Saturday, March 31, 2007
California health reform
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
What Causes Acne? - It Might Not Be What You Think
Though we may know or be familiar with some of the biology causing acne, most researchers feel that the various acne causes are not fully understood.
Notwithstanding a few of the myths surrounding acne such as sunburn causes acne, chocolate causes acne, or oily skin causes acne, most researchers seem to feel that an excessive amount of an oily substance called sebum may be the main culprit.
Although sebum is required by your body in order to maintain your hair and skin's lubricity, unfortunately during your teen years your body produces more sebum than is necessary. Perhaps this may help to explain the reasons for a prevalence of acne in one's teen years.
Sebum combines with naturally occurring dead skin cells and this mixture blocks your hair follicles. This blocking prevents you are body's sebum from escaping. This trapped sebum is thought to be a primary cause of acne in teenagers.
This blocking of the escape of sebum results in this sebum becoming trapped beneath your skin's surface. This condition provides a favorable breeding ground for the growth of bacteria. When this bacteria multiplies, your skin becomes red and inflamed. This condition causes what is called pimples.
The production of excess sebum is call is to buy a male hormone called testosterone. Testosterone is produced by both boys and girls. However, during your puberty years, your body changes the way it reacts to the presence of testosterone.
This abnormal reaction to this hormone, which occurs during your teen years, results in your skin becoming excessively oily. By the time you get into your early 20s, your body has begun to normalize the way it reacts to testosterone. It is at this time that you were acne will normally clear up. Adults experience acne much less frequently than do teenagers.
Sorry folks, but acne does appear to be partially hereditary. However, most researchers who study act me still do not know why it is that some people are affected by acne when others seemed to escape acne's ravages.
Researchers have begun to determine that some conditions of a person's lifestyle may aggravate acne. A few of these conditions may include stress, certain medications, diet, skin irritation, and even more modal activities such as a woman's menstrual cycle.
A few of the medications that seem to be linked to acne include barbiturates, androgens, halogens, and anabolic steroids used for body building. A few of the dietary causes are thought to be related to skim milk or products containing skim milk.
Some people think that they are may be an association between fast foods, chocolate, and pimples. However most researchers have not come up with any significant statistical evidence that these foods might aggravate or cause acne.
Some a recent research from the folks in the scientific community has been targeting the narrowing of a person's hair follicles as being perhaps one cause of acne. And individual's hair follicles might be calm restricted due to a number of various causes. These might include an excessive shedding of your cells within the hair follicle. This is called abnormal cell binding. Water retention may even cause your skin to swell resulting in a narrowing of your hair follicles.
The narrowing of a person's hair follicles keeps dead skin cells from exiting your follicles. This in acne may cause dead skin cells to build up beneath your skin. When you combine with sebum, this creates a condition in which is ideal for the breeding of bacteria and the development of acne.
Most people with acne find an irresistible urge to squeeze and pop their pimples. This of course is a big no-no. Doing this will spread bacteria to the other areas of your skin possibly creating a worsening of your condition. By popping your pimples you also risk creating this acne scars which may be, permanent. The popping of your pimples is one of the causes of acne scars.
Even touching your face can cause a worsening of your acne condition. Although touching your face is a difficult habit to break and all of us experience the tendency to touch our faces throughout the day, you must work to avoid this.
Your hands contain oils and bacteria which will cause a worsening of your acne condition. You must make sure that anything that comes in contact with your face is clean. Some of the things which come in contact with your face daily may include your glasses, your hair, and your telephone.
Keeping your hair away from your face is especially important. Also other items such as hit bands, acts, and other clothing accessories should not be allowed to come in contact with your face.
Most of us are in the dark when it comes to the knowing the causes of acne. Find out more about what causes acne by visiting What Causes Acne?
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Power through People
We call such individual a people-person. He is unbelievably nice and charismatic that he can charm anyone into doing anything.
A socially empowered person achieves greatness because of the people who catapult him to success. He earns the trust and all-out support of people whom he had helped before. He can do anything with the plethora of people behind him. All because he knows how to maximize his social potential!
If you develop social skills, you will achieve self-empowerment. Self-empowerment is similar to doing a general overhaul in your life. This will turn your self into a happier and more successful person. If you can be one of those persons, then there wouldn’t be any reason why you will not succeed. You just have to know how to start. Here are some steps:
1. Be genuine.
Be genuinely nice and interested in people. Hypocrisy will just bring you down. Once they perceive that you are Mr. Hypocrite with selfish intentions, you might as well say goodbye to self-empowerment.
2. Be the greatest listener that you can be.
To earn the love and trust of other people, you must listen to their problems and sympathize with them. Do not just hear them out. Listen to them with your heart. Make eye contact when the person talks to you. Listen as if every word matters for it does. You earn brownie points when they find out that there is a confidante in you.
3. Laugh aloud.
You need not force yourself to laugh at every joke cracked by someone. This means finding humor in things and not being too darn serious. A person oozing with an awesome sense of humor attracts crowds and eventually, attracts success.
4. Don't forget yourself.
While fluttering around like a social butterfly, you might forget yourself and eventually allow everyone to always push you around. Remember to love and value yourself before anyone else. If you deem yourself respectable and worthy of affection, people will flock to you and not treat you like a doormat.
5. Do random acts of kindness.
You don't have to be a John Rockefeller and blow your savings to charity. Little acts of kindness matters most and this can be as simple as giving someone a surprise “take care” card or helping an elderly cross the street. When we were in kindergarten, kindness was taught to us. Now is the time to revive the act of doing good deeds and this time, let these acts stay for good.
