Saturday, December 18, 2004

Successful People Are Like Bumblebees

Haven't we all heard that bumblebees violate the laws of aerodynamics, yet still fly?

Guess what? It is impossible to violate any law of aerodynamics and fly. The laws of aerodynamics are immutable and a bumblebee's violation of any of them is a myth. I'll explain why in a moment...

We often think of people more successful then us like we think of bumblebees. People more successful than us, we think, violate the laws of interdependency and cooperation; they are egotistical, self-centered, greedy, etc.

The wings of a bumblebee look small in proportion to its body size when compared with those of a bird, so our brains tell us the bee's flight is an anomaly. By the same token, the activities and paradigms of people more successful than us seem foreign to our current levels of confidence and knowledge, so we turn them into anomalies too - by labeling them as greedy or mean people.

But all we are doing is justifying our own failed expectations of ourselves when we categorize successful people that way. Because the laws of success are as immutable as the laws of aerodynamics. They cannot be violated either.

And do you know what the number one law of success is? Fun Comes First! As I teach you to do in my unique Fun Factor prescription, successful people are merely doing things they're passionate about and, thus, putting fun first! This phenomenon is the primary component to any lasting, sustainable success.

Putting fun first is how people become successful, but how does a bee actually fly? The secret is found by looking at a helicopter; the wings of a helicopter look small in comparison to the wings of an airplane. And a bumblebee doesn't fly like an airplane, it flies like a helicopter.

Likewise, the habits of a person more successful than us might be intimidating. But that person is simply putting fun first - how intimidating could that be? You can do that too! And I'll teach you how to do it, FOR FREE, on my website!

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created by a stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

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