Thursday, December 30, 2004

Indonesia Needs The Power Of Your Natural Humor Medicine - Now!

A great way to engage the natural medicine of humor is to help someone. Try doing it anonymously if you really want to super-charge humor's natural medicine! Giving gifts in a loving and benevolent spirit opens your heart and your spirit to the joy and abundance that is your birthright.

We've all been shocked and saddened by the recent tradegies in Indonesia. I pondered what I could do about it - aside from any personal charitable activities I will undertake. I've come up with three great ways for you to help:

  1. First and foremost, I urge you to give. Nothing will make you feel more a part of the solution to these horrific circumstances than donating money (especially when you cannot donate your time and physical labor). One of the best, most reliable places to make your donation is, a reputable Internet-driven clearinghouse for global charitable donations. Visit WorldVision and make your pledge today.

  2. Secondly, I would like to offer my help as well. If you have been "on the fence" regarding an investment in my unique Fun Factor prescription, please act on your decision to improve your life now. During the entire month of January, I will donate a full 20% of your purchase price to Indonesian aide and recovery efforts. With as many as 2,500 people responding to my offer (less will be a disappointment), you can help send an additional $3,500 to Indonesia.

    Knowing that this is a purchase you have been wanting to make (for yourself and/or a friend), change your life and send help to Indonesia at the same time! You may not realize it yet, but in a few short minutes you'll realize you can't put off this vital purchase; simply visit my Fun Factor prescription page today!

  3. Last but not least (by a long shot), send your positive energy and good thoughts! You should never underestimate the power of your positive thoughts; combined with your positive actions(your doctor's orders are outlined above), positive thoughts change the world. Employ your resevior of humorous natural medicine (you are taking advantage of my free lessons, right?) and share that energy with Indonesia right now!

Send this message to family and friends. Or tell them about it personally. Together we can make a difference (and help ourselves in the process)!

Having the motivation to act now and help the victims in Indonesia means that you're already enjoying the natural medicine of humor. You wouldn't be open to this message if you weren't. But please don't make the mistake of only giving and not taking care of yourself too; we must continue to not only honor our blessings, but also nourish the source of those blessings!

Make certain you are taking great care of yourself with humor's natural medicine by visiting my website today!

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Principle Seven...It's Not Just For Children Any More!

Are you familiar with the United Nation's Children's Bill of Rights? Unanimously adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1959, this bill asserted the ten fundamental rights of every child. The UN passed this bill because they were urgently concerned about the unmet needs of children. More on this later...

What particularly drew my attention to the UN's Children's Bill of Rights again was Principle Seven: "Teach us well, so that we may lead happy and useful lives. But let us play, so that we may teach ourselves." Quite a powerful statement, in at least two different ways.

First, I must agree that not only is play an essential right of any child, but it's also the best teaching method. Have you ever marveled at the inexhaustible energy level of a child or at the sponge-like learning ability a child possesses? These attributes are a direct result of the high priority of play in a child's life.

Children will turn any activity into a game and playing a game is fun. Fun, in turn, produces a natural medicine that infuses you with an insane level of energy. Look at the energy level of a child and try to dispute these statements!

But let's look at Principle Seven from another perspective. We don't dispute how essential play is for children nor do we deny the powerfully positive impact play has on children's energy, vitality, and health. Yet...why would we deny ourselves these same benefits?

Why don't we, as adults, avail ourselves of the same unbelievable natural medicine of humor? What myth have we accepted as fact that keeps the bulk of humor's natural medicine from turbo-charging our personal and professional health and success on a daily basis? Somewhere along the road to adulthood we started to believe that responsible grown-ups should be serious.

This is a mistake that needs to be corrected as soon as possible. The alternative is more stress, more ill health, less energy, less resilience, and less happiness than we deserve! In fact, the more you understand the consequences the more you find yourself getting excited about the natural medicine of humor and starting to feel the urge to use it now.

How fortunate for you that I teach you to use my unique, proven prescription, for free, on my website. My prescription, The Fun Factor, was created out of my desperation to rekindle energy and happiness in my own life.

Believe me...The Fun Factor works!

No one would argue that every child has the right to food, shelter, education, love...and play. But, so do you! Take advantage of your rights by visiting with me on my website today.

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

As Of Today, Your "Rosebud" Might Not Be A Myth

Remember "Rosebud," the elusive talisman of Charles Foster Kane in George Orwell's classic movie, Citizen Kane? If you've never seen this epic movie, Charles Kane dies unfulfilled, calling out mysteriously for "Rosebud" - despite having lived a life of abundant wealth and accomplishment. The term "Rosebud" has since come to symbolize your heart's desire, that which will bring you the happiness which eludes you.

What is your heart's desire, your "Rosebud"? Strip away superfluous accessories and window dressings like expensive toys or flashy possessions. What would really make you happy?

Actually that is a trick question because nothing can "make" you happy. In fact, if you are counting on something outside yourself to make you happy you can count on winding up like Charles Foster Kane - bitter, lonely, and resentful. You can circumvent this horrible fate, however, by looking for happiness at its true source.

Happiness is found through nothing other than self acceptance. Self acceptance, in turn, is not found through achievement, accumulation, and accomplishment, but through two things: learning to see yourself as a perfectly imperfect person and also through learning to want what you have (as opposed to trying to have what you want). Fortunately the natural medicine of humor is your key to both - and I teach you to maximize this amazingly powerful natural medicine, for free, on my website.

