Thursday, May 31, 2007
NIH creates and confers new AID research awards
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Let's Talk about Acne - Learn the Truth and Myths About Acne
Having great looking skin doesn’t stop at the ladies, a massive number of males are very interested in making the most of them-selves and it all starts with the skin.
Never has your appearance been more important than at this time. We judge people within seconds of seeing them. We have an opinion of a person who is covered in spots; we come to our own conclusions rightly or wrongly if we see someone who has eczema or dry flaky skin. If someone is unshaven, dirty, wears heavy dark makeup, has lank greasy hair, has acne, like it or not we make instant decisions on how we look. It also affects our mood and behaviour.
As there are three types of acne past, present and future signs of acne you need to first establish which type are YOU
I will prove to you in a matter of moments why you can trust me to expose you to the whole truth AND Myths about the world of acne.
So what is Acne?
Acne is an inflammatory skin condition that occurs when sebum (oil) and dead skin cells block the pore opening, causing sebum to build up inside the pore. Although acne is a common skin condition, if left untreated it can lead to severe inflammation and permanent scarring.
Who is affected by Acne?
Acne affects people regardless of age, gender, or race. More than 80 % of people suffer from acne at some point in their lives, many into adulthood. Did you know 20% of all adults suffer with active acne? and of the 85% of young adults (between ages 12 and 24) that suffer from acne, 25% will have permanent scars ranging from mild to severe.
Knowledge is POWER!! To be able to rid ourselves of ACNE we first must need to know what it is
Learn about the Acne Life Cycle
Stage One: Clogged Pores
• Each pore in your skin is essentially a hair follicle lined by cells from the epidermis (the upper most layer of the skin). The hair follicle is connected to multi- lobed sebaceous glands (oil producing glands).
• Sebaceous glands produce sebum, a natural substance that lubricates the hair and provides essential fatty acids and lipids that are necessary to maintain the skin's protective moisture barrier.
• As part of the skin's healthy processes, cells that line the pore are continuously shed.
• They mix with sebum and flow out of the pore onto the surface of the skin.
• If the sebaceous glands produce too much oil, generally in response to hormones, the mixture of dead skin cells and sebum form a plug, blocking the pore opening.
Stage Two: Bacteria
• Dead skin cells lining the pore continue to be shed and oil is still produced by the sebaceous glands, both of which build up behind the plug.
• The accumulated mixture of sebum and dead cells attracts the bacteria found naturally in the skin (known as P.acnes or propionibacterium acnes), which feeds on oil and multiplies rapidly inside the pore.
Stage Three: Inflammation
The bacteria overgrowth triggers the body's natural inflammatory immune response: white blood cells to flood the area. This causes swelling and redness in the region, which can ultimately lead to the discoloration and scarring associated with acne.
Which Type are You?
There are many types of acne breakouts, all of which result when oil and dead skin build up and clog the pore opening. Blackheads, whiteheads, pustules (or nodules), and cysts are the four most common types of acne breakouts.
Blackheads (or open comedones) are clogged pores that are only partially plugged, allowing some of the trapped sebum and oil to escape the pore. The sebum within the hair follicle solidifies. The dark colour associated with blackheads is due to the oxidization of sebum and melanin in the dead skin cells when they come into contact with the air. Blackheads are generally not inflamed or infected with bacteria and do not cause scaring.
Whiteheads (or Closed comedones) are the result of completely clogged pores. Below the skin, excess oil and dead skin cells fill the pore and begin to create a small whitish bump. Limited bacterial growth and a low grade immune response create the white pus associated with whiteheads. They are not highly inflamed and do not generally cause scarring.
Pustules (or nodules) are red, inflamed acne breakouts that occur when clogged pores become infected with bacteria (P.acnes). A pustule is similar to a whitehead, but is highly inflamed and appears as a red bump with a white or yellow centre. Because of the inflammation and swelling, pustules cause the distinctive discolouration associated with acne and may also cause scarring.
Cysts are severely inflamed and pus-filled acne lesions that occur when the contents of a clogged pore seep into the dermis (lower layer of the skin). The deep inflammation and infection cause a severe immune response: white blood cells flood the area, which then becomes swollen and sore. This results in the formation of a cyst. Acne cysts are painful and often cause scarring. The white blood cells can overreact and damage the pore and surrounding area. After the cyst heals, a permanent scar may remain.
OK, So All This Information Is All Well and Good But, How Do We Treat ACNE!! Because acne can begin 2 - 3 weeks before blemishes are visible on your skin, the secret to controlling acne is prevention. Prevention includes eating a balanced diet, exercising and reducing stress, as well as cleansing with a proper treatment system.
Please Do Not Be Mislead Acne can take anywhere Between 8 - 12 weeks to treat. However, most people can see a difference very quickly.
When treating acne topically, dermatologists recommend a three pronged approach.
• Unclog pores and keep them clear.
• Control oil, which helps to limit bacterial growth
• Reduce inflammation.
The skin takes time to adjust to a new system. During this time, breakouts may appear worse before they get better; this is NOT uncommon as pre-existing blemishes are beginning to surface. Improvements should be visible within a few weeks and continue throughout the next eight to twelve weeks.
We have discussed the Truth about Acne now the interesting bit .... the myths!!
Myth#1: Scrub face clean to treat acne!
Vigorous washing and scrubbing can actually irritate the skin and make acne worse. The best approach to good hygiene and treating acne is to gently wash your face twice a day with a mild cleanser, pat dry and use an appropriate acne treatment.
Myth#2: You have to let acne run its course!
The truth is acne can be cleared up! Using a high quality, efficacious acne treatment system can address the stages of acne: clogged pores, bacteria and inflammation.
Myth#3: Acne is just a cosmetic condition!
While acne poses no serious threat to one's health, it does affect the way people look and can affect the way people feel about themselves. Acne should be taken seriously and treated to prevent permanent physical scarring.
Myth #4: Acne is not related to diet!
