Case in point: my son and daughter-in-law taught my youngest grandson sign language before he could talk. Logan learned to sign important words and phrases like "eat," "down", "more", "all done", "please", and "thank you."
This spring, my son was in the back yard mowing the lawn as my daughter-in-law was putting Logan down for his nap. When Greg started the lawn mower, Logan looked up at Leigh in surprise at the sound. Leigh said, "Logan, that's daddy with the lawn mower."
Logan than looked back up at his mother and gave her the sign for "more." Pretty good word play for a one-year-old, eh?
I want you to find the humor you've been overlooking right in your own backyard, starting today. Visit my website if you want help doing it.
Cliff Kuhn, M.D.
The Laugh Doctor
"it all starts with a SMILE"
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