Seeing yourself as a perfectly imperfect creation cannot happen without a strong, frequently employed sense of humor. My Fun Commandments, part of my unique Fun Factor prescription to optimize humor's natural medicine, will turn you into a humor machine. And once you possess the self-actualization inherent in a finely tuned sense of humor, it becomes easy to focus on wanting what you have rather than trying to have what you want.

The paradox of this level of personal success is...once you are focused on wanting what you have, you become open to having what you want. You will be thrilled at your level of personal accomplishment when you acquire humor's natural medicine! Forgotten dreams awaken and you'll find yourself moving in professional and social circles you once only imagined possible.

Implementation of my Fun Commandments becomes a virtual roadmap to success in whatever avenue you wish to pursue. The more you read and learn, the more you become convinced that you are capable of anything. Fear and seriousness, your old stumbling blocks, will no longer hold you back.

As you're reading this, you're beginning to think you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by using humor's natural medicine to create the happiness your heart desires and deserves. While you used to associate happiness with a talisman, some object or possession you could acquire, you will now possess your mythical "Rosebud" and finally attain your elusive desires. You will soon be fluent in my Fun Factor prescription!

Actually, perhaps "Rosebud" is not a myth. Perhaps you have found your "Rosebud" - my website! See you there today.

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

Monday, December 27, 2004

Seriousness Isn't All It's "Cracked Up" To Be

Have you ever heard of a curate's egg? A curate's egg is a euphemism for something that is part good/part bad. The saying comes from a 19th century Punch magazine cartoon. I'll explain more momentarily...

On my website and in this blog you'll find me railing against seriousness quite frequently. I have good reason to do so; seriousness (taking yourself too seriously) is the leading cause of stress and illness in this country. Seriousness is responsible for more ill health than heart disease, cancer, and high blood pressure combined.

But seriousness is a curate's egg. It is very good to take some things seriously. Suffice to say that there is "bad" seriousness and there is "good" seriousness.

Let's take a moment to define bad seriousness. Bad seriousness happens when I'm taking responsibility for any or all of the things I'm not responsible for - namely the results of my footwork. This type of seriousness, thinking that things aren't turning out like they are supposed to, is deadly.

This bad type of seriousness is what I refer to when I rail against it in this blog or on my website. You can recognize this seriousness when you get angry at the way the results of your actions (or inaction) are unfolding in your life. Some of the more common symptoms of bad seriousness include high stress levels, problems with intimacy, wanting to distance yourself from people, irritability, poor health, problems sleeping, unhappiness, and general lack of energy and vigor.

You must rid yourself of this seriousness at all costs. Harboring it is like wearing an anchor while trying to swim laps - you'll eventually drown if you don't get out of the pool. And, unlike my metaphor, in real life you cannot "get out of the pool!"

Getting rid of my own deadly seriousness is exactly how I created my unique Fun Factor prescription! Read all about it on my website.

Now a word about good seriousness - although I advocate taking yourself less seriously, I highly recommend that you take your responsibilities seriously! The ideal state for my patients and clients is childlikeness; childlikeness will put you in abundant contact with the natural medicine of humor. Abdicating your responsibilities, however, is not childlikeness - it is childishness and it will only compound your living problems.

So please understand that I do not teach you to let your responsibilities go, only to ease up on yourself. If you can learn to take yourself less seriously, while still taking your responsibilities seriously, you will be amazed at how socially, personally, and professionally successful you become!

And the good news is that I will teach you how to do this, for free, on my website. Visit today and learn how to crack the curate's egg of seriousness!

By the way, the joke was that a nervous young curate (a junior-level clergyman in Great Britain) was served a bad egg at his Bishop's breakfast table. When asked whether he like the egg, the curate nervously exclaimed, "Parts of it are excellent!"

And so it is with seriousness. After reading this entry you now have a feeling that your problems with seriousness are almost completely solved and you're correct. Don't waste your new energy, visit my website today and begin implementing the amazingly powerful natural medicine of humor!

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Don't Laugh At How Gullible Ponce de Leon Was -- We Do The Same Thing!

Ponce de Leon, one of the earliest Europeans to reach the West Indies, was enticed by the natives of Puerto Rico to search farther north. Incredible stories from the "New World" were common to Europeans - people who existed solely off the smell of apples, for example, or a race of headless people whose eyes, nose, and mouth were found on their torso. Ponce de Leon was told that, on the island of Binini, he would find the fountain of youth. More about that in a moment...

We have an obsession with "more." We're convinced that the grass is always greener on the other side, that somewhere "out there" a far better life waits for us to find it. And, like the search for the mythical fountain of youth, we believe that we can find a shortcut - a magic formula.

How else to explain, for example, the billion dollar weight loss industry? Almost very single person on earth (including me) could lose weight - for free - simply by eating less and exercising more. Yet we spend billions on plans, programs, pills, diets, etc.

I've been fortunate to know and work with some incredibly successful and accomplished people. There exists a common thread among these friends and clients and I'd like to reveal their secret for great achievement. The big secret of a great life of abundance is this: Rather than having what you want, want what you have.

Sound too simple? All great truths are simple, which explains exactly why most of us so often ignore them! We're certain that the answers to such important problems have to be much more complicated than that.

