We've all been shocked and saddened by the recent tradegies in Indonesia. I pondered what I could do about it - aside from any personal charitable activities I will undertake. I've come up with three great ways for you to help:
- First and foremost, I urge you to give. Nothing will make you feel more a part of the solution to these horrific circumstances than donating money (especially when you cannot donate your time and physical labor). One of the best, most reliable places to make your donation is WorldVision.com, a reputable Internet-driven clearinghouse for global charitable donations. Visit WorldVision and make your pledge today.
- Secondly, I would like to offer my help as well. If you have been "on the fence" regarding an investment in my unique Fun Factor prescription, please act on your decision to improve your life now. During the entire month of January, I will donate a full 20% of your purchase price to Indonesian aide and recovery efforts. With as many as 2,500 people responding to my offer (less will be a disappointment), you can help send an additional $3,500 to Indonesia.
Knowing that this is a purchase you have been wanting to make (for yourself and/or a friend), change your life and send help to Indonesia at the same time! You may not realize it yet, but in a few short minutes you'll realize you can't put off this vital purchase; simply visit my Fun Factor prescription page today! - Last but not least (by a long shot), send your positive energy and good thoughts! You should never underestimate the power of your positive thoughts; combined with your positive actions(your doctor's orders are outlined above), positive thoughts change the world. Employ your resevior of humorous natural medicine (you are taking advantage of my free lessons, right?) and share that energy with Indonesia right now!
Send this message to family and friends. Or tell them about it personally. Together we can make a difference (and help ourselves in the process)!
Having the motivation to act now and help the victims in Indonesia means that you're already enjoying the natural medicine of humor. You wouldn't be open to this message if you weren't. But please don't make the mistake of only giving and not taking care of yourself too; we must continue to not only honor our blessings, but also nourish the source of those blessings!
Make certain you are taking great care of yourself with humor's natural medicine by visiting my website today!
Cliff Kuhn, M.D.
The Laugh Doctor
The Natural Medicine of Humor
"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"
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