Thursday, November 30, 2006

Acne Scarring

The news is, acne scarring is permanent but can be treated. A final solution for your acne scarring is to have major plastic surgery. Most sever acne is NOT controlled by food, cleanliness, or OTC meds.

However, acne scarring is commonly more significant than this. Acne Scarring is visible markings, lumps or indentations on the skin's surface resulting from scar tissue which has formed as part of the healing proc. The only way to completely prevent acne scarring is by properly treating acne lesions as soon as they form.

The most effective way to prevent acne scarring is to leave the acne alone, however this doesn’t mean you can’t seek expert advice on how best to treat your acne. Acne scarring is most often the result of self-excoriate behavior such as the tendency to pick or squeeze the pimples.

Moderate to sever acne include: nodules, cysts, rosacea and conglobata. For moderate to sever acne, it is advisable to consult with a dermatologist.

Oral Antibiotics:

These are available by prescription for moderate to sever acne. A new topical treatment of moderate to sever acne can help and it’s best to ask your dermatologist first.

Physicians say that the scarring itself represents only a small part of the actual damage.

Acne suffers are aware that where there is acne there will be scarring as well. Many people have the common pimple or breakout, but for a few of the unlucky acne sufferers, acne can cause scarring. Any scarring will improve with time.

Doctors advise people not to squeeze acne themselves, because scarring can result.

Adjacent, no overlapping laser pulses are delivered over the scars. The ultra pulsed carbon dioxide laser, the erbium YAG laser and the pulsed dye yellow light laser are most commonly used for treating acne scarring.

For the improvement of facial acne scarring: a systematic review of the evidence check out Laser resurfacing of the skin The Harmony Pixel Laser is proving to be highly effective in the treatment of acne scarring.

Numerous medical studies have documented the effectiveness of Nd:YAG laser treatments for acne scarring. Acne scar laser treatment is administered by experienced medical staff who have been properly trained in this area. Laser therapy for acne and acne scarring works by targeting the sebaceous, oily glands that cause bacterial entrapment.

Scar reduction is one of the most common uses of laser skin resurfacing. Recent research shows Acne Rosacea can be successfully treated with yellow laser with no side effects. The erbium laser typically is used to produce superficial resurfacing.

Laser skin resurfacing has added to the numerous treatment options available for acne scarring. The latest treatment options for acne scarring are lasers, such as the pulsed carbon dioxide (CO2) laser and the Erbium:YAG laser. There are many treatment options for those who suffer from chronic consistent acne.

The good news is that there are numerous treatment options now available to treat acne scarring. Fortunately there are topical treatment options, depending on the kind of scarring. The first thing to do is to get good advice about the options.

Laser treatment is one of the newer options for getting rid of acne. As with any surgery, it is important to understand the options and procedures. Laser resurfacing is a recent addition to the armamentarium of options for acne scarring. Electrolysis and laser are the best options. Talk to your doctor about the best treatment options for you.

However, acne scarring is commonly more significant than this. One more cause of acne scarring is the pinching and squeezing of acne. A final solution for your acne scarring is to have major plastic surgery. Acne scarring is one of the most embarrassing skin problems faced by many, but help is out there, so make the most of it.

Acne scarring is permanent but can be treated. The only way to completely prevent acne scarring is by properly treating acne lesions as soon as they form. Acne scarring is almost as embarrassing as actual pimples.

Acne scarring is one of the great misfortunes of many people, young and old. For the lucky majority, acne scarring is a minor annoyance, difficult for others to visualize. Acne scarring is what most teenagers and adults fear. Acne scarring is the end result of the body's healing process.