Fortunately, it is easy for you to learn how to want what you have. My Fun Factor prescription, which unlocks humor's natural medicine and is available for free on my website, is the gateway toward the necessary acceptance and gratitude. And, you'll soon discover that wanting what you have actually opens you receive more!

Yes, wanting what you have allows you to have what you want. A paradox. Good thing you'll soon know how to be more flexible, yet stay focused (one of my Fun Commandments you'll learn from my unique prescription for maximum health and success - The Fun Factor).

Of course, Ponce de Leon never found the fountain of youth. Because it doesn't exist. Yet his traipsing through the "New World" revealed the natural splendor of the Florida Keys and the West coast of Florida for his native Spain. So it wasn't a total loss.

As Spain found out, the search for a magic formula can actually produce some incredible byproducts. You, for example, were searching for answers on the Internet and have now discovered the natural medicine of humor and my Fun Factor prescription. The more you think about this message, the more you realize that your life will never be the same because of it.

Visit my website today and return to this blog often for more updates.

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

Saturday, December 25, 2004

A Near Christmas Tragedy

Christmas Day and the scene was set for a tragedy...or a comedy. I'm glad I had the choice.

It's beyond cliche to say that Christmas brings out the child in us. I revert to a little boy each year - especially when it comes to presents. I love to give them! But as much as I enjoy playing Santa Claus there is still a part of me that longs for someone to give me that "perfect" present.

Today, building a fire while my Grandchildren played joyously with their new toys behind me, I found myself staring wistfully at the flames. Something was wrong. Self-analyzing, I realized I was feeling sorry for myself. As much as I tried to tell myself I didn't need anything for Christmas, I was sad because I hadn't gotten the big present I was really hoping for.

This scene had seriousness' handwriting all over it! My "inner-Christmas-child" was ready to cry; I had put so much time and energy into making everyone else's Christmas wishes come true and no one cared enough to make mine come true. Actually, let's be seriousness was telling me that God hadn't cared enough to make my Christmas wish come true.

On the verge of launching into a horrible, depressed mood, I was rescued by the natural medicine of humor. My mood changed instantly and I had a silent, heartfelt chuckle. I didn't laugh at myself, but with myself; I laughed at the absurdity of my thoughts and at how easy it is for me to by seduced by seriousness' siren call of self-pity.

I laughed at my perfect imperfection, at how perfectly silly I am. There I was, feeling sorry for myself - surrounded by loved ones and gifted with everything I need! I've been provided with everything I need for as long as I can remember and see no reason to believe that will change. Perhaps not provided with everything I want, but always with everything I need.

Blessed as I am, I was still momentarily swayed by seriousness. Tempted to focus on not having what I want rather than focusing on wanting what I have. And during that brief period of feeling sorry for myself, I was completely shut off from the amazingly powerful natural medicine of humor.

Yet it was not really a "Christmas miracle" that saved me. It was a miracle of another sort. I was saved by the miracle of humor's natural medicine, and that's a miracle you can start experiencing today!

My humor nature, strengthened daily by my unique Fun Factor prescription, came to my rescue. The natural medicine of humor didn't change my circumstances, but it changed my attitude. Emboldened by humor, I chose to remember my blessings with gratitude and focus on the joyous gifts of life, given so freely to me.

I was able to laugh. And I instantly felt happiness and joy flood my heart. Isn't that how you'd like to respond to your seriousness?

As every word you read travels from this message to your brain, you start to understand just how much The Fun Factor could benefit your life too. Don't delay, visit my website right now. I'll teach you The Fun Factor for free.

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

Friday, December 24, 2004

Feel Free To Keep The "X"

Christian or not, have you ever seen the "Xmas" abbreviation of Christmas and thought about how it squeezes out the "meaning of the season"? Would it surprise you to learn that "Xmas" is just as religious as "Christmas" - perhaps much more so? The idea that "Xmas" is a recent and, perhaps, disrespectful, secularlarization of Christmas is a myth. I'll explain in a minute...

The myth of "Xmas" reminds me how important it is to let go frequently. Letting go is so important that it is one of my Fun Commandments. Learn more about how to unlock the natural medicine of humor with this Fun Commandment by visiting my website today.

Letting go does not condone a wrongdoing, nor does it absolve a wrongdoer. To the contrary, even when letting go I would advise you to take precautionary measures to ensure you aren't wronged a second time. You let go for one person's benefit only and for one reason only - you let go for you and you do it for your health and success.

Holding on to anger, not letting go, causes resentment. Harboring resentment is like drinking a poison, hoping someone else is harmed! You cannot afford to place yourself under such adverse, stressful conditions.

In life, as in juggling, success depends less on what we catch than on how quickly we can let go. Failure to let go in life brings the same results as failing to let go in juggling - we wind up with too much to hold and we drop it all. The stress of holding on to everything, of not forgiving and moving on, becomes too much for our humor nature.

You don't need to suffer this fate. You can learn to let go, for your sake and no one else's, and I'll teach you to do just that - for free. The more you read this blog entry, in fact, the more you feel it would be a waste to let this opportunity to improve your health, happiness, and success slip by!

Visit my website today.

To finish my first thought, the word Xmas is not a modern one and it was never intended to be disrespectful. In fact, as an abbreviation for Christmas, Xmas can be found as far back as 1755.

