Monday, January 23, 2006

Hair and Hair Loss

Hair is the fastest growing tissue of the body, made up of proteins called keratins.

Every strand of hair is made up of three layers: the inner layer or medulla (only present in thick hairs); the middle layer or cortex, which determines the strength, texture, and color of hair; and the cuticle, which protects the cortex.

Hair grows from roots, which are enclosed in follicles. Below this is a layer of skin called the dermal papilla, which is fed by the bloodstream carrying nourishments vital to the growth of hair. Only the roots of hair are actually alive, while the visible part of hair is dead tissue, and therefore unable to heal itself.

It is vital then to take care of the scalp and body in order to perpetuate hair growth and maintenance. Expensive treatments that claim to treat the visible hair and nourish it therefore are usually no more than bogus claims made to sell products.

Hormones called androgens, usually testosterone, can cause hair follicles to shrink, causing thinning of hair or eventual hair loss. Reportedly only bone marrow grows faster in our body than hair does.

The average scalp contains 100,000-150,000 hair follicles and hairs, with 90% growing and 10% resting at any given time. Hair actually grows in three stages: anagen, catagen, and telogen. The anagen phase is the phase where hair is actively growing, and of course this phase is longer for follicles in the scalp than anywhere else on your body, and lasts longer for women than men.

It is natural for follicles to atrophy and hair to fall out, and this is called the catagen phase. This phase is only temporary, and eventually the follicle enters the telogen phase where it is resting.

These are the 10% at rest mentioned above. Normal anagen phases last approximately five years, with catagen phases lasting about three weeks, and telogen phases lasting approximately 12 weeks. As you see it is natural to lose some hair.

Natural hair loss is considered to be in the range of 100 hairs per day. It is not apparent to most people that hair is actually being lost until more than 50% of a person’s hair is actually lost.

Hair and Hair Loss

Hair is the fastest growing tissue of the body, made up of proteins called keratins.

Every strand of hair is made up of three layers: the inner layer or medulla (only present in thick hairs); the middle layer or cortex, which determines the strength, texture, and color of hair; and the cuticle, which protects the cortex.

Hair grows from roots, which are enclosed in follicles. Below this is a layer of skin called the dermal papilla, which is fed by the bloodstream carrying nourishments vital to the growth of hair. Only the roots of hair are actually alive, while the visible part of hair is dead tissue, and therefore unable to heal itself.

It is vital then to take care of the scalp and body in order to perpetuate hair growth and maintenance. Expensive treatments that claim to treat the visible hair and nourish it therefore are usually no more than bogus claims made to sell products.

Hormones called androgens, usually testosterone, can cause hair follicles to shrink, causing thinning of hair or eventual hair loss. Reportedly only bone marrow grows faster in our body than hair does.

The average scalp contains 100,000-150,000 hair follicles and hairs, with 90% growing and 10% resting at any given time. Hair actually grows in three stages: anagen, catagen, and telogen. The anagen phase is the phase where hair is actively growing, and of course this phase is longer for follicles in the scalp than anywhere else on your body, and lasts longer for women than men.

It is natural for follicles to atrophy and hair to fall out, and this is called the catagen phase. This phase is only temporary, and eventually the follicle enters the telogen phase where it is resting.

These are the 10% at rest mentioned above. Normal anagen phases last approximately five years, with catagen phases lasting about three weeks, and telogen phases lasting approximately 12 weeks. As you see it is natural to lose some hair.

Natural hair loss is considered to be in the range of 100 hairs per day. It is not apparent to most people that hair is actually being lost until more than 50% of a person’s hair is actually lost.

Hair and Hair Loss

Hair is the fastest growing tissue of the body, made up of proteins called keratins.

Every strand of hair is made up of three layers: the inner layer or medulla (only present in thick hairs); the middle layer or cortex, which determines the strength, texture, and color of hair; and the cuticle, which protects the cortex.