Len Cecchetto has written lots of articles about acne. He suffered as a kid and has had a keen interested in the development of cures over the years. You can find out more at

Children & Divorce

Divorce is a difficult time for eevryone, particualrly if children are involved. Jill Curtis has done lots of research on this subject and writes with sensitivity and compassion, so I'm delighted to be able to post one of her articles on Health & Goodness:

Children & Divorce

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Scammers |Targeting Therapists

I thought this was worth passing on:

Massage therapists are now on the receiving end of a variation of anonline con. Here's how it works: An out-of-town "client" contacts apractitioner via e-mail wanting to schedule appointments for a time inthe future when he/she will be visiting the area. The appointments andtimes are scheduled. Shortly thereafter, the practitioner receives a cashier's check forthese services, but it's generally for much more than the originallyagreed upon price. The alleged client or a secretary of the clientcontacts the therapist, explains the mistake, and asks the therapist todeposit the check and simply refund the balance. The check appears toclear and the practitioner sends the overage back to the client only tolearn two weeks later that the check was a fraud. Now the practitioneris out whatever the overage was.If this has happened to you, visit the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) website,, and click "File a Complaint" tofill out the form. You can also forward the offending e-mails caution and common sense will help you avoid the pitfalls ofInternet scams. For more information on Internet scams, or

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Ethical consumerism

earlier this year we decided to sponsor the health and body section of Ethical Junction - you can see our clickable logo for Health and Goodness on all the health pages.

Co-operative Financial Services (CFS) has today announced it will sponsor Ethical Junction. CFS includes the Co-Operative Bank, the internet bank Smile and Co-Operative Insurance.

Great news for Ethical Junction, and yet another sign that people are interested in behaving ethically and not just in making money.

Why Acne is a Serious Issue for Teens

The problem is acne.

As a teen, you know that poor skin makes you feel absolutely terrible. It makes you miserable. It leads to low self-esteem. You think that people are looking at you funny because your skin is covered with various spots and marks.

It just isn’t fair.

On top of the obvious external problem, acne causes you to internalize negative feelings. Your friends and your parents don’t understand that acne makes you feel dirty. It makes you feel greasy. It seems like your problems are the result of your skin problems.

I know that some teens really have it rough. They get picked on and ridiculed by everyone else. I remember this too and I once felt ugly and alone because of acne.

Acne is serious for teens exactly because it makes people angry, frustrated and depressed. If you’re a teen, you know exactly what I’m taking about. If you’re not, just remember that poor skin gives you anxiety. It fills you with shame.

Finally, consider that really bad acne can cause scars. These scars are often permanent and can cause long term self-esteem issues. So, prevention is really important. And obviously, it is easier to prevent acne than it is to deal with scars after the fact.

Why is It Important to Take Care of Acne?

Acne really isn’t your fault. You don’t deserve it and you can get rid of it. You can prevent it. That’s the good news.

It is important to prevent acne for a few reasons. Like it or not, better skin will help you interact with other people. This is because you feel better about yourself. So, it has less to do with how you look and more about how you feel. That’s definitely the key.

When you feel better about yourself you will have better social relationships. You’ll have an easier time attracting other people. Also, importantly, you’ll be healthy in other areas of your life. There is a spillover effect.

Vibrant skin with a healthy glow will make you feel more sexy, plain and simple. You also do not have to worry about spending money with treatments month after month if your skin is healthy.

Fortunately, there are healthy and low cost ways to prevent acne. For teenagers, this is obviously important. Freedom from the pain and sores is worth almost any price, but having some extra money is certainly nice as well.

John S. Rhodes is an accomplished writer and researcher on many health topics. See his secret update on acne prevention and cures:

Monday, November 27, 2006

Life With Acne

Acne is a skin disease that affects more than 17 million individuals in the United States alone. Three out of four teenagers suffer from some form of acne. The possibility of severe psychiatric and psychological complications affects many individuals suffering from acne, while affecting a person’s quality of life in a negative manner. Psychiatric and psychological complications are not a serious problem for many of the individuals suffering from acne, but there are enough individuals with these conditions to be alert to the symptoms. This is not a disease that limits itself to the skin only.

If you are suffering from severe acne, be alert to the following symptoms. Seek medical help if you recognize any of these symptoms in your life.


Depression caused by acne affects how you feel, think, and act. There are many symptoms of depression with the most common being:

> A change in appetite that results in weight loss

> Sleeping a lot or not sleeping at all

> Tired all of the time

> Irritable

> Having a feeling of worthlessness

> Difficulty concentrating or making decisions

> Thoughts of suicide

You may become depressed when your acne is severe, causing scars and not responding to treatment. You should share with your doctor how your acne has affected you emotionally.

