Natural cures are found though the circulation system. The circulatory system of the human anatomy is in many respects a transportation system. Oxygen fixated upon red blood cells in the lungs is transported in the bloodstream to every cell in the body. The wastes eliminated by cells are conveyed through the bloodstream to the excretory system, which excretes the wastes but saves the blood cells for further utilization. Nutrients are also conveyed from the intestine to the cells through the bloodstream.
When circulation of the blood is impeded, the body is besieged by problems. Upon the delay of nutrients or oxygen, cells die from the lack of sustenance. Upon the impediment of blood flow, efficiency of cellular waste eliminanation is greatly reduced, and upon the accumulation of waste matter due to cellular dysfunction, health problems develop.
This would lead some people to conclude that increasing the rate of circulation will decrease the chances of problems developing inside the body. The method that comes to most peoples minds as appropriate for accelerating the circulation is exercise.
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