng) blog saya secara resmi pindah ke mesin blog 'tetangga' (gratisan juga). Blog - danartsign [by Dani Iswara] ini akan saya pasifkan (tidak dihapus) untuk jangka waktu yang tidak ditentukan. Komentar masih terbuka.

Mari saling berbagi di blog baru saya: Dani Iswara's Blog
Segala taut silakan disesuaikan (tidak memaksa).

Tulisan yang sama tentang topik ini terdapat juga di blog baru tersebut.
Terima kasih atas segala apresiasi anda. Mari lanjutkan perjuangan.

Dealing with Pregnancy Induced Acne

Regardless of what medical problems you develop during pregnancy, you have to really think about the medicines that you take to treat them, and what effect they might possibly have on your unborn fetus. Many pregnant women suffer from heartburn, swollen feet and legs, morning sickness, and sinus infections, but did you also know that pregnancy also can cause acne breakouts as well? Even women who have never had a zit in their life may suddenly have to deal with acne, on top of all the other common pregnancy problems they have to muddle through as well. Unfortunately, pregnancy related acne is not easy to treat, as you can’t just run out and get the first over the counter acne medication you see and start treatment, since you don’t know if it could cross the placenta, possibly causing harm to your unborn baby in the process.

In fact, many prescription and over the counter acne treatments are completely off limits during pregnancy, as they either pose a clear risk to the baby, or there is not enough proven research to say definitely either way. If you get pregnant while taking or using acne medication, you must tell your obstetrician immediately, so that they can advise you on the safety of the medication, and possibly give you a comparable, safe substitute, if the acne medication clearly needs to be continued during pregnancy. You are better off not taking any medication during pregnancy that is not just absolutely medically necessary, as you never really ever know what medication is truly safe. You may take a medicine now, only to find out ten years from now that it is no longer suggested for use by pregnant women, and find yourself sitting there wondering if your child could have suffered some unknown harm when you took it while you were pregnant with him.

Pregnancy induced acne is almost always caused by hormonal fluctuations, and the acne usually disappears once the baby is born and everything has time to return to normal. If your pregnancy induced acne is severe or particularly bothersome for you, talk to your doctor about safe treatment options. You can always practice non-medication based acne treatment methods, such as cleansing routines, facial masks made from fruits or other foods, drink more water, etc. You can find many recipes for natural facials online; some are as simple as boiling a cup or so of milk, and then adding some fresh lime juice, and once the mixture cools, applying it to your face. You aren’t using any kind of chemicals, so you should be fairly safe with this type of acne treatment. Before you try anything, you should talk to your doctor, since you not only have to be concerned with your own health, but that of your unborn child as well.

You most likely will not enjoy having to deal with acne during your pregnancy, especially if you have never had it before, but take heart, as soon it will all be over and forgotten once you hold that sweet new babe in your arms. Your feet won’t swell anymore, you won’t have constant indigestion, and yes, your face will clear up and you will be acne-free once again!

Acne Treatment Advice is a new site covering some new angles of treatment for different types of acne.

Article Source:

GAO reports from November

Last week the Government Accountability Office listed its November 2006 health-related reports:End-Stage Renal Disease: Bundling Medicare's Payment for drugs with Payment for All ESRD Services Would Promote Efficiency and Clinical Flexibility. GAO-07-77, November 13, 2006 (35 pages). Renal Disease: Medicare Payments for All ESRD

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Health Affairs' 25 most-read articles of 2006

Here's an offer that's too good to pass up:Health Affairs’ 25 Most-Read Articles From 2006To celebrate the start of Health Affairs’ 25th anniversary year, we list here the 25 most frequently viewed articles published in 2006. In 2006, Health Affairs’’ Web readership grew to 12 million pageviews.The paper on nurse staffing in hospitals by Jack Needleman and colleagues took the top spot for a paper

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Pet Owners - Guide to Feline Acne

If it's your first time to raise a cat, be aware that cats, just like humans, can experience acne problems as well. Feline acne is generally harmless, but there are, of course, cases of severe feline acne that require urgent medical attention.