Social Phobia

Acne may cause you to become so excessively self-conscious that you fear being around other people. The symptoms of social phobia are an overwhelming anxiety of fear that others are looking at you and judging you. Embarrassed or humiliated by your looks will interfere with everyday activities. Dreading and worrying about upcoming events in your life will take a toll on your health.

Social Phobia is not something that is easily controlled by you. Please share with your doctor if you have any of these symptoms.

Anxiety Disorders

Severe acne can lead to stress, which in turn leads to anxiety disorders. As with social phobia, anxiety disorders have many of the same symptoms. The important factor to remember is that it is treatable and if not treated can lead to poor performance in school, poor social skills, and you are more vulnerable to substance abuse.

As a teenager, social anxiety disorder resembles severe shyness and may not be recognized as a problem. The symptoms of social anxiety are an intense fear of social interactions, avoiding friends and conversations, looking down while speaking to someone, isolating yourself from others, excessively concerned with what others think about you.

Impaired self-image and self-esteem

Are you constantly putting yourself down? Society today is all about the perfect look. The problem with this view is that no one has the perfect look. As a teenager your body is changing rapidly with many hormonal changes affecting your entire body. Acne is a result of some of those changes. You may not be responding to treatment and have allowed yourself to think less of yourself than you should. There are so many internal and external factors in developing a healthy self-esteem.

You are in control of your self-esteem. There are many good things about yourself and you need to concentrate on those attributes instead of those areas that you are not happy with. You may need to talk with your doctor if you feel that you are unable to develop a healthy self-esteem on your own.

Social Dysfunction

Social dysfunction is the umbrella of all of the above conditions. If you are suffering from severe acne and find yourself retreating from others and suffering from the symptoms of depression, it is important that you consult your doctor immediately. Acne is not always a skin disease; it can turn into a psychiatric and psychological disease. Stop it before your quality of life is affected.

Life with acne is not always an easy life. If you are not careful it may reduce your quality of life. When your acne becomes more than you can handle emotionally, your quality of life deteriorates. Acne controls you when it all you think about.

Gaining control may not be easy for you. Seek help when your emotional life is in turmoil. If you are a teenager, your parents may not understand how you feel and may not sympathize with you. If you are an adult suffering with adult acne, you are at greater risk of suffering from these symptoms.

Your first step toward a better life with acne is getting professional help when you are suffering from any of the symptoms in this article.

Visit for the latest information and products for acne skin care.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Salvestrols, Skin Problems & Cancer

If you look at my web sites you'll know I'm keen on salvestrols, so I was interested to get this email:

Hello, I have just read your article on the impact that salvestrols have on skin tumours. My Mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer two years ago, and is still receiving treatment for it. A friend of mine told me about someone she knew who had managed to rid herself of stage 4 cervical cancer by having conventional treatment and by taking 12 fruitforce tablets a day, so I immediately got my Mum to start taking them on a daily basis.
As well as having ovarian cancer my Mum had a basal cell carcinoma on her back which had been there for approx 5 years but she had never got round to doing anything about it. It would weep and bleed and would often be quite painful, however since taking fruitforce it has dried up and completely healed over. We were astounded!
We are still waiting to hear how my mum's ovarian cancer is doing but we are all very hopeful that the fruitforce tablets are working miracles!
Many Thanks
Michelle Thomas

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Gadget - CSS untuk PDA Dokter

Aplikasi PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) yang paling sering digunakan dalam dunia medis adalah referensi medis.
Berbagai referensi medis tersedia gratis dan berbayar di Internet. Sebagian besar membutuhkan program pembaca seperti iSilo, MobiPocket, dan eReader (baca tulisan sebelumnya tentang Pengembangan Aplikasi Medis PDA). Beberapa program pembaca tersebut akan berfungsi penuh (terutama hyperlinks) jika kita menggunakan versi komersilnya, walaupun program konversinya tersedia gratis (tersedia versi Windows).

Tawaran DVD eText dan eBook pernah penulis terima via mail. Tetapi setelah penulis konfirmasi, penawar menyatakan secara jujur bahwa DVD tersebut ilegal alias bajakan, sehingga akan kesulitan untuk diperbanyak dan diperluas penggunaannya secara legal (pesan moralnya: mari belajar untuk tidak membajak, karena dibajak itu sungguh tidak enak, kecuali anda dan karya anda siap untuk dibajak...yang berpendidikan tinggi saja membajak..apalagi kami yang...ah sudahlah..kita memang bangsa pembajak :D ). Updated Dec 2, 2006: silakan mengikuti kisah-kisah dari I Made Wiryana.