The abbreviation X for Christ has been used since the 12th Century; X is the first letter in Christ's name when written in Greek (XPICTOC). XP, as an abbreviation for Christ, appears often in religious writings from centuries past.

One other thing about "X" and Christ. Historians believe the X in Christ's name (as written in Greek) is where Christians took the symbol of the cross. The cross symbol is not from the crucifixion - the Romans used a T-shaped structure for that form of punishment. So don't ever let anyone tell you that "Xmas" steals the "meaning of the season" again!

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

Thursday, December 23, 2004

I'm Sure All His Presents Always Said, "Merry Christmas And Happy Birthday"

Jesus Christ was born on December 25th, right? Maybe...but odds are he wasn't. There is actually only a 1 in 365 chance that this is the correct date. In fact, the Eastern Church chose January 6th as the date (and that is still the date celebrated in Armenia). December 25th was chosen by the Church of Rome in 336 for reasons I'll explain momentarily...

So Christians have grown up believing that Jesus Christ was born on December 25th. And maybe he wasn't. Hey, this news isn't all bad; it's important to challenge your assumptions - so important that Challenge Your Assumptions is one of my Fun Commandments.

We are tireless assumers and we like it that way. We are not deterred by our ignorance of the facts either! Stop and think for a moment...why would the word "disillusion" have a negative connotation in our culture if what I'm writing weren't true?

Since most of our assumptions go unchecked they are soon assigned the power of truth. And then we can be in real trouble, led astray or off course by incorrect or misleading information. Challenging our assumptions thwarts this drain on our personal health and success, giving us the flexibility to adjust to new information and make better, more successful, and healthier decisions.

Of course, challenging assumptions is not only a key to the natural medicine of humor, it is also the chief mechanism of humor. So, when we challenge assumptions, we get a dual benefit. We experience the unbridled power of humor's natural medicine and we get more humor in our life. Experience this for yourself by visiting my website today - I teach you for free!

For Christians, Jesus' actual birthdate shouldn't have any effect upon the spirit and meaning of the holiday. For the record, December 25th was finally chosen to absorb pagan holidays occurring around the winter solstice. Other pagan traditions, like tree worship, were enfolded too.

So the December 25th date was actually a marketing and promotional strategy! I'd say it worked very well, wouldn't you?

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Magic Johnson Celebrated Everything...And Created "Showtime"

The Los Angeles Lakers won the first game of Earvin "Magic" Johnson's Hall-of-Fame professional basketball career on a last second shot. Magic, fresh from winning the NCAA basketball championship as a collegiate athlete, jumped jubilantly into veteran teammate Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's arms. Abdul-Jabbar, nearing the end of his own Hall-of-Fame career, looked down at the rookie and said, stoically, "Calm down, kid. We've got eighty-one more to play."

Celebrating Everything is one of the Fun Commandments I teach in my unique Fun Factor prescription. To unlock the natural medicine of humor, you should understand that celebration is more attitude than action; you don't have to throw confetti and blow noisemakers to celebrate! That's great news for us, because we are always in complete control of our attitude - regardless of the circumstances.

Learning to celebrate everything allows us to develop gratitude for some unlikely things...things that most people see as negatives. For example, when a bill arrives, my commitment to celebrate everything often reminds me that I'm simply paying for a blessing I've already received. Similarly, a salesman friend told me that his career took off when he learned to celebrate rejection; he happily reminds himself each time rejection happens that it takes nine "no's" to get one "yes."

The other main benefit to celebrating everything is the joy you experience. Joy is our most natural state and allowing ourselves to feel it turbo-charges humor's natural medicine. If you want more joy, cultivate more gratitude - be grateful for the simplest things that you usually take for granted!

And if you want more gratitude, as I've already recommended, celebrate everything! Now you've got the secret formula! Celebrating leads to gratitude, gratitude leads to joy, and joy taps into your wealth of natural medicine. Make sure you visit my website today and let me teach you more...for free!

Luckily, although he tempered the physical expression of it in deference to his veteran teammate, Magic Johnson never lost his celebratory enthusiasm. He always played hard and celebrated everything - creating the famed Laker "Showtime" era in Los Angeles. And, consequently, because of his desire to celebrate everything, Magic Johnson got to celebrate a few world championships with the Lakers (and so did his teammate, Kareem).

Follow Magic's example. Who cares if you've got "eighty-one more to play"? Celebrate everything today!

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Are You Really A Monkey's Uncle?

Men evolved from apes - or so said Charles Darwin. Or did he? Not only didn't Darwin claim that men evolved from apes, but neither is he the inventor of the theory of evolution. More later...

One of the natural outgrowths of evolution's popularity has been the phrase "survival of the fittest." It would be hard to argue that homo sapiens are not the fittest species on our planet right now; we certainly dominate the Earth. But why?

Many might have you believe we dominate because of our opposable thumbs. We can grasp tools because of those thumbs. But, while I'm certainly grateful for my thumbs (couldn't disco-dance without 'em and they make a great target when I'm hammering nails), our hegemony is derived from an even more powerful source.

What really sets humans apart from other animals is our self-awareness. We have a unique ability to detach ourselves from our emotions and objectively evaluate our circumstances. Unlike other animals, we are not ruled by our emotions!

