Friday, September 30, 2005

Why You Should Smile...Right Now

I can't say this enough:

Smiling relieves muscle tension, enhances immunity and increases pain tolerance. It also attracts positive responses from the people who are important to you.

And a smile does this whether you're "faking it" or not.

So, whenever you catch yourself without a smile, put one on immediately and hold it for as long as you can - even if you have to fake it.

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.
The Laugh Doctor
"it all starts with a SMILE"

The Natural Medicine of Humor
"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

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Sunday, September 25, 2005

How To Get Your Hair Cut Like A Wealthy Person

My family was one of the reasons humor has always been so special to me; we were poor, growing up outside of Philadelphia, but my Dad always kept us loose and carefree with his slapstick comedy.

I remember, once, Dad rushed me to the hospital in his boxer shorts after I had split my tongue falling from my tricycle. He had been in the house taking a nap and ran out without a thought about his clothes. We all laughed about that for many years.

Last week, while being prepped for a photo shoot, it occurred to me how much my life has changed. As the make-up artist gave my head a fresh shave for the camera, I remembered how my brother and I got haircuts as youngsters. It sure was different back then!

Do you know how a person without much money gets a haircut? My brother and I sure do! Because we could only afford a haircut (at most) once a month, we were taught to schedule them strategically.

You see, a poor person has to have his hair cut like clothing is purchased for a growing child; you have to get your hair cut shorter than the optimal length because you're going to go at least another month before you get another cut. You get your hair cut to "grow into it."

So once my brother and I started caring about our appearances, we would carefully script our haircuts. I knew that my teenaged hair looked best exactly six days after my haircut - after six days of post-haircut growth, my hair was (what I considered) the perfect length. So, if I had a big date, I would schedule a haircut six days prior to it.

My brother Doug did the same. We never imagined a life with enough money that we could get our hair cut the optimal length on the actual day of our haircuts! My how life has changed.

That is a great example of how humor got us through what could've been tough times. We never thought of our circumstances as bad, however, because we were always looking for the lighter side of life. And I want to help you do to the same...starting today I want to help you find great happiness in your everyday circumstances.

Just click the links you see in this blog and under my signature. You'll be on your way!

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.
The Laugh Doctor
"it all starts with a SMILE"

The Natural Medicine of Humor
"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

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Friday, September 23, 2005

Why It's Not Easy Being A Psychiatrist

You might think I've got it easy being a psychiatrist. But let me tell you, I don't.

You don't realize how hard it is, listening to the constant litany of complaints:

  • My kids don't appreciate me

  • My spouse doesn't love me anymore

  • I feel lonely and unfulfilled

  • My life hasn't turned out anything like I hoped

  • My marriage feels like a jail sentence

It's all I can do to look at my watch and say, "Gee, honey, can we talk about this later? I've really got to be going." Otherwise, I'd never get to the office on time!


Now stop taking yourself so seriously today!

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.
The Laugh Doctor
"it all starts with a SMILE"

The Natural Medicine of Humor
"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Cardio Benefits Of Laughter...Verified!

By guest writer: Greg Kuhn, Laugh Doctor Junior

I've been concerned about my weight and fitness for my entire adult life and have always been a regular exerciser. While I like to think of myself as an active person, however, the only regular exercise I get is weight lifting a few times a week. It keeps me strong, but it's not an aerobic exercise; I haven't had regular aerobic exercise for a few years.

So while I'm in very good physical shape because of my weight lifting and healthy diet, I achieve that without the benefit of regular aerobic exercise.

What I do get, however, is regular laughter. Humor has ten proven health benefits and, following the Ha Ha Ha Prescription created by my father, Dr. Clifford Kuhn, I make sure to experience daily belly laughs at work and at home. It's quite easy, actually, to cultivate relationships with people whom I find very funny and give them five or ten minutes each day to make me laugh. It's good for all parties involved.

At my work, Clint and Joe both have an ability to get me laughing very hard, producing genuine belly laughs. The net effect of one of my five minute "laugh sessions" (which usually occur very informally in my office) is a mini-vacation for both of us. I feel mentally refreshed and physically recharged; I've had my daily dose of natural humor medicine.

This comes as no surprise to me, since Dr. Kuhn has already verified that humor reduces your stress, relieves your pain, decreases your anxiety, stabilizes your mood, rests your brain, boosts your immunity, enhances your communication, and inspires your creativity. And, as an added bonus, research has verified that five minutes of hearty laughter produces the same effect upon your heart as twenty minutes of aerobic exercise.