6. Contact your old friends.
It is sad how some friendships simply wither and end but thanks to technology, you can do something about it. Relive the good old days by flipping your yearbook. Find great people whom you want to communicate with again. Adding these old friends to your roster of support peers will surely make you feel good all over.
7. Develop your personality.
Are you grouchy, grumpy, and generally morose? Whoa! You can't go through life with those. Get rid of the bad traits and habits that perpetually hamper your growth. Really, who wants a grouchy friend anyway?
8. Be confident.
Be able to stride to the other corner of the room and introduce yourself to people with that winning smile of yours. Just remember: be confident. Exude confidence, not arrogance.
9. Practice control.
When you feel angry, don't snap at anyone. Never throw a tantrum. Stay calm and collected. Be adult enough to take control of the situation and transform your anger into something more productive and positive.
10. Nurture your relationships.
Relationships with your family, friends, and significant others are too precious to be neglected whatever happens. Go out and have fun with them. Do things together. Happiness will never fly from your side as long as the people who matter most are close to you.
In the end, using people for self-empowerment means becoming a better and more lovable person. Focus on creating win-win situations to achieve self-empowerment!
Power through People
We call such individual a people-person. He is unbelievably nice and charismatic that he can charm anyone into doing anything.
A socially empowered person achieves greatness because of the people who catapult him to success. He earns the trust and all-out support of people whom he had helped before. He can do anything with the plethora of people behind him. All because he knows how to maximize his social potential!
If you develop social skills, you will achieve self-empowerment. Self-empowerment is similar to doing a general overhaul in your life. This will turn your self into a happier and more successful person. If you can be one of those persons, then there wouldn’t be any reason why you will not succeed. You just have to know how to start. Here are some steps:
1. Be genuine.
Be genuinely nice and interested in people. Hypocrisy will just bring you down. Once they perceive that you are Mr. Hypocrite with selfish intentions, you might as well say goodbye to self-empowerment.
2. Be the greatest listener that you can be.
To earn the love and trust of other people, you must listen to their problems and sympathize with them. Do not just hear them out. Listen to them with your heart. Make eye contact when the person talks to you. Listen as if every word matters for it does. You earn brownie points when they find out that there is a confidante in you.
3. Laugh aloud.
You need not force yourself to laugh at every joke cracked by someone. This means finding humor in things and not being too darn serious. A person oozing with an awesome sense of humor attracts crowds and eventually, attracts success.
4. Don't forget yourself.
While fluttering around like a social butterfly, you might forget yourself and eventually allow everyone to always push you around. Remember to love and value yourself before anyone else. If you deem yourself respectable and worthy of affection, people will flock to you and not treat you like a doormat.
5. Do random acts of kindness.
You don't have to be a John Rockefeller and blow your savings to charity. Little acts of kindness matters most and this can be as simple as giving someone a surprise “take care” card or helping an elderly cross the street. When we were in kindergarten, kindness was taught to us. Now is the time to revive the act of doing good deeds and this time, let these acts stay for good.
6. Contact your old friends.
It is sad how some friendships simply wither and end but thanks to technology, you can do something about it. Relive the good old days by flipping your yearbook. Find great people whom you want to communicate with again. Adding these old friends to your roster of support peers will surely make you feel good all over.
7. Develop your personality.
Are you grouchy, grumpy, and generally morose? Whoa! You can't go through life with those. Get rid of the bad traits and habits that perpetually hamper your growth. Really, who wants a grouchy friend anyway?
8. Be confident.
Be able to stride to the other corner of the room and introduce yourself to people with that winning smile of yours. Just remember: be confident. Exude confidence, not arrogance.
9. Practice control.
When you feel angry, don't snap at anyone. Never throw a tantrum. Stay calm and collected. Be adult enough to take control of the situation and transform your anger into something more productive and positive.
10. Nurture your relationships.
Relationships with your family, friends, and significant others are too precious to be neglected whatever happens. Go out and have fun with them. Do things together. Happiness will never fly from your side as long as the people who matter most are close to you.
In the end, using people for self-empowerment means becoming a better and more lovable person. Focus on creating win-win situations to achieve self-empowerment!
Power through People
We call such individual a people-person. He is unbelievably nice and charismatic that he can charm anyone into doing anything.
A socially empowered person achieves greatness because of the people who catapult him to success. He earns the trust and all-out support of people whom he had helped before. He can do anything with the plethora of people behind him. All because he knows how to maximize his social potential!
If you develop social skills, you will achieve self-empowerment. Self-empowerment is similar to doing a general overhaul in your life. This will turn your self into a happier and more successful person. If you can be one of those persons, then there wouldn’t be any reason why you will not succeed. You just have to know how to start. Here are some steps:
1. Be genuine.
Be genuinely nice and interested in people. Hypocrisy will just bring you down. Once they perceive that you are Mr. Hypocrite with selfish intentions, you might as well say goodbye to self-empowerment.
2. Be the greatest listener that you can be.
To earn the love and trust of other people, you must listen to their problems and sympathize with them. Do not just hear them out. Listen to them with your heart. Make eye contact when the person talks to you. Listen as if every word matters for it does. You earn brownie points when they find out that there is a confidante in you.
3. Laugh aloud.
You need not force yourself to laugh at every joke cracked by someone. This means finding humor in things and not being too darn serious. A person oozing with an awesome sense of humor attracts crowds and eventually, attracts success.