Hair grows from roots, which are enclosed in follicles. Below this is a layer of skin called the dermal papilla, which is fed by the bloodstream carrying nourishments vital to the growth of hair. Only the roots of hair are actually alive, while the visible part of hair is dead tissue, and therefore unable to heal itself.

It is vital then to take care of the scalp and body in order to perpetuate hair growth and maintenance. Expensive treatments that claim to treat the visible hair and nourish it therefore are usually no more than bogus claims made to sell products.

Hormones called androgens, usually testosterone, can cause hair follicles to shrink, causing thinning of hair or eventual hair loss. Reportedly only bone marrow grows faster in our body than hair does.

The average scalp contains 100,000-150,000 hair follicles and hairs, with 90% growing and 10% resting at any given time. Hair actually grows in three stages: anagen, catagen, and telogen. The anagen phase is the phase where hair is actively growing, and of course this phase is longer for follicles in the scalp than anywhere else on your body, and lasts longer for women than men.

It is natural for follicles to atrophy and hair to fall out, and this is called the catagen phase. This phase is only temporary, and eventually the follicle enters the telogen phase where it is resting.

These are the 10% at rest mentioned above. Normal anagen phases last approximately five years, with catagen phases lasting about three weeks, and telogen phases lasting approximately 12 weeks. As you see it is natural to lose some hair.

Natural hair loss is considered to be in the range of 100 hairs per day. It is not apparent to most people that hair is actually being lost until more than 50% of a person’s hair is actually lost.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Gadget - danartsign BLOG on Handhelds

I tried to see my blog on a small screen devices..200 pixels wide for handheld users..yes it's still on the trial..tested on my friend's Pocket Explorer Windows Mobile 2003 (iPAQ 4150) using WiFi..and on Opera 8.51 using small screen mode (Shift+F11) fine for a while..I'll check it again later..

CompTech - Between Firefox 1.5 and Opera 8.51

As a starter (..not a geek..), I found Firefox 1.5 and Opera 8.51 (under Win XP) were more better than Internet Explorer 6.0 (waiting for IE7..?). Both of them have (which IE doesn't..not yet..?) :
  • tabbed browsing in current window
  • built-in popups blocker
  • built-in integrated search (Google, Yahoo, etc)
  • cross platforms (Windows, GNU/Linux, Mac OS X,..)
  • better security and privacy
Personally..I use Firefox 1.5 because :
  • its help support is available offline..
  • it's support for W3C standards
  • its web developer extension is great
  • it's 2 lines (includes tabs..) customization toolbar with an easy drag and wasting spaces (see pics below..)
  • its open source power
Firefox toolbarGraphic 1. Firefox 1.5 toolbar (2 lines) after customization..

I also use Opera 8.51, because :
  • its "The Fastest Browser on Earth" off course (both rendering and start-up time..)..
  • its free banner too..since 8.5
  • its small screen mode (shift+F11)..they have Opera for mobile devices too..
  • its better zoom tool..
  • it's so many integrated client, chat client, contact manager, newsfeed aggregator, newsreader..(not yet try all of them..or maybe I don't need that many..)
  • it needs smaller resources of memory (with all the features..)
Opera toolbarGraphic 2. Opera 8.51 toolbar after customization..

And I use all of them..especially to check the preview of my blog..Firefox 1.5 for blogging..Opera 8.51 for small screen checking..Internet Explorer 6.0 for other preview checking (it has a lot of user..still..please switch to "not IE"..)..just get all their good features..please give me your feedback..

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Natural Medicine Of Humor Lets You Perform Just Like Mary Lou Retton

Do you remember watching a great gymnast, like Mary Lou Retton? You've never seen such amazing ability to flip and twist in the air. And then, after all the mid-air gyrations and a fancy dismount, she lands squarely on her feet.

Except when she doesn't.

You've seen what Mary Lou Retton does when she lands off balance, right? She tries to maintain a precarious off balance "freeze," with her arms spread, and a big grin. She strikes a pose as if to say, "I meant to do that!"

