Wednesday, March 16, 2011

10 Tricks for Improving Your Memory

10 Tricks for Improving Your Memory

What’s the name of your daughter’s teacher, and where did you put your keys again? If you’ve ever wished you could do some simple things to sharpen your memory skills, you can. We’ve talked to the experts and compiled the latest thinking on improving the muscles in your brain associated with memory.

1. Talk with your hands.
It may sound strange, but waving your hands and gesturing while trying to learn a concept may help your brain remember something important, says Jeff Brown, PsyD, ABPP, coauthor of The Winner’s Brain. "Gesturing in a meaningful way while you are learning may help you when recalling the concept,” he says. “The idea is that you are storing at least two different types of information about something you'll need to recall later. A good example of this is when kids speak math problems aloud, but also 'work them' in the air.” Tactics to try: When you’ve just learned someone’s name, “write” it down on the palm of your hand with your finger. The act of tracing the letters on your palm (discreetly, of course) can help your brain remember it, says Dr. Brown. Or, “Air-write on an imaginary map of your grocery store or mall as you name aloud the items or stores you need to remember when shopping.”

2. Take a chill pill.
Learning to calm down and not carry as much stress can help your brain in significant ways, says Elizabeth Lombardo, PhD, PT, a psychologist and physical therapist in Wexford, Pennsylvania, and the author of A Happy You: Your Ultimate Prescription for Happiness. “The best tip to improve your memory is: Reduce your stress,” says Dr. Lombardo. “Research shows that when people experience chronic stress, their hippocampus—the part of your brain that is responsible for some memories—literally shrinks in size.” In fact, a 2007 study in the journal Neurology by researchers at Rush University Medical School found that people who are easily distressed and had more negative emotions were more likely to develop memory problems than more easygoing people. How to reduce your stress? Consider delegating more tasks at work, clearing your social calendar for the weekend (there’s nothing wrong with having nothing on the calendar!) and purging negative relationships from your life.

3. Get plenty of zzz’s.
You’ve heard the concept of “sleeping on it” when you’re faced with a problem or difficult decision, right? Well, getting a good night’s sleep can help you improve your memory, too. "Sleep is critical for memory consolidation,” says Dr. Brown. “Getting at least six hours of uninterrupted sleep following exposure to new information can help in the recall of that information.” But there’s an important side note: “The trick is going directly to bed without inserting any new information or activity between what you want to recall and going to sleep—no reading, no TV, no sex, no music."

4. Eat more fruits and veggies.
Eating your spinach—and carrots and peas—is not only good for your body, it’s good for your memory, too. A recent Harvard study found that people who ate more vegetables had a slower decline of brain function as they aged. “Other studies, such as one published in Pharmacology, have shown that essential brain-boosting nutrients found in certain produce, such as quercetin and anthocyanin, may reverse memory loss,” says Tosca Reno, a health and fitness expert and author of the bestselling book The Eat-Clean Diet. You can find these compounds in cruciferous vegetables, such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli and cabbage, as well as in leafy greens, including kale, spinach and Swiss chard. Also load up on brightly colored produce such as berries, red apples, eggplant and grapes—their bright hue is an indication of their brain-boosting antioxidants.

5. Join a book club.
Not only is reading great for your brain, but discussing what you’ve read can improve your memory by leaps and bounds, says Sandra Bond Chapman, PhD. In fact, a book club with your closest girlfriends may help strengthen your brain’s frontal lobe function. “The frontal lobe is the last region of the brain to develop, but the first to decline with age,” explains Dr. Chapman. “To strengthen function of the frontal lobe, engage in deeper-level thinking activities such as interpreting what you read in a book, discussing the ‘larger messages’ in the book and pushing to see how many meanings you can derive from it.”

6. Go to yoga class.
What can a downward-facing-dog pose do for your memory? A lot, says Gina Norman, a yoga teacher in New York City. “A new study out of the University of North Carolina shows that brief meditative exercise helps cognition and skills essential to critical thinking,” she says. But if you’re not into yoga, exercise of any kind works to boost your brain, says Dr. Lombardo. “Research shows that exercise increases the blood flow to all areas of your body, including the brain and specifically areas involved in memory,” she says. “One study found that mice who exercised grew new brain cells in the dentate gyrus, a part of the hippocampus which can be affected by declines in memory as we get older.” Short on time? “Try running up a flight of stairs, jogging to a bathroom that is farther away from you, doing 50 jumping jacks, putting on a great song and dancing around, or grabbing your child’s hand and jumping on the bed together.”

7. Sniff some rosemary.
Parsley and sage are great, as is thyme, but when it comes to improving memory, rosemary is king. In a recent study, UK researchers looked at scents and how they boosted or detracted from mental performance. They found that office workers whose cubicles were infused with the scent of rosemary had better long-term memory than those in unscented cubes. “There are other essential oils that can help with memory, but rosemary is by far the best and most economical,” says Cher Core, an aromatherapist in Boston. “Diffuse rosemary essential oil in the air, wear it in a perfume, use it in mists and more. It is a good choice for those studying and folks who need help with memory, focus and concentration.”

8. Pay attention.
Duh, right? It may sound obvious, but according to experts, when most people think they’re having memory problems, it’s really because they were distracted or didn’t record the information in their brain properly to begin with, says Linda Edelstein, PhD, adjunct faculty at Northwestern University and the author of The Art of Midlife. “When people cannot retrieve information it is often because they haven't taken it in in the first place,” she says. “You cannot recall information that you did not store.” The number-one trick to paying closer attention? Stop multitasking and be fully present. That means setting down the BlackBerry while lunching with your friend, turning off the TV when you’re trying to read something and not letting your eyes—or mind—wander when chatting with someone at a party. You’ll be more likely to remember the person’s name.

9. Learn a new song.
Have you ever found yourself singing along to a song you love that debuted 10 years ago, and yet you still don’t know the lyrics? Learning the words could be fun, but it could also be good for your memory in general. By memorizing a song, “you will be working out at least two different kinds of memory, auditory and verbal, which is probably something you don't do very often,” says Cynthia Green, PhD, an expert on brain health and memory. “The research suggests that constantly challenging our brains with intellectual pursuits may boost our ‘cognitive reserve’ and can have the associated benefit of reducing our dementia risk over the long-term.”

10. Go ahead and doodle.
When’s the last time you grabbed a pencil and paper and let your mind go—drawing hearts and rainbows, or whatever scene or object popped into your head? Surprisingly, says Dr. Green, a free-flowing pen could be the key to strengthening your brain’s memory centers. “Doodling has been found in studies to boost concentration, which is an essential first step to learning and memory,” says Dr. Green. “After all, if you can't focus on information, you don't acquire it effectively, and you can never remember something you don't learn in the first place!”

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Keeping counterfeits out of ads

(Cross-posted from the Google European Public Policy Blog.)

