The Crisp-tart-sweet plums\prunes is one of the finest fruit of late Spring.More than eating them whole I prefer such tart fruit for making Jam,also makes an inexpensive yet totally pleasing gift in a Jar ,add a pinch of pectin if the Jam isn't thick enough.My recipe is low sugar,for little more sweetness add couple of teaspoons of sugar.
Plum Jam
6 plums or prunes,Pitted and cut in small cubes
1/2 cup unsweetened fruit juice(I used blend of blueberry ,apple and pomegranate juice)
Cook the fruit with the juice in steel pot(preferably)on gentle heat .Partially cover it and simmer until soft , mushy and thick about 40-45 minutes,stir occasionally.Cool and store in sterilized jar for up to a month.
Roti rolls
The Jam is enjoyable as a spread or to bake in a pudding or Jam pockets or slather on Whole grain roti\Paratha\Chapati ,roll up and serve for a quick fix snack or light meal for any time of the day.

I was always fascinated by the purple color,besides being a pleasing eye-catching color,the purple colored foods are rich in heart healthy flavonoids and age-delaying antioxidants.Learn about the Variety of Plums and Health benefits.
Plum Jam is my entry for Food in Colors,started by Sunshinemom,celebrating the favorite colors this month is Tasty Curry leaf
And the roti rolls for WYF: Quick meals and 15 minutes Cooking.
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