You don't think the judges are fooled by that, do you? Me neither. But it's a great model for all of us and it invokes the natural medicine of humor.

Well, we all land off balance like that sometimes. Especially when you are incorporating something new, like humor, into all areas of your life. Sooner or later you do or say something embarrassing.

During such moments, you could attack yourself. But I want you to try something else; I want you to adopt the "Mary Lou Retton." Which means you tell yourself, "I meant to do that!"

The "Mary Lou Retton" amounts to being kinder to yourself. Which reinforces my Fun Commandment of Taking Yourself Lightly. And, if you allow yourself more slack in this way, you will soon find yourself becoming more tolerant of others as well.

Tolerance and kindness are, after all, always welcome in our social interactions and their roots can be traced right to your humor nature!

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.
The Laugh Doctor
"it all starts with a SMILE"

The Natural Medicine of Humor
"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

Listed on Blogwise

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Natural Medicine Of Humor Can Take You To Zen

A friend of mine, recently retired, told me he signed up at our community college for a course in meditation. I told him that was better than him sitting around and doing nothing!

Meditation rests your brain, right? But do you find it difficult to sit still for extended periods of time?

I have good knews for you! Did you know that laughter gives your brain a vacation? Sounds wild, but it's true. Once again, the natural medicine of humor provides your health a big boost.

I've watched the rate of cerebral blood flow using PET scans. When you are sad or crying, your brain works overtime. When you laugh, however, your brain doesn't work as hard.

If fact, when you laugh your PET scan looks the same as if you are in a deep state of meditation or relaxation. turns out that laughter is both a natural medicine and a mini-meditation for your brain.

And frequent bursts of laughter add up, over time, to have the same effect as lengthy meditation. So break out your favorite humor props and get enlightened with the most fun form of meditation known to humankind!

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.
The Laugh Doctor
"it all starts with a SMILE"

The Natural Medicine of Humor
"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

Listed on Blogwise

Health Informatics - Surveilans dan Standar Data

Suatu sistem surveilans kesehatan masyarakat (Public Health Surveillance System) di masa kini banyak didukung oleh perkembangan teknologi elektronik. Seharusnya arus data yang dikumpulkan pun menjadi lebih cepat / real-time, mampu memonitor perkembangan / penyebaran kejadian kesehatan / penyakit (tren) di masyarakat serta bermanfaat bagi para pengambil kebijakan bidang kesehatan untuk melakukan tindakan yang tepat dan segera. Namun, nampaknya masalah standardisasi data masih akan menjadi topik hangat pada perkembangan sistem surveilans di beberapa negara termasuk Indonesia.

The National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS) merupakan salah satu organisasi yang mengembangkan proses standardisasi data kesehatan mulai dari pengumpulan data, manajemen, pertukaran / pengiriman, analisis, akses dan diseminasi. Berikutnya akan disesuaikan dengan kondisi di negara kita.

Pengumpulan data
Suatu masalah kesehatan biasanya ditemukan dan dilaporkan oleh penyedia pelayanan kesehatan seperti: puskesmas, dokter swasta, bidan, balai pengobatan, laboratorium dan rumah sakit. Isu penting yang ada adalah apakah format laporan yang digunakan sudah memenuhi standar yang ada secara nasional? Apakah definisi kasus tiap kejadian penyakit sudah terjabarkan secara jelas? Diperlukan juga format standar yang memudahkan pertukaran data secara elektronik nantinya. Untuk kemudahan dan kecepatannya, data bisa dikirimkan dalam bentuk kertas, menggunakan sms, telepon, faksimil, email, disket, flash-disk atau bahkan PDA dan beberapa daerah sudah memiliki wide area network maupun sistem informasi berbasis web. Data dikirimkan ke level pemerintahan lokal / dinkes kabupaten / kota, dinkes propinsi dan seterusnya hingga ke Depkes pusat. Pengumpulan data sebaiknya juga bersifat aktif, jangan hanya pasif.