While thus far science has not found a solid connection between diet and acne, research is being revisited in this area. Some studies indicate a relationship between acne and high-glycemic foods such as sodas, pastries and breads. Other studies have looked at the impact of dairy-rich diets on skin health. Many people insist certain foods affect their acne. When controlling acne, eating a balanced diet is always a good idea.
Myth#5: There is no correlation between stress and acne!
Acne not only causes significant stress, but is also made worse by stress. in a recent study, Standford University students with acne were analyzed before and after exams. The study showed the students' acne worsened when under pre-exam stress. When you're under stress, your body produces stress hormones such as cortisol, which stimulate an over production of oil in the skin. When this excess oil mixes with dead skin cells, it promotes bacterial growth and can cause acne to develop or become worse. This can, in turn, lead to ore stress, plunging you into a Stress-acne cycle.
You now understand the Facts about Acne – the Truth and the myths
Take a good long look at your skin in the mirror – what do you see? Do you like the image? Are you projecting the right image for who you are? How does your skin measure up? Is it clear, glowing with health, a joy to look at? Or like so many people are you suffering with spots, blemishes, dark circles with a generally tired thick complexion. If one or all of these best describes your looks don’t worry the good news is, that all can change within 30 days.
Why 30 days?
This is the average time it takes for new cells to rise to the surface of your skin. As that happens the old cells on the surface fall off, so you can technically say you are a completely different person every 30 days!
Over the next few pages I will discuss various methods that will guarantee your skin to be beautiful, blemish free, a joy to look at, no matter what nationality you happen to be or how long you have been suffering with problem skin.
First though you need to know a little about the skin.
Well it’s the largest organ of the body and probably the most abused. It is made up of layers – the epidermis, dermis and the subcutaneous layers. Skin consists of hair follicles, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, melanins and connective tissue. Proper care is essential for normal skin functions. You see the skin wasn’t designed to have problems it’s construction is actually designed to combat most conditions. In our modern days though it does need a little help and I will discuss this later, but for now nature made sure that our skin can fight infections and bacteria’s so most common issues we have is because our skin is unable to work at it’s optimal level. As I mentioned on average the new skin cells rise to the surface approx. 30 days. It has a high concentration of water and needs the pores open to enable the skin to breathe.
As you are probably aware our skin secretes an oil called sebum, which is naturally produced. Sebum is the chemical that helps to keep the skin at the correct levels of pH to enable the skin to fight bacteria and infections. You see we were not designed to suffer with spots, eczema, dry skin, etc., without this correction your skin will not be able to perform at it optimal level.
If you have suffered from acne for a while you will know that as soon as you find a new product that promises clear skin, you use it for a day or so and it looks like it is working only to discover that it doesn’t. This is because your skin is a very clever organ; it adjusts to whatever you do to it very quickly. The biggest misconception is that you need to buy a product either soap or cleanser that is so harsh it strips ALL the oils from the skin. This simply encourages the skin to produce more oil, you then think you need to use more of the harsh product and the skin produces even more oils, a vicious circle. Break this cycle NOW.
Stop using everything you have tried or are thinking of trying. For a couple of days leave your skin, allow it to “rest”. Simply rinse with warm water but no products. Try not to get your hair products on your face; these too can be so harsh that the skin can react to them.
Once your skin has rested then I recommend a product that has absolutely NO bad ingredients, this isn’t as easy as it may seem as many companies will promote the good ingredients and not mention the bad fillers used. Even the most well respected companies within the industry use these bad ingredients; price also is not an indicator of quality. With these fillers it doesn’t matter how much good natural ingredients are used they will not work as the fillers will block the pores preventing them from being effective. Do not mix different company products ie a cleanser from Clarins, toner from body shop and moisturiser from Clinique this again is damaging your skin. Every company works on a different method some use exfoliation to get some results, some use “sealing in” the moisture. Keep to one product line.
If you are in any doubt then please feel free to email me on and I will be happy to give you a personal consultation. I have researched for many years companies that will provide only the good and none of the bad.
Getting back to acne, to restore your skin to it youthful, glowing and healthy state I recommend the following five point daily regime:-
This is essential to clear the pores and remove toxins from the skin. Do not use anything with soap, coal tar or similar harsh cleansing agents, these damage the skin structure and creates further problems.
Be careful too much exfoliating and this will damage the skin. Use a mild, exfoliant preferably with marine diatoms, which will not damage the skin. Too many companies including the large, well-respected companies work with exfoliating the skin with very harsh ingredients. This is not desirable as it strips the skin of the sebum making the skin go to work on creating more.
Re - balance or Tone:
I have many people telling me even now, that the pores are closed with toners. This is not true, pores cannot be closed, they can be blocked but not closed. It is with the pores that the skin breathes if the pores are closed or blocked then the skin is in trouble and dies. Toners were created for two reasons, one was to firstly remove the oil and petroleum left on the skin from traditional cleansers and secondly to retract the pores after the debris had been removed. Every hour of every day our skin is exposed to pollutants and dirt, this is held within the pores stretching them, if the pores are not cleansed thoroughly and then helped to retract to their original size, the result is very large exposed pores. Most toners have harsh alcohols, which again will cause further problems; natural Witch Hazel will retract the pores and restore the pH levels of the skin making the skin work at its optimal levels. This is one of the most important products your skin needs but it can be the most damaging if using the wrong product.
A good hydrating product can work wonders for scar tissue, and will assist the skin in the healing process and hydrate the skin. The side effects of this product are that it assists the elastin and collagen to perform better, hence younger skin!
Use only moisturisers with humectants and with an SPF, humectants are water magnets, which will attract the moisture from the air – totally different from the “sealing in” process. Technology has moved so much within the skin care products and using oils and petroleum by products is such an old method to use, that now we know does not work.
I have found that many companies claim to have a successful regime. Time and time again they will promote one or two good ingredients only to find that the bulk of the products are useless and in many cases damaging to the skin.
The Do’s and don’t on Good Skin Care.
