The Porridge of Eastern Europe,Kasha, is prepared with different kinds of whole grains,one of the most common is made with buckwheat.For an appealing and effortless morning breakfast porridge ,combine the roasted buckwheat granules with two of favorite breakfast flavors,cocoa and coffee ,and finally top with dried fruit and nuts.
Buckwheat Health and Nutrition

Buckwheat is a cholesterol free, almost fat-free food,that also helps in lowering blood glucose.Its actually a fruit seed not a cereal grain.Not related to wheat,Buckwheat is completely gluten free ,best for those with gluten intolerance(Celiac disease).
Roasted buckwheat granules are great for making porridge(kasha) ,as easy as the oatmeal.Buckwheat flour or roasted buckwheat granules can be used in all the dishes were ever rice or wheat is used.
Recipe : Coffee Cocoa Buckwheat Kasha(Porridge) with Dried Figs
Serves 2
3/4 cup roasted buckwheat granules(Kasha,I used Wolff's brand)
2 1/2 cup reduced fat Organic milk or skimmed Organic milk
1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa
2 teaspoon instant coffee
1/8 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoon natural sweetener(like Agave nectar ,Jaggery or Honey) or 2 teaspoon stevia powder
3 dried figs,chopped or 1/4 cup of any dried fruit and nuts .
Bring milk to a boil in a medium saucepan,stir in the kasha and salt.Cook,uncovered,stirring frequently while maintaining a gentle boil,8 to 10 minutes,until desired consistency.Stir in the cocoa ,coffee powder and the sweetener ,cook for another minute until well combined.Serve warm or cold with chopped dried fruit and nuts,along with a fresh fruit on side for a complete breakfast.
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