Kini kita coba membuat referensi medis berbasis web di PDA dari sisi pengguna (dokter). Aplikasi ini mudah dikustomisasi, murah, legal, dapat pula dikembangkan untuk digunakan di sisi server atau digunakan secara intranet.

Yang kita butuhkan cukup sedikit pengetahuan HTML/XHTML (eXtended/HyperText Markup Language) dan CSS (Cascading StyleSheet), serta tentu saja sebuah PDA. Dari sepuluh rekan sejawat yang penulis ketahui menggunakan PDA di praktiknya, tujuh (7) orang menggunakan Pocket PC (PPC), sisanya Palm. Jadi akan kita fokuskan ke PPC dan Pocket Internet Explorer (Pocket IE). Pada jenis perangkat lainnya, prinsipnya hampir sama.

Penulis lebih senang menulis kode HTML/XHTML dan CSS di desktop cukup dengan notepad (Windows) atau gedit (Ubuntu Linux). Tampilannya diuji dengan browser Firefox+Web Developer extension dan Opera (Windows dan Ubuntu Linux), coba juga fasilitas small screen rendering (SSR). Jika ingin langsung melakukan editing HTML/XHTML di PDA, dapat menggunakan PocketHelp 1.2 (PPC; gratis), tampilannya diuji dengan Pocket Internet Explorer (Pocket IE) bawaan PPC (Windows Mobile 2003).

Karakteristik web PDA

Beberapa karakteristik PDA yang sebaiknya diperhatikan:
  • layarnya lebih kecil dibanding desktop
  • memori terbatas
  • penggunaan stylus
  • biaya akses (online) mahal (dihitung per kilobyte data yang diunduh/download) jika pengguna menggunakan GPRS
  • huruf standar jenis sans-serif (tahoma, courier new, bookdings, dan sejenisnya)
  • gambar berukuran terlalu besar kadang tidak dapat tampil
Jadi, tampilan web (offline) yang kita butuhkan nanti:
  • sederhana
  • teks tampil dominan
  • model satu kolom
  • minimalisasi gambar (ukuran gambar dapat mengecil sesuai ukuran layar)
  • minimalisasi plugin/flash
  • lebar maksimum/optimal yang dianjurkan adalah 220 px (pixels/piksel)
  • tinggi 245 px jika ingin menghindari scrolling vertikal
  • kontras yang mudah dibaca dan tidak melelahkan mata
  • menghindari penggunaan frame
  • menghindari penggunaan JavaScript
Sangat dianjurkan menggunakan standar HTML/XHTML dan CSS mobile untuk efisiensi.

Beberapa karakter CSS yang berfungsi baik pada Pocket IE:
  • p
  • strong, bold
  • heading
  • ul, ol
  • gunakan alt="...teks..." untuk keterangan gambar
  • mendukung format gambar JPEG, GIF, PNG, dan BMP
  • bgsound dengan wav, satu kali putaran/tidak berulang
  • dianjurkan menggunakan CSS outline (link to external files) dibanding CSS inline (embedding) untuk multi halaman
Sebagai tambahan, dapat mengunduh The Flash MX Content Development Kit secara gratis dan dilengkapi dengan Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Windows CE Edition yang juga tersedia gratis.

Tidak memiliki PPC? Tidak masalah. Hasil pengembangan mobile web dapat diuji menggunakan emulator dengan mengunduh Microsoft Pocket PC 2003 SDK.

Kini kita buat folder baru dengan nama PDA_dr. Klik kanan berkas pdadokter.css ini dan save link as/save target as pdadokter.css, simpan di folder PDA_dr.

Berikutnya unduh berkas PDA_Dokter.html ini. Simpan dalam folder yang sama.