Feline acne is also known as kitty acne and chin acne. It is mistakenly referred to as ringworm or dermatophytosis, though it is not.


There are several ways to determine if your pet is unfortunate enough to suffer from this particular skin condition. When you see small and oily black marks - similar to human blackheads - appearing on your cat's chin, it is probable that they could break out into feline acne. When these black marks become inflamed, they gradually develop into pustules, which are also known plainly as "pimples."


There are many triggers for feline acne. But as long as proper care and treatment is given immediately, there's no need for owners to worry about their pets' welfare.

Dirt - Cats generally have trouble grooming the chin area and because of this, dirt and oil tend to accumulate in this particular area of the face. The accumulation of bacteria causes hair follicles to be infected and eventually, acne breaks out.

Food Allergies - In spite of what you see in cartoons, cats do not possess the same diet that humans have. So don't feed your cat human food. It's important that you give your pet the food he truly needs.

Contact Allergies - Cats may also experience acne breakouts simply because they come in contact with fabrics or objects that are highly irritable to their skin. Find out what the allergens are and keep them away from your pet.


The best way to treat kitty acne is to clean your pet's surroundings regularly and thoroughly. Groom your pet as often as you can. Feed it the proper food and take it for regular check-ups. If you notice disturbing symptoms, consult a veterinarian immediately.

Acne provides detailed information on Acne, Acne Treatment, Acne Product, Adult Acne and more. Acne is affiliated with Acne Care Skin Tips.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

AHLA's Health Lawyers News (5 January 2007)

From the January 5 issue of Health Lawyers Weekly (reprinted with AHLA's permission):Top StoriesMedicaid Commission Issues Final Report On Medicaid ReformThe Medicaid Commission said "fundamental reform" is needed to shore up the long term sustainability of the federal-state Medicaid program in a final report issued December 29 that details its recommendations for achieving that end. Full Story

Monday, January 8, 2007

Another angle on middlemen

As noted here before (and before), middlemen have the potential to increase the efficiency of the health care system, but they can also be a drag on the system. Paul Krugman last week* noted that the privatization of Medicare, including (but not limited to) the use of pharmacy benefits managers in the Part D pharmaceutical benefit, has not worked out so well. As an example, he notes that the

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Acne - Dermatologists

Dermatologists are skin specialists who treat disorders of the skin. But they don't just treat skin problems: they treat health problems of the hair and nail as wells. They are full-fledged medical doctors trained to diagnose and treat diseases and disorders of the skin, hair and nails.

The most common skin disease that dermatologists treat is acne. Acne is a skin condition that nearly all people have to contend with at some point during their teen years. The cases of acne vary from mild (the occasional pimple or zit) all the way to very severe (which consists of deep acne lesions and often extensive scarring). Acne is caused by the overproduction of oil from the hair follicles sebaceous glands, which combines with dead cells to clog pores. This can lead to whiteheads, blackheads, pustules and papules, or in the most severe cases, cysts.

Most acne cases don't require the services of a dermatologist, as a healthy skin care regimen and over the counter medications can control it. But for those persistent, moderate to severe cases, a dermatologist is almost always needed. These doctors can prescribe stronger topical medications as well as oral antibiotics, to help get a handle on difficult cases. They can also provide the medical means by which acne scars are reduced or eliminated.

Dermatologists also diagnose and treat other skin disorders such as skin cancer. Doctors will examine suspected skin cancer sites on the body and if need be, perform a biopsy to verify cancer's presence. There are a variety of types of skin cancer of varying degrees of seriousness. Needless to say, a doctor should examine any person who suspects that he or she may have some form of skin cancer, immediately.

Psoriasis is another skin ailment treated by these skin doctors. This is a chronic red scaly, sometimes itchy rash that affects a fairly large segment of the population. It can range in severity from barely noticeable, to needing hospitalization. Aside from the skin rash, a person may experience some degree of pains in various joints - which can be debilitating. It is thought that the immune system is involved in causing psoriasis, though this is not certain. There does seem to be a genetic predisposition to this disease. While there is no cure for it there are effective treatments that a dermatologist can provide after diagnosis.