Even more important than allowing detachment, our self-awareness makes our most amazing asset possible - our sense of humor. By temporarily, even if only figuratively, removing ourselves from a particular set of circumstances, we are able to find the absurdity in it and be amused by it. When we cultivate this type of amusement, we are capable of powerful mental, emotional, and physical health; we become mentally, spiritually, and physically self-actualized.

This phenomena is exactly why people fluent with my Fun Factor prescription report such amazing results to me. You begin to move in social and professional circles with ease and confidence you've only dreamed of. People become attracted to you without quite being able to figure out why.

But you'll know why - the self-confidence and self-esteem of my patients and clients literally explodes when they begin to fuel their self-awareness with The Fun Factor! And the best part is that I teach it to you FOR FREE! My doctor's orders are waiting for you on my website.

Incidentally, what Darwin actually proposed, in his Origin of the Species, was that man and ape shared a common ancestor. In addition, the theory of evolution can be traced all the way back to the ancient Greeks. Darwin didn't even coin the phrase, "survival of the fittest." That was Herbert Spencer.

What Darwin did do was assemble an incredible body of evidence to support the preexisting theory of evolution. Continue your own personal evolution at my website today.

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

Monday, December 20, 2004

Unfortunately...Christmas-Cookie Calories Do Count

The holidays equal pounds, right?

I just read an article that says the average American gains seven pounds each year during the holidays. I like to think of myself as a good "average American," but that's one group I don't need to be a part of! Luckily, my friend Margie Garrison reminded me of ten little words that will help keep my waistline from growing this holiday. More on Margie's advice later...

Margie Garrison is a really wonderful person with an amazing story of physical health and a genuine loving spirit. I have gotten to know her through my website and have been inspired by her story. If you don't know, Margie has overcome life-destroying arthritis pain and has enjoyed a normal life (for the first time in her life) for years! In addition, Margie also gone from being a self-described "disgustingly obese" person to a healthy, happy, pain-free woman by losing 120 pounds and keeping it off!

Cool and inspirational stuff, huh? Read her stories, if you haven't already, the next time you're feeling sorry for yourself or hopeless.

It's hard not to get pumped up after talking with Margie, so I am putting my money where my mouth is. So far this holiday season I've not only not gained any weight, I've lost three pounds! I'm using my Fun Factor prescription and it's simple, easy, and fun.

For example, one of my Fun Commandments is to Celebrate Everything.

How often do we celebrate, individually or in groups, with food? Eating is a ritual around which we plan our day and food is commonly used to reward ourselves. Of course, I encourage the celebrating - but why not reward ourselves with something else?

  • Some time alone

  • A new book

  • A phone call to a friend we've not spoken to in a while

  • A great movie

  • A trip to the mall with a fun companion

  • Enlisting someone else to wash those dirty dishes

No empty calories there!

I'm currently writing about my experiences using The Fun Factor to lose weight and I'll let you know when the free article becomes available on my website.

In the meantime, back to Margie and her ten words of wisdom. Like all wisdom, the words are simple. So simple that I forget them all the time!

Margie reminded me that so often we suffer needlessly because we wait; we wait for outside motivation to "save us." The ten words that Margie shared are words you've heard before, but maybe you need to be reminded of them like I did: "If it is to be, it is up to me."

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created by a stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Listening Very Carefully Will Bring You Gifts All Year Long

We're accustomed to giving and receiving gifts during this time of year. Christians base this wonderful custom on the story of the three wise men, or kings, who each brought the baby Jesus a gift. But did you know that the Gospels never actually say that these men were kings - nor is there any reference to there being three of them? I'll explain more in a moment...

Regardless of how the custom is derived, gift giving is a beautiful, rewarding activity. Gift receiving is equally fun. Hence, I love this time of year because I get to super-charge my humor nature all month long!

Would you like to give yourself a fantastic gift that will pay dividends all year long?

In my Fun Factor prescription, I teach you to Listen Very Carefully - it's one of my Fun Commandments. Most people find listening difficult because it seems passive. Actually, although usually a quiet activity, active listening requires the activation of all our senses.

Practice listening fully to what you are hearing, seeing, reading, and sensing and you will not only discover a hidden world of information which will make you more successful, but also a universe of information which will entertain you and engage your sense of humor. And there is no better accelerator for sky-high health and success than employing humor in every aspect of your life!

For example, read headlines very carefully. These are actual headlines from our local newspaper. Read uncarefully, they are merely informative. Read very carefully, they inform and bring a smile to your face!

  • Indiana Park Fees May Rise - Or Fall

  • Town Overwhelmed by Pollution Hopes to Become National Park

  • Kentucky Couple Convicted of Fraud Fails to Appear at Prison

By the way, the notion that there were three kings comes from Matthew's reference to the three gifts they brought - gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Myrrh is a bitter, reddish-brown, gum resin. And you thought getting socks for Christmas was bad?

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created by a stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Successful People Are Like Bumblebees

Haven't we all heard that bumblebees violate the laws of aerodynamics, yet still fly?

Guess what? It is impossible to violate any law of aerodynamics and fly. The laws of aerodynamics are immutable and a bumblebee's violation of any of them is a myth. I'll explain why in a moment...

We often think of people more successful then us like we think of bumblebees. People more successful than us, we think, violate the laws of interdependency and cooperation; they are egotistical, self-centered, greedy, etc.