Thanks to the Internet, it’s never been easier to start a business and reach a huge audience, at an incredible scale. Unfortunately, some people misuse legitimate online services to try to market counterfeit goods. Of course, this isn’t a problem unique to the online world, but as the Web has grown, so have attempts to sell counterfeits online.

With over one million advertisers using AdWords in over 190 countries, how do we weed out the bad actors who violate our clear policies against advertising counterfeits? In the last six months of 2010 alone, we shut down approximately 50,000 AdWords accounts for attempting to advertise counterfeit goods. But there’s no silver bullet here. Instead, it’s a cat-and-mouse game, where we are constantly working to improve our practices and tune our systems to keep out the bad guys.

That’s why today we’re announcing three improvements designed to further improve our collaboration with brand owners to address the problem and prevent counterfeiters from abusing our services:

  • We’ll act on reliable AdWords counterfeit complaints within 24 hours. In 2009, we announced a new complaint form to make it fast and easy for brand owners to notify us of misuse. For brand owners who use this form responsibly, we’ll reduce our average response time to 24 hours or less.

  • We will improve our AdSense anti-counterfeit reviews. We have always prohibited our AdSense partners from placing Google ads on sites that include or link to sales of counterfeit goods. We will work more closely with brand owners to identify infringers and, when appropriate, expel them from the AdSense programme.

  • We’ve introduced a new help center page for reporting counterfeits. That way, we aim to make it easier for users and brand owners to find forms to report abuse.

These steps are our ways of facilitating co-operation with brand owners, which is absolutely essential in tackling the sale of counterfeits online. AdWords is just a conduit between advertisers and consumers and we can’t know whether any particular item out of the millions advertised is counterfeit or not.

Of course, we do more than simply respond to brand owners’ removal requests. We use their feedback to help us tune a set of sophisticated automated tools, which analyze thousands of signals along every step of the advertising process and help prevent bad ads from ever seeing the light of day. We devote significant engineering and machine resources in order to prevent violations of ads policies, including counterfeiting.

In fact, we invested over $60 million last year alone, and, in the last 6 months of 2010, more than 95% of accounts removed for counterfeits came down based on our own detection efforts. No system is perfect, but brand owner feedback has helped us improve over time – as our system gets more data about ads it has misclassified before, it gets better at counteracting new ways that bad guys try to cloak their behavior.

While our systems get better over time, counterfeiting remains a complex challenge, and we keep investing in anti-counterfeiting measures. After all, a Google user duped by a fake is far less likely to click on another Google ad in the future. Ads for counterfeits aren't just bad for the real brand holder – they're bad for users who can end up unknowingly buying sub-standard products, and they're bad for Google too.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Candidas dan penatalaksanaannya

species candidas yang biasa menyerang manusia adalah:
1. Candida albicans,
2. Candida (Torulopsis)glabrata,
3. Candida parapsilosis,
4. Candida tropicalis,
5. Candida krusei,
6. Candida kefyr,
7. Candida guilliermondii,
8. Candida lusitaniae,
9. Candida stellatoidea, dan
10.Candida dubliniensis.

Kandidiasis oral adalah infeksi pada mukosa rongga mulut yang disebabkan oleh Candida, paling sering disebabkan oleh Candida Albicans dan juga merupakan fungi yang paling sering ditemukan menginfeksi tubuh manusia. Kandidiasis oral dapat juga disebabkan oleh non Candida albicans Candida (NCAC) , dimana mempunyai manifestasi klinis yang sama, yang membedakan hanya sifat invasif masing-masing dan respon terhadap obat-obat anti fungi. C. tropicalis merupakan spesies NCAC yang mempunyai virulensi paling tinggi karena mempunyai kemampuan perlekatan pada sel-sel epitelial secara invitro dan mensekresi proteinase dalam level sedang. Candida tropicalis juga merupakan spesies Candida nomor dua yang paling sering dijumpai koloninya pada manusia. Penelitian melaporkan C.tropicalis sebagai penyebab kandidiasis oral dapat diidentifikasi 16% pada pasien rawat inap, yang dipicu karena adanya tekanan dari penggunaan obat-obat anti fungi khusus ataupun akibat penggunaan antibiotika sistemik. Laporan kasus ini membahas terjadinya kandidiasis oral pada penderita pria dewasa dengan median rhomboid glositis karena pemakaian antibiotik spektrum luas serta kortikosteroid topikal dengan dosis yang tidak tepat. Dengan pemeriksaan mikologi indirek didapatkan infeksi C. tropicalis. Penatalaksanaan kandidiasis oral ini yang pertama adalah mengeliminasi faktor predisposisi, optimalisasi oral hiegiene serta pemberian terapi obat kumur Chlorhexidine gluconate 0,25 % akan memberikan prognosa yang baik.

Oral candidiasis is oral mucosal infectious caused by Candida albicans or non-candida albicans candida (NCAC). Each Candida species infection have same clinical manifestation, the different only invasive nature and antifungi response. C. tropicalis is most virulence NCAC because the most adherence ability to epithelial cells in vitro as well as medium level proteinase secretion. In addition, C. topicalis is the second most common colony on human. A study reported of C. tropicalis as causa of 16 % hospitalized oral candidiasis, anti fungal drugs and systemic antibioitika was known as trigger factors. This
paper report and discuss oral candidiasis due to C.tropicalis in patient, adult male, with median rhomboid glossitis. The patient also used broad spectrum antibiotic and topical corticosteroid with imprecise dose.The management of this case was terminated antibiotic and corticosteroid, oral hygiene optimalization and was given 0,25% Chlorhexidine gluconate. However, oral hygiene optimalization, predisposition factors elimination, and, precise therapy would give a good prognosis.

Keywords: Kandidiasis oral, Candida tropicalis, Median rhomboid glossitis


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Herpes genital merupakan penyakit infeksi akut pada genital dengan gambaran khas berupa vesikel berkelompok pada dasar eritematosa, dan cenderung bersifat rekuren. Umumnya disebabkan oleh herpes simpleks virus tipe 2 (HSV-2), tetapi sebagian kecil dapat pula oleh tipe 1.

Herpes genitalis merupakan infeksi pada genital dengan gejala khas berupa vesikel yang berkelompok dengan dasar eritem bersifat rekuren. Herpes genitalis terjadi pada alat genital dan sekitarnya (bokong, daerah anal dan paha). Ada dua macam tipe HSV yaitu : HSV-1 dan HSV-2 dan keduanya dapat menyebabkan herpes genital. Infeksi HSV-2 sering ditularkan melalui hubungan seks dan dapat menyebabkan rekurensi dan ulserasi genital yang nyeri. Tipe 1 biasanya mengenai mulut dan tipe 2 mengenai daerah genital.