So you can actually have a cardiovascular workout from your favorite recliner!

Those are fantastic benefits! How much would you have to pay for a pill that did all those things for you? And humor is both free and, as I've said, easy enough to cultivate regularly if you're willing to make the effort. But, just recently, I got even more dramatic physical proof that my laughter sessions are producing dynamite results.

Two weeks ago I began experiencing tightness in my chest that was recurring every evening. It turned out to be something minor and I'm fine, but at the time my family doctor set me up with a treadmill stress test to rule out heart problems. I nervously reported for my stress test.

When asked by the nurse prepping me for the test, I responded that I was a fairly active person. As she was gluing the electrodes on my chest, however, it occurred to me that (as I stated earlier) I'm not really an active person. I was pretty certain that the stress test might reveal that I am not in as good a cardiovascular shape as I imagine.

The proof would be in the pudding, so to speak - especially if I turned into pudding on the treadmill!

When the doctor discussed my test results, however, he praised my cardiovascular health. Saying I had the stamina of a conditioned athlete, he praised me for how long I had to run and how hard the machine had to push me to get my heart rate up. He told me I was in "great physical shape" and my heart was a "machine."

I couldn't help but immediately think of my daily laughter sessions with Clint and/or Joe at work. Not that I have trouble believing my father's research, but here was real, tangible evidence that Dr. Kuhn's Ha Ha Ha Prescription works! I returned to my laughter sessions with renewed vigor the next day, taking five minutes to ask my humor muses to give me some belly laughter.

Am I advocating that you not exercise and merely laugh?


We all have different physical needs and I, for example, am very anal about my healthy diet. But I'm also anal about my commitment to laughter and not taking myself too seriously (while I continue to take my responsibilities seriously). And there can be no doubt that my commitment to laughter is not only providing me with emotional and spiritual benefits, but physical as well.

Daily laughter is an easy thing to enjoy. All it takes is five minutes of your day, access to some funny people or props, and your willingness. Unless you don't want to enjoy your optimal health, laughter should be a part of your daily routine.

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.
The Laugh Doctor
"it all starts with a SMILE"

The Natural Medicine of Humor
"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

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Tuesday, September 20, 2005

GNU/Linux - masa depan gnu/linux dan open source...

GNU/Linux bright

akankah GNU/Linux jd lebih cerah nantinya...?

Sunday, September 18, 2005

A Precocious Punster

Humor, lightness, and fun is all around you every day. Especially from right where a great deal of your stress is originating - your family!

Case in point: my son and daughter-in-law taught my youngest grandson sign language before he could talk. Logan learned to sign important words and phrases like "eat," "down", "more", "all done", "please", and "thank you."

This spring, my son was in the back yard mowing the lawn as my daughter-in-law was putting Logan down for his nap. When Greg started the lawn mower, Logan looked up at Leigh in surprise at the sound. Leigh said, "Logan, that's daddy with the lawn mower."

Logan than looked back up at his mother and gave her the sign for "more." Pretty good word play for a one-year-old, eh?

I want you to find the humor you've been overlooking right in your own backyard, starting today. Visit my website if you want help doing it.

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.
The Laugh Doctor
"it all starts with a SMILE"

The Natural Medicine of Humor
"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

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Friday, September 16, 2005

Little Known Similarities Between Lincoln and Kennedy

Many people know about the strange similarities between Abraham Lincoln and John F Kennedy Jr.

Such as:

  • Both were shot in the head.

  • Both were assassinated by Southerners.

  • Both were shot in the presence of their wives.

  • The Secretary of each President warned them not to go to the theatre and to Dallas, respectively.

  • Both were succeeded by Southerners.

  • Both successors were named Johnson.

  • Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Abraham Lincoln, was born in 1808.

  • Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded John F. Kennedy, was born in 1908.

  • Both assassins were known by their three names.

  • Both names comprise fifteen letters.

  • Booth ran from the theater and was caught in a warehouse.

  • Oswald ran from a warehouse and was caught in a theater.

But most people don't know that they also both wore stove-pipe hats and they both had sex with Marilyn Monroe!

Make sure to take your responsibilities seriously today...but dont take yourself seriously!

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.
The Laugh Doctor
"it all starts with a SMILE"

The Natural Medicine of Humor
"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

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