Quite often, at a public gathering, someone approaches me with a variation of this query: "Doc, I'm trying to (insert a health or success goal here), but it's not working. What do I need to do differently?" I almost always respond the same way: "Boy, are you asking the WRONG question!" I'll reveal the right question shortly.
Focusing on what you "do" is a normal and common method of self-improvement. Unfortunately, that focus is the reason you are often, at best, not as effective as you'd like and are, at worst, spinning your wheels. If you're not careful, focusing on what to do differently, even with the best directions to guide your new actions, can be like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic!
Forget about being funny!
The Fun Factor teaches extensively about Humor Actions, or Humor Activity. Humor Actions are where the rubber hits the road, where you physically manifest your humor skills. My patients have found that The Fun Factor's Humor Actions alleviate physical pain, overcome depression, motivate another round of challenging therapy, and inspire hope to boldly face the day with optimism!
My nonmedical clients find that the Humor Actions they learn from The Fun Factor guide loving family reconciliation, create physical energy that makes coffee unnecessary, lead to self-confidence that elicits admiring whispers and second looks, and inspire creativity and performance that open economic doors of prosperity. This is exciting stuff! Exciting enough to lead people to ask me at parties, "Doc, what should I be doing differently?"
But that is the wrong question!
What is the right question?
As wonderful as it would be to jump right in to building a glorious mansion by installing the cool, fancy, and expensive "extras," you know that you must first build your mansion's foundation. It is just as tempting to jump in and start to practice Humor Actions. After all, you want to experience those benefits NOW! But if you start with Humor Actions, you are working the process backwards.
You must start with Humor Attitude. You must begin your journey toward incredible health, happiness, and success by retraining your brain, by creating new beliefs. Our "get it done yesterday" society trains us to look for shortcuts. All successful people know, however, that your attitude is so much more important than your actions.
That's why Abraham Lincoln famously said, "If you gave me four hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend the first three sharpening the ax." That's why the right question to ask isn't, "Doc, what do I need to DO differently?", but "Doc, what do I need to BELIEVE differently?" Focus on your Humor Attitudes today, before you try even one Humor Activity!
By the way, it doesn't matter what the doctor does to a baby's umbilical cord. After a week or so, the part of the cord that remains attached to the newborn shrivels up and falls off. Whether the bellybutton will be an "innie" or an "outie" is randomly determined.
It matters greatly, however, whether you choose to focus on your attitude or your actions. There is nothing random about success; create a great Humor Attitude before employing proven Humor Actions. Rely upon The Fun Factor's focus on Humor Attitude to set a foundation upon which you'll build your mansion!
Cliff Kuhn, M.D.
The Laugh Doctor
The Natural Medicine of Humor
"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"
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