My Dad, Dr. Kuhn, and I acknowledge that many things in life are not inherently fun. Paying your utilities bill, doing your laundry, burying your beloved pet dog, packing for a move, or changing your car's oil are all examples of tasks which are not only "un-fun," but which you might even dread. Nobody gets out of bed thinking, "I hope I discover a leaky pipe today!" Yet, because we are adults, we must deal with these "un-fun" responsibilities.
You have your own personal list of "un-fun" bugaboos. These "un-fun" responsibilities constitute, like it or not, a great portion of your adult life. Your personal list is precisely the reason The Fun Factor is your primary tool for your health and success, because The Fun Factor reminds you to turn those lemons into lemonade.
What is adulthood for most, other than a never-ending chain of serious, stressful responsibilities that we randomly relieve and reward with brief intervals of sanctioned recreation? Unfortunately, our efforts at recreation do not work - as I'll reveal in a moment!
Children, however, naturally search for fun in everything they do. And that continual search fills them with an otherworldly level of energy and optimism. That search also allows them to find fun in whatever they are doing; children don't wait for the attainment of some goal or objective to have fun.
Are you making the same deadly mistake that almost every adult makes? Are you accepting the "fact" that adulthood means less energy, poorer health, lowered vitality, and decreased resiliency? Why? Who told you that boundless energy, incredible optimism, superb health, and amazing resiliency are only for children? And, more importantly, why do you believe it?
At some point you did start to believe that lie! At some point you stopped looking for fun in all your activities and started waiting for your fun and happiness as the reward for completing them. A reward, unfortunately, that never arrives.
The essence of The Fun Factor is that your fun is always found right here and right now! I know you aren't interested in playing the same games you enjoyed as a child, but you must reacquaint yourself with your childlike willingness to have your fun where you find it because I am 100% certain that there will be utility bills, dirty laundry, a beloved pet to grief, a move to make, and oil to change tomorrow! And if you're waiting for your fun and happiness to arrive as your reward for finishing those tasks, then you only have more stress, more disease, less vitality, and diminished resilience ahead.
Why am I so certain about your fate? Allow me to reveal where I saw the 20,000 zombies last week -- Walt Disney World! Shockingly, amid a veritable fantasyland of pure, unadulterated fun, I will conservatively estimate that 92% of all the adults (non-employees, that is) I encountered at Disney World were unsmiling and unhappy.
"But," you're saying, "paying $5 for a hot dog, shepherding whiny children, and waiting in line 54 minutes for a 3 minute ride are not fun!" You're right, those things are not inherently "fun." But, like paying your bills and doing your laundry, those responsibilities comprise a great portion of your day at Disney World. And if you can't have fun at Disney World then what is it like when you tackle your "un-fun" responsibilities at home and the office?
I assume you're not at Disney World as you read this. Ask yourself, this moment, "Am I having fun right now?" If you answer "no," what are you going to do about it? Are you going to continue to put off your fun and continue your descent into stress, pressure, poor health, and lower energy?
Or will you recommit yourself to find your fun amid your "chores" and responsibilities? Will you reclaim your birthright of health, vigor, stamina, and resilience?
Today you escape your fate as one of the 20,000 zombies and you don't have to do it alone. Allow Dr. Kuhn, The Fun Factor, and me to help you remember and rediscover a world where life's little irritations are no longer pebbles in your shoes. Discover the fun, health, and happiness that awaits you this very moment!
Greg Kuhn
The Laugh Doctor Junior
The Natural Medicine of Humor
"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"
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