4. Don't forget yourself.
While fluttering around like a social butterfly, you might forget yourself and eventually allow everyone to always push you around. Remember to love and value yourself before anyone else. If you deem yourself respectable and worthy of affection, people will flock to you and not treat you like a doormat.
5. Do random acts of kindness.
You don't have to be a John Rockefeller and blow your savings to charity. Little acts of kindness matters most and this can be as simple as giving someone a surprise “take care” card or helping an elderly cross the street. When we were in kindergarten, kindness was taught to us. Now is the time to revive the act of doing good deeds and this time, let these acts stay for good.
6. Contact your old friends.
It is sad how some friendships simply wither and end but thanks to technology, you can do something about it. Relive the good old days by flipping your yearbook. Find great people whom you want to communicate with again. Adding these old friends to your roster of support peers will surely make you feel good all over.
7. Develop your personality.
Are you grouchy, grumpy, and generally morose? Whoa! You can't go through life with those. Get rid of the bad traits and habits that perpetually hamper your growth. Really, who wants a grouchy friend anyway?
8. Be confident.
Be able to stride to the other corner of the room and introduce yourself to people with that winning smile of yours. Just remember: be confident. Exude confidence, not arrogance.
9. Practice control.
When you feel angry, don't snap at anyone. Never throw a tantrum. Stay calm and collected. Be adult enough to take control of the situation and transform your anger into something more productive and positive.
10. Nurture your relationships.
Relationships with your family, friends, and significant others are too precious to be neglected whatever happens. Go out and have fun with them. Do things together. Happiness will never fly from your side as long as the people who matter most are close to you.
In the end, using people for self-empowerment means becoming a better and more lovable person. Focus on creating win-win situations to achieve self-empowerment!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Living with an incurable genetic disease
Fen-phen lawyers defrauded plaintiffs, court rules
Federal bill prohibiting genetic discrimination analyzed by Congressional Budget Office
Friday, March 23, 2007
Natural Acne Rosacea Skin Care Herbal Home Remedy Treatment Cure
Acne rosacea is characterized by the redness and swelling of the skin. Tiny blood vessels will dilate and expand creating small red lines on the skin. With time, these lines can open and acne rosacea will become more severe. It can be a frustrating and difficult life experience for people affected by acne rosacea.
Although there is no known cure for acne rosacea, there are natural acne rosacea skin care solutions which can lessen the disease and coupled with dietary changes and good eating habits, healthier lifestyle, proper hygiene, proper skin care, acne rosacea can be relieved, soothed and disappear with time.
It has been proven that the use of herbs can alleviate acne rosacea. So having recourse to herbal and natural methods is safe and recommended. A herbal home remedy treatment or cure for acne rosacea can employ the use of herbs like calendula, clivers and burdock which can assist in soothing acne rosacea symptoms. Bitter herbs like barberry and gentian which have been used in traditional chinese medicine can also be used.
The use of herbal teas like dandelion and white mulberry leaves and not forgeting the powerful herbal green tea dried leaves are also helpful to promote the health of the skin and treat acne rosacea.
The explanation for herbal green tea being so incredibly beneficial lies in the fact that the green tea leaf is rich in catechin polyphenols, including that of EGCG, which is a powerful and incredibly useful antioxidant.
The EGCG which can be found in herbal green tea, is beneficial for the heart and circulatory health and support of the body’s natural resistance to cancer of the bladder, breast, colon, esophagus, lung, pancreas, prostate, skin and stomach. These herbal teas need infusion first in hot water and the extract is used after.
Medicinal plants like aloe vera is also curing and can reduce inflammation, swelling and redness of acne rosacea with regular and consistent use. The extract of aloe vera increases the flow of oxygen to the skin and thus its healing power.
This article can be freely published on a website as long as it's not modified in any way including the author bylines, plus all the hyperlinks must be made active just like below.
Jean Lam is a writer, author, publisher and owns several sites. Visit his Acne Cure Resource website for lots of articles about acne. Also check out the acne eBook that will give you natural tips to cure your acne.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
IRS releases "Good Governance Practices" for charitable organizations
Monday, March 19, 2007
Is everything connected?
The article in New Scientist entitled "The universe is a string-net liquid" gives some support to this.
Scientists from MIT and Harvard University explained their experiment at the Topological Quantum Computing conference in the USA earlier this month.
I can't put my hand on my heart and say I understood all the article - I don't have a science background - but it appears that they have produced more evidence of entanglement - particles influencing each other over vast differences.
Healers who work with people at a distance and other therapies that defy the 'normal' understanding of the physical world may be a step nearer to vindication.
Monday, March 12, 2007
"I Want To lose Weight"
Firstly, I don’t have a magic wand, but nor does anyone else. Weight loss is one of the things you need to work at, not just wish for. Here’s a plan of campaign. Read it, think about it, but most importantly put it into practice. Knowing this stuff doesn’t mean you lose weight. Acting on it, means that you’ll almost certainly lose weight and look and feel a whole lot better.
Have A Quiet Moment And Stop WishingIf you talk to people who have got down to their ideal weight, kept the weight off and look and feel great, they almost all had a quiet moment before they started. By this I mean that they stopped thinking about the future and wishing for change. They stopped beating themselves up for how they were. They accepted what and who they were and in that quiet moment they made a decision to do what they needed to do to live a healthier life. Does it sound grandiose to say that in that moment they experienced unconditional love for themselves? Are you saying: “I couldn’t do that.” Remember when you give yourself unconditional love you are not saying you are perfect, but you are loving yourself in spite of or because of your imperfections. I’m not saying you have to do this all the time, but just for a quiet moment while you accept where you are and commit yourself to something better.
read the rest of this article.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Get Rid Of Your Acne With Silicol Gel
In this article I am going to discuss:
- What is Silicol Gel
- What Does Silicol Gel Do
- How To Apply Silicol Gel
Silicol Gel is a totally natural way of reducing your acne and is particularly good if you have sensitive skin.