Manajemen data
Untuk mencegah multiplikasi data, diperlukan suatu sistem pendataan identitas penduduk yang baik dan unik. Nantinya juga dibutuhkan suatu software register database yang mampu memfilter data ganda tersebut. Standar arsitektur data sebaiknya ditetapkan menggunakan format program tertentu seperti .doc dari Microsoft Word atau .odt (OpenDocument Text) dari 2.0 yang gratis, atau XML (eXtensible Markup Language) untuk memudahkan petukaran data elektronik.

Pertukaran / pengiriman data
Kerahasiaan data adalah isu penting disini, dimana pengiriman informasi menjadi sangat rawan dengan alam internet yang terbuka. Untuk mengatasinya dapat dengan menerapkan area network untuk lingkup tertentu atau menggunakan jalur internet terenkripsi.

Analisis data
Perubahan tren kejadian kesehatan tertentu dengan bantuan metode statistik serta dukungan software database dan pemetaan (misalnya EpiInfo) akan membantu analisis dan penyajian data nantinya.

Akses dan diseminasi data
Selain bermanfaat bagi pengambil kebijakan, hasil analisis data disimpan dalam database masing-masing level pemerintahan dan dapat digunakan untuk promosi kesehatan masyarakat melalui jalur internet maupun sms interaktif sesuai kebutuhan masyarakat.

Untuk memudahkan pengolahan data dari berbagai sumber dan berbagai macam jenis data menjadi informasi yang berguna bagi kebijakan kesehatan selanjutnya, diperlukan suatu standar tertentu mengenai format laporan, definisi kasus, software pengolah data serta jalur internet yang aman.

Monday, January 9, 2006

Gadget - Memaksimalkan PDA bagi Kalangan Medis

Dengan makin banyaknya rekan-rekan di kalangan medis yang menggunakan perangkat genggam (gadget / handheld) canggih seperti PDA (Personal Digital Assistant), PDA-Phone, Communicator, ponsel ber-OS (Operating System) dan sebagainya, penulis ingin sedikit berbagi info mengenai penggunaannya. Sayang jika alat canggih tersebut belum dimanfaatkan maksimal.

Khusus PDA dengan sistem operasi Palm® dan Windows Mobile® / Microsoft® Pocket PC memiliki banyak perangkat lunak yang bisa dimanfaatkan. Software tersebut banyak tersedia dalam versi gratis (freeware) maupun berbayar.

Untuk informasi umum (medis dan lainnya) serta download software secara legal silakan mencoba di freewaerepalm untuk Palm® OS dan freewareppc untuk Windows Mobile® / Pocket PC (PPC).
Untuk gadget dengan Symbian® OS bisa mencoba di allaboutsymbian dan yang menggunakan Linux Mobile OS bisa memperoleh informasi di linuxdevices.

"Handheld computers using the Palm operating system (PalmOS) or Microsoft PocketPC operating system are becoming an almost essential tool in medical education and practice."1

Untuk lingkungan medis atau yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan, pilihan software masih didominasi oleh Palm® OS dan Windows Mobile® OS. Selain keduanya merupakan pemain lama (terutama Palm®) dan didukung nama besar perusahaan masing-masing, juga banyak artikel elektronik kesehatan / kedokteran yang dibuat dalam format palm, pocket word, pdf dan diimbangi dengan software pembaca seperti DataViz Word To Go (Palm®), Pocket Word (PPC), Adobe Reader, Isilo, eReader dan sebagainya. Berikutnya akan kita fokuskan pada dua OS tersebut.

Yang ingin melengkapi PDA dengan e-book, berbagai macam kategori termasuk kesehatan bisa dibaca dan di-download di memoware secara gratis.

Beberapa software medis bisa dicoba di channel downloads medpda.

Menurut salah satu jurnal penelitian Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ), penggunaan PDA di kalangan dokter telah mengalami peningkatan yang dibarengi dengan upaya pembelajaran penggunaannya serta pemilihan aplikasi terbaik yang dibutuhkan.

