Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Life - Waspada Bencana (Gempa)

Bencana alam memang sering datang tak terduga. Kadang dapat dideteksi (seperti letusan gunung api, tsunami, angin badai), namun sering pula sulit dideteksi (seperti gempa bumi). Untuk itu perlu dilakukan mitigasi, suatu upaya untuk mengurangi dampak bencana. Salah satunya adalah pemasyarakatan informasi menghadapi bencana. Berikut pengalaman pribadi saya menghadapi gempa yang baru saja melanda Yogyakarta:

Saat gempa; di dalam rumah:
  • jangan panik, berdoalah
  • jika sempat/kondisi bangunan kurang meyakinkan, berlarilah keluar rumah
  • lindungi tubuh anda dari objek yang mungkin roboh (berlindung di bawah meja, lindungi kepala dengan bantal, hindari lampu gantung, hindari lemari kaca)
  • cegah kebakaran (matikan listrik, kompor, lilin)
  • jika sempat, raih telepon seluler terdekat anda
Saat gempa; di luar rumah:
  • jangan panik, berdoalah
  • hindari objek yang mungkin roboh (gedung, genteng, tiang listrik, jembatan, papan reklame)
  • jika memungkinkan, carilah lapangan terbuka
Setelah gempa:
  • jangan panik, berdoalah
  • waspadai gempa susulan
  • ikuti perkembangan informasi selanjutnya (radio, televisi, telepon seluler)
  • kabari saudara/orang tua
  • berkumpullah bersama keluarga, jangan terpisah, evakuasi bersama (jika perlu)

Persiapan rutin menghadapi gempa:
  • seluruh anggota keluarga/penghuni harus mengenali informasi-informasi menghadapi gempa (vulkanik, tektonik)
  • ikuti dan cermati pelatihan evakuasi yang diberikan
  • simpan surat-surat berharga di tempat yang aman dan mudah diraih
  • memiliki perlengkapan 'darurat' (pakaian, peralatan MCK [mandi, cuci, kakus]) yang siap digunakan untuk pengungsian sewaktu-waktu/mobilisasi/traveling
  • ikutlah program asuransi
  • dirikan/huni bangunan yang tahan gempa
  • karena sebagian besar kepulauan Indonesia termasuk berisiko gempa, maka yakinlah suatu saat gempa akan terjadi lagi tanpa kita duga

Semoga selamat...Tuhan menyertai...

Bacteria and fungus can travel miles

an interesting story i the press recently about how bacteria nd fungus can travel 1000's of miles and still be alive. They can even travel between continents. For more on the story:

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Health Info - Tembakau: Berbahaya Dalam Bentuk dan Samaran Apapun

Hari Tanpa Tembakau Sedunia

Sehubungan dengan peringatan Hari Tanpa Tembakau Sedunia 2006
yang jatuh pada tanggal 31 Mei 2006, maka kami, penulis blog
yang peduli dengan masalah ini, bermaksud untuk memperingatkan
kita semua akan bahaya tembakau:

1. Memperingatkan kita semua bahwa tembakau BERBAHAYA DALAM
BENTUK APAPUN. Rokok, rokok pipa, bidi, kretek, rokok
beraroma cengkeh, snus, snuff, rokok tanpa asap, cerutu...
semuanya berbahaya.

2. Memperingatkan kita semua bahwa tembakau dalam jenis, nama
dan rasa apapun sama bahayanya. Tembakau BERBAHAYA DALAM
SAMARAN APAPUN. Mild, light, low tar, full flavor, fruit
flavored, chocolate flavored, natural, additive-free, organic
cigarette, PREPS (Potentially Reduced-Exposure Products),
harm-reduced... semuanya berbahaya. Label-label tersebut
TIDAK menunjukkan bahwa produk-produk yang dimaksud lebih aman
dibandingkan produk lain tanpa label-label tersebut.

3. Menuntut Pemerintah Republik Indonesia untuk sesegera
mungkin meratifikasi WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco
Control (WHO FCTC) demi kesehatan penerus bangsa. Indonesia
adalah satu-satunya negara di Asia yang belum menandatangani
perjanjian Internasional ini.