Silicol Gel is solution which has particles of silica suspended in it.
Silica is a totally natural ingredient found in many foods such as:
- Barley
- Millet
- Oats
The particles in silicol gel are great at absorption.
When applied to your skin they absorb:
- Impurities
- Excess sebum
- Bacteria
Silicol gel also has a cooling affect on your skin which helps to reduce inflammation and itching.
In clinical trials, silicol gel was found to reduce:
- Blackheads
- Pimples
- Pustules
As you can imagine, this will result in you having less acne and cleaner skin.
So, How Do You Apply Silicol Gel?
You need to apply silicol gel to your face to create a fine mask. You will then need to wait for 15 minutes until it is dry.
Once it is dry, you can then wash it off with warm water… it’s quiet simply really.
So, to sum silicol gel…
- Silicol gel is a totally naturally product which clinical trial have proven, is great at reducing acne.
- Silicol gel is great if you have sensitive skin.
- Silicol gel is easy to apply.
Stewart Hare C.H.Ed Dip NutTh
Download 'How To Beat Acne Naturally' Free E-book
Lets presume those girls are fit...
Let us presume the girls are FIT:
Lets presume those girls are fit...
Let us presume the girls are FIT:
Lets presume those girls are fit...
Let us presume the girls are FIT:
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Visualization as a Key to Happiness
Learn How to Visualize Your Happiness
Using visualization to help you gain happiness is a gradual process, so don’t expect to learn it overnight. Be patient and don’t skip to the next step if you haven’t mastered the previous one.
What is Happiness to You?
Ask yourself this question first and be honest with your answer. What is happiness to you? Material and external happiness is easy to achieve once you’ve developed a plan, but you might realize later on these things don’t make you truly happy.
Happiness comes from within. Genuine happiness is born from intrinsic goals, and it’s important that you determine those first before trying to visualize your future happiness.
What is the Perfect Symbol or Image for Your Happiness?
Now that you know what your goals are, it’s time to choose the best image or symbol to reflect these goals.
What – What are those goals? What type of event, situation, or scene would best reflect those goals?
Who – Determine the persons integral to the completion of your goals; if these people aren’t present, your goals wouldn’t mean as much to you.
Where – It doesn’t have to be any place exotic or extravagant, but something that will mean a lot to you and tell you in an instant that your dreams have come true.
When – Your goals must be time-bound. Ask yourself for the ideal time to complete your goals.
Once you’ve determined all those key elements, the next thing to do is to put all those elements together into one image or symbol. Make this as detailed as possible until it resembles a vivid Technicolor scene. Commit the scene to memory. Memorize each and every pixel until you can call the image to mind with effortless ease.
Determining the How
Visualizing your happiness is like going on a race. The previous step required you to imagine what it would look like to get to the finish line. This time, you need to determine what you’ll do DURING the race in order to get to the finish line. Don’t let present limitations confine your imagination. Determine what you have to do to accomplish your goals and commit them to memory as well.
It’s Time for Self-Affirmations
You now have all the required elements for this visualization exercise to work. The last thing to do is making yourself believe that it can and will happen for you.
Every time you wake up and before you go to sleep, visualize the perfect scene reflecting your goals. Then tell yourself with utmost confidence that you have all what it takes to do it. You can face yourself in the mirror if it helps.
When you do this regularly, your brain will get used to what it’s hearing from you until it’s convinced that you’re virtually destined to make your dreams come true.
Mastering your visualization skills will take time, so be patient if you find it difficult picturing your future happiness. Keep practicing, however, as the rewards you’ll gain will certainly be beyond your wildest imaginations. Dream big and dream happily!
Visualization as a Key to Happiness
Learn How to Visualize Your Happiness
Using visualization to help you gain happiness is a gradual process, so don’t expect to learn it overnight. Be patient and don’t skip to the next step if you haven’t mastered the previous one.
What is Happiness to You?
Ask yourself this question first and be honest with your answer. What is happiness to you? Material and external happiness is easy to achieve once you’ve developed a plan, but you might realize later on these things don’t make you truly happy.
Happiness comes from within. Genuine happiness is born from intrinsic goals, and it’s important that you determine those first before trying to visualize your future happiness.
What is the Perfect Symbol or Image for Your Happiness?
Now that you know what your goals are, it’s time to choose the best image or symbol to reflect these goals.
What – What are those goals? What type of event, situation, or scene would best reflect those goals?
Who – Determine the persons integral to the completion of your goals; if these people aren’t present, your goals wouldn’t mean as much to you.
Where – It doesn’t have to be any place exotic or extravagant, but something that will mean a lot to you and tell you in an instant that your dreams have come true.
When – Your goals must be time-bound. Ask yourself for the ideal time to complete your goals.
Once you’ve determined all those key elements, the next thing to do is to put all those elements together into one image or symbol. Make this as detailed as possible until it resembles a vivid Technicolor scene. Commit the scene to memory. Memorize each and every pixel until you can call the image to mind with effortless ease.
Determining the How
Visualizing your happiness is like going on a race. The previous step required you to imagine what it would look like to get to the finish line. This time, you need to determine what you’ll do DURING the race in order to get to the finish line. Don’t let present limitations confine your imagination. Determine what you have to do to accomplish your goals and commit them to memory as well.