The wings of a bumblebee look small in proportion to its body size when compared with those of a bird, so our brains tell us the bee's flight is an anomaly. By the same token, the activities and paradigms of people more successful than us seem foreign to our current levels of confidence and knowledge, so we turn them into anomalies too - by labeling them as greedy or mean people.

But all we are doing is justifying our own failed expectations of ourselves when we categorize successful people that way. Because the laws of success are as immutable as the laws of aerodynamics. They cannot be violated either.

And do you know what the number one law of success is? Fun Comes First! As I teach you to do in my unique Fun Factor prescription, successful people are merely doing things they're passionate about and, thus, putting fun first! This phenomenon is the primary component to any lasting, sustainable success.

Putting fun first is how people become successful, but how does a bee actually fly? The secret is found by looking at a helicopter; the wings of a helicopter look small in comparison to the wings of an airplane. And a bumblebee doesn't fly like an airplane, it flies like a helicopter.

Likewise, the habits of a person more successful than us might be intimidating. But that person is simply putting fun first - how intimidating could that be? You can do that too! And I'll teach you how to do it, FOR FREE, on my website!

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created by a stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

Are Pianos Musical Instruments...Or Just Really Big Coasters?

A friend teaches piano at a performing arts high school. She recently told me about an interesting discussion she and her students had - "Pianos, are they musical instruments or expensive coasters?"

Come to think of it, we do always see pianos in commercials trying to depict sophistication, elegance, and gentility. Many expensive homes have pianos in their living rooms, ostensibly for the same purpose. People rarely play them; the pianos exist not to produce art or entertaining music, but to conjure an image or an atmosphere.

Our sense of humor can be like these pianos if we're not careful. Many of us keep our humor on the shelf and reserve it for those rare times of legitimized recreation like seeing a movie or going out. That's like owning a Ferrari and only using it to drive to the grocery store!

We all know that our sense of humor is a valuable resource. To hear some people tell it, I'm "preaching to the choir" by advocating humor as your greatest asset for health and success! But if so many people "know" these things, than why are stress-induced illnesses at an all-time high.

I'll tell you why.

We know that humor is a great resource that gives us long-lasting health, more creativity, resourcefulness, better communication, and lowered stress levels. What we don't know is how to use this resource every day, in every area of our lives. We don't know until now, that is.

It's time to take humor off the back-burner. Your sense of humor is not window dressing or eye-candy - it is an insanely powerful healing and motivating agent that you carry with you in your personal chemistry. That's right, you carry your own personal pharmacy, capable of producing benefits which the pharmaceutical companies would pay millions for!

I will teach you how to unlock your personal pharmacy - FOR FREE! Visit my website and discover how easy it is to reawaken your sense of humor, experiencing more joy, health, vigor, and happiness then you have since childhood.

Don't just sit and look at that amazing "grand piano" you have sitting in your personal chemistry. Play that baby! I'll teach you how to deliver a virtuoso performance!

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created by a stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

You'll Probably Stay Married...But You'll Definately Have Fun

How many times have we heard the often quoted statistic that half of all marriages end in divorce? We've heard it so often we've come to accept it as true...even though it's not! I'll explain in a minute...

I can tell you one oft quoted statistic, however, that is true. Stress induced illness is on the rise. In fact, we suffer stress-induced illnesses at a higher rate today than ever before. But we don't have to .

I can teach you how to lower your stress, FOR FREE. Just go to my website, sign up for my newsletter, and follow my doctor's orders.

My Fun Commandments, taken straight from my unique Fun Factor prescription guide us toward less stress and make us healthier and more successful. One of my Fun Commandments, for example, is to Welcome Our Mistakes.

Far from a license for mediocrity, welcoming mistakes takes all the pressure off us. In fact, make mistakes on purpose. That's right - be foolish (without putting yourself or others in jeopardy). Do things like wear mismatched socks.

  1. You will get used to feeling's exhilarating and liberating

  2. You will enjoy others feeling a false sense of superiority over you

  3. Being foolish is a great stress reliever

You'll soon find yourself beating the odds; you'll have less stress and actually enjoy the heck out of your life!

Back to the inaccurate statistic on is true that each year, in America, there are half the number of divorces as marriages. But if you infer that half of all marriages end in divorce from that statistic, you are forgetting that some people get divorced many times. This seriously skews the stats.

Actually, one in four people getting married today will get divorced. So you have a 75% chance of staying married, according to statistics. But you have a 100% chance of reducing your stress, when you follow my suggestions!

See you at my website!

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created by a stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

Friday, December 17, 2004

Frankenstein Wasn't A Monster

The creature we call Frankenstein should really be called "Frankenstein's Monster." Victor Frankenstein was the mad scientist (and he wasn't a "Dr." either)! More on this in a moment...

Common misunderstandings can quickly assume the unassailable power of fact. For example, when we see a photo of Frankenstein's Monster, most of us say, "There's Frankenstein." True or not, it's become a fact.

Most of the time such misconceptions are harmless. Some, however, are not.

Here is a misconception we need to quickly reconsider: Adults should be serious. This myth is not just incorrect - it's deadly! Seriousness (taking ourselves too seriously) is the leading cause of stress. Stress is the leading cause of illness in our modern world. And stress-induced illness is at an all-time high!