Internet, 31 Mei 2006


Dani Iswara

ikut berpartisipasi?

Friday, May 26, 2006

Therapies in Bosnia

Phoenix-Aid is a newish, small charity working in Bosnia. Run from England two therapists go to Bosnia and tecah Indian head massage, aromatherapy, reflexology and more. I've just posted an article about it on our practitioner web site:

if you like what you read, how about supporting them?

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

eating beans and peas

I love beans and peas.I particularly like sprouted chick peas. It's easy to do. I just soakthem for about 10 hours, drain and rinse them and then leave them without any additional water. I rinse them 3-4 times a day. I like them when the sprout is just appearing (which takes no time at all). John likes them when the the shoot is about to sprout some leaves. He dosen't always get a chance to eat them, as I've often eaten most of them at the eralier stage!

I've just posted an article on the benefits of eating beans on Health & Goodness web site:

Thursday, May 18, 2006

running and thinking

here's an intersting artcile I've just posted on on running and thinking - have you ever thought about what you think about when you run?

read this article and start thinking!

Looking after children's teeth

I've had lots of problems with my teeth, so when I came across this clearly laid out info on looking after children's teeth I was very keen to have it on the Health & Goodness web site:

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


A shock story in the UK Guardian today:

"The top five companies (EON UK, RWE Npower, Drax, Corus, and EDF) produced between them more than 100m tonnes of carbon dioxide in 2005. On average, the country's 26m private cars produce 91m tonnes each year."

So, that's alright then, we don't need to worry about driving our cars do we? Well, actually we do - these comapnies do not produce carbon dioxide for the fun of it, thye do it to provide us with the electricity, steel and other things we want.

so of course industry needs to do more, but so do we as individuals

the full article is available at:,,1775689,00.html

Monday, May 15, 2006

aromatherapy for children

Misty Cech is so knowledeable about essential oils, so I'm delighted to have been able to add a new article from her to It's explaining to parents and carers how to use essential oils with children:

here's a direct link:

Friday, May 12, 2006

Are You Responsible Enough to Lose Fat?

Here's an excellent article by the ever-lively Lynn VanDyke

Are You Responsible Enough to Lose Fat?

by Lynn VanDyke, Trainer and Fitness Nutritionist

Seems like an odd question for a personal trainer to ask her clients, but I do. I have a theory that not every one is willing or able to accept that the sole outcome of their fitness and nutrition program is based on personal responsibility. There are a few circumstances in which an individual has no control over their weight gain or weight loss, but for the majority of us our results can be expressed by our resolve.

A few things prompted me to write this little article about personal responsibility. One is a television show that I watched last night. Other reasons include a few emails I received this past week and a personal friend’s comments to me. Each of these situations taught me something rather interesting. Something I already knew, but didn't quite think about until now.

There is a race to melt fat, tone up, slim down, and feel great about your body before the summer hits. Have you noticed an increase in diet pill commercials lately? What about exercise gadget infomercials or new diet books? The dreaded warm weather means many of us are about to bare skin that we'd rather keep hidden.

In this frenzy to shed the weight I have been receiving a bombardment of emails from folks looking for a magic solution. They are convinced I know something they do not. A few emails this past week blew me away. One of them accused personal trainers of knowing the secret to weight loss, but thought they refused to tell anyone the answer so they wouldn't lose clients. Another email practically begged me to spill my guts about my training program because the person thought I had a super-duper program that only personal trainers use.

Admittedly I got a bit upset at first. I mean do people actually think personal trainers know the secret to fat loss, but are unwilling to share it with others? Nonsense. We share it with folks all the time. It’s all about eating well and enough and being active out often. And just for the record my nutrition and exercise routine are the exact same routines I talk about on my site and in my ebook. I actually follow my own advice!

Two other things worth mentioning happened to me within the past week as well. I watched a television show about changing your family lifestyle. The point is to become active and eat healthy so that children grow up healthy. I loved the idea behind the show and that is why I watched. About half way through this particular episode I was in shock.

The children, aged 8 and 10, were actually eating better and becoming more active. They were following the rules the nutritionist had set for them. They were healthier and happier. Guess who was unwilling to change? Mom! She sat out on her front porch swing, smoking a cigarette, and talking to the camera about how this show was supposed to be for and about her children and not her. Therefore she should be able to eat when and what she wants.