It’s Time for Self-Affirmations
You now have all the required elements for this visualization exercise to work. The last thing to do is making yourself believe that it can and will happen for you.
Every time you wake up and before you go to sleep, visualize the perfect scene reflecting your goals. Then tell yourself with utmost confidence that you have all what it takes to do it. You can face yourself in the mirror if it helps.
When you do this regularly, your brain will get used to what it’s hearing from you until it’s convinced that you’re virtually destined to make your dreams come true.
Mastering your visualization skills will take time, so be patient if you find it difficult picturing your future happiness. Keep practicing, however, as the rewards you’ll gain will certainly be beyond your wildest imaginations. Dream big and dream happily!
Visualization as a Key to Happiness
Learn How to Visualize Your Happiness
Using visualization to help you gain happiness is a gradual process, so don’t expect to learn it overnight. Be patient and don’t skip to the next step if you haven’t mastered the previous one.
What is Happiness to You?
Ask yourself this question first and be honest with your answer. What is happiness to you? Material and external happiness is easy to achieve once you’ve developed a plan, but you might realize later on these things don’t make you truly happy.
Happiness comes from within. Genuine happiness is born from intrinsic goals, and it’s important that you determine those first before trying to visualize your future happiness.
What is the Perfect Symbol or Image for Your Happiness?
Now that you know what your goals are, it’s time to choose the best image or symbol to reflect these goals.
What – What are those goals? What type of event, situation, or scene would best reflect those goals?
Who – Determine the persons integral to the completion of your goals; if these people aren’t present, your goals wouldn’t mean as much to you.
Where – It doesn’t have to be any place exotic or extravagant, but something that will mean a lot to you and tell you in an instant that your dreams have come true.
When – Your goals must be time-bound. Ask yourself for the ideal time to complete your goals.
Once you’ve determined all those key elements, the next thing to do is to put all those elements together into one image or symbol. Make this as detailed as possible until it resembles a vivid Technicolor scene. Commit the scene to memory. Memorize each and every pixel until you can call the image to mind with effortless ease.
Determining the How
Visualizing your happiness is like going on a race. The previous step required you to imagine what it would look like to get to the finish line. This time, you need to determine what you’ll do DURING the race in order to get to the finish line. Don’t let present limitations confine your imagination. Determine what you have to do to accomplish your goals and commit them to memory as well.
It’s Time for Self-Affirmations
You now have all the required elements for this visualization exercise to work. The last thing to do is making yourself believe that it can and will happen for you.
Every time you wake up and before you go to sleep, visualize the perfect scene reflecting your goals. Then tell yourself with utmost confidence that you have all what it takes to do it. You can face yourself in the mirror if it helps.
When you do this regularly, your brain will get used to what it’s hearing from you until it’s convinced that you’re virtually destined to make your dreams come true.
Mastering your visualization skills will take time, so be patient if you find it difficult picturing your future happiness. Keep practicing, however, as the rewards you’ll gain will certainly be beyond your wildest imaginations. Dream big and dream happily!
Monday, March 5, 2007
GAO testimony on DOD/VA care problems for injured soldiers, vets
To be middle-class and uninsured
Sunday, March 4, 2007
How To Use Affirmations To Your Advantage
Affirmations come in handy in situations like these. An affirmation is a solemn and positive declaration that you tell yourself to create a change in the way you feel and think.
Here are some of the most common affirmations:
“I am going to be who I chose to be.”
“I love and accept myself for who I am.”
“I am healthy in my body and spirit.”
“I become better in each day in every way.”
These affirmations can improve the way you perform and relate to other people by telling your sub-conscious that you can improve even more and achieve success.
Now, to enjoy the effects of affirmations in our lives, it is good to know the right way to do the affirmations. Here are some of the helpful guidelines:
1. Come Up with an Affirmation You Will UseYou can use the affirmations above or look for one that can work for your specific needs. You can even come up with your own affirmation. All you have to do is make it powerful and convincing when you say the message to yourself.
2. State It in the Present TenseAffirmations are most effective when said in the present since they imply an event or task in the present. The present convinces you more than the future tense that is still to take place. Also, use “now” and “today” to make your sentences commanding.
3. Always Be PositiveDon’t use “no” or “not” in your sentences since they indicate the things that you have to remove. Focus more on the things that you want. Remember, affirmations have to be positive to reinforce you to the thing that you want.
4. Make It Brief and SpecificAffirmations are words that you have to repeat to yourself everyday. Make sure that you keep it short to make it easier for you to say.
Shorter sentences also have stronger impact into your subconscious mind. It keeps the ideas straightforward to the message you want or need to do.
5. Repetition Is ImportantRepetition is a key in affirmation. It is a mantra that you will have to keep telling yourself so your subconscious is convinced that you want to change.
6. Give It More EmotionYou have to have more feeling when you ay your affirmations. This will not work to your best advantage if you said it mechanically. Be passionate as you say the words to yourself and take the meaning to your heart so you won’t forget.
7. Believe and Persist Belief in the affirmations is something you will have to develop in time. It may not come right away but believing in your affirmations is a must if you want to improve.
This is also the reason why you have to persist in doing the activity. Have faith in your efforts. You have the power in your hands so just keep doing it until you feel it in yourself.
Affirmations can work to your advantage and help you turn into a more improved and productive version of yourself.
Learn how to do things properly and you will surely benefit from the positive things affirmations can give to your mind, body and spirit.