HSV dapat menimbulkan serangkaian penyakit, mulai dari ginggivostomatitis sampai keratokonjungtivitis, ensefalitis, penyakit kelamin dan infeksi pada neonatus. Komplikasi tersebut menjadi bahan pemikiran dan perhatian dari beberapa ahli, seperti : ahli penyakit kulit dan kelamin, ahli kandungan, ahli mikrobiologi dan lain sebagainya. Infeksi primer oleh HSV lebih berat dan mempunyai riwayat yang berbeda dengan infeksi rekuren. Setelah terjadinya infeksi primer virus mengalami masa laten atau stadium dorman, dan infeksi rekuren disebabkan oleh reaktivasi virus dorman ini yang kemudian menimbulkan kelainan pada kulit. Infeksi herpes simpleks fasial-oral rekuren atau herpes labialis dikenali sebagai fever blister atau cold sore dan ditemukan pada 25-40% dari penderita Amerika yang telah terinfeksi. Herpes simpleks fasial-oral biasanya sembuh sendiri. Tetapi pada penderita dengan imunitas yang rendah, dapat ditemukan lesi berat dan luas berupa ulkus yang nyeri pada mulut dan esofagus.
Perjalanan Penyakit termasuk keluhan utama dan keluhan tambahan. Umumnya kelainan klinis/keluhan utama adalah timbulnya sekumpulan vesikel pada kulit atau mukosa dengan rasa terbakar dan gatal pada tempat lesi, kadang-kadang disertai gejala konstitusi seperti malaise, demam, dan nyeri otot.
Diagnosis herpes genital secara klinis ditegakkan dengan adanya gejala khas berupa vesikel berkelompok dengan dasar eritem dan bersifat rekuren. Diagnosis dapat ditegakkan melalui anamnesa, pemeriksaan fisisk jika gejalanya khas dan pemeriksaan laboratorium.
Pengobatan dari herpes genital secara umum bisa dengan menjaga kebersihan lokal, menghindari trauma atau faktor pencetus. Adapun obat-obat yang dapat menangani herpes genital adalah asiklovir, valasiklovir, famsiklovir.
Prognosis akan lebih baik seiring dengan meningkatnya usia seperti pada orang dewasa.

Kematian oleh infeksi HSV jarang terjadi. Infeksi inisial dini yang segera diobati mempunyai prognosis lebih baik, sedangkan infeksi rekuren hanya dapat dibatasi frekuensi kambuhnya. Pada orang dengan gangguan imunitas, misalnya penyakit-penyakit dengan tumor di sistem retikuloendotelial, pengobatan dengan imunosupresan yang lama, menyebabkan infeksi ini dapat menyebar ke alat-alat dalam dan fatal. Prognosis akan lebih baik seiring dengan meningkatnya usia seperti pada orang dewasa. Terapi antivirus efektif menurunkan manifestasi klinis herpes genitalis.

Herpes Genitalis adalah suatu penyakit menular seksual di daerah kelamin, kulit di sekeliling rektum atau daerah di sekitarnya yang disebabkan oleh virus herpes simpleks.

Penyebabnya adalah virus herpes simpleks.
Ada 2 jenis virus herpes simpleks yaitu HSV-1 dan HSV-2.
HSV-2 biasanya ditularkan melalui hubungan seksual, sedangkan HSV-1 biasanya menginfeksi mulut. Kedua jenis virus herpes simpleks tersebut bisa menginfeksi kelamin, kulit di sekeliling rektum atau tangan (terutama bantalan kuku) dan bisa ditularkan ke bagian tubuh lainnya (misalnya permukaan mata).
Luka herpes biasanya tidak terinfeksi oleh bakteri, tetapi beberapa penderita juga memiliki organisme lainnya pada luka tersebut yang ditularkan secara seksual (misalnya sifilis atau cangkroid).

Kejadian penyakit ini sangat cepat akhir-akhir ini. Penyakit ini tak dapat diberantas secara tuntas dan sering kumat-kumatan, dan dapat menimbulkan komplikasi pada saat hamil dan persalinan. Herpes genitalis disebabkan oleh virus herpes simpleks tipe 1 dan tipe 2.

* tipe 1 : keganasan rendah, menyerang terutama sekitar mulut
* tipe 2 : ganas, menyerang alat kelamin
* penyebab : virus Herpes Simpleks
* perantara : manusia, bahan yang tercemar virus
* tempat virus keluar : penis, vagina, anus, mulut
* cara penularan : kontak langsung
* tempat kuman masuk : penis, vagina, anus, mulut

Pada wanita penyakit ini biasanya tanpa gejala, tapi dapat menularkan penyakit. Penularan hampir selalu terjadi melalui hubungan seksual. masa inkubasi 3-5 hari, kemudian pada daerah kemaluan timbul gerombolan vesikel, di atas kulit kemerahan dan dirasakan nyeri, bila pecah meninggalkan bekas. Sering disertai pembesaran kelenjar yang nyeri. Penyakit sembuh dalam 2-3 minggu. Penyakit sering kumat, timbul pada tempat yang sama dan biasanya lebih ringan dari gejala infeksi pertama. Faktor yang mempengaruhi kekambuhan biasanya adalah kelelahan fisik dan stress mental, atau infeksi sistemik lainnya. Hubungan seksual yang berlebihan dengan banyak pasangan meningkatkan kemungkinan berhubungan dengan orang yang sudah kena. Komplikasi pada wanita hamil dapat ditularkan melalui ari-ari atau pada saat melahirkan, dapat menyebabkan keguguran, kematian janin atau cacad permanen. Di samping itu, dapat pula menyebabkan kanker serviks.

Gejala awalnya mulai timbul pada hari ke 4-7 setelah terinfeksi.
Gejala awal biasanya berupa gatal, kesemutann dan sakit. Lalu akan muncul bercak kemerahan yang kecil, yang diikuti oleh sekumpulan lepuhan kecil yang terasa nyeri. Lepuhan ini pecah dan bergabung membentuk luka yang melingkar. Luka yang terbentuk biasanya menimbulkan nyeri dan membentuk keropeng.

Penderita bisa mengalami kesulitan dalam berkemih dan ketika berjalan akan timbul nyeri.
Luka akan membaik dalam waktu 10 hari tetapi bisa meninggalkan jaringan parut.

Kelenjar getah bening selangkangan biasanya agak membesar.
Gejala awal ini sifatnya lebih nyeri, lebih lama dan lebih meluas dibandingkan gejala berikutnya dan mungkin disertai dengan demam dan tidak enak badan.

Pada pria, lepuhan dan luka bisa terbentuk di setiap bagian penis, termasuk kulit depan pada penis yang tidak disunat. Pada wanita, lepuhan dan luka bisa terbentuk di vulva dan leher rahim. Jika penderita melakukan hubungan seksual melalui anus, maka lepuhan dan luka bisa terbentuk di sekitar anus atau di dalam rektum.

Pada penderita gangguan sistem kekebalan (misalnya penderita infeksi HIV), luka herpes bisa sangat berat, menyebar ke bagian tubuh lainnya, menetap selama beberapa minggu atau lebih dan resisten terhadap pengobatan dengan asiklovir.