Survey oleh Skyscape® ( 2003) menunjukkan lebih dari 88% dokter menggunakan PDA, 72% dilaporkan menggunakan untuk tujuan pengobatan, hampir 90% menyatakan PDA membantu mereka memberikan pelayanan kesehatan yang lebih baik, lebih dari 85% menyetujui penggunaan PDA mengurangi medical error dan selengkapnya di halaman berikut.

Beberapa waktu lalu memberitakan (9 January 2006):

"..First responders use the software to create an electronic record of the patient's information, including incident, location, treatment and photos. They then used the PDAs to transmit the information to hospitals via mobile phone networks. Patients also receive barcoded wristbands that can be scanned with the PDAs to access the data..."

Kapan ya kita bisa seperti itu..

Sebagai tambahan referensi, beberapa situs medis2 (dan yang berkaitan) lainnya, dapat dikunjungi di :

AvantGo - The Internet on your handheld | PDA Center - Medical PDA hardware and software on the Internet | e-Med Tools - Medical computing solutions for Palm OS | ePocrates - Handheld network for physicians | Handango - Listing of PDA accessories and software for sale | Handheld computers in Family Medicine - Discusses the use of handheld computers for medical applications | HandHeldMed - Clinical handheld computing | Healthy PalmPilot - 500+ Downloadable Resources | JournalToGo - No charge clinical service, downloadable to your handheld | The Medical Guide - The 2000 Guide to Handheld and Palmtop Computing Resources for Health Care Professionals | Medical Piloteer - Webring of sites providing medical resources for the Palm OS | Medical Resources for Palm Users - Six pages of software | Medical Resources for the Palm Computing Platform | MemoWare - Listing of medicine files | Palm Boulevard - Many freeware/shareware downloads | - For Palm stuff | PalmPilot Archives - Downloads for PDAs listed by operating system | PDA – - Medical PDA resource | PDAs for Health Care Providers - Directory of PDA resource pages from the Arizona Health Sciences Library | The Pediatric Pilot Page - A couple applications for Pediatrics | Peripheral Brain - Many Shareware/Freeware applications for your Palm | Review of medical software for Palms - Browse medical Palm software | Tucows - Software downloads for any operating system, including Palm OS and Windows CE | - Provides a collection of medical reference titles | Washington University Medical Palm initiative - Links to useful web resources related to the Palm.
Maaf jika seandainya terdapat broken links.

Selain dari internet, software bisa didapat dari majalah-majalah gadget / komputer yang memberikan bonus cd software.

Sebelum download software / file, penulis menyarankan:

  • back-up (syncronization) data anda ke pc / laptop (karena tidak ada jaminan semuanya berjalan baik-baik saja! try it on your own risk!)
  • baca review software / file-nya dulu (apakah anda memang membutuhkan software-nya)
  • cek kompatibilitasnya dengan OS, prosesor, warna layar, memori, dll (tergantung software-nya)
  • download via WiFi (untuk kecepatannya) atau melalui proses syncronization (jika dari pc / laptop ber-internet) ke memory card agar tidak mengurangi ROM / memori internal gadget anda.

1. Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine. (2005)
Recommendations for Handheld Hardware and Software[Internet]. Canada : Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine. Available on:<> [Accessed 10 January 2006]
2. Farmer, J. (2002)
PDAs in medicine [Internet], The Brody School of Medicine East Carolina University. Available from:<> [Accessed 10 January 2006].