How To Use Affirmations To Your Advantage
Affirmations come in handy in situations like these. An affirmation is a solemn and positive declaration that you tell yourself to create a change in the way you feel and think.
Here are some of the most common affirmations:
“I am going to be who I chose to be.”
“I love and accept myself for who I am.”
“I am healthy in my body and spirit.”
“I become better in each day in every way.”
These affirmations can improve the way you perform and relate to other people by telling your sub-conscious that you can improve even more and achieve success.
Now, to enjoy the effects of affirmations in our lives, it is good to know the right way to do the affirmations. Here are some of the helpful guidelines:
1. Come Up with an Affirmation You Will UseYou can use the affirmations above or look for one that can work for your specific needs. You can even come up with your own affirmation. All you have to do is make it powerful and convincing when you say the message to yourself.
2. State It in the Present TenseAffirmations are most effective when said in the present since they imply an event or task in the present. The present convinces you more than the future tense that is still to take place. Also, use “now” and “today” to make your sentences commanding.
3. Always Be PositiveDon’t use “no” or “not” in your sentences since they indicate the things that you have to remove. Focus more on the things that you want. Remember, affirmations have to be positive to reinforce you to the thing that you want.
4. Make It Brief and SpecificAffirmations are words that you have to repeat to yourself everyday. Make sure that you keep it short to make it easier for you to say.
Shorter sentences also have stronger impact into your subconscious mind. It keeps the ideas straightforward to the message you want or need to do.
5. Repetition Is ImportantRepetition is a key in affirmation. It is a mantra that you will have to keep telling yourself so your subconscious is convinced that you want to change.
6. Give It More EmotionYou have to have more feeling when you ay your affirmations. This will not work to your best advantage if you said it mechanically. Be passionate as you say the words to yourself and take the meaning to your heart so you won’t forget.
7. Believe and Persist Belief in the affirmations is something you will have to develop in time. It may not come right away but believing in your affirmations is a must if you want to improve.
This is also the reason why you have to persist in doing the activity. Have faith in your efforts. You have the power in your hands so just keep doing it until you feel it in yourself.
Affirmations can work to your advantage and help you turn into a more improved and productive version of yourself.
Learn how to do things properly and you will surely benefit from the positive things affirmations can give to your mind, body and spirit.
How To Use Affirmations To Your Advantage
Affirmations come in handy in situations like these. An affirmation is a solemn and positive declaration that you tell yourself to create a change in the way you feel and think.
Here are some of the most common affirmations:
“I am going to be who I chose to be.”
“I love and accept myself for who I am.”
“I am healthy in my body and spirit.”
“I become better in each day in every way.”
These affirmations can improve the way you perform and relate to other people by telling your sub-conscious that you can improve even more and achieve success.
Now, to enjoy the effects of affirmations in our lives, it is good to know the right way to do the affirmations. Here are some of the helpful guidelines:
1. Come Up with an Affirmation You Will UseYou can use the affirmations above or look for one that can work for your specific needs. You can even come up with your own affirmation. All you have to do is make it powerful and convincing when you say the message to yourself.
2. State It in the Present TenseAffirmations are most effective when said in the present since they imply an event or task in the present. The present convinces you more than the future tense that is still to take place. Also, use “now” and “today” to make your sentences commanding.
3. Always Be PositiveDon’t use “no” or “not” in your sentences since they indicate the things that you have to remove. Focus more on the things that you want. Remember, affirmations have to be positive to reinforce you to the thing that you want.
4. Make It Brief and SpecificAffirmations are words that you have to repeat to yourself everyday. Make sure that you keep it short to make it easier for you to say.
Shorter sentences also have stronger impact into your subconscious mind. It keeps the ideas straightforward to the message you want or need to do.
5. Repetition Is ImportantRepetition is a key in affirmation. It is a mantra that you will have to keep telling yourself so your subconscious is convinced that you want to change.
6. Give It More EmotionYou have to have more feeling when you ay your affirmations. This will not work to your best advantage if you said it mechanically. Be passionate as you say the words to yourself and take the meaning to your heart so you won’t forget.
7. Believe and Persist Belief in the affirmations is something you will have to develop in time. It may not come right away but believing in your affirmations is a must if you want to improve.
This is also the reason why you have to persist in doing the activity. Have faith in your efforts. You have the power in your hands so just keep doing it until you feel it in yourself.
Affirmations can work to your advantage and help you turn into a more improved and productive version of yourself.
Learn how to do things properly and you will surely benefit from the positive things affirmations can give to your mind, body and spirit.
Saturday, March 3, 2007
How To Get Rid Of Genital Warts

For the person who suffers from genital warts, the one thing that will be uppermost in their minds will, naturally enough, be how to get rid of genital warts. Although in some cases genital warts won’t be visible, in many cases the warts will be visible and unsightly.
Many people will do their utmost best to try and get rid of genital warts, even if this means taking a trip to their physician. This can be difficult for many people because of the shame which is associated with genital warts and STD’s in general.
Most people would rather suffer needlessly before admitting even to their doctor that they suffer from warts. They will go to all lengths to get rid of genital warts, but in secret.
This can in its own way be detrimental to the health of the person. For instance, the use of over the counter medications which are normally used to cure other types of warts will not help in any manner to get rid of genital warts.
In fact, sometimes it can make a bad situation worse. This is due to the acidic ingredients which are used in these medications. The genital area is a very sensitive area and these over the counter medications are all of them, too strong to be used effectively to get rid of genital warts.
