Thursday, December 10, 2009

Fibre lowers breast cancer risk

The Facts:
* The association between dietary fibre intake and breast cancer risk is not clearly understood.
* The UK Women's Cohort Study found that dietary fibre (particularly cereals) had a protective effect against breast cancer risk in premenopausal women
* No such effect was observed in postmenopausal women.

Shaun’s comment: Dietary fibres are those parts of plant foods that are not digested, such as non-starch polysaccharides and cellulose. We know all about the benefits of high-fibre diets for bowel health, but some previous studies have also suggested a protective effect against certain cancers. This study found, in premenopausal women, a dose-response relationship between dietary fibre and breast cancer. In other words, the more fibre there was in the diet, the less chance of this common cancer.

Study reference:

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