Ganga has been writing in A Life(Time) of Cooking for about 2 years now,but was in to blogging her wonderful experiences of life and food in her old website Food Matters for many many years,even before any of us knew about blogging world.Her impressive writing style and subtle photography beautifully expresses the mood for the food.
I happen to discover her awesome blog just recently,thanks to Zee of Zlamuska's Spicy kitchen.Have spent good chunk of time browsing through her engrossing posts.And I'm pleased to be featuring the blog for this month's Tried and Tasted Event.So While I'm tempted to cook up all of Ganga's Lifetime collection of recipes I also invite all the foodies to share my pleasure , try & taste the blog with few simple rules in mind:

(big thanks to Ksenia Tales of a Spoon ,who designed the logo for the event.Her inspiration of the fantastic graphic was Ganga's Soothing Yogi tea )
1. Cook any recipe(s) from A Life(Time) of Cooking and post about it. Stay as true to the original recipe(s) as possible. Therefore, there is no need for re-posting it, simply link to the original post :-)
2. Link your post to HERE (feel free to use the logo) and to the original post. Please always link to both sites, so both blogs are given credit and you are avoiding copyright fuss.
3. Send me an e-mail ( with your name, your post URL as well as the original URL and a picture (300px by height, please).
4. Deadline is the August 31th 2009 and the round up will be posted within a week.
Non-bloggers are more than welcome to participate Simply e-mail me ( with your experience of what you cooked and please include a picture.
The round up will be posted during the first week in September(Hopefully)
Here is a simple sweet dish from Ganga's blog,a glossy buttery divine beetroot halwa :D

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