Dermatologists also treat warts. These rough skin tumor-like growths can appear anywhere (but usually on the hands and feet), and are caused by viruses. Some warts go away by themselves but others can persist for many years. Dermatologists can treat warts in several ways. One option is to wait and see if it goes away on it's own. Also, they can use salicylic acid in liquid form or patch. This often will gradually make the wart disappear. They can freeze it, gently, over a period of time. They can also employ surgery, lasers, and chemical cautery to get rid of them.

Dermatologists can also treat patients to remove scars. They can use lasers of varying types to reduce, or completely get rid of scars. The types of scars that can be treated are those that result from injury, acne scars, keloids, and hypertrophic scars. With today's modern lasers, scarring can be reduced to a degree that it never could be before.

These are but a few of the many conditions dermatologists can treat. This is a field of many different specialties and areas of expertise and it is the state of the art in medicine.

Stephanie McIntyre and Wendell Bryant are Internet developers. Visit their site at

Saturday, January 6, 2007

GNU/Linux - GNU/Linux, Windows, Open Source Software

Menurut Sitemeter yang saya pasang, sepanjang tahun 2006, sebagian besar pengguna komputer pengunjung blog ini menggunakan Windows XP sebagai sistem operasi dan Internet Explorer 6.0 sebagai browser-nya. GNU/Linux dan Firefox menempati posisi berikutnya.

Di tengah gencarnya gerakan penegakan HaKI (Hak atas Kekayaan Intelektual) dan anjuran penggunaan open source software oleh pemerintah dan kelompok komunitas (Open Source Software), MoU (Money eh Memorandum of Understanding) antara Pemerintah RI dan Microsoft tetap berjalan.

Selain penggunaan sistem operasi Windows, aplikasi perkantoran seperti MS Office juga masih banyak digunakan di kalangan pemerintahan, pendidikan (beberapa kampus telah menerapkan Campus Agreement), termasuk kesehatan.

Di beberapa negara lain terjadi kegagalan/penolakan kesepakatan dengan Microsoft, sehingga memutuskan menggunakan sistem operasi turunan (distro) GNU/Linux dan open source software. Bahkan berkembang standardisasi format dokumen di lingkungan pemerintahan yang disepakati menggunakan Open Document Format (ODF) seperti pada MS Office pun akan mengikuti standar ini.

Pemikiran penggunaan open source software di Indonesia nampaknya mengacu pada penghematan devisa negara, pengembangan sumber daya manusia, penegakan HaKI, mengurangi ketergantungan dari negara lain, dan seterusnya.

Lalu :
  1. Mengapa kita belum juga beralih dari Windows (bajakan)?
  2. Apa keuntungan open source software dan free software?
  3. Mengapa pakai GNU/Linux?
Sependek yang saya ketahui sebagai pemula (saya mengenal komputer PC sejak SMU; memiliki PC sendiri baru pertengahan kuliah S1 dulu dan lulus dengan bantuan program-program bajakan :) ; terpapar laptop, Internet, dan open source software sejak kuliah di Yogyakarta, ok kembali ke too cool :) ) komputer desktop dan komputer jinjing (laptop;notebook), berikut ini jawaban saya untuk pertanyaan #1:
  1. Windows jelas lebih nyaman
    • Tidak perlu tahu/belajar apa itu GNU/Linux
    • Tidak perlu bingung urusan driver dan pengenalan perangkat
    • Instalasi software/perangkat[piranti] lunak 'relatif' lebih mudah (tidak repot oleh paket dependensi dan cara teks)
    • (Masih) Lebih banyak penggunanya, relatif lebih mudah mencari bantuan
  2. Sulit mengubah kebiasaan di atas
  3. Tidak (mau) mengerti HaKI itu jenis binatang apa :)
Jawaban #2:
  1. Bebas dikembangkan menurut lisensinya
  2. Bebas diperbanyak menurut lisensinya
  3. Bebas disebarkan menurut lisensinya
  4. Bebas digunakan menurut lisensinya
Bebas disini belum tentu selalu berarti gratis.