Gejala-gejalanya cenderung kambuh kembali di daerah yang sama atau di sekitarnya, karena virus menetap di saraf panggul terdekat dan kembali aktif untuk kembali menginfeksi kulit.
HSV-2 mengalami pengaktivan kembali di dalam saraf panggul. HSV-1 mengalami pengaktivan kembali di dalam saraf wajah dan menyebabkan fever blister atau herpes labialis. Tetapi kedua virus bisa menimbulkan penyakit di kedua daerah tersebut.
Infeksi awal oleh salah satu virus akan memberikan kekebalan parsial terhadap virus lainnya, sehingga gejala dari virus kedua tidak terlalu berat.

Infeksi awal dari 63% HSV-2 dan 37% HSV-1 adalah asimptomatik. Simptom dari infeksi awal (saat inisial episode berlangsung pada saat infeksi awal) simptom khas muncul antara 3 hingga 9 hari setelah infeksi, meskipun infeksi asimptomatik berlangsung perlahan dalam tahun pertama setelah diagnosa di lakukan pada sekitar 15% kasus HSV-2. Inisial episode yang juga merupakan infeksi primer dapat berlangsung menjadi lebih berat. Infeksi HSV-1 dan HSV-2 agak susah dibedakan.
Tanda utama dari genital herpes adalah luka di sekitar vagina, penis, atau di daerah anus. Kadang-kadang luka dari herpes genital muncul di skrotum, bokong atau paha. Luka dapat muncul sekitar 4-7 hari setelah infeksi.(6,15)
Gejala dari herpes disebut juga outbreaks, muncul dalam dua minggu setelah orang terinfeksi dan dapat saja berlangsung untuk beberapa minggu. Adapun gejalanya sebagai berikut : (1,4,6,12)
- Nyeri dan disuria
- Uretral dan vaginal discharge
- Gejala sistemik (malaise, demam, mialgia, sakit kepala)
- Limfadenopati yang nyeri pada daerah inguinal
- Nyeri pada rektum, tenesmus
Tanda :
- Eritem, vesikel, pustul, ulserasi multipel, erosi, lesi dengan krusta tergantung pada tingkat infeksi.
- Limfadenopati inguinal
- Faringitis
- Cervisitis
a. Herpes genital primer
Infeksi primer biasanya terjadi seminggu setelah hubungan seksual (termasuk hubungan oral atau anal). Tetapi lebih banyak terjadi setelah interval yang lama dan biasanya setengah dari kasus tidak menampakkan gejala. Erupsi dapat didahului dengan gejala prodormal, yang menyebabkan salah diagnosis sebagai influenza. Lesi berupa papul kecil dengan dasar eritem dan berkembang menjadi vesikel dan cepat membentuk erosi superfisial atau ulkus yang tidak nyeri, lebih sering pada glans penis, preputium, dan frenulum, korpus penis lebih jarang terlihat.(1)
b. Herpes genital rekuren
Setelah terjadinya infeksi primer klinis atau subklinis, pada suatu waktu bila ada faktor pencetus, virus akan menjalani reaktivasi dan multiplikasi kembali sehingga terjadilah lagi rekuren, pada saat itu di dalam hospes sudah ada antibodi spesifik sehingga kelainan yang timbul dan gejala tidak seberat infeksi primer. Faktor pencetus antara lain: trauma, koitus yang berlebihan, demam, gangguan pencernaan, kelelahan, makanan yang merangsang, alkohol, dan beberapa kasus sukar diketahui penyebabnya. Pada sebagian besar orang, virus dapat menjadi aktif dan menyebabkan outbreaks beberapa kali dalam setahun. HSV berdiam dalam sel saraf di tubuh kita, ketika virus terpicu untuk aktif, maka akan bergerak dari saraf ke kulit kita. Lalu memperbanyak diri dan dapat timbul luka di tempat terjadinya outbreaks(1,4,12)
Mengenai gambaran klinis dari herpes progenitalis : gejaia klinis herpes progenital dapat ringan sampai berat tergantung dari stadium penyakit dan imunitas dari pejamu. Stadium penyakit meliputi :
Infeksi primer ? stadium laten ? replikasi virus ? stadium rekuren. (9)
Manifestasi klinik dari infeksi HSV tergantung pada tempat infeksi, dan status imunitas host. Infeksi primer dengan HSV berkembang pada orang yang belum punya kekebalan sebelumnya terhadap HSV-1 atau HSV -2, yang biasanya menjadi lebih berat, dengan gejala dan tanda sistemik dan sering menyebabkan komplikasi. (3,5)
Berbagai macam manifestasi klinis:(5,7)
1. infeksi oro-fasial
2. infeksi genital
3. infeksi kulit lainnya
4. infeksi okular
5. kelainan neurologist
6. penurunan imunitas
7. herpes neonatal

Pemeriksaan laboratorium yang paling sederhana adalah Tes Tzank diwarnai dengan pengecatan giemsa atau wright, akan terlihat sel raksasa berinti banyak. Sensitifitas dan spesifitas pemeriksaan ini umumnya rendah. Cara pemeriksaan laboratorium yang lain adalah sebagai berikut.

A. Histopatologis
Vesikel herpes simpleks terletak intraepidermal, epidermis yang terpengaruh dan inflamasi pada dermis menjadi infiltrat dengan leukosit dan eksudat sereus yang merupakan kumpulan sel yang terakumulasi di dalam stratum korneum membentuk vesikel.(1)
B. Pemeriksaan serologis ( ELISA dan Tes POCK )

Beberapa pemeriksaan serologis yang digunakan:
1. ELISA mendeteksi adanya antibodi HSV-1 dan HSV-2.
2. Tes POCK untuk HSV-2 yang sekarang mempunyai sensitivitas yang tinggi.

C. Kultur virus
Kultur virus yang diperoleh dari spesimen pada lesi yang dicurigai masih merupakan prosedur pilihan yang merupakan gold standard pada stadium awal infeksi. Bahan pemeriksaan diambil dari lesi mukokutaneus pada stadium awal (vesikel atau pustul), hasilnya lebih baik dari pada bila diambil dari lesi ulkus atau krusta. Pada herpes genitalis rekuren hasil kultur cepat menjadi negatif, biasanya hari keempat timbulnya lesi, ini terjadi karena kurangnya pelepasan virus, perubahan imun virus yang cepat, teknik yang kurang tepat atau keterlambatan memproses sampel. Jika titer dalam spesimen cukup tinggi, maka hasil positif dapat terlihat dalam waktu 24-48 jam.