There are of course other methods which can be used to get rid of genital warts, but the very first thing that you should do is to get a medical diagnosis about whether you have genital warts or not.
After that it’s merely a matter of deciding upon the treatment method which you should use to get rid of genital warts. You can discuss this over with your physician to come to a better understanding of what options are available to you.
For the most part you will need to make a decision between whether you want to use surgical methods to get rid of genital warts, or whether you want to use medications to get rid of genital warts.
Both of these are viable options to get rid of genital warts, but a lot will depend on, not only your preference in this matter, but also on your underlying health condition. For instance if you’re pregnant you will not be able to use most, if not all, of the prescription medications which are generally used to get rid of genital warts.
Things such as this will have to be taken into account when you are looking at the various options available to you to get rid of genital warts.
How To Get Rid Of Genital Warts

For the person who suffers from genital warts, the one thing that will be uppermost in their minds will, naturally enough, be how to get rid of genital warts. Although in some cases genital warts won’t be visible, in many cases the warts will be visible and unsightly.
Many people will do their utmost best to try and get rid of genital warts, even if this means taking a trip to their physician. This can be difficult for many people because of the shame which is associated with genital warts and STD’s in general.
Most people would rather suffer needlessly before admitting even to their doctor that they suffer from warts. They will go to all lengths to get rid of genital warts, but in secret.
This can in its own way be detrimental to the health of the person. For instance, the use of over the counter medications which are normally used to cure other types of warts will not help in any manner to get rid of genital warts.
In fact, sometimes it can make a bad situation worse. This is due to the acidic ingredients which are used in these medications. The genital area is a very sensitive area and these over the counter medications are all of them, too strong to be used effectively to get rid of genital warts.
There are of course other methods which can be used to get rid of genital warts, but the very first thing that you should do is to get a medical diagnosis about whether you have genital warts or not.
After that it’s merely a matter of deciding upon the treatment method which you should use to get rid of genital warts. You can discuss this over with your physician to come to a better understanding of what options are available to you.
For the most part you will need to make a decision between whether you want to use surgical methods to get rid of genital warts, or whether you want to use medications to get rid of genital warts.
Both of these are viable options to get rid of genital warts, but a lot will depend on, not only your preference in this matter, but also on your underlying health condition. For instance if you’re pregnant you will not be able to use most, if not all, of the prescription medications which are generally used to get rid of genital warts.
Things such as this will have to be taken into account when you are looking at the various options available to you to get rid of genital warts.
How To Get Rid Of Genital Warts

For the person who suffers from genital warts, the one thing that will be uppermost in their minds will, naturally enough, be how to get rid of genital warts. Although in some cases genital warts won’t be visible, in many cases the warts will be visible and unsightly.
Many people will do their utmost best to try and get rid of genital warts, even if this means taking a trip to their physician. This can be difficult for many people because of the shame which is associated with genital warts and STD’s in general.
Most people would rather suffer needlessly before admitting even to their doctor that they suffer from warts. They will go to all lengths to get rid of genital warts, but in secret.
This can in its own way be detrimental to the health of the person. For instance, the use of over the counter medications which are normally used to cure other types of warts will not help in any manner to get rid of genital warts.
In fact, sometimes it can make a bad situation worse. This is due to the acidic ingredients which are used in these medications. The genital area is a very sensitive area and these over the counter medications are all of them, too strong to be used effectively to get rid of genital warts.
There are of course other methods which can be used to get rid of genital warts, but the very first thing that you should do is to get a medical diagnosis about whether you have genital warts or not.
After that it’s merely a matter of deciding upon the treatment method which you should use to get rid of genital warts. You can discuss this over with your physician to come to a better understanding of what options are available to you.
For the most part you will need to make a decision between whether you want to use surgical methods to get rid of genital warts, or whether you want to use medications to get rid of genital warts.
Both of these are viable options to get rid of genital warts, but a lot will depend on, not only your preference in this matter, but also on your underlying health condition. For instance if you’re pregnant you will not be able to use most, if not all, of the prescription medications which are generally used to get rid of genital warts.
Things such as this will have to be taken into account when you are looking at the various options available to you to get rid of genital warts.
How to Beat Insomnia forever
Keep regular hours. Train your body by going to bed at the same time each night and wake up at the same time each morning – even on weekends.
Have a sleep ritual. Doing the same things every night just before bed prompts your body to settle down for the night. Try reading something light or listening to soothing music.
Don’t take your worries at bed. If you have a nagging problem that won’t go away, it helps if you write about it on a piece of paper and promise to take care of it in the morning.
Don’t smoke. Smokers take longer to fall asleep, wake up more often and experience disrupted, fragmented sleep. Cigarettes have stimulant like nicotine that wake up the body.
Cut down stimulants. As we all know consuming caffeine in the evening interferes with falling asleep and prevents deep sleep. Try drinking your last coffee 5 hours before your bedtime.
Drink alcohol in moderation. Alcohol consumption influences sleep. However, too much it can induce sleep disorders by disrupting the sequence and duration of sleep states and by altering total sleep time as well as the time required to fall asleep.
Create a restful sleep environment. Create a better sleep environment that will provide you with the best chances of a full night's sleep. Make sure o your mattress, lights, sounds or noise, temperature and even the scent in your bedroom are comfortable because a conducive bedroom can promote a good night sleep.
Exercise regularly. Regular exercise can help to relieve the day’s tension. It promotes improved sleep quality by allowing smoother and more regular transition between the cycles and phases of sleep. However, do not exercise too close to bedtime or you may have a hard time falling asleep.