Jawaban #3:

  1. Tidak ingin repot dengan virus
  2. Lebih murah dari Windows (asli); bahkan ada yang gratis dan legal
  3. Banyaknya distro berarti lebih bebas memilih sesuai keinginan
  4. Paket aplikasi/piranti lunak standar yang lebih lengkap, murah dan legal dibanding Windows (distro GNU/Linux berbasis KDE terasa lebih lengkap dibanding GNOME)
Saran untuk yang berminat migrasi (melegalkan diri):
  • sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan lingkungan (berbeda sendiri mungkin agak menyusahkan..)
  • mencoba menggunakan piranti lunak open source windows dan free software di Windows (bukan bajakan)
  • mencoba edisi live cd salah satu distro GNU/Linux
  • mencoba dual boot GNU/Linux dan Windows
Bagaimana dengan anda?

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Acne Medications and Colloidal Silver Pros & Cons

Acne is a skin disorder found mainly in teenagers and adults and is considered as one of the most common condition. Based on the age of affected people, site of occurrence, severity and cause responsible for acne occurrence ace can be classified in three categories; mild acne, moderate acne and sever acne. The severe acne is rare. Although the causes and form may vary the medications used for treating all types of acne are identical.

Following are some of the medications used for treating acne condition.

Topical antibiotics: Topical antibiotics like tetracycline, Clindamycin, erythromycin, sulfonamide and azelaoc acid can relieve acne condition. However, one has to use these medications for prolonged periods for better results. Further some of these medications may produce side effects like skin discoloration or skin irritation. Bacteria are known for their nature of becoming resistant to certain medications (when used for prolonged periods) and hence one has to change the medication frequently.

Use of Retinoid: Retinoid like isotretinoin, tretinoin etc can be prescribed as medication for treating acne. Many clinical trials have proved that Retinoid (a vitamin A group medicine) has produced significant result in treatment of acne. Retinoids are available in pill and topical (cream) forms. Like antibiotics, Retinoids may also produce side effects such as dryness, itching, redness and cracking of skin.

Apart from the above, there are various medications available for treating acne. Some are available as over-the-counter medications and some are prescription drugs. Ointments (lotions), gels, creams, soaps and pads are examples of over the counter medications. Most of the medications available for treating acne contain zinc, resorcinol, and sulfur or benzoil peroxide as the major constituent.

Medications available for treatment of acne may produce side effects and can lead to worsening of acne condition. Here it becomes important to select a line of treatment which is safe and effective. Home made remedies and use of natural dietary supplements like colloidal silver is considered the right method. Colloidal silver, being prepared from natural pure silver (suspended in distilled water) through non-chemical process is considered as one of the best supplement. Colloidal silver provides quicker and long lasting effects by killing bacteria and helping maintaining the hormonal levels. It does not produce any side effects and is safe for use by people of all ages.

Peter Salazar's source for quality supplements is

To go directly to this product go here:

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

EFT Tapping Technique

Emotional Freedom technique (EFT) is a great self-help technique that can be used in all sorts of situation. It can be a great tool to help you with your new year's resolution. Here's an easy-to-understand explanation of the EFT tapping technique, so whether you want to lose weight, be less anxious or get your life sorted out in some other ways.

Best wishes for 2007

Post Workout Nutrition

Now is the time of year when lots of people want to get fit and slim/lean. It's easy to beleive that you need to exercise a lot and eat a little to achieve this, but what you eat post-workout is vitally important, if you want to be able to stay fit and healthy. Here's some tips on post-workout nutrition for you.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

HIPAA privacy rule: Is it time for (re)reform?

