Monday, April 21, 2008

Australian Bush Essence Workshops In London

If you're into flower essences and remedies, then this could be of real interest to you:

“Empower Yourself” Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th May in Regent’s College, London
A weekend seminar by Australian Ian White, will be held by Universal Essences on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th May in Regent’s College, London.

This inspiring seminar offers new insights into nature, the plant kingdom and oneself. Participants will discover tools to meet life’s challenges, learning how to powerfully, yet gently change negative patterns and improve the quality of life.

Ian will also be holding 2 one-day workshops on the following themes:

Women’s Wellbeing: 3rd May, Kew Gardens, London
In this seminar Ian will discuss the spiritual and metaphysical aspects of femininity and the female energy system, which gives a clear recognition of the profound interconnection between the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. This perspective grants a knowledge-based sense of self-empowerment in dealing with women's business, including: Menstruation, Menopause and related problems, Enhancing relationships, Sexuality, Infertility and conception, Pregnancy, Healthful birthing, Nurturing the spirit in the child.

Numerology : 4th May , Kew Gardens, London
Numerology is a very old system of analysis which provides a simple method for quickly and accurately gaining an understanding of an individual's personality and abilities. It reveals a person's strengths as well as identifying areas of potential difficulties. Numerology is a very useful tool for helping to select the appropriate Australian Bush Flower Essences, even indicating some that might not have been obvious.

Ian White grew up in the Australian bush with his grandmother (a herbalist whose mother had also been a herbalist). Ian White has been practising naturopathy and homeopathy for over twenty years. Using the healing properties of flowers essences is an ancient art, spanning many cultures. Ian White has taken this age-old study and applied it to the flowering plants of the Australian Bush.

Today Australian Bush Flower Essence remedies are used and prescribed by healers, families, naturopaths and medical doctors. They are sold in pharmacies and health-food shops all over Australia and increasingly throughout the world.

Ian White is an absolute inspiration. Flower Remedies have helped transform my life. Thank You!” - Caroline Driscoll, UK.

Intensive, Enthralling, Brilliant!” - Carole Gimson, UK

Ian has mastered all the secrets of great teaching, with his use of humour, storytelling, magic energy clearing, meditation and song! Just fantastic!” - Christine Cooper, Helensburgh

For more info: Contact Belinda at Universal Essences on 0870 0620 206 or see

The Australian Aboriginals have always used flowers to heal the emotions, as did the Ancient Egyptians. This healing method was rediscovered by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1920s through the use of English flowering plants. More recently Ian White has developed the Australian Bush Flower Essences. Australia has the world's oldest and highest number of flowering plants exhibiting tremendous beauty and strength. Australia is relatively unpolluted and metaphysically has a very wise, old energy.

Ian grew up in the Australian bush. As a young boy his grandmother, like her mother before her, specialised in using Australian plants and would often take him bush walking. From her deep understanding she would point out the many healing plants and flowers. He learned a profound respect for nature through her and went on to become a practitioner and a pioneer working with and researching the rare remedial qualities of Australian native plants.

The Bush Remedies not only help to give clarity to one's life but also the courage, strength and commitment to follow and pursue one's goals and dreams. They help to develop a higher level of intuition, self esteem, spirituality, creativity and fun.

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