Do: Use high quality ingredients This does not mean the dearest
Do: Keep to a simply regime
Do: Use the right products for your skin type
Do: Remember your skin will change, whether you move to a different location or if you stop or start smoking. Treat your skin accordingly.
Do: Cleanse, Tone, Hydrate and moisturise twice a day.
Don’t: Mix different company’s products
Don’t: Use products with cheap bulking agents such as petroleum by products, oils, coal tar, harsh alcohol etc.,
Don’t: Tear at the skin this will create lines and wrinkles too early.
You now understand the Facts about Great Skin
Sarah Rendle has been involved in the Personal care industry for some 12 years. She has trained hundreds of people on the best practises of good skin care concentrating on only using natural ingredients and that has been proven by science to actually do what the products are supposed to do.
China's ex-regulator of food and drug gets death penalty
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Dutch reality tv: who will get my kidney?
Monday, May 28, 2007
Emergency research protocols expand
Organic Cotton Baby Clothes
The cotton comes in 3 different colours naturally so it does need to be dyed either. What a great start for a new baby!
Friday, May 25, 2007
3 Steps to Effectively Use Probiotics After Taking Acne Antibiotics
After getting acne under control, the first thing on your mind is probably socializing, shopping and generally leaving your skin related health woes behind. But if antibiotics were apart of your acne axing regime, you may want probiotics to be apart of your acne-afterlife.
Patricia Raymond, a gastroenterologist and assistant professor at Eastern Virginia Medical School, finds that antibiotic usage can negatively impact the colon. Raymond explains, "As antibiotics work to treat a disease, they also kill off healthy micro-organisms in the gastrointestinal tract, paving the way for harmful bacteria to take over."
Probiotics are bacteria that co-exist in the colon with so-called "bad" colon bacteria. About 100 trillion microorganisms populate a healthy bowel. Probiotics balance the pathogen (harmful microorganisms) count, aid digestion and nutrient absorption, and facilitate immune function.
If the number of probiotics drops significantly- due to acne antibiotic usage- other health problems like diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome could result.
You can restore probiotic stability after a series of acne antibiotics in three simple steps.
1. Eat foods that help probiotics thrive
2. Minimize your stress level
3. Take the right probiotics in the right proportions
1.Eat foods that help probiotics thrive
Gary Huffnagle, PhD, of the University of Michigan Health System, is a pioneering researcher into the world of probiotics. Huffnagle recommends supporting probiotic growth by increasing the amount of cultured dairy products you eat, such as cheeses and yogurt.
To encourage probiotics from these dairy products to multiply even further, Huffnagle suggests consuming foods like spices, tea, red wine, berries, apples and beans.
2.Minimize your stress level
Not only should you minimize stress because research teams at Wake Forrest University discovered that stress aggravates acne prone skin, but stress also weakens the colon where probiotics need to work. Research has implicated chronic stress in the development of irritable bowel syndrome and in the worsening of inflammatory bowel disease symptoms.
Moreover, stress sensitizes the gut which increases the likelihood of yet another acne culprit-- developing allergies to certain foods. Reducing your stress level while using probiotic therapy will allow the helpful bacteria to flourish while preempting acne outbreaks.
3.Take the right probiotics in the right proportions
Pharmacist and complementary medicine advocate Dr. Author Presser says the important intestinal bacteria include Bifidobacteria, Lactobacillus (L.) Acidophilus, L. Rhamnosus, L. Plantrarum, L. Bulgaricus, Streptococcus Faecium and Streptococcus Thermophilus. Presser recommends taking probiotic supplements that contain all seven bacteria. In his book, The Nature Pharmacist's Vitamin Primer, Presser points out, "look for a product that contains FOS, fructooligosacchrides."
Presser explains that FOS are sugars found in fruits, vegetables and grains. Microflora metabolize and multiply on fructooligosacchrides both in the intestine and in the tablet.
Likewise, the Harvard Women's Health Watch has three more tips for anyone shopping for probiotics:
• The recommended doses range from 1 billion to 10 billion colony-forming units (CFU)-the amount contained in a capsule or two-several days per week.
• A daily supplement for one to two weeks may improve conditions such as infectious or antibiotic-related diarrhea.
• The microorganisms in probiotic supplements need to be alive when you take them (or when they're freeze-dried for capsules). They may die on exposure to heat, moisture, or air. Some require refrigeration. Read the supplement label for proper storage instructions.
Even though probiotic therapy may appear extraneous after an intense acne regime, just remember that these microflora may also prevent future zit eruptions.
Harvard Women's Health Watch. Should You Take a Daily Dose of Bacteria?. Newswise; April 25, 2005.
Mary Beth Reilly. Probiotic Microbes Could Be a Key to Good Health. University of Michigan Health System. March 6, 2006.
Presser, Arthur M. The Nature Pharmacist's Vitamin Primer. Your guide to vitamins, minerals, amino acids, superfoods, nutraceuticals and other dietary supplements. Fifty-Ninth Street Bridge Publishing Corporation; 2000.
ProfNet Wire. Health & Medicine: Keep Intestines Well-Flourished. May 10, 2007.
Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. Link Found Between Teens' Stress Levels and Acne Severity. Newswise; March 5, 2007.
Zareie, M et al. Probiotics prevent bacterial translocation and improve intestinal barrier function in rats following chronic psychological stress. Gut, 2006; vol 000:pp 1-8.
Naweko Nicole Dial San-Joyz pioneered the acne trigger approach to naturally controlling acne in her internationally published book, "Acne Messages". San-Joyz continues to serve the acne patients by developing customized acne scar removal treatments for the face and body at the San Diego based skin research firm Noixia.
If you want free tips for naturally removing acne marks, visit
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Get Rid Of Acne
A couple of years ago I have a friend who told me a sad story of how she missed an opportunity to become a model. She got the good shape, a natural beauty, the perfect legs and a sexy shape. Her posture was attractive and lovely. She also got the lovely seductive voice. In a nutshell, she has everything a model could ever dream of, but! She had one disadvantage- she had acne scars on her face.