Sunday, January 8, 2006

Health Informatics - SIK di Era Desentralisasi

Penerapan desentralisasi/otonomi regional didasari dengan dikeluarkannya:
  • UU No. 22 Tahun 1999 yang mengatur tentang Pemerintahan Daerah
  • UU No. 25 Tahun 1999 mengenai Perimbangan Keuangan antara Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah
Proses pelaksanaan desentralisasi diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah (PP), Keputusan Presiden dan Keputusan Menteri yang dikeluarkan berikutnya, antara lain (termasuk kesehatan):
  • PP No. 25 Tahun 2000 tentang Kewenangan Pemerintah dan Kewenangan Provinsi sebagai Daerah Otonom
  • PP No. 20 Tahun 2001 tentang Pembinaan dan Pengawasan atas Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Daerah
  • Keputusan Presiden No. 40 Tahun 2001 tentang Pedoman Kelembagaan dan Pengelolaan Rumah Sakit Daerah
  • Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan dan Kesejahteraan Sosial R.I. No. 1747/Menkes-Kesos/SK/XII/2000 tentang Pedoman Penetapan Standar Pelayanan Minimal dalam Bidang kesehatan di Kabupaten/Kota
  • Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan R.I. No. 551/Menkes/SK/V/2002 tentang Kebijakan dan Strategi Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Kesehatan Nasional (SIKNAS)
SIK (Sistem Informasi Kesehatan) memberikan dukungan informasi kepada proses pengambilan keputusan di semua tingkat administrasi pelayanan kesehatan (Sistem Kesehatan). Maka, SIK harus sesuai dengan struktur manajemen kesehatan dari Sistem Kesehatan.

Dengan adanya desentralisasi, maka pengembangan SIK diserahkan pada kemampuan dan kebutuhan daerah sesuai kondisinya masing-masing. Karakteristik data yang dibutuhkan di pusat dan daerah pun berbeda dimana daerah mesti menjaring data berdasar ID yang unik, sedangkan kebutuhan pusat lebih kepada jumlah data yang tidak serinci data di daerah. Sistem pencatatan dan pelaporan seperti data vital, surveilans, data pelayanan, pemetaan, pengendalian wabah seharusnya sudah lebih terintegrasi dengan adanya database yang online di website dinas kesehatan dan depkes sesuai standar dan interoperabilitasnya. Pemanfaatan internet yang semakin luas di kalangan medis seharusnya mampu meningkatkan proses pembelajaran di kalangan medis dan masyarakatnya.

Arus data pun tidak lagi sekedar vertikal dari daerah ke pusat. Dan hal inilah yang sering menjadi dilema. Siapa memerintah siapa, siapa mengurusi siapa...

Perubahan tentu tidak semudah itu terjadi. Diperlukan pengembangan secara bertahap, pelatihan, penelitian dan tenaga-tenaga baru bidang informatika kesehatan.

Saturday, January 7, 2006

Blog - Mengubah Layout dan Template Blog

Jika ada waktu, ingin mengubah layout dan template blog anda, hanya dibutuhkan sedikit keterampilan css dan html/xhtml.

Silakan ikuti di:kemudian boleh diikuti tulisan saya sebelumnya:sebelumnya..ingat simpan dulu template anda..selamat mencoba..

Humor's Natural Medicine Kicks In When You Merely Have The Right Attitude

A subtle shift in your attitude is all that is required to experience the boundless energy of the natural medicine of humor.

An attitude of willingness...of all that is necessary. This attitude is more subtle, yet more pervasive, than a posture of "always joking around." It communicates receptivity, flexibility, and a trusting fondness for the human spirit.

Even when outright laughter is not particularly welcome of appropriate, the attitude of lightness and kindness usually is.

You see...creating an atmosphere for fun all around you is the goal. Establishing this atmosphere is much more important than laughing to experience the amazing natural medicine of humor. Not everything that's fun, after all, is funny!

Fun can mean the simple appreciation of a sunset, a beautiful passage of music, or a baby's precious smile. None of these events need provoke outright laughter - yet they are positive experiences that contribute to your health.

Even a slight shift in your attitude in the direction of indulging your sense of humor, permitting your childlike playfulness to emerge, will produce massive influxes of the natural medicine of humor. Make this a deliberate goal and prove it to yourself today.

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.
The Laugh Doctor
"it all starts with a SMILE"

The Natural Medicine of Humor
"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

Listed on Blogwise

Arthritis is a big issue!