Folder PDA_dr dikompresi dengan 7Zip (Windows, Linux; gratis, open source), WinZip, atau WinRAR. Berkas zip dipindahkan ke PDA melalui kopi ke kartu memori (via card reader), infra merah, atau Bluetooth. Lakukan ekstraksi berkas zip tadi. Buka berkas PDA_Dokter.html tadi untuk melihat hasilnya di PDA. Silakan unduh berkas berserta contoh gambarnya. Ekstraksi berkas zip tadi ke suatu direktori atau folder dan nikmati hasilnya (Penulis menggunakan Total Commander 2.0 versi PPC dan Pocket RAR 3.60 versi PPC). Dapat juga dibuat shortcut-nya dengan bantuan Total Commander.

Lihat hasilnya di PDA_Dokter ini.

Cukup sederhana bukan? Silakan dikembangkan, selamat mencoba, dan semoga bermanfaat.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Beauty and Enlightenment: Laser Light Treatment of Acne

Acne is not a particularly attractive trait of anyone, whether adult or adolescent. Acne, in fact, contributes to lowering one's sense of self, and self-esteem. As acne untreated can scar one's skin, the effects brought on by acne can scar one emotionally for life.

Acne, however, is curable. Called by its formal name Acne vulgaris, acne is characterized by inflammation of the skin in the form of pus-filled bumps. These bumps are actually hair follicles clogged with oil and dead skin cells.

Acne is caused by a variety of problems. It can be due to a genetic predisposition to acne, a theory supported by the prevalence of acne in Western societies. Acne is also caused by fluctuations in hormonal levels, especially of the male hormone testosterone. Acne, scientists surmise, is the body's reaction to these hormonal changes.

Another cause of acne is stress, which on its own results in hormonal fluctuations due to overworking of the adrenal glands. Other causes include medications containing halogens, androgens, barbiturates, and iodides; exposure to chlorinated compounds such as chlorinated dioxins; and abnormalities in follicle physiology, such as channels that are too narrow, pores that are too wide and deep, among others.

Adult acne is common as well, and may be due to conditions such as ovarian syndromes, pregnancy, or a rare syndrome such as Cushing's.

Although highly unsightly and inconvenient, acne is not without its cures. Several topical ointments, such as those containing retinoic acid and benzoyl peroxide, have been shown to cure acne. These medications, however, do not provide immediate results, and are thus often expensive.

Previous studies on acne have shown that sunlight can improve acne problems, but sunlight actually worsens acne in the long term due to UV damage to the skin. Nevertheless, treatment of acne by other wavelengths of light is now becoming common, as it is a painless, non-invasive, and has been shown to decrease the incidence of acne. One type, light wave therapy, passes a blue light beam of high intensity over the skin. Originally used for cancer therapies, this treatment has shown to be effective in acne removal.

The light of blue light therapy is generated by fluorescent bulbs, lasers, or dichroic bulbs. When applied daily, blue light can reduce acne considerably. This is due to the effect the light has on Propionibacterium acnes, the bacteria responsible for causing acne.

According to studies, the bacterium produces a set of molecules called porphyrins, which generate harmful molecules called free radicals when porphyrins are exposed to blue light. As these free radicals accumulate, bacteria are killed, and acne is reduced until it disappears.

Blue light treatment has been shown to be safe, and even more effective than benzoyl peroxide, but over a shorter period. Blue light treatment, however, is considered expensive, but is actually cheaper than using benzoyl peroxide over a period of years.

Laser surgery, on the other hand, makes use of a high intensity laser beam passed over the skin to treat acne. This kind of treatment has actually been used to treat acne scars, but is now commonly used to prevent acne.

Laser therapy works by one of the following methods:

  • Lasers degrade, or burn away the follicle sac, the opening in the follicle from which hair grows.
  • Laser light is strong enough to damage, or completely remove oil-producing sebaceous glands.
  • Like blue light treatment, lasers lead to the formation of free oxygen radicals in acne bacteria, which can kill them.

Laser surgery, however, is reputed to have disadvantages, such as damage to skin due to exposure to light. If used improperly, light and laser treatments can dry out skin, or induce the formation of spots.

If you are interested in laser surgery, consult with your dermatologist, and know the advantages and disadvantages of laser surgery. If used well, laser surgery can help you have cleaner, clearer skin free from acne.