This is no doubt the plight of many people today, those who want to become models and those who do not want to become one. Males, females and perhaps you. Acne has been a disease that people has been battling with for years without remedy. Not that they don’t want to get rid of it, but they don’t know how. Many had tried extremely to solve this problem but the thing left some scars. What do you gain from curing acne that left scars?
Perhaps you don’t know what acne is. It’s a skin problem or disease caused by chronic inflammation of the sebaceous glands, though common in adolescent. It consists of pimples and black heads, especially on the face and neck, which if not treated will leave scars. You may also call it a medical problem that causes a lot of red spots on your face and neck.
If you have acne or acne scars, this is good news for you because I am going to show you how to get rid of it off your beautiful face or neck. Maybe you don’t have it and you think “Man, this is not about me.” You may be right but what about your friend next door?
Below are the simplest practical ways you can apply to get rid of acne and its scars in a matter of days.
Step #1
Maybe you’ve never discovered this or you never know it before. Rosehip seed oil have been discovered to reduce the appearance of scars. All you have to do is massage it (don’t rub) on the scars twice a day and see what happens next!
Step #2
You may never know too that aloe Vera juice or gel also fates scars. If you apply it immediately after a burn or a cut. Besides acne, it can prevent scars altogether.
Tip #3
If you don’t know, I’ll like to reveal to you that blackheads are a major causes of acne. Therefore the control of blackhead is a good way of preventing acne.
You can cure that acne of yours including its scars if you follow with kin interest what you’ve just discovered in this few lines. All you have to do is stand up and make the move now and let others learn from you tomorrow.
Owaduge Olumide is a writer. He writes on health and other sundry issues. You can get more of his views here:
Friday, May 18, 2007
Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier from Work Out
The purpose of the Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier is to provide a total body workout and burn calories at an extremely increased rate.
Pros: The Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier simulates snow skiing without the cold or the need for warm clothing. It provides a total body workout while shaping the legs, hips, thighs and buttocks as well as the upper-body muscles. The Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier provides an excellent cardio-vascular workout.
The adjustable flywheel allows for seven resistance levels as strength increases, as well.
Cons: There are no particular cons associated with the Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier. I do find the $99.00 shipping charge a bit high - but then again, it is a large product.
Guarantee: Work Out Warehouse offers a 30-day money back guarantee less shipping both ways. The price of the equipment plus the tax will be refunded after the customer gets a return authorization from the Work Out Warehouse and the equipment has been returned. Most of the equipment sold by Work Out Ware House carries a manufacturer's guarantee that is at least 90 days and most are longer.
Value for money: The Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier is an excellent value for those concerned with physical and cardio-vascular strength. The sale price of the Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier makes it an exceptional value.
Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier from Work Out
The purpose of the Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier is to provide a total body workout and burn calories at an extremely increased rate.
Pros: The Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier simulates snow skiing without the cold or the need for warm clothing. It provides a total body workout while shaping the legs, hips, thighs and buttocks as well as the upper-body muscles. The Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier provides an excellent cardio-vascular workout.
The adjustable flywheel allows for seven resistance levels as strength increases, as well.
Cons: There are no particular cons associated with the Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier. I do find the $99.00 shipping charge a bit high - but then again, it is a large product.
Guarantee: Work Out Warehouse offers a 30-day money back guarantee less shipping both ways. The price of the equipment plus the tax will be refunded after the customer gets a return authorization from the Work Out Warehouse and the equipment has been returned. Most of the equipment sold by Work Out Ware House carries a manufacturer's guarantee that is at least 90 days and most are longer.
Value for money: The Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier is an excellent value for those concerned with physical and cardio-vascular strength. The sale price of the Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier makes it an exceptional value.
Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier from Work Out
The purpose of the Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier is to provide a total body workout and burn calories at an extremely increased rate.
Pros: The Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier simulates snow skiing without the cold or the need for warm clothing. It provides a total body workout while shaping the legs, hips, thighs and buttocks as well as the upper-body muscles. The Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier provides an excellent cardio-vascular workout.
The adjustable flywheel allows for seven resistance levels as strength increases, as well.
Cons: There are no particular cons associated with the Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier. I do find the $99.00 shipping charge a bit high - but then again, it is a large product.
Guarantee: Work Out Warehouse offers a 30-day money back guarantee less shipping both ways. The price of the equipment plus the tax will be refunded after the customer gets a return authorization from the Work Out Warehouse and the equipment has been returned. Most of the equipment sold by Work Out Ware House carries a manufacturer's guarantee that is at least 90 days and most are longer.
Value for money: The Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier is an excellent value for those concerned with physical and cardio-vascular strength. The sale price of the Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier makes it an exceptional value.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Cystic Acne In Women
Acne is a condition that can affect people of all ages and both sexes, and acne in women is a common experience that can occur for a number of reasons.
Of course, the underlying reason for the presence of acne is an over-activity of the sebaceous glands, and this means an over production of oils, which can then clog the pores and combine with bacteria to cause acne. Cystic acne is a form of acne that affects skin tissue more deeply than other forms, and it is a condition that can cause a lot of discomfort and pain.
Cystic acne results in abscesses on the skin and is caused by trapped oil and bacteria in the pores. This is a condition that can rapidly spread yet be slow to heal, and it can leave scarring. Trapped dead skin and dirt combine with excess sebum and bacteria. Because this clogs up the pores, the bacteria are able to reproduce, which results in the infection spreading.
Cystic acne should not be squeezed as it can create a deeper infection that takes even longer to heal.
Women with cystic acne
Although cystic acne seems to be more common in teenagers, women can suffer from this as well. In some cases it can prove problematic to treat, particularly for women of childbearing age. It causes problems because of the infections that can stem from it, and successfully treating these problems can take some time. There are a number of options that can be used to deal with cystic acne in women; however, with antibiotic treatment there may be a problem in that the bacteria could have built up a resistance.