Arthritis is a big issue.

Look at some introductory facts. Referred to as the nation’s number one crippling disease and the most common chronic disease in people over 40, arthritis affects more than 40 million Americans.

And this figure is expected to rise to 60 million by 2020, according to the Center for Disease Control.

Arthritis generally afflicts people between the ages of 20 and 50, but can affect all ages, even infants. The average age of onset is 47 and about three out of every five people with arthritis are under 65 years of age.

Arthritic expenditures for just one person due to lost wages, medical treatment and other related expenses can come to more than $150,000 in his or her lifetime.

And doctors believe there are over 100 different forms of arthritis, all sharing one main characteristic: all forms cause joint inflammation.

Soon I´m going to release some very good infos about that!

Arthritis is a big issue!

Arthritis is a big issue.

Look at some introductory facts. Referred to as the nation’s number one crippling disease and the most common chronic disease in people over 40, arthritis affects more than 40 million Americans.

And this figure is expected to rise to 60 million by 2020, according to the Center for Disease Control.

Arthritis generally afflicts people between the ages of 20 and 50, but can affect all ages, even infants. The average age of onset is 47 and about three out of every five people with arthritis are under 65 years of age.

Arthritic expenditures for just one person due to lost wages, medical treatment and other related expenses can come to more than $150,000 in his or her lifetime.

And doctors believe there are over 100 different forms of arthritis, all sharing one main characteristic: all forms cause joint inflammation.

Soon I´m going to release some very good infos about that!

Arthritis is a big issue!

Arthritis is a big issue.

Look at some introductory facts. Referred to as the nation’s number one crippling disease and the most common chronic disease in people over 40, arthritis affects more than 40 million Americans.

And this figure is expected to rise to 60 million by 2020, according to the Center for Disease Control.

Arthritis generally afflicts people between the ages of 20 and 50, but can affect all ages, even infants. The average age of onset is 47 and about three out of every five people with arthritis are under 65 years of age.

Arthritic expenditures for just one person due to lost wages, medical treatment and other related expenses can come to more than $150,000 in his or her lifetime.

And doctors believe there are over 100 different forms of arthritis, all sharing one main characteristic: all forms cause joint inflammation.

Soon I´m going to release some very good infos about that!

Tuesday, January 3, 2006

Health Info - Formalin dalam makanan

Makanan yang 'diduga' mengandung formalin memiliki sifat khas:
  • kenyal (mis. bakso, tahu, mi)
  • awet/tahan lama/tidak mudah busuk (mis. ikan)
  • berbau menyengat khas formalin
  • warna makanan kadang menjadi pucat dan tidak segar (mis. ikan)
Untuk pastinya memang memerlukan pemeriksaan laboratorium.

Press release dari BPOM DKI Jakarta bisa dibaca disini.

Health Informatics - GIS and Public Health: an Introduction

Geographic Information Systems/Sistem Informasi geografis (GIS/SIG) adalah suatu manajemen berbasis data terkomputerisasi dengan teknologi pemetaan yang mengorganisasikan dan menyimpan sejumlah data yang besar untuk tujuan informasi multi fungsi. Informasi yang diberikan merupakan gabungan antara data dan peta.
Hal ini akan sangat membantu para pemegang keputusan untuk memperoleh informasi secara cepat, efisien dan efektif.

SIG cocok digunakan pada sistem surveilans, terutama untuk deteksi dini penyakit menular dan investigasi wabah, baik terhadap lokasi, kecepatan alur komunikasi dan pemetaan perubahan epidemisnya.

Kegunaan SIG lainnya yaitu:

  • menentukan distribusi penyakit
  • analisis spasial dan temporal tentang tren suatu penyakit
  • pemetaan populasi berisiko
  • menentukan tingkatan faktor risiko
  • menyimpulkan sumber daya
  • membantu perencanaan intervensi
  • memonitor penyakit secara berkala

Kecepatan dan ketepatan data akan sangat menjadi perhatian penting dengan bantuan SIG ini.