Have a good eating habit. When we are tired, we need sleep. However, many of us respond to sleepiness with food instead of rest. Snacking may release glucose into the bloodstream making your body feel energized instead of sleepy and upset your sleeping cycles. Allow at least three hours of rest after eating before you sleep.
Make sleep a priority. Make a list of your daily activities and include adequate sleep in it, so you can prioritize. If you feel bright and alive, you will be more consistent in your commitments. The quality of hours you spend asleep affects the quality of hours you spend awake, so rest is an investment.
You owe it to your body to sleep well. However if you still have difficulty sleeping, it is essential to determine whether an underlying disease or condition is causing the problem. So, good luck and good night.
Listen to Dr. Mercola to learn more about insomnia and Why it is important to go to bed early:
How to Beat Insomnia forever
Keep regular hours. Train your body by going to bed at the same time each night and wake up at the same time each morning – even on weekends.
Have a sleep ritual. Doing the same things every night just before bed prompts your body to settle down for the night. Try reading something light or listening to soothing music.
Don’t take your worries at bed. If you have a nagging problem that won’t go away, it helps if you write about it on a piece of paper and promise to take care of it in the morning.
Don’t smoke. Smokers take longer to fall asleep, wake up more often and experience disrupted, fragmented sleep. Cigarettes have stimulant like nicotine that wake up the body.
Cut down stimulants. As we all know consuming caffeine in the evening interferes with falling asleep and prevents deep sleep. Try drinking your last coffee 5 hours before your bedtime.
Drink alcohol in moderation. Alcohol consumption influences sleep. However, too much it can induce sleep disorders by disrupting the sequence and duration of sleep states and by altering total sleep time as well as the time required to fall asleep.
Create a restful sleep environment. Create a better sleep environment that will provide you with the best chances of a full night's sleep. Make sure o your mattress, lights, sounds or noise, temperature and even the scent in your bedroom are comfortable because a conducive bedroom can promote a good night sleep.
Exercise regularly. Regular exercise can help to relieve the day’s tension. It promotes improved sleep quality by allowing smoother and more regular transition between the cycles and phases of sleep. However, do not exercise too close to bedtime or you may have a hard time falling asleep.
Have a good eating habit. When we are tired, we need sleep. However, many of us respond to sleepiness with food instead of rest. Snacking may release glucose into the bloodstream making your body feel energized instead of sleepy and upset your sleeping cycles. Allow at least three hours of rest after eating before you sleep.
Make sleep a priority. Make a list of your daily activities and include adequate sleep in it, so you can prioritize. If you feel bright and alive, you will be more consistent in your commitments. The quality of hours you spend asleep affects the quality of hours you spend awake, so rest is an investment.
You owe it to your body to sleep well. However if you still have difficulty sleeping, it is essential to determine whether an underlying disease or condition is causing the problem. So, good luck and good night.
Listen to Dr. Mercola to learn more about insomnia and Why it is important to go to bed early:
How to Beat Insomnia forever
Keep regular hours. Train your body by going to bed at the same time each night and wake up at the same time each morning – even on weekends.
Have a sleep ritual. Doing the same things every night just before bed prompts your body to settle down for the night. Try reading something light or listening to soothing music.
Don’t take your worries at bed. If you have a nagging problem that won’t go away, it helps if you write about it on a piece of paper and promise to take care of it in the morning.
Don’t smoke. Smokers take longer to fall asleep, wake up more often and experience disrupted, fragmented sleep. Cigarettes have stimulant like nicotine that wake up the body.
Cut down stimulants. As we all know consuming caffeine in the evening interferes with falling asleep and prevents deep sleep. Try drinking your last coffee 5 hours before your bedtime.
Drink alcohol in moderation. Alcohol consumption influences sleep. However, too much it can induce sleep disorders by disrupting the sequence and duration of sleep states and by altering total sleep time as well as the time required to fall asleep.
Create a restful sleep environment. Create a better sleep environment that will provide you with the best chances of a full night's sleep. Make sure o your mattress, lights, sounds or noise, temperature and even the scent in your bedroom are comfortable because a conducive bedroom can promote a good night sleep.
Exercise regularly. Regular exercise can help to relieve the day’s tension. It promotes improved sleep quality by allowing smoother and more regular transition between the cycles and phases of sleep. However, do not exercise too close to bedtime or you may have a hard time falling asleep.
Have a good eating habit. When we are tired, we need sleep. However, many of us respond to sleepiness with food instead of rest. Snacking may release glucose into the bloodstream making your body feel energized instead of sleepy and upset your sleeping cycles. Allow at least three hours of rest after eating before you sleep.
Make sleep a priority. Make a list of your daily activities and include adequate sleep in it, so you can prioritize. If you feel bright and alive, you will be more consistent in your commitments. The quality of hours you spend asleep affects the quality of hours you spend awake, so rest is an investment.
You owe it to your body to sleep well. However if you still have difficulty sleeping, it is essential to determine whether an underlying disease or condition is causing the problem. So, good luck and good night.
Listen to Dr. Mercola to learn more about insomnia and Why it is important to go to bed early:
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Complete Everything
A task left undone remains undone in two places - at the actual location of the task, and inside your head. Incomplete tasks in your head consume the energy of your attention as they gnaw at your conscience. They syphon off a little more of your personal power every time you delay. No need to be a perfectionist, that's debilitating in an imperfect world, but it's good to be a 'completionist'. If you start it, finish it...or forget it. Do it - or dump it!