The acne treatments available over the counter are usually suited to milder forms of acne. The severity that can come with cystic acne may not respond to these treatments, and because many of the products are very drying, they may irritate more mature and sensitive skin.
Hormonal changes can cause the excess sebum production that results in acne, and many women experience break-outs during pregnancy. Pregnant women should be aware that one form of cystic acne treatment, accutane, cannot be used by them. Accutane has been linked to birth defects in unborn children. Breastfeeding new mothers should also not take it.
Cystic acne in women can be awkward to treat because of the risks associated with it, and women of childbearing age that develop this severe form of acne should ensure that they seek medical advice with regards to their treatment options.
High frequency for acne is a treatment that has succeeded where many others have failed. Learn more about it, and other cystic acne treatments here.
Global Warming Myths
The 'New Scientist' has taken all these thoughts and provided a well-argued argument. You can read it here.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Chocolate And Vegetarians
This seems uncredibly short-sighted and presumably will also affect people who adhere to hallal and kosher principles.
Now I don't think we should be eating these sugary confeciosn all the time, but an occasional one is fine for most people. If you want to express your concern, you can do so here:
All the products on our online shop are suitable for vegetarians and most are also suitable for vegans too, so please check those out.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
The Zone Weight Loss Diet from Zone
Pros: Dr. Sears designed all of the various Zone diets. He says about weight loss, “To achieve long term weight loss, you must reduce inflammation in your cells. To do this, you need not deprive yourself. On the Zone diet all you have to do is eat the right combination if food, nourish your body with the Omega-3 fatty acids it needs and exercise moderately. The result? Burn fat faster, lose excess weight, boost your energy, keep hunger at bay and even help reduce the risk of chronic disorders.”
Many very famous people have had great success using The Zone diet. Among them are Jennifer Aniston, Cindy Crawford, Madonna, Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Lopez, Demi Moore and Winona Ryder.
Diet products are recommended for various diet goals. These products can be ordered on the Zone Diet website at a reasonable cost and there is also a lot of support offered on the website that is helpful to dieters.
Cons: The Zone Weight Loss Diet is either loved or hated. There has been some controversy surrounding it.
Guarantee: There is no guarantee of success offered on The Zone Weight Loss Diet website.
Value for money: The Zone Weight Loss Diet is a very good value.
The Zone Weight Loss Diet from Zone
Pros: Dr. Sears designed all of the various Zone diets. He says about weight loss, “To achieve long term weight loss, you must reduce inflammation in your cells. To do this, you need not deprive yourself. On the Zone diet all you have to do is eat the right combination if food, nourish your body with the Omega-3 fatty acids it needs and exercise moderately. The result? Burn fat faster, lose excess weight, boost your energy, keep hunger at bay and even help reduce the risk of chronic disorders.”
Many very famous people have had great success using The Zone diet. Among them are Jennifer Aniston, Cindy Crawford, Madonna, Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Lopez, Demi Moore and Winona Ryder.
Diet products are recommended for various diet goals. These products can be ordered on the Zone Diet website at a reasonable cost and there is also a lot of support offered on the website that is helpful to dieters.
Cons: The Zone Weight Loss Diet is either loved or hated. There has been some controversy surrounding it.
Guarantee: There is no guarantee of success offered on The Zone Weight Loss Diet website.
Value for money: The Zone Weight Loss Diet is a very good value.
The Zone Weight Loss Diet from Zone
Pros: Dr. Sears designed all of the various Zone diets. He says about weight loss, “To achieve long term weight loss, you must reduce inflammation in your cells. To do this, you need not deprive yourself. On the Zone diet all you have to do is eat the right combination if food, nourish your body with the Omega-3 fatty acids it needs and exercise moderately. The result? Burn fat faster, lose excess weight, boost your energy, keep hunger at bay and even help reduce the risk of chronic disorders.”
Many very famous people have had great success using The Zone diet. Among them are Jennifer Aniston, Cindy Crawford, Madonna, Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Lopez, Demi Moore and Winona Ryder.
Diet products are recommended for various diet goals. These products can be ordered on the Zone Diet website at a reasonable cost and there is also a lot of support offered on the website that is helpful to dieters.
Cons: The Zone Weight Loss Diet is either loved or hated. There has been some controversy surrounding it.
Guarantee: There is no guarantee of success offered on The Zone Weight Loss Diet website.
Value for money: The Zone Weight Loss Diet is a very good value.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Bob Greenes Best Life Diet
Pros: Bob Greene’s Best Life Diet plan is much more than just another diet plan. Included with the diet are cardio workouts and strength training instructions. Oprah Winfrey, speaking about Bob Greene’s Best Life Diet said, “Every unwanted pound creates another layer of lies. It’s only when you peel back those layers that you will be set free: Free to work out, free to eat responsibly, free to live the life you want and deserve to live. Tell the truth and you’ll learn to eat to satisfy your physical hunger and stop burying your hopes and dreams beneath layers of fat”
Bob Greene’s Best Life Diet is actually a life plan rather than a diet and it is a life plan that is full of the promise of a good, healthy and long life if the plan is adopted and adhered to.
Cons: No diet should ever be undertaken without a doctor's consent. All weight problems are not caused by overeating.
Guarantee: There is no guarantee of success and none would apply.
Value for money: Since the total price could not be determined, the value of Bob Greene’s Best Life Diet cannot be determined.
South Beach Diet Membership
Pros: America as a whole is getting heavier and heavier. There is a myth that says fat people are happy….”fat and jolly”, “fat and happy”, etc. I’m not saying that those who are overweight are not happy at all but I am saying that they are not happy about being overweight or just plain FAT. Most people who are overweight have tried most every diet plan under the sun at one time or another and they haven’t found one yet that actually worked.
The South Beach Diet Membership is a way that those who are overweight can get the expert dieting advice that they need as well as a dieting plan that they can live with for the long term. There are no foods that are just off limits forever and ever. The diet is a well balanced eating plan that includes foods from all of the food groups so dieters are better able to stay satisfied and better able to stick to the plan to achieve the results that they desire.
Cons: The South Beach Diet does not really provide a balanced diet. Adhering to it for the long term will be difficult.
Guarantee: There is no guarantee offered for the South Beach Diet Membership and none would apply.
Value for money: The South Beach Diet Membership is an excellent value.
Bob Greenes Best Life Diet
Pros: Bob Greene’s Best Life Diet plan is much more than just another diet plan. Included with the diet are cardio workouts and strength training instructions. Oprah Winfrey, speaking about Bob Greene’s Best Life Diet said, “Every unwanted pound creates another layer of lies. It’s only when you peel back those layers that you will be set free: Free to work out, free to eat responsibly, free to live the life you want and deserve to live. Tell the truth and you’ll learn to eat to satisfy your physical hunger and stop burying your hopes and dreams beneath layers of fat”
Bob Greene’s Best Life Diet is actually a life plan rather than a diet and it is a life plan that is full of the promise of a good, healthy and long life if the plan is adopted and adhered to.
Cons: No diet should ever be undertaken without a doctor's consent. All weight problems are not caused by overeating.
Guarantee: There is no guarantee of success and none would apply.
Value for money: Since the total price could not be determined, the value of Bob Greene’s Best Life Diet cannot be determined.
South Beach Diet Membership
Pros: America as a whole is getting heavier and heavier. There is a myth that says fat people are happy….”fat and jolly”, “fat and happy”, etc. I’m not saying that those who are overweight are not happy at all but I am saying that they are not happy about being overweight or just plain FAT. Most people who are overweight have tried most every diet plan under the sun at one time or another and they haven’t found one yet that actually worked.
The South Beach Diet Membership is a way that those who are overweight can get the expert dieting advice that they need as well as a dieting plan that they can live with for the long term. There are no foods that are just off limits forever and ever. The diet is a well balanced eating plan that includes foods from all of the food groups so dieters are better able to stay satisfied and better able to stick to the plan to achieve the results that they desire.
Cons: The South Beach Diet does not really provide a balanced diet. Adhering to it for the long term will be difficult.
Guarantee: There is no guarantee offered for the South Beach Diet Membership and none would apply.
Value for money: The South Beach Diet Membership is an excellent value.
Bob Greenes Best Life Diet
Pros: Bob Greene’s Best Life Diet plan is much more than just another diet plan. Included with the diet are cardio workouts and strength training instructions. Oprah Winfrey, speaking about Bob Greene’s Best Life Diet said, “Every unwanted pound creates another layer of lies. It’s only when you peel back those layers that you will be set free: Free to work out, free to eat responsibly, free to live the life you want and deserve to live. Tell the truth and you’ll learn to eat to satisfy your physical hunger and stop burying your hopes and dreams beneath layers of fat”
Bob Greene’s Best Life Diet is actually a life plan rather than a diet and it is a life plan that is full of the promise of a good, healthy and long life if the plan is adopted and adhered to.
Cons: No diet should ever be undertaken without a doctor's consent. All weight problems are not caused by overeating.
Guarantee: There is no guarantee of success and none would apply.
Value for money: Since the total price could not be determined, the value of Bob Greene’s Best Life Diet cannot be determined.
South Beach Diet Membership
Pros: America as a whole is getting heavier and heavier. There is a myth that says fat people are happy….”fat and jolly”, “fat and happy”, etc. I’m not saying that those who are overweight are not happy at all but I am saying that they are not happy about being overweight or just plain FAT. Most people who are overweight have tried most every diet plan under the sun at one time or another and they haven’t found one yet that actually worked.
The South Beach Diet Membership is a way that those who are overweight can get the expert dieting advice that they need as well as a dieting plan that they can live with for the long term. There are no foods that are just off limits forever and ever. The diet is a well balanced eating plan that includes foods from all of the food groups so dieters are better able to stay satisfied and better able to stick to the plan to achieve the results that they desire.
Cons: The South Beach Diet does not really provide a balanced diet. Adhering to it for the long term will be difficult.
Guarantee: There is no guarantee offered for the South Beach Diet Membership and none would apply.
Value for money: The South Beach Diet Membership is an excellent value.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Unusual and Inspirational Gifts
One of the things I'm particularly pleased with is our new range of unusual and inspirational gifts. We have a great gift for a golfer, one for a gardener, a child who can't sleep, and a get well gift too. Most of the gifts come in really nice fairly-traded jute bags, much more eco-friendly than wrapping paper because they can be used again afterwards.
I have been showing the gifts to friends as I've developed them, and before I have had time to finish explaining what they are, my friends have been grabbing them out of my hand and wanting to buy them, so it looks like I've got it right.
The selection is small at the moment, but I'll be adding more over the next few weeks. Do take a look.
BioFreeze fom
The purpose of BioFreeze is to temporarily relieve pain
Pros: I can personally vouch for the effectiveness of Biofreeze. It actually works to relieve back pain as well as joint pain. BioFreeze was created by created by Dr. Danné King.
BioFreeze contains an herbal extract from a South American holly shrub called Ilex. Ilex is used around the world in a variety of health, wellness and pain relief formulas. There are no waxes, oils, aloe or petroleum in Biofreeze. It absorbs quickly into the body and provides very long-lasting pain relief. There is no lingering medicinal odor.
It is safe to use BioFreeze up to four times everyday but when BioFreeze is rubbed onto the aching places any wrap that is used should be very porous.
You will see Biofreeze used often in doctor’s offices and at treatment and testing facilities. Biofreeze is a fast-acting, deep penetrating, long lasting pain reliever.
Cons: There appears to be very little risk in trying BioFreeze. The product can be used not just on the back, but almost anywhere - even the feet.
Guarantee: There is a 30 day money back guarantee for unopened products. The company must be contacted before returns are sent.
Value for money: BioFreeze is an excellent value at any price because it actually works.