Lastly I had a friend approach me and tell me how lucky I was to be fit. She went on to talk about how she wishes she could go kayaking and hiking as much as I did. She talked about how I am so lucky to work in the fitness industry and what a coincidence it was that I enjoyed my job. She went as far as to say she wishes she could have some of my luck.

Between those few emails, the television show and my friend’s comments it became abundantly clear that many people lack personal responsibility. Each scenario boiled down to one basic tenet- only you are responsible for you. No one can make you lose fat. Not even me! I cannot force you to stick to an exercise program. I cannot demand you kayak more or love your job. I wish I could, but I cannot.

Only you can make changes in your life. You are the only person who can create a happy, healthy, vibrant, loving and thriving life. I can provide the tools and motivation, but you are the master of your destiny. You are the sole force that determines how successful you will be in your life. Ask yourself these questions:

- Do you love waking up in the morning because you are excited about your day?

- Are you truly happy with your body?

- Are you thrilled with your personality?

- Do you really believe that you are in control of your life?

- Do you acknowledge that your thoughts are not enough? Action is key.

I help many people find a path to joy through living healthy and fit lives. I can beyond a shadow of a doubt proclaim that once you push aside the excuses, once you really step up to the plate, you will hit a home run. There will be hard times, but with the proper tools, motivation and goals you can and will overcome them.

Personal responsibility is the main success factor in fat loss. It is not luck that I find time to hike and kayak. It is not coincidence that I love my job. We all have 24 hours in a day. How we decid to spend that time really determines our life’s outcome. Watching 4 hours of television each night is not conducive to you if your goal is fat loss. It’s all about personal responsibility and doing what you know is right for you. So I ask, are you responsible enough to lose fat?


Lynn VanDyke is the head trainer at . Her wildly popular ebook, Melt the Fat, comes complete with over 100 exercises, 160 daily menus, 63 ways to stick with it, 100 strength training routines, 800 healthy meal suggestions and loads more. Learn more by visiting:

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Male Cancers

I've been wanting to put more on my web site about this topic, but haven't had time to do the necessary research, so it was great to get an article packed with info on this topic from Zahida Parveen.

Here's a direct link to the page it's on:

Tuesday, May 9, 2006

New articles for therapists

I've been busy adding new articles to

What Does It Take To Experience Transformation?
What does it take to experience transformation in the domains of our lives where we have never experienced mastery?

Teeth Braces & Tongue Studs
Dental amalgam, teeth braces and body piercing can cause major health problems for their owners.

Avoiding Medical Errors
Most of us strive as therapists to help our clients/patients so much that they do not need conventional medical treatment, but here's some good advice from the Duke University Medical Center for when they do:

Getting Referrals
Alternative/complementary therapists tell me everyday that the way they generate the most new clients is through referrals. Yet they don't seem to grasp the power of this statement.

Web Site Promotion
Do you have a web site already or are you thinking of getting one? Are you concerned about web site promotion and search engine optimization? Here's some tips on how to do it better.

Osteopathy & Low Back Pain
by John C Licciardone , Angela K Brimhall and Linda N King
Reviewing research in the USA and the UK on how successful osteopathy is at treating low back pain.

I'm also making good progress with my revised book on geopathic stress. I'm aiming to have the book ready for its first proof reading by the end of May

Saturday, May 6, 2006

Exams looming?

I'm so glad I know longer have to take exams. For those of you who do, I've posted some exam tips on Health & Goodness:

Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Free Nutrition & Exercise Assessment

Kristoph Thompson writes a lot of sensisble stuff on exercise. I have some of his articles on and

So it's good to see he's offering a free diet and exercise analysis on his site - you complete a diary for 3 days and then send it in. To learn more go to:

Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Amnesty International Urgent Action Programme

This is a simple way in which you may help literally to save someone's life - you're busy but what could be more important than that?

Monday, May 1, 2006

Tennis - Being An Attacking Player

I've just posted an interesting tennis article on on whether attacking tennis players are born or made. It's at: