You set down your Michael Crichton novel, turn out your bedside lamp, and lay your head on your pillow...but you can't fall asleep. Why not? You're haunted by the "ghosts" of all the things you need to do, but have been putting off.
Procrastination, what a killer! We've all been there.
You've been meaning to write a thank you note to Aunt Beverly for the box of delicious Montgomery Inn ribs she sent you a week ago. That list of schools you need to add to next year's college fair database has been sitting on your desk at work for a few weeks. Heck, you've been seeing that your bathtub needs to be cleaned for a month now!
Procrastination weighs you down and hogties your humor nature so quickly that I've created a Fun Commandment aimed specifically at ridding yourself of it: Eat Your Brussel Sprouts First. That's right; when you have an unpleasant task I want you to get in the habit of doing it first and getting it out of your way.
Putting things off is something reserved only for unpleasant duties. You don't put off a wonderful, anticipated activity for long do you? A warm, relaxing shower at the end of a long day, for example. You put off the things you perceive as not fun, not enjoyable, or not rewarding enough.
Eating your brussel sprouts first, however, is the antidote to procrastination. You know how great it feels to finally be free of that thing you've "been meaning to do." Imagine feeling that exuberant freedom anytime you choose - just practice this Fun Commandment!
Case in point: I love public speaking but every time I perform there is a small gnawing fear deep inside me that I won't be successful. At my first few engagements, years ago, I just dealt with that fear and went on stage - to mixed results. What I learned to do, however, is to eat my brussel sprouts first - I confront my fear by meeting people in the crowd as soon as I arrive at the speaking engagement.
Perhaps I've spoken with you under these circumstances. You just thought I was a nice guy; you didn't know I was eating my brussel sprouts. But your warm handshake, bright smile, and kind words of greeting were just what I needed to know that I was welcome at your event!
And then, I trust, I was free give you an outstanding presentation on humor, health, and success.
By the way, on August 1st, Mars will get progressively bigger and brighter as it rises in the east around 10 PM. On August 27th, Mars will be closer to the Earth than it has ever been in recorded history and, certainly, closer than any relative you'll meet will ever see. Mars will be only 35 million miles away and will be the second brightest object in the night sky (after our own moon). Cool, huh?
So don't put anything off that might interfere with your Mars watching! Banish procrastination -I want you to experience freedom today to use and enjoy your humor nature the way I have. Please write me a note and let me know how eating your brussel sprouts first impacts your life this week.
Cliff Kuhn, M.D.
The Laugh Doctor
"it all starts with a SMILE"
The Natural Medicine of Humor
"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"
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