About the Author: Elizabeth Radisson is a frequent author on the subjects of acne, and acne treatment products. For more information on ways to treat acne, head to

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Blog - Desain Blog Kesehatan

Blog ini pada awalnya penulis buat untuk pembelajaran dan dokumentasi saja. Versi 'gratisan' ini memang memiliki keterbatasan dibanding piranti lunak blog lain atau dibanding dengan hosting sendiri. Blog ini pun menurut desain/model/rancangan situs/blog kesehatan masih banyak kekurangannya, maklum masih belajar.

'Secara' bukan seorang desainer web, penulis juga ingin berbagi mengenai tampilan dan kemudahan aksesibilitas suatu blog menurut bahasa awam penulis (sudut pandang penulis sebagai pengguna). Sedikit banyak pendapat penulis mengacu pada HONcode, W3C,, Jakob Nielsen,, Design World Master Web Indonesia, dan pengalaman pribadi.

Desain memang merupakan suatu karya seni yang penuh nilai rasa. Desain blog pun dapat mencerminkan personalitas pemiliknya, misalnya melalui nama blog, pemilihan warna, topik tulisan, koleksi taut, dan gambar latar. Desain blog yang penulis maksud disini mencakup struktur umum blog, jenis dan ukuran huruf, warna, serta aksesorisnya.

Sah saja jika blog dibuat dengan desain tertentu dan hanya untuk catatan harian pribadi atau bahkan bukan untuk konsumsi publik. Berbeda halnya dengan blog yang ditulis dengan semangat berbagi untuk konsumsi publik. Berarti ada 'aturan-aturan' umum yang sebaiknya diperhatikan dalam membuat desain blog, terlebih blog kesehatan. Lepas dari seni desain blog, ada faktor aksesibilitas yang sebaiknya juga diperhatikan.

Judul blog
Judul blog sebaiknya sama dengan alamat blog atau pemiliknya untuk memudahkan mengingat dan pencarian. Misalnya saat mengetik nama pemilik/perusahaan, nama blog, atau topik kesehatan tertentu di kolom mesin pencari Google, menghasilkan penemuan blog yang dimaksud. Atau saat mengetik hal yang sama di kolom alamat Firefox akan menemukan orang/perusahaan/topik kesehatan/blog dimaksud (pakai Firefox!).

Loading time
Waktu tampilnya keseluruhan wujud blog memang dapat dipengaruhi oleh jenis koneksi (misalnya dial-up, broadband), jam akses, kemampuan browser, kecepatan komputer, banyaknya grafis blog, banyaknya JavaScript yang harus dibaca (beberapa pengguna bahkan men-disable JavaScript dengan alasan keamanan dan kecepatan...paranoid?), dan sebagainya. Jadi gunakan gambar dan JavaScript secara bijak (kecuali server memungkinkan cepatnya loading) agar pengunjung tidak lama menunggu tampilnya keseluruhan blog.
Updated Dec 18, 2006: pakai CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) ! Dapat juga ditentukan bagian mana yang ingin ditampilkan lebih dulu saat loading, bagian isi/artikel atau menu samping.

Informasi pemilik/penulis
Dalam bidang kesehatan, identitas penulis sangat penting untuk memperoleh kepercayaan pengunjung akan informasi kesehatan yang diberikan. Kalau bisa, informasi ini terpampang jelas (foto, alamat kontak/mail, biografi, CV) tanpa perlu klik 'About', 'About us', 'Tentang Kami', dan sejenisnya.

Adanya pernyataan tentang informasi kesehatan yang ditulis merupakan pendukung yang tidak menggantikan hubungan dokter-pasien, kecuali penulis blog adalah tenaga profesional kesehatan.

Menu navigasi
Pengunjung blog yang spesifik umumnya mencari informasi tertentu dari suatu blog dan tidak ingin atau tidak memiliki waktu untuk mengeksplorasi isi blog yang lain. Mereka akan lebih suka menggunakan fasilitas pencarian, kategori, arsip tulisan, topik terhangat, dan sejenisnya.
Updated Dec 18, 2006: letak menu dapat di atas, bawah, atau lebih sering di tepi kanan dan/atau kiri blog. Menu di kiri blog (sudut pandang pengguna), mungkin karena kebiasaan menu Windows, GNU/Linux, Mac ada di sebelah kiri. Menu di kanan blog, sepertinya karena tombol scrolling ada di sisi kanan jendela.

