Its a sinking feeling to know that your hard work is stolen and published without due acknowledgment.Many a times images and content have been stolen in spite of being copyrighted.Blogging community has become easy target for such cowardly act.
I request all the bloggers to come together and raise there voice this disgraceful act. In the comments section share your ways of watermarking the images and preventing the content from being copied.Use the logo and blog about your experience with plagiarism and let me know about it so that I can included it in this post.Spread the word and caution the new bloggers about copyrighting the content.
Water marking images
I use Paint tool in window or Picasa(free down loadable) to add text over my images.For the copyright symbol press control Alt and C simultaneously.Make sure the copyright is bigger in size and more noticeable.
Check out the very helpful post about water making digital images by Cham of SpiceClub. Thanks Cham for the informative Post:).
Sangeeth also shares her simple way to watermark images here.Thanks Sangeeth:)
Read these informative posts
*A very detail website about dealing with Plagiarism - Plagiarism Today
* How to copyright and protect your blog content?.
* Copy right - ways to protect your content from being stolen
* How to protect your digital images from being Stolen?
* Guide on how to Copy right or Copy protect your content
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