Secara klinis ditegakkan dengan adanya gejala khas berupa vesikel berkelompok dengan dasar eritem dan bersifat rekuren. Gejala dan tanda dihubungkan dengan HSV-2. diagnosis dapat ditegakkan melalui anamnesa, pemeriksaan fisis jika gejalanya khas dan melalui pengambilan contoh dari luka (lesi) dan dilakukan pemeriksaan laboratorium. Tes darah yang mendeteksi HSV-1 dan HSV-2 dapat menolong meskipun hasilnya tidak terlalu memuaskan. Virus kadangkala, namun tak selalu, dapat dideteksi lewat tes laboratorium yaitu kultur. Kultur dikerjakan dengan menggunakan swab untuk memperoleh material yang akan dipelajari dari luka yang dicurigai sebagai herpes.(1,11,12)
Pada stadium dini erupsi vesikel sangat khas, akan tetapi pada stadium yang lanjut tidak khas lagi, penderita harus dideteksi dengan kemungkinan penyakit lain, termasuk chancroid dan kandidiasis. Konfirmasi virus dapat dilakukan melalui mikroskop elektron atau kultur jaringan. Komplikasi yang timbul pada penyakit herpes genitalis anatara lain neuralgia, retensi urine, meningitis aseptik dan infeksi anal. Sedangkan komplikasi herpes genitalis pada kehamilan dapat menyebabkan abortus pada kehamilan trimester pertama, partus prematur dan pertumbuhan janin terhambat pada trimester kedua kehamilan dan pada neonatus dapat terjadi lesi kulit, ensefalitis, makrosefali dan keratokonjungtivitis. Herpes genital primer HSV 2 dan infeksi HSV-1 ditandai oleh kekerapan gejala lokal dan sistemik prolong. Demam, sakit kepala, malaise, dan mialgia dilaporkan mendekati 40 % dari kaum pria dan 70% dari wanita dengan penyakit HSV-2 primer. Berbeda dengan infeksi genital episode pertama, gejala, tanda dan lokasi anatomi infeksi rekuren terlokalisir pada genital


* Tidak ada pengobatan yang dapat menyembuhkan herpes genitalis, tetapi pengobatan bisa memperpendek lamanya serangan.
* Jumlah serangan bisa dikurangi dengan terus menerus mengkonsumsi obat anti-virus dosis rendah. Pengobatan akan efektif jika dimulai sedini mungkin, biasanya 2 hari setelah timbulnya gejala.
Asikovir atau obat anti-virus lainnya bisa diberikan dalam bentuk sediaan oral atau krim untuk dioleskan langsung ke luka herpes.
* Obat ini mengurangi jumlah virus yang hidup di dalam luka sehingga mengurangi resiko penularan. Obat ini juga bisa meringankan gejala pada fase awal. Tetapi pengobatan dini pada serangan pertama tidak dapat mencegah kambuhnya penyakit ini.’
* Sampai sekarang belum ada obat yang memuaskan untuk terapi herpes genitalis, namun pengobatan secara umum perlu diperhatikan, seperti :
- menjaga kebersihan lokal
- menghindari trauma atau faktor pencetus.
* Penggunaan idoxuridine mengobati lesi herpes simpleks secara lokal sebesar 5% sampai 40% dalam dimethyl sulphoxide sangat bermanfaat. Namun, pengobatan ini memiliki beberapa efek samping, di antaranya pasien akan mengalami rasa nyeri hebat, maserasi kulit dapat juga terjadi.(14)
* Meskipun tidak ada obat herpes genital, penyediaan layanan kesehatan anda akan meresepkan obat anti viral untuk menangani gejala dan membantu mencegah terjadinya outbreaks. Hal ini akan mengurangi resiko menularnya herpes pada partner seksual. Obat-obatan untuk menangani herpes genital adalah 12)
- Asiklovir (Zovirus)
- Famsiklovir
- Valasiklovir (Valtres)
* Asiklovir
Pada infeksi HVS genitalis primer, asiklovir intravena (5 mg/kg BB/8 jam selama 5 hari), asiklovir oral 200 mg (5 kali/hari saelama 10-14 hari) dan asiklovir topikal (5% dalam salf propilen glikol) dsapat mengurangi lamanya gejala dan ekskresi virus serta mempercepat penyembuhan.(4,5)
* Valasiklovir
Valasiklovir adalah suatu ester dari asiklovir yang secara cepat dan hampir lengkap berubah menjadi asiklovir oleh enzim hepar dan meningkatkan bioavaibilitas asiklovir sampai 54%.oleh karena itu dosis oral 1000 mg valasiklovir menghasilkan kadar obat dalam darah yang sama dengan asiklovir intravena. Valasiklovir 1000 mg telah dibandingkan asiklovir 200 mg 5 kali sehari selama 10 hari untuk terapi herpes genitalis episode awal.
* Famsiklovir
Adalah jenis pensiklovir, suatu analog nukleosida yang efektif menghambat replikasi HSV-1 dan HSV-2. Sama dengan asiklovir, pensiklovir memerlukan timidin kinase virus untuk fosforilase menjadi monofosfat dan sering terjadi resistensi silang dengan asiklovir. Waktu paruh intrasel pensiklovir lebih panjang daripada asiklovir (>10 jam) sehingga memiliki potensi pemberian dosis satu kali sehari.
Absorbsi peroral 70% dan dimetabolisme dengan cepat menjadi pensiklovir. Obat ini di metabolisme dengan baik.
* Herpes genitalis adalah kondisi umum terjadi yang dapat membuat penderitanya tertekan. Pada penelitian in vitro serta penelitian in vivo, povidone iodine terbukti merupakan agen efektif melawan virus tersebut, mendapatkan hasil memuaskan secara klinis dari povidone iodine dalam larutan aqua untuk mengobati herpes genital.
* CDC (Center For Disease Control and Prevention), merekomendasikan penanganan supresif bagi herpes genital untuk orang yang mengalami enam kali atau lebih outbreak per tahun.
* Beberapa ahli kandungan mengambil sikap partus dengan cara sectio caesaria bila pada saat melahirkan diketahui ibu menderita infeksi ini. Tindakan ini sebaiknya dilakukan sebelum ketuban pecah atau paling lambat 6 jam setelah ketuban pecah. Pemakaian asiklovir pada ibu hamil tidak dianjurkan.
* Sejauh ini pilihan sectio caesaria itu cukup tinggi dan studi yang dilakukan menggarisbawahi apakah penggunaan antiviral rutin efektif menurunkan herpes genital yang subklinis, namun


* Infeksi herpes genital biasanya tidak menyebabkan masalah kesehatan yang serius pada orang dewasa. Pada sejumlah orang dengan sistem imunitasnya tidak bekerja baik, bisa terjadi outbreaks herpes genital yang bisa saja berlangsung parah dalam waktu yang lama. Orang dengan sistem imun yang normal bisa terjadi infeksi herpes pada mata yang disebut herpes okuler. Herpes okuler biasanya disebabkan oleh HSV-1 namun terkadang dapat juga disebabkan HSV-
* Herpes dapat menyebabkan penyakit mata yang serius termasuk kebutaan.
Wanita hamil yang menderita herpes dapat menginfeksi bayinya. Bayi yang lahir dengan herpes dapat meninggal atau mengalami gangguan pada otak, kulit atau mata. Bila pada kehamilan timbul herpes genital, hal ini perlu mendapat perhatian serius karena virus dapat melalui plasenta sampai ke sirkulasi fetal serta dapat menimbulkan kerusakan atau kematian pada janin. Infeksi neonatal mempunyai angka mortalitas 60%, separuh dari yang hidup menderita cacat neurologis atau kelainan pada mata.