Monday, January 2, 2006

How To Use The Natural Medicine Of Humor To Distinguish Between Healthy And Unhealthy Humor

Healthy humor will make you healthy. Unheathly humor will make you...well...sick.

Healthy humor is usually more subtle and gentle. It occurs naturally. Unhealthy humor, since it is based on a lie (the lie that we are different from one another), must be contrived and more forcefully set up.

To exploit the apparent differences between us, unhealthy humor must distract you from a basic truth, which is that we are all a lot more alike than different.

The good news is that since healthy humor reflects the truth, it is more abundant. It is all around us. Healthy humor is like an undercurrent that runs through everything.

You need only train yourself to become more aware of it and receptive to it. Furthermore, since it is healthy humor that you are seeking, you can drop some of your apprehensions and reluctance based on the fear that your laughter will be offensive or painful to others.

Hopefully, this will increase your willingness and freedom to dip into the natural medicine of humor, moving you closer to my prescribed thirty minutes a day of laughter.

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.
The Laugh Doctor
"it all starts with a SMILE"

The Natural Medicine of Humor
"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

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Blog - Validate your blog.. ini baru bisa valid CSS dan valid XHTML 1.0..berdasar W3C..

Mengapa perlu validasi?
  • agar tampil 'aman' di browser yg memberlakukan standar ini..(mis. Firefox 1.5+, Opera 8.5+[belum maksimal..] IE kini blm termasuk..)
  • memudahkan tampilan dan akses pada browser text mode
  • memudahkan indexing oleh robot search engine
Silakan validasi css dan html/xhtml blog anda..

Updated 01/03/2006: sementara bisa valid xhtml 1.1..asal gak lagi trial aja.. :))

Sunday, January 1, 2006

Gadget - Wi-Fi dengan PDA

Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) adalah teknologi nirkabel (tanpa kabel) yang bisa menghubungkan perangkat ber-wifi dengan internet yang juga menggunakan wireless networking. Standar yang berlaku saat ini yaitu IEEE 802.11b (untuk PDA umumnya menggunakan standar ini), IEEE 802.11a dan IEEE 802.11g (banyak diadaptasi pada laptop) serta IEEE 802.11n.

Kecepatan transfer wifi kelas b sekitar 11 Mbps dan bergerak pada frekuensi 2,4 GHz. Namun kadang kecepatannya kurang dari maksimal karena keterbatasan sinyal.

Area di sekitar base station disebut hotspot. Lokasi hotspot di Indonesia bisa dicoba yang terdekat, gratis atau bahkan harus registrasi dan langganan, bisa dilihat disini dan disini.

Cara menggunakan wifi built-in di PDA sangat gampang, tinggal aktifkan wifi (mis. di pocket pc ipaq ber-wifi: tinggal klik start..program..[ipaq]wireless..done) trus langsung terkoneksi ke jaringan, asal penyedia layanan wifi gak terproteksi alias free..

Mungkinkah wifi nantinya digantikan oleh WiMax?

Blog - Rekomendasi W3C

Sebuah web atau blog biasanya ditulis menggunakan HTML. Belakangan berkembang XHTML dan XML.
Menurut W3C (WWW Consortium), saat ini direkomendasikan penggunaan:
  • XHTML 1.0 (Strict, Transitional, Frameset)
  • XHTML Basic untuk mobile applications
  • Modularization of XHTML
  • XHTML 1.1 yang mirip dengan XHTML 1.0 Strict
  • HTML 4.01 (Strict, Transitional, Frameset) yang merupakan modifikasi dari HTML 4.0 dan cikal bakal XHTML 1.0
Untuk mengadaptasinya (terutama XHTML dan XML), sangat dibutuhkan CSS untuk mengatur layout web.
Selain itu dibutuhkan web browser yang 'mumpuni', saya menyarankan menggunakan Get Firefox! now..Saya juga menggunakan HTML Kit sebagai HTML editor.