Dr. Michael Miller, of the University of Maryland School of Medicine, announced some amazing research findings this week which you should know about. Of course, you are already devoted to the natural medicine of humor and my unique Fun Factor prescription. But Dr. Miller's research provides yet more concrete data to back up the amazing natural medicine of humor - as well as more data to persuade you to utilize my HA HA HA Prescription today for your greatest health. And I'll tell you about Dr. Miller's research after I do a quick review of my HA HA HA Prescription.
Those already intimately familiar with The Fun Factor know my HA HA HA Prescription well, but it bears a quick reiteration here. The third HA is an acronym for Humor Activity, the action you take to employ humor as your ultimate medicinal agent. Let me stress for those not as familiar with this prescription, the most important part of the natural medicine of humor is your attitude, not your actions. But Humor Activities are, indeed, essential as the final piece of the puzzle for your ultimate health and success.
You will recall that I advocate a minumum of fifteen minutes of laughter/humor/fun each day - although I have my patients perform thirty minutes a day (and recommend the same to you). Fifteen minutes of Humor Activity requires you to make a commitment to humor, to move it up in your hierarchy of daily activities and no longer relegate it to your "recreation" time. To help you do this, in The Fun Factor, I provide you with a lengthy list of simple, easy to implement, Humor Activity exercises. For that matter, you'll find lots of recommended comedy resources on my website so that you can easily surround yourself with all the Humor Activity necessary to get your fifteen (or thirty) minutes each day.
Dr. Miller's research team recruited 20 healthy volunteers to watch a segment of a very funny movie ("King Pin") and a very stressful movie ("Saving Private Ryan"). I'll skip the medical terminology and simply tell you that they found 19 of the 20 subjects watching a movie that caused laughter, recieved increased beneficial blood vessel relaxation. In contrast, Brachial artery flow was reduced in 14 of the 20 volunteers following the movie clips that caused mental stress. Dr. Miller's team said overall blood flow increased by 22 percent during laughter and decreased by 35 percent after mental stress.
The research findings led Dr. Miller to advise, as he presented his data to the Scientific Session of the American College of Cardiology last week in Orlando, Florida, a combination of daily exercises with fifteen minutes of laughter each day for optimal cardiovascular health. Sound familiar? I'm glad to have the University of Maryland School of Medicine join our team; the data from Dr. Miller's study reinforces what we have long known. Daily Humor Activity makes us more healthy, happy, and resilient - all the ingredients necessary for success, by anybody's definition.
By the way, Western Union abolished exclamation points to prevent lawsuits, because it was very easy to cause an error during the transmission of a message with a lot of punctuation in it. But even if there were no technological problem behind it, exclamation marks would've been still been shunned. Western Union charged for punctuation marks as if they were words!
Put an exclamation mark on the amazing natural medicine of humor. Make sure you are incorporating a minimum of fifteen minutes of Humor Activity today. Play with your preexisting humor props and utilize my website to find some recommended comedy resources, your body will thank you for it!
Cliff Kuhn, M.D.
The Laugh Doctor
The Natural Medicine of Humor
"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"
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