* Hingga saat ini tidak ada satupun bahan yang efektif mencegah HSV. Kondom dapat menurunkan transmisi penyakit, tetapi penularan masih dapat terjadi pada daerah yang tidak tertutup kondom ketika terjadi ekskresi virus. Spermatisida yang berisi surfaktan nonoxynol-9 menyebabkan HSV menjadi inaktif secara invitro. Di samping itu yang terbaik, jangan melakukan kontak oral genital pada keadaan dimana ada gejala atau ditemukan herpes oral.


* Mendeteksi kasus yang tidak diterapi, baik simtomatik atau asimptomatik.
* Mendidik seseorang yang berisiko tinggi untuk mendapatkan herpes genitalis dan PMS lainnya untuk mengurangi transmisi penularan.
* Mendiagnosis, konsul dan mengobati individu yang terinfeksi dan follow up dengan tepat.
* Evaluasi, konsul dan mengobati pasangan seksual dari individu yang terinfeksi.
* Skrining disertai diagnosis dini, konseling dan pengobatan sangat berperan dalam pencegahan.

Why is an Atomic Power Plant Like a Zoo? What Happens If a Nuclear Power Plant Explodes in Japan?What is Nuclear Fission Anyway? Wha

Why is an Atomic Power Plant Like a Zoo? What Happens If a Nuclear Power Plant Explodes in Japan? What is Nuclear Fission Anyway? What the Heck is a Half Life? Many People Don't Know, Do You?

Why an Atomic Power Plant Explosion in Japan is Not Like a Nuclear Bomb But Still Pretty Dangerous

You have been reading the headlines about the atomic power plants in Japan that may have blown their top..I was discussing the sad and scary events in Japan with a friend. I was surprised to discover that this well educated person did not know what nuclear fission is, something I suspect is true for millions of other people too. So how does a nuclear aka atomic power plant work? And is it dangerous when it blows it's top? Is it like an atomic bomb? The answer is yes it is (dangerous)and no it is not like an atomic bomb.

All electric power plants use something to turn turbines which turn generators and so make electricity. In the case of hyrdoelectric dams (eg. Hoover Dam) the water falling on a wheel turns the turbine which turns the generator and makes electricity.
In the case of coal fired power plants, the heat from burning the coal,makes steam that turns the turbines that turns the generator that makes electricity. In the case of atomic (nuclear) power plants, the heat from a controlled atomic reaction (fission) makes steam which turns the turbine which turns the generator to make electricity.

Both the atomic bomb and atomic power plants use nuclear fission, a reaction, the so called "splitting of the atom". When the atoms are "split" energy is given off. But the fission in an atomic plant still is different than an atomic bomb. In the case of an atomic bomb the fission reaction goes into overdrive and huge amounts of energy are released immediately.. In the case of atomic power, the reactions are controlled and contained, the energy is given off in a regulated and controlled fashion.

Never the less, a veritable zoo of radioactive particles and radiation are associated with the nuclear reaction. If they get near you or in you they can do an assortment of nasty things such as messing up your dna..Usually these atomic creatures are all contained but the problem is when things go out of whack and some of these zoo creatures get out of their cages so to speak.

What has happened in Japan? Why is it dangerous?...The "nuclear fuel" is encased and manipulated by elaborate mechanisms to control the speed of the nuclear reaction and also to prevent any of the radioactive material from escaping into the environment around the plant. Among the control mechanisms is the use of water to cool things down.

Although the exact situation in Japan is rather opaque (at least to outsiders) it seems that the damage from the earthquake and tsunami has broken some of the protective containment mechanisms..Some of the broken plants have not been able to provide adequate water to cool the nuclear fuel and the tremendous heat of the atomic fission has literally melted at least partially the atomic fuel.

There are layers of protective barriers between the "zoo of particles and radiation" and the outside world. There is good news and bad news about radioactive particles. The good news is that the radioactivity decreases with time, the bad news is that the time can be anywhere from a few seconds to thousands of years. The time it takes for the material to decrease is measured by the half life. If a material has a half life of 1 month, that means in one month half the material will be gone, and after one more month half of the remainder will be gone,etc.

The zoo of particles and radiation is made up of things with short and long half lives as well. If the zoo creatures get out their danger depends on how close they get to you. Some are dangerous if they get near you, others are dangerous only if they get inside you.

Right now everyone is working to keep the zoo creatures from getting out and near to people.

Tunisian bloggers win annual Net freedom award

(Cross-posted from the Google European Public Policy Blog.)

Last week we blogged about the annual 2011 Reporters Without Borders Netizen Prize, which recognizes bloggers or Internet activists who defend freedom of expression on the Net. This year’s prize went to Nawaat, a group of Tunisian bloggers.

The independent jury of press specialists agreed that Nawaat’s online reporting played a significant part in helping to depose Tunisia’s longtime dictator, Zine el Abidine Ben Ali. It chose Nawaat as the winner from a strong field of finalists from Bahrain, Belarus, Thailand, China and Vietnam.

Created in 2004, is an independent collective blog operated by Tunisian bloggers as a platform for all “committed citizens.” The bloggers played a crucial role in covering the social and political unrest in Tunisia that began on December 17. Nawaat recently created a special page for the WikiLeaks revelations about Tunisia, and another one about the recent events in Sidi Bouzid, which were not covered in the traditional media. The site also warns Internet users about the dangers of being identified online and offers advice about circumventing censorship.

Pictured above from left to right are: Jean-François Julliard, Secretary General of Reporters Without Borders; Former French Foreign Minister and founder of Doctors Without Borders, Bernard Kouchner; and Nawaat co-founder Riadh Guerfali, accepting the awards at a ceremony in Paris’ Salon des Mirroirs.

“We are deeply honored by this prize. It will help to strengthen the citizen journalism that we have been practicing for years at Nawaat, despite all the risks involved,” Guerfali said in his acceptance speech. “This award is not only a tribute to Nawaat but to all our fellow journalists who often risk their lives to keep working in countries where freedom of expression is suppressed.”

Google sponsors the annual Netizen prize. First awarded in 2010, it forms part of our commitment to support the free flow of information and free expression online. Last year, Iranian women’s rights activists Change for Equality became the first recipient.

Update: Here's a video of Google's Chief Internet Evangelist Vint Cerf saluting the 2011 Netizen Award winners –

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Play is Healthy for Kids and Adults

Children love to play and do so naturally & unselfconsciously. Below is a story that illustrates the deep emotional bonds that children form through play. Personal details  have been changed to protect privacy.