Want to reduce your deadly seriousness and, thus, your stress? Try using one of my Fun Commandments, taken from my unique prescription, The Fun Factor. Always Go the Extra Smile.

Smiling is unobtrusive, hardly ever inappropriate, and completely within your control. You can wear a smile practically anywhere.

And did you know that a smile brings you immediate health benefits? When you smile, your mood is elevated, your pain lessens, your creativity is sparked, and your communication is enhanced.

And, best of all, did you know that your fake smile still creates these benefits for you? That can wear a contrived smile and soon you'll feel good enough to have a genuine one! How's that for "fake it 'til you make it"?

Try it right now. Smile and put me to the test!

By the way, Frankenstein's Monster wasn't even much of a monster. He spoke French, read Milton, and studied Plutarch. Sounds more ambitious than my son was in college!

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Enjoy a powerful, life-changing prescription, FOR FREE, created by a desperate KY doctor"

The Blog Directory

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Lower Your CRP Levels - FOR FREE

Edward Suarez of Duke University asked 121 healthy men and women to take personality tests and then tested their blood for a substance called C-reactive protein (CRP).

CRP is produced by the liver in response to inflammation. Higher levels of inflammation are thought to increase the risk for a variety of health problems. Evidence suggested that people with high levels of CRP are more prone to heart attacks and stroke!

Here's the key to all this information: the subjects in the Duke University test who scored the highest on the tests for anger, hostility, and depression had CR(a)P levels two to three times higher than those who scored low, as reported in the journal of Psychosomatic Medicine. People who are angry or depressed are less healthy!

That doesn't surprise us! It makes perfect sense since we already know that people who are happy and take themselves lightly are more healthy. We're also more successful and have better relationships. We experience less pain. Let's face it, we lead better lives.

Aren't you glad you're already one step ahead of world famous, Duke University's research? You already use my Fun Factor prescription, you've subscribed to my newsletter, and you use it to guide your life!

WHAT? You don't use The Fun Factor? You've gone to, read and agreed with my vital, FREE prescription - understanding that you can become more successful by the minute? And you don't use my Fun Factor prescription to guide your life? What in the world are you waiting for?

Clifford Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Enjoy a FREE, unique prescription that a stressed-out Kentucky physician used to transform his life"

The Blog Directory

There's Another Way To Minimize Job Stress Besides Quitting!

Here's something interesting.

John Kammeyer-Mueller of the University of Florida reports that emotionally draining jobs bring few monetary rewards if the employment does not require great intellectual demands.

Those in positions that are high in both intellectual and emotional demands - such as doctor, lawyer, CEO - are rewarded for the stress placed on their state of mind. Few people, the reasoning goes, are able to tackle both high cognitive and emotional challenges - and the marketplace rewards this scarcity with higher salaries.

On the flip-side, waiters, bill collectors, and child-care workers are examples of people who experience emotionally charged encounters that require shows of sympathy or other feelings. And these jobs don't pay well.

What does this tell you? It tells me that if you have a job requiring high emotional intelligence, don't count on your paycheck to provide your rewards! Count on my unique prescription, The Fun Factor, to provide you with incentives and intrinsic rewards!

And if you have a job requiring both high emotional intelligence and cognitive ability, make sure you are using The Fun Factor both for your sanity and for your continued success! You need as much help as anyone else because you've got two stress centers.

Of course, you could always quit your job and rid yourself of all job-related stress. But I don't recommend that.

Try The Fun Factor first; if The Fun Factor doesn't work, contact me and I'll hire you!

Clifford Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Who else wants to reduce her stress and find long-lasting health...FOR FREE? Enjoy these benefits and more at Dr. Cliff Kuhn's website"

The Blog Directory

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Jokes Teach Us How To Embrace Change

I'm fond of repeating the bumper-sticker phrase,"Change is inevitable...except from a vending machine."

I like this phrase because it reminds me of something I need to be reminded of every day (No, not to put on clean underwear!) It reminds me that I have the choice to accept change and, in doing so, release myself from my fear of it. I can show you how to embrace change, but more on that later...

I was just reading new research by the New York University's School of Continuing and Professional Studies. The NYU SCPS survey found that working adults expect to change careers at least three times during their working lives. What's more 14% said they would have four careers and 11% said they expected five careers.

That's a lot of change! It reminded me of how frightening change is; when I'm afraid of change, I just want things to be finished, done, and over. I want things wrapped up, tidily and neatly, never to be dealt with again. As in, "Okay...I've got my career wrapped up and taken care of. Now I'll never have to worry about that again!"

Those kinds of thoughts are way too serious for a humor being like you to harbor. Those thoughts will keep us in a small world with self-imposed, artificial limits - designed to give us the illusion of "safety."

Luckily, my unique prescription, The Fun Factor, comes to my rescue. Here's how I embrace change:

If I remind myself, in a lighthearted way, to embrace change (because change is inevitable), then I can accept it and move on with the rest of my day. I don't have to shortchange myself, keeping myself less successful and less healthy, by adhering to seriousness. Seriousness tells me that things should stay the way they are - that this change is the rug finally being pulled out from under me (which is what I've been fearing all along).

The Fun Factor teaches me that I can Expect the Unexpected. That's one of my Fun Commandments. The unexpected surprises in life are like presents I get to open each day when I'm utilizing my sense of humor.