Kaiser's Health Policy Daily has a nice summary of a Wall Street Journal article (link good for 7 days) on HIPAA's privacy loopholes that appeared the day after Christmas:"[I]ncreasingly complex confidentiality issues" in federal medical privacy rules "are affecting patients and their insurance coverage," the Wall Street Journal reports. According to the Journal, complaints of privacy violations

Health Informatics - Peluang Kerja Informatika Kesehatan

Tulisan berikut ini ingin memberikan gambaran mata kuliah-mata kuliah yang akan diperoleh jika mendalami bidang informatika kesehatan/kedokteran di Indonesia berikut sekilas beberapa peluang kerja bidang informatika kesehatan/kedokteran yang dimuat di

Setelah mengunjungi:akan diperoleh gambaran mata kuliah yang termasuk dalam kurikulum informatika kesehatan.

Secara umum materi tersebut meliputi:
  • Statistik Kesehatan (Biostatistik)
  • Sistem Informasi Kesehatan (SIK)
  • Manajemen Basis Data
  • Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK)
  • Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG)
  • Rekayasa Sistem Informasi Manajemen (SIM)/Rekayasa Piranti Lunak
  • Aplikasi Komputer
Beberapa pusat pendidikan informatika kesehatan mungkin memiliki program tambahan tertentu seperti kunjungan ke lapangan/praktik kesehatan, kerja sama dengan pihak luar negeri, dan pendidikan jarak jauh melalui eLearning.

Para lulusan nantinya diharapkan berpeluang bekerja di Departemen Kesehatan RI, rumah sakit, Puskesmas, lembaga pendidikan, lembaga penelitian, Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM), perusahaan swasta, perusahaan asuransi, perusahaan industri, perusahaan farmasi, wiraswasta, dan lain-lain.

Di luar negeri dikenal beberapa contoh istilah deskripsi pekerjaan informatika kedokteran:
  • Medical Director for Informatics
  • Medical Director of Information Systems
  • Chief Medical Information Officer
  • Healthcare Webmaster
  • Director of Health Care Informatics
  • Information Security Manager
  • Pharmacy Systems Analyst
  • CPOE-Focused Medication Use Policy Analyst
Penjelasan rincinya silakan dibaca pada taut di atas.

Di Indonesia istilahnya apa ya...?

Pekerjaan di bidang informatika kesehatan/kedokteran pada dasarnya berusaha berperan pada pengembangan dan implementasi suatu sistem informasi kesehatan. Bekerja sama dengan pihak/vendor/departemen teknologi informasi, berusaha memahami kebutuhan komunitas kesehatan/kedokteran akan pemanfaatan teknologi informasi untuk mewujudkan pelayanan kesehatan yang lebih baik.

Peluang kerja bidang informatika kesehatan nampaknya masih terbuka lebar mengingat perkembangan sistem informasi kesehatan dewasa ini yang makin menggeliat.

Teknologi informasi hanyalah sebagai alat bantu untuk mencapai tujuan.

Bagi rekan-rekan yang berminat menekuni bidang informatika kesehatan/kedokteran, baik yang berasal dari disiplin ilmu kesehatan masyarakat, kedokteran, farmasi, keperawatan, teknik, ekonomi, sosial, dan sebagainya, aplikasi komputer juga merupakan penunjang. Yang belum menguasai komputer pun akan memperoleh pelatihan tambahan untuk menunjang proses pembelajaran nantinya.

Yang benar-benar ahli komputer kan sudah ada beliau-beliau, misalnya lulusan teknik informatika. Kolaborasi bidang informatika kesehatan, manajemen, dan teknologi informasi, serta tidak menutup keterlibatan bidang lainnya, kita harapkan dapat menjembatani terciptanya sistem informasi kesehatan yang lebih baik.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Krugman touts single-payer system

This is definitely a dog-bites-man story, but it's a new year, so I suppose it's appropriate that Paul Krugman should start 2007 with a theme that was one of his favorites in 2006 [link; it's a TimesSelect item, so unfortunately it's available only for subscribers):The U.S. health care system is a scandal and a disgrace. But maybe, just maybe, 2007 will be the year we start the move toward