BioFreeze fom
The purpose of BioFreeze is to temporarily relieve pain
Pros: I can personally vouch for the effectiveness of Biofreeze. It actually works to relieve back pain as well as joint pain. BioFreeze was created by created by Dr. Danné King.
BioFreeze contains an herbal extract from a South American holly shrub called Ilex. Ilex is used around the world in a variety of health, wellness and pain relief formulas. There are no waxes, oils, aloe or petroleum in Biofreeze. It absorbs quickly into the body and provides very long-lasting pain relief. There is no lingering medicinal odor.
It is safe to use BioFreeze up to four times everyday but when BioFreeze is rubbed onto the aching places any wrap that is used should be very porous.
You will see Biofreeze used often in doctor’s offices and at treatment and testing facilities. Biofreeze is a fast-acting, deep penetrating, long lasting pain reliever.
Cons: There appears to be very little risk in trying BioFreeze. The product can be used not just on the back, but almost anywhere - even the feet.
Guarantee: There is a 30 day money back guarantee for unopened products. The company must be contacted before returns are sent.
Value for money: BioFreeze is an excellent value at any price because it actually works.
BioFreeze fom
The purpose of BioFreeze is to temporarily relieve pain
Pros: I can personally vouch for the effectiveness of Biofreeze. It actually works to relieve back pain as well as joint pain. BioFreeze was created by created by Dr. Danné King.
BioFreeze contains an herbal extract from a South American holly shrub called Ilex. Ilex is used around the world in a variety of health, wellness and pain relief formulas. There are no waxes, oils, aloe or petroleum in Biofreeze. It absorbs quickly into the body and provides very long-lasting pain relief. There is no lingering medicinal odor.
It is safe to use BioFreeze up to four times everyday but when BioFreeze is rubbed onto the aching places any wrap that is used should be very porous.
You will see Biofreeze used often in doctor’s offices and at treatment and testing facilities. Biofreeze is a fast-acting, deep penetrating, long lasting pain reliever.
Cons: There appears to be very little risk in trying BioFreeze. The product can be used not just on the back, but almost anywhere - even the feet.
Guarantee: There is a 30 day money back guarantee for unopened products. The company must be contacted before returns are sent.
Value for money: BioFreeze is an excellent value at any price because it actually works.
Monday, May 7, 2007
Acne Treatment - How To Treat Cystic Acne?
A cyst is a severe form of acne that is filled with bacteria, white blood cells and dead skin. Cysts can be very painful and extend inside the skin damaging the skin tissue. In nodulocystic acne, cysts and nodules form together. Some experts say that cysts are severely infected nodules and should be called as such. Treatment of cysts is a challenging task. Because cysts invariably form scars, they need to be treated as soon as possible and before they damage more skin cells.
Acne Treatment - stages of acne
Acne begins with plugged skin pores and develops in stages. In the first stage, acne usually begins in the form of whiteheads and blackheads (caused by plugged pores of the skin). Blackheads are called open comedones. Whiteheads are called closed comedones. The blackheads and whiteheads are the first stage of acne. The second stage is pimples or zits. They are medically known as papules and pustules. Pimples form when the acne gets inflamed. Some people suffer from third stage of serious acne, called as nodules and cysts. These are very large and deep lumps of acne. Skin develops scars if acne progresses to second and third stages.
Acne Treatment Regimen For Cysts-
In severe form of acne, you develop nodules and cysts that are all inflamed. Treating this acne takes more time and patience. Your doctor will treat you with combination therapy to control and cure the acne while trying to take care that minimum scars form. The treatment regimen for severe acne may include physical as well as oral and topical treatments. The options may include- isotretinoin, oral antibiotics, oral contraceptives for female patients, injecting corticosteroid in the lesions and surgical procedure.
Acne Treatment - Isotretinoin:
Isotretinoin is one of the most potent treatments for severe form of acne which has not responded well to other therapies. Isotretinoin is a retinoid which is a form of vitamin A. Isotretinoin helps treat all the four reasons of acne formation-
a. Excess oil,
b. Clogged pores,
c. Inflammation, and
d. The bacteria p.acnes.
The normal course of isotretinoin is one or two pills a day for up to twenty weeks. Your dermatologist will decide the dose. Don't take Isotretinoin without medical supervision.
Side Effects Of Isotretinoin:
For women, it is very important to be in constant contact with their doctor because isotretinoin can cause damage to development of fetus. It cannot be given during pregnancy and before the treatment begins, all possibilities of pregnancy have to be eliminated. Talk to your doctor in detail about this and follow his/her instructions very strictly. The other side effects of isotretinoin may include joint pains, headaches, nausea, depression and others. You must not miss your appointment with your doctor while taking isotretinoin.
Acne Treatment -Oral Antibiotics-
Broad-spectrum antibiotics can reduce the bacteria P.acnes substantially. With reduction in the population of this bacterium, inflammation reduces. The antibiotic may include drugs such as - tetracycline, erythromycin, doxycycline, etc.
Acne Treatment -oral contraceptives for women-
Overactive sebaceous glands produce more sebum and are one of the main causes of acne. Some oral contraceptives can reduce the production of excessive sebum. These drugs should be taken only under medical supervision. Sometimes, you may have to consult the gynecologist, for which your doctor will advise you.
Acne Treatment -injecting corticosteroid
In this treatment, a mild steroid is injected in the cyst. The steroid reduces the acne substantially within a few days. This treatment also prevents scarring as it reduces the possibility of bursting of a cyst and dries it totally. Your doctor may find it necessary to cut open the acne and drain it. This procedure needs skill and patients should not try this themselves.
This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
For more information about acne treatment please visit -
You will get information about How Acne Forms? Types Of Acne, Acne Treatments, Skin Care For Acne, Acne Facts, Acne Scars and many acne articles. This site is full of information about how to remain free of acne. For keeping yourself acne free, find out more about the acne that causes damage to our skin.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Latest Acne Scar Treatment with Microneedle Therapy
The aim of acne treatment is not just to reduce outbreaks, but the prevention of permanent scars. For adults whose acne has been quiescent for years, the scars often remain. Such permanent facial scarring, especially if prominent and deep over the cheek area, can have a major negative impact on the individual's self confidence.