 I recently took my daughter to visit our close friends in our old home town. We had moved from there more than a year ago and the girls had been inseparable friends before. My daughter

Broadway Producers as Risk-taking Entrepreneurs

"six out of seven musicals fail to recoup their investment."

Friday, March 11, 2011

What's new in the new edition?

As I have noted in a previous post, the sixth edition of my principles text has recently been released.  Finding things to update was easy.  When the last edition was sent to the printer, President Obama had not yet clinched the Democratic nomination!  Just think of everything that has happened in the economy and economic policy since then.

If you wonder more specifically what you will find in the new edition that was not in the last one, here is a list.

Chapter 1
New Case Study: The Incentive Effects of Gasoline Prices
New paragraph on the recent downturn added under Principle 10
Two new problems

Chapter 2
New In the News box: The Economics of President Obama
Table 1 updated and substantially expanded
New Cartoon in Appendix

Chapter 3
Tiger Woods changed to Tom Brady in in-text example.
New Question for Review
New problem

Chapter 4
New article for the In the News box: Price Increases After Disasters

Chapter 5
New FYI box: A Few Elasticities from the Real World

Chapter 6
New In the News box: Should Unpaid Internships Be Allowed?

Chapter 7
New problem

Chapter 8
New In the News box: New Research on Taxation

Chapter 9
New In the News box: Trade Skirmishes, about U.S. tariffs on Chinese tires and the retaliatory response
New problem

Chapter 10
New In the New box: The Externalities of Country Living
New In the News box: Cap and Trade
New problem

Chapter 11
Introduce new term: Club goods.
New In the News box: The Case for Toll Roads
Two new problems

Chapter 12
New In the News box: The Temporarily Disappearing Estate Tax
New In the News box: The Value Added Tax

Chapter 13
New problem

Chapter 14
New problem

Chapter 15
New In the News box: President Obama’s Antitrust Policy
Two new problems

Chapter 16
Two new problems

Chapter 17
New In the News box: The Next Big Antitrust Target?
New problem

Chapter 18
New problem

Chapter 20
New In the News box: What’s Wrong with the Poverty Rate?
New In the News box: The Root Cause of a Financial Crisis
New problem

Chapter 21
New In the News box: Backward-sloping Labor Supply in Kiribati
Three new problems

Chapter 22
New In the News box: Arrow’s Problem in Practice
New In the News box: Sin Taxes

Chapter 23
New In the News box: Beyond Gross Domestic Product
New problem

Chapter 24
New In the News box: Shopping for the CPI
New problem

Chapter 25
New In the News box: One Economist’s Answer (to what makes a nation rich)

Chapter 26
New FYI box: Financial Crises
Two new problems

Chapter 27
New In the News box: A Cartoonist’s Guide to Stock Picking
New In the News box: Is the Efficient Markets Hypothesis Kaput?
Two new problems

Chapter 28
New In the News box: The Rise of Long-term Unemployment
New In the News box: How Much Do the Unemployed Respond to Incentives?

Chapter 29
New In the News box: Mackereleconomics
New Section on Bank Capital, Leverage, and the Financial Crisis of 2008-2009
Much revised section on the tools of monetary policy. It now includes a discussion of the Term Auction Facility and the Fed’s payment of interest on reserves.
New In the News box: Bernanke on the Fed’s Toolbox
New Question for Review
New problem

Chapter 30
New FYI box: Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe
New section: Inflation is Bad, But Deflation May Be Worse
New In the News box: Inflationary Threats

Chapter 31
Box on Euro updated to discuss problems in Greece
New problem

Chapter 32
New In the News box: Alternative Exchange-Rate Regimes

Chapter 33
New In the News box: The Social Influences of Economic Downturns
New Case Study: The Recession of 2008-2009
New In the News box: Modern Parallels to the Great Depression

Chapter 34
New FYI box on the Zero Lower Bound
New In the News box: How Large is the Fiscal Policy Multiplier?

Chapter 35
New In the News box: Do We Need More Inflation?

Chapter 36
New (sixth) debate added on spending hikes vs tax cuts to fight recessions
New FYI box on inflation targeting
New In the News box: What is the Optimal Inflation Rate?
New In the News box: Dealing with Debt and Deficits

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A time of transition

As I mentioned in my last post, I transitioned to the CEO Emeritus role at CHRISTUS Health on March 1, 2011. This is a time of many great changes, and my blog is one of them!While I have truly enjoyed interacting with each of you in this forum, I’m moving to a new blog that will allow me more flexibility and an enhanced ability to share what I’m doing and learning in my new pursuits.One of those

A time of transition

As I mentioned in my last post, I transitioned to the CEO Emeritus role at CHRISTUS Health on March 1, 2011. This is a time of many great changes, and my blog is one of them!While I have truly enjoyed interacting with each of you in this forum, I’m moving to a new blog that will allow me more flexibility and an enhanced ability to share what I’m doing and learning in my new pursuits.One of those

Fed News

Senator Shelby blocks Peter Diamond.

I am personally saddened by this decision, for Peter is a very smart guy and a highly accomplished economist, as well as a former teacher of mine.  There is no doubt in my mind that Peter was fully deserving of the Nobel Prize.  But I have to admit that, given Senator Shelby's political preferences regarding economic policy, his reasons for blocking the nomination to the Federal Reserve Board are not wholly unreasonable.  Click through to the link above (or here) to read the Senator's explanation.

Striking Fact of the Day

From the Political Calculations blog:
in percentage terms of the change in total employment level from 2006 to 2010, jobs affected by the federal minimum wage hikes of 2007, 2008 and 2009 account for 41.8% of the total reduction in jobs seen since 2006.

A Shoutout

From a book review of Spousonomics:
If you've taken an Econ 101 course in the past decade or so, there's a good chance that somewhere on your bookshelf is a dog–earred copy of Gregory Mankiw's Principles of Economics. The Harvard professor's textbook has become a classic, thanks to its simplicity and clarity — two qualities appreciated by gawky undergrads facing first–year distractions. After all, the dismal science never looks more dismal than when there's a choice between staying in to study Keynes or going out to flirt with strangers at a party.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Unleashing energy innovation

The Internet, digital music, smart phones - these are just some of the innovations that have changed the way we live and work. Yet the way we use energy - whether it’s powering our cars or our homes and businesses - hasn’t changed in decades. Our economy needs a cleaner, more efficient way of delivering energy while giving people better tools and information to manage their energy use.

The good news is there’s widespread agreement that transforming the energy sector is a big opportunity to create jobs, foster innovation and grow new industries. At Google, we’ve been working to transform our own energy use. We’ve made our data centers the most efficient in the world, built a fleet of electric cars, invested in renewable energy, and developed online tools like Google PowerMeter.

