What are you waiting for? What is your excuse for not being happy today? I know the feeling well - you're looking forward to how great you'll feel about yourself, and how happy you'll be, as soon as you have enough time, money, success, possessions, etc. I know the feeling well because I was doomed to this pain on an almost daily basis. I'll explain how I escaped this fate in a moment.
Picture me...living each day with a vague unease that I am missing something. Dwelling on the missing things I "need" to be happy and worrying about how to get them. Worse still, having a general sense of dread that I will never get the things I "need" to be happy.
Does this ring a bell for you?
Yet it gets worse. Empathize with me growing steadily angrier and more resentful with each passing day because I'm not happy yet. I have a wife, a family, a great job, a nice house, cars, vacations, prestige, etc. I acquire each of these things with the "understanding" that my elusive happiness will finally arrive. Where is my happiness, dammit?!
Does that sound at all familiar?
Actually, it gets worse. My unease, dread, anger, and resentment only gets worse as my happiness remains forever "just ahead." I am soon experiencing depression, isolation, mood swings, and I am drinking to cover up my pain. I am not the happy, successful, well-known doctor, civic figure, husband, and father you see from the outside. What saves me from my personal hell? I'll tell you in a minute...
You're more fortunate than I. I didn't have The Fun Times newsletter to tell me that there is another way to live. I had to hit rock bottom before I found the answers sitting right in my backyard.
What was in my backyard? My patients, my worst-case, terminally ill patients, taught me how to turn my life around. While I was suffering, in the midst of everything a man could want, they were thriving with chronic illnesses and terminal diagnoses.
What did they teach me? The taught me about the amazing natural medicine of humor. And I, in turn, created a prescription which saved my life - and has changed the lives of hundreds since. The Fun Factor. The Fun Factor works for people in the worst of circumstances. And it also works for people like you and me, who don't have a terminal illness but still want help being more happy and less stressed.
Make sure you don't put off your happiness. Use my Fun Commandment, Listen Very Carefully, to provide yourself the tools, and ample motivation, to be happy today. Why does Listening Very Carefully work? This Fun Commandment makes it nearly impossible to look ahead because careful listening keeps you rooted in the moment. And this moment is where all the fun is!
Dale Carnegie, by the way, is a personal role model, but I must correct one thing he says. He calls your tendency to "put off living", your "human nature." He is wrong. Your human nature, or humor nature as I call it, is to live freely and happily in the moment. You learn to put off living as you grow up and are indoctrinated, by well-intentioned misinformers, into the ways of "serious" adulthood.
Do you ever seen a child put off living? Me neither! Reclaim your birthright. Don't put off a darn thing; remember to use The Fun Factor to be happy right now!
Cliff Kuhn, M.D.
The Laugh Doctor
The Natural Medicine of Humor
"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"
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