Stretching for Two
Sit on the floor facing your partner. Each of you should have your legs crossed, with your knees nearly touching. Grip each other’s forearms in a way that is comfortable and allows you both to sit up straight. Lean back slowly, gently bringing your partner toward you. Be sure to keep your butt planted on the floor. Next, your partner takes the lead, repeating the stretch. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds, then return to an upright position. Repeat five or six times.
Stretching for Two
Sit on the floor back to back. Your knees should be bent and relaxed, with your feet flat on the floor. Interlock your elbows with your partner’s. Slowly lean forward, bringing your head toward your knees. Your partner should relax and allow herself to stretch back with you as far as is comfortable. Slowly return to an upright position. Next, your partner takes the lead, repeating the movements by leaning forward. Repeat five or six times, holding each stretch for 30 seconds.
Stretching for Two
Lie on your back, with your right leg bent and your right foot flat on the floor. Your partner kneels on the floor at your right side. Grab your left knee and ankle with both hands. Your partner, meanwhile, holds your right knee and ankle, gently stretching the knee toward your chest while keeping the ankle in line with the knee. Exchange places with your partner. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then switch legs and repeat the stretch. Repeat two or three times.
Stretching for Two
Your partner should sit on the floor, with the soles of her feet together and her knees bent. Facing her, place your hands on her knees, and gently press them toward the floor. Then switch positions and let her take over. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds, then relax. Repeat five or six times.
Stretching for Two
Your partner should sit cross-legged on the floor, with her hands behind her head and her elbows out to the sides. You sit behind her, with your legs on either side of hers. Place your hands on her arms just above her elbows. Next, gently pull her elbows back toward you, until she feels a stretch across her chest. Don’t pull too hard or too fast. Then it’s her turn to stretch you. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds. Repeat several times.
Stretching for Two
Stand face to face with your partner. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Extend your arms in front so that your palms touch and your fingers point to the ceiling. Have your partner bend her elbows, easing you toward her. Hold for about 10 seconds, or as long as is comfortable. She then pushes you back to the upright position and leans toward you. Try 10 to 20 times in each direction.
from: MSN Health
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