Of course, government policy plays an important role in driving change towards a cleaner economy and it’s important to get the rules right. There’s a real debate happening now in Washington about how to solve the nation’s energy challenges. We don’t have all the answers, but here are a few important areas that policymakers should consider:

  • Drive investments in energy infrastructure and technology.  With the right mix of policies, vast amounts of private capital can be leveraged to develop the next generation of energy infrastructure. That means a smarter, more efficient power grid and more renewable power generation, whether it’s utility-scale or on rooftops. The government should provide clear market signals through measures such as energy efficiency and clean energy standards. And we should deploy a variety of incentives to help take new technologies to full commercial scale.

  • Stimulate R&D to find the next technological breakthroughs.  We should support research and development that can lead to the next energy breakthroughs, including innovative programs like the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E), which has spurred four dollars in private sector investment for every taxpayer dollar spent.

  • Remove barriers to innovation and empower energy consumers.  Regulatory and market barriers have created huge inefficiencies in the way homes and businesses use energy. Consumers still lack basic information and tools for better managing their energy use. Utility regulation must be brought into the 21st century to promote investments in efficiency and renewables and reductions in peak energy demand. That includes enacting policies that give consumers access to and control over their own energy information.

We’ll be engaging on these issues over the next few months. In the meantime, we invite you to post comments and join the conversation!

Monday, March 7, 2011

We are in the Top 50!!

Marin Psychologist Blog #45 in Top 50 Blogs by Psych Professionals

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Richard Freeman on Unions

An interview and book recommendations from my Harvard colleague.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Your interview with Speaker of the House John Boehner

(Cross-posted from the The Official YouTube Blog.)

As Democrats and Republicans duel over the federal budget this week in Washington, we sat down for the first-ever YouTube interview with Speaker of the House John Boehner. It’s clear that Americans are still feeling the weight of the recession -- a large majority of the questions submitted for Speaker Boehner were on the topics of jobs, the economy, and spending in Washington. The Speaker also played a YouTube speed round of, “Keep it or Cut it?” in which he reacted to your suggestions on budget cuts.

Watch the full interview here:

Speaker Boehner also addressed questions on immigration, education, and healthcare. A unique question from a man in New Jersey about whether the Speaker would ever consider a Works Progress Administration similar to the one FDR created during the Depression may surprise you.

You can see more videos from the Speaker’s YouTube channel at

Video Kejadian Lucu di Liputan 6 Siang !

Perhatikan waiter yang akan membawa pesanan Louisa Kusnandar. Dia menumpahkan minumannya ketika sedang berlangsung acara Liputan 6 Siang!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

March Webquiz – children’s health in CT

Test your knowledge of children’s health in CT. Take the March CT Health Policy webquiz.

Sebaiknya Bayi Jangan Tidur Dengan Ayahnya !

Egypt to Libya Proves Obama Doctrine Right Bush Doctrine Wrong

Bush and his Republican had a specific doctrine they followed. Obama and his Democrats have a specific doctrine they follow. I could use a lot of words to make this point but a picture is worth a thousand words.





Obama/Dem Doctrine People Make Change vs. Bush/Rep Doctrine Power Makes Change. 

Bush Doctrine




Obama/Dem Doctrine People Make Change vs. Bush/Rep Doctrine Power Makes Change. Which do you think has proved to be more effective in our foreign policy?

President Obama's Cairo Speech - Did it Jump Start Democracy in Egypt?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Gadis Thailand Berwajah Monyet dan Srigala ( Kasihan ! )

Ia mengidap penyakit langka mutasi kromosom. Namun Supatra Sasuphan tak minder.
Gadis cilik asal Thailand yang menderita penyakit langka, harus menerima kenyataan bahwa wajahnya ditumbuhi bulu liar seperti serigala. ( Video paling bawah ! )

Supatra Sasuphan, 11, awalnya tentu saja sedih karena sering diejek oleh teman-temannya. Namun, kini ia tak minder lagi.

Kendati mengidap sindroma Ambras (penyakit bawaaan akibat mutasi kromosom) yang hanya diderita oleh sekitar 50 orang di seluruh dunia, Sasuphan kini justru mulai percaya diri.
Ia kini justru menyabet gelar Guinnes World Record sebagai gadis pemilik rambut terbanyak.
Hampir seluruh permukaan punggung wajahnya tertutup rambut tebal, kecuali mata dan mulut.
Supatra Sasuphan sudah kebal dengan sapaan 'wajah monyet' atau 'gadis serigala'. Gadis 11 tahun asal Thailand ini tak lagi hirau dengan rambut lebat yang menutupi hampir seluruh permukaan wajahnya, kecuali mata dan area mulut.

Ia tampak sudah berdamai dengan pertumbuhan rambut liar yang juga merayapi permukaan punggungnya. "Saya sudah terbiasa dengan kondisi ini. Saya sepertinya tidak lagi merasakan keberadaan rambut-rambut tersebut," ujarnya kepada Britain's Daily Mail, seperti dikutip dari laman NY Daily News.

Kepercayaan dirinya malah meningkat seiring popularitas. Apalagi, setelah Guinness World Record mencatat namanya sebagai gadis pemilik rambut terbanyak di dunia, 2010. Predikat ini sukses menghapus ejekan orang di sekelilingnya. "Sekarang tidak ada lagi yang memanggil saya dengan muka monyet," ujarnya.

Dad Sammrueng, sang ayah, mengatakan bahwa putri mengalami kelainan itu sejak lahir. Dunia medis menyebutnya dengan sindroma Ambras, berupa penyakit bawaan akibat mutasi kromosom. Sebuah artikel di National Naval Center menyebut, sindroma ini menimpa kurang dari 50 orang di dunia.

Sindroma langka itu membuat Supatra kesulitan bernapas saat lahir. Ia harus menjalani dua kali operasi untuk membantunya bernapas. "Lubang hidungnya hanya satu milimeter. Dia berada di dalam inkubator selama tiga bulan dan menjalani operasi pembesaran lubang hidung menjadi satu setengah milimeter," ujar Dad.

Berhasil melewati masa kritis di awal kehidupannya, Supatra tumbuh sehat. Dia sangat menyukai menari, menonton kartun, dan mendengarkan musik. Dia juga memiliki cita-cita yang tidak kalah dari anak sebayanya. "Saya ingin menjadi dokter sehingga saya bisa menolong pasien ketika mereka terluka," ujarnya. "Saya harap suatu hari saya dapat disembuhkan."

Serena Williams Treated for Embolism

This is not a good sign. The operations and the drugs will not make her more healthy. Now we have blood leaking out of her, not a good sign.

Serena Williams, out of action since winning Wimbledon in July, has experienced another significant health problem. Her representatives confirmed that she was hospitalized last month in Los Angeles because of a pulmonary embolism and then required further emergency treatment Monday for a hematoma, a pocket of blood that swells under the skin.

A pulmonary embolism — a clot that blocks blood flow to the lungs — can be life threatening, but Williams’s spokeswoman, Nicole Chabat, said in a statement Wednesday that “thankfully everything was caught in time” and that Williams was resting and recovering at her home in Los Angeles.

Aunk - Good luck V