Various treatments have been used in an attempt to reduce the appearance of acne scars. Microdermabrasion is popular as it is relatively non-invasive. Multiple sessions (20-25) are needed for optimum results. The scars depth is reduced and a glow is more visible. Microdermabrasion is useful in shallow, rolling scars and has little impact on the deeper ice pick scars.
Subcision has been employed to cut the fibers under the scar tissue, in an attempted to release the scars from the underlying tissues. This is useful for ice pick scars. Further filling with a temporary or permanent dermal filler may be needed for an even skin surface.
The best treatment to date has been laser resurfacing. This destroys the skin surface. When the epithelium grows back, the skin is smooth and unscarred. However, this is a traumatic procedure with a prolonged recovery.
A new roller device with rows of tiny microneedles is now available for the treatment of acne scars. When the needles penetrate the skin surface, micro-channels form. This allows product penetration past the skin barrier. The physical minute breaks in the skin surface stimulates the skin to produce collagen naturally (Collagen Induction Therapy). New skin forms under the dead scar tissue, hence the skin naturally becomes smoother once it regenerates.
Up to three treatments, six to eight weeks apart (length of the skin growth cycle), are needed for optimal results. Depending on the device and protocol chosen, downtime can be minimal. The results are progressive. As the skin remains intact, there is no increased sensitivity to the sun. The micro-channels close within minutes, and the skin continues its normal barrier function.
This simple mechanical device produces results equivalent to laser therapy, without the prolonged recovery or expense. It is rapidly gaining popularity worldwide as a useful part of the Aesthetic Physician's tool kit in the treatment of acne scars and general rejuvenation.
Collagen Induction Therapy is the new buzz word in anti-ageing and aesthetic therapy.
Dr Christine Cheng is an Aesthetic Physician at Simply Aesthetic Rejuvenation & Contouring Clinic ( in Singapore. She runs an effective slimming program combining the Food Intolerance Test with Mesotherapy and Advanced Contouring techniques to speed up the fat melting process. She is the Aesthetics Contributor for Gethat Magazine.
Simply Aesthetic Rejuvenation & Contouring Clinic provides non-surgical solutions to enhance physical beauty. Treatments available include mesotherapy for fat melting, cellulite, stretch marks, alopecia and rejuvenation, botox, fillers and chemical peels. Their cellulite program ( shows reduction after 3 sessions, with elimination of moderate cellulite after just 5 sessions.
Acne Free Clear Skin System
Pros: Those who suffer with acne are well aware of the fact that just because an acne breakup clears up (eventually) that doesn’t mean that the acne is really gone. Treatment for skin that is acne prone is an ongoing procedure.
Of course, the main objective when an acne outbreak does occur is to clear it up as quickly and as efficiently as possible. The Acne Free Clear Skin System is a three-step system that is designed to clear up an acne outbreak and then, with regular treatment, prevent future outbreaks.
The three steps in the Acne Free Clear Skin System are; (1) Cleaning and purifying the skin, (2) Applying a renewing toner and (3) applying a repair lotion. The treatment instructions say that this complete three-step program needs to be every day and twice a day to help clear acne outbreaks as well as prevent future outbreaks.
Cons: This product, while an excellent value, may not be suitable for severe cases of acne. Because it is designed to help prevent breakouts, people with scarring or severe acne should not expect miracles.
Guarantee: There is a very generous guarantee policy that reads in part: “All items purchased through have a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are not satisfied for any reason you may return the product for a full refund (even if you have tried the product).”
Value for money: The Acne Free Clear Skin System is an excellent value.
Acne Free Clear Skin System
Pros: Those who suffer with acne are well aware of the fact that just because an acne breakup clears up (eventually) that doesn’t mean that the acne is really gone. Treatment for skin that is acne prone is an ongoing procedure.
Of course, the main objective when an acne outbreak does occur is to clear it up as quickly and as efficiently as possible. The Acne Free Clear Skin System is a three-step system that is designed to clear up an acne outbreak and then, with regular treatment, prevent future outbreaks.
The three steps in the Acne Free Clear Skin System are; (1) Cleaning and purifying the skin, (2) Applying a renewing toner and (3) applying a repair lotion. The treatment instructions say that this complete three-step program needs to be every day and twice a day to help clear acne outbreaks as well as prevent future outbreaks.
Cons: This product, while an excellent value, may not be suitable for severe cases of acne. Because it is designed to help prevent breakouts, people with scarring or severe acne should not expect miracles.
Guarantee: There is a very generous guarantee policy that reads in part: “All items purchased through have a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are not satisfied for any reason you may return the product for a full refund (even if you have tried the product).”
Value for money: The Acne Free Clear Skin System is an excellent value.
Acne Free Clear Skin System
Pros: Those who suffer with acne are well aware of the fact that just because an acne breakup clears up (eventually) that doesn’t mean that the acne is really gone. Treatment for skin that is acne prone is an ongoing procedure.
Of course, the main objective when an acne outbreak does occur is to clear it up as quickly and as efficiently as possible. The Acne Free Clear Skin System is a three-step system that is designed to clear up an acne outbreak and then, with regular treatment, prevent future outbreaks.
The three steps in the Acne Free Clear Skin System are; (1) Cleaning and purifying the skin, (2) Applying a renewing toner and (3) applying a repair lotion. The treatment instructions say that this complete three-step program needs to be every day and twice a day to help clear acne outbreaks as well as prevent future outbreaks.
Cons: This product, while an excellent value, may not be suitable for severe cases of acne. Because it is designed to help prevent breakouts, people with scarring or severe acne should not expect miracles.
Guarantee: There is a very generous guarantee policy that reads in part: “All items purchased through have a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are not satisfied for any reason you may return the product for a full refund (even if you have tried the product).”
Value for money: The Acne Free Clear Skin System is an excellent value.