Greens make your life better . Green pancakes are made using Whole Green Moong Lentil. This lentil is packed with nutrients like calcium , iron and above all much needed fiber.
Ingredients you'll need is
2 cups Whole Green Moong Lentil
1 inch ginger root peel and chopped
2 green chillies(exclude if you want a milder flavor)
1 big Onion chopped
1 teaspoon sea salt
Extra Virgin Olive Oil(EVOO)
To Make the Green Pancakes
Soak the lentils in water over night.
Next morning blend all the ingredients in a processor. Use a cup of water to make it consistency just right to pour and spread.
Heat the non stick pan on medium high. Pour one ladle of batter right in the middle. Spread by making circles. Leave it alone for 2-3 minutes. Flip and let cook for another 2-3 minutes. It takes longer to cook a green dosa than a plain dosa.
Now flip again add some chopped onion ,fold the dosa and serve with ginger chutney.
To make Ginger chutney
2 medium plum tomatoes halved
1/2 inch ginger root peeled and chopped
1/4 teaspoon chilly powder
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1 table spoon EVOO
Heat EVOO and saute all ingredients for 8-10 minutes until tomatoes are tender. Blend and serve with any Indian pancakes(Dosa) or Rice cakes(Idlis)
Health Nut Substitute
Yellow moong Split lentils can also be used ,which have lesser fiber.
This is my entry for Sangeeth's Eat Healthy :Calcium rich Event
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