Kustomisasi pengguna
Pengunjung mungkin lebih senang tampilan jendela yang tidak maximize, mungkin juga menggunakan layar monitor jenis lebar (wide screen), atau ingin ukuran tulisan yang diperbesar. Desain yang liquid tentu akan sangat membantu agar blog tetap tampil maksimal. Pengguna memilih sendiri skin/theme? Boleh juga.

Sumber tulisan
Menyatakan dengan jelas sumber tulisan. Sertakan taut yang benar dan valid.

Membalas komentar
Sempatkan membalas komentar tiap pengunjung blog. Sisipkan taut yang jelas untuk mempertegas jawaban jika pengunjung ingin eksplorasi lebih lanjut.

Updated Dec 5, 2006:
Moderasi komentar
Komentar pengunjung sebenarnya wujud interaktivitas blog yang dapat membedakan dengan web biasa. Sah saja jika comment moderation diaktifkan untuk menjaga 'kebersihan dan keamanan' kolom komentar blog anda. Tetapi dengan adanya huruf/kode rahasia yang harus ditulis manual (tidak [belum?] mampu diakali 'robot' untuk spam), sepertinya akan lebih enak jika komentar yang pengunjung tulis dapat langsung dibaca tanpa menunggu persetujuan pemilik blognya.

Jika pendapat/komentarnya memang bermanfaat atau pada topik-topik pribadi seperti konsultasi seks, anonimitas sepertinya tidak masalah.

Email yang dituliskan pada kolom komentar hendaknya memang tidak untuk ditampilkan/disebarluaskan.

Fasilitas feed dan langganan
Sediakan fasilitas feed dan langganan/notifikasi (via mail) agar pengunjung dapat mengikuti tulisan-tulisan selanjutnya.

Fasilitas shoutbox
Ini dapat membantu interaksi bagi pengunjung yang ingin memberi pesan singkat di blog.

Fasilitas social bookmarking
Untuk memudahkan tulisan/topik tertentu ditemukan melalui pencarian bookmark/tag.

Warna desain
Hati-hati penggunaan warna merah dan hijau bersamaan untuk menghindari kesalahan karena buta warna merah dan hijau, terutama dalam pengisian formulir yang harus diisi/tidak boleh dikosongkan. Baiknya berikan keterangan dengan teks juga (bahwa kolom harus diisi/tidak boleh dikosongkan).

Kecepatan baca
Tulisan tepi kiri lebih mudah dibaca. Atur tulisan menjadi paragraf yang tidak monoton dan membosankan tapi tetap dalam satu pokok pikiran yang mengerucut. Beri subjudul dan list style agar lebih jelas.

Updated Dec 3, 2006:
Read more
Dengan model ini, tulisan blog jadi terlihat lebih rapi, cukup menampilkan judul, sekilas isi tulisan, yang berminat membaca tulisan selengkapnya tinggal klik Read more.... Membutuhkan klik tambahan memang. Halaman utama pun mungkin dapat di-loading lebih cepat tanpa harus menampilkan teks penuh suatu tulisan/artikel. Tanpa fasilitas ini, dapat disiasati dengan membuat judul yang menarik dan daftar tulisan sebelumnya di menu samping.

Jenis huruf
Jenis huruf yang aman dan mudah dibaca diantaranya sans-serif yang dikenal sebagai Arial di Windows atau Helvetica di Linux dan Mac. Jenis lainnya Verdana dan Georgia. Serif atau dikenal sebagai Times New Roman (Windows) atau Times (Mac) juga sering digunakan, tetapi kurang jelas terbaca pada ukuran kurang dari 12 point.

Taut (links) sebaiknya dibedakan dengan teks biasa dan diberi keterangan sejelasnya daripada sekedar menyebutkan ...disini dan disini. Taut yang sudah dikunjungi juga ada baiknya dibedakan dengan warna tertentu (beberapa browser memiliki aturan tersendiri).

Jika tulisan banyak memuat tentang tutorial/artikel yang layak untuk disimpan dan dicetak, sediakan pula versi cetak atau pdf untuk diunduh.