For example: we can examine the sequence of a joke for guidance. Why is a joke fun? Because we're surprised by an unexpected ending! Of course, most of us have made a decision to let this kind of surprise please us. Guess what? We can make the same decisions about any surprise that life offers today!

Try it...make a decision to treat your next unexpected event like a good joke. Laugh, accept it, and move on!

Clifford Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Enjoy all Ten of Dr. Kuhn's Fun Commandments from his unique prescription for your ultimate health and success - FOR FREE"

The Blog Directory

Words Of Wisdom From...An Eight-Year-Old?

A recent conversation with my 8-year-old grandson, Jordan, was like getting an audience with a self-help guru! More on that in a moment...

You're well aware, logically, that the past and the future share two characteristics...they are both illusions! These illusions, however, have deadly side-effects; dwelling on the past leads to resentment, while fixating on the future leads to fear. So it is paramount that we stay focused on the only part of our lives that is not an illusion - the present moment!

We know we should stay focused on the present moment, but how do we do that?

As usual, fun is our invaluable sidekick. One of my Fun Commandments, Stay Focused, Yet Flexible, teaches us to remain flexible enough to accommodate life's inevitable surprises, while remaining focused on our current goals and priorities.

Balance is the cornerstone for your ability to achieve "flexible focus."

And now, back to my recent discovery of a new self-help guru (of the 8-year-old variety)...

The other night I'm watching, fascitated, as my eight-year-old grandson builds somethingwith his Kinex toys.

I muse aloud, "Jordan, I wonder what kind of interests you'll have when you're older?"

Jordan replies, in an offhand manner, "Pop-Pop, I'm not that kind of guy."

I chuckle and ask, "What kind of guy is that, Jordan?"

Jordan says, matter of factly as he continues building, "The kind of guy who thinks about his future."

Yes...out of the mouths of babes! Jordan reminded me to stay focused, yet flexible.

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Who else wants less stress, greater creativity, enhanced communication, and lowered pain? Start today with Dr. Cliff Kuhn's FREE prescription"

The Blog Directory

You Can Enjoy A Healthier Workplace...Using Fun

Are we facing an epidemic of seriousness in our country? You decide:

The Office Cleanliness Monitor just released information from a recent survey. Among other things, they found that 33% of office workers admit to clipping nails at work (whether these are toe or fingernails wasn't specified), 22% see a co-worker sneeze or cough every day without covering their mouth, 45% see co-workers leave the restroom without washing their hands, and 33% say they often retrieve things from the trashcan in their office.

The Monitor claims that these behaviors are leading to more sick days and lower productivity. Come on. Haven't people been doing these things since offices were invented?

I'll let you in on a my office I don't use "germ-killer" soap, I "scratch where it itches", and (gasp!) I sometimes reach into my trashcan...and, yet, by some miracle I'm managing to survive.

How? My focus on my Fun Factor prescription keeps seriousness from ruining my creativity, sapping my energy, draining my resilience, making me sick, and raising my stress-level.

Office uncleanliness doesn't make me sick, my seriousness does.

Office cleanliness doesn't make me well, The Fun Factor does.

Let's keep it simple; try The Fun Factor first! The Fun Factor is how to rid yourself of the things that really make you sick! Start using my Fun Commandments for FREE simply by visiting my website.

If that doesn't work I'll personally scrub your office with anti-bacterial goo and monitor your employee's hand washing behavior myself!

Clifford Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of

"Discover a unique prescription, FOR FREE, created by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky Psychiatrist"

The Blog Directory

Monday, December 13, 2004

Use The Fun Factor (Or Move To A New City?)

RAND Health has just released new research, which found that people living in areas with a high degree of suburban sprawl are more likely to report chronic health problems such as high blood pressure, arthritis, headaches, and breathing difficulties.

The findings suggest that an adult who lives in a more sprawling city such as Atlanta will have a health profile similar to someone four years older who lives in a more compact city such as Seattle.

Deborah Cohen, a RAND researcher and co-author of the study, makes the well-intentioned mistake of offering the following advice: "To improve our health...we should build cities where people feel comfortable walking and are not so dependent on cars."

How easy it is to complicate solutions!

Wouldn't it be a lot simpler, much less expensive, and infinitely more effective to teach people living in suburban sprawl to reject their killer seriousness by embracing my prescription, The Fun Factor, into their lives?

Heck, I'll teach it to all those serious people in Atlanta for free! All they have to do is come to my website and they're on their way.

Clifford Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

"Change Your Life Using a Prescription Created by a Desperate Kentucky Psychiatrist"

You Can't Be Angry While You Forgive

Did you know that it is impossible to hold two conflicting emotions at once? Try angry and forgiving at the same time. You can't, can you?

My point is that practicing forgiving is actually done for your benefit. As you accept, forgive, and let go:

  • Your stress level will lower
  • You will experience less pain
  • You will have more fun
Letting go doesn't mean we approve, it just means we're going to stop "drinking poison and hoping the other person dies."

Here's a technique that works really well for me. When someone makes me angry (a rude driver, for example), I say, "I wish you well" toward the person and force myself to actually mean what I'm saying.

Try it; It'll transform your day!

Clifford Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

"Discover a Unique Prescription, for Amazing Health and Success, Created by a Stressed-Out KY Physician!"