Judul dan tulisan
Sebaiknya judul dan tulisan mengandung unsur SEO (search engine optimization) sehingga mudah ditemukan oleh mesin pencari dan pengguna.

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Update teratur
Sampaikan pemberitahuan bahwa blog akan di-update tiap hari, mingguan, atau bulanan. Perubahan atau tambahan tulisan pada judul tulisan terdahulu dicantumkan dengan jelas.

Desain yg umum
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Open in external window dan back button
Taut yang diatur agar terbuka pada jendela baru memang dapat mengganggu fungsi back button dan berkesan 'mengusir' pengguna. Tetapi browser masa kini telah menyediakan tab sehingga halaman utama tetap dapat diakses dengan mudah sambil membuka halaman lain pada tab baru.

Text-based pengganti gambar
Perhatikan pengguna browser yang berbasis teks seperti Lynx. Atau pengguna yang men-disable tampilnya gambar demi mempercepat loading time. Mesin pencari pun hanya akan membaca teks, bukan gambar.

Standar W3C
Menerapkan validitas menurut W3C tidak menjamin 'amannya' tampilan blog pada semua browser, karena beberapa browser belum menerapkan seluruh standar W3C. Paling tidak, uji tampilan blog menggunakan Firefox (+ Web Developer extension), Opera, dan Internet Explorer.

Pengguna cacat fisik
Telah dikembangkan podcasting.

Updated Dec 18, 2006:
Bahasa yang digunakan pun sebaiknya disesuaikan dengan target pembaca. Untuk memudahkan diseminasi informasi di dalam negeri, gunakan Bahasa Indonesia. Untuk latihan, tulisan yang ingin 'menyentuh' dunia luas, promosi usaha, maka dapat digunakan Bahasa Inggris (internasional). Untuk beberapa istilah sakit, dapat digunakan bahasa daerah yang sesuai.

Dari semuanya, yang penting adalah konten/isi yang menarik dan bermanfaat.
Mari belajar dan saling berbagi. Ngeblog ya..ngeblog aja..

Natural Acne Treatments - Essential Fatty Acids

Whilst scientists do not fully understand the cause of acne, the role of essential fatty acids in the body, including the skin, is reasonably understood. This understanding has led to some scientists and natural health practitioners looking at the effects and benefits of essential fatty acids for skin conditions such as acne.

Udo Erasmus is a writer with post graduate studies in genetics, and biochemistry, and a PhD in Nutrition. He believes there are nutritional deficiencies and problems that can cause or exacerbate acne, though they are not as simple as the usual ones about chocolate!

Central to his belief is that: "Hard fats and (hard) protein debris clog narrow pores and channels in our skin, and invite infection by bacteria who feast on the mess". (p346)

He believes acne is a result of "fatty degeneration". Factors in this are:

* fats associating poorly with protein
* too many 'hard' fats
* not enough essential fatty acids

Hard fats are also called saturated fatty acids. These are the fats that are found in most food, including animal fats and dairy. Their name comes from the fact that the fat molecules carry the maximum amount of hydrogen molecules that they possibly can. This has significance in the way these fats act in our body. Some of these saturated fats have a high melting point, like butter and milk fat.
An excess can cause problems for our arteries and heart health.

Fatty acids, of the essential and non essential kind, are found in our cell membranes. This includes the membranes of the skin. Erasmus describes the characteristics of saturated fatty acids as tending to stick together. And because they have a higher melting point, they are more likely to be clump together and form deposits when we consume them in excess. So, they are harder for the body to get rid of. And as well as clumping together, they can clump with other things like protein, minerals, and cholesterol. Excess sugar can be a problem because our body converts excess sugar into saturated fatty acids.

Other problems with excess saturated fatty acids includes the fact that the body can convert them into unsaturated fatty acids, which can then oxidize if we don't consume enough fatty acids.

Saturated fatty acids can reduce the supply of oxygen to our tissues, by making blood cells which carry oxygen stick together and so impede that vital transportation system which normally carries oxygen to our cells.

Excess fat, including excess saturated fats, are stored in the adipose cells in our skin. These are fat storage centers.

Erasmus recommends consuming W3 (alpha linolenic acid) and w6 (flax and linoleic acid) essential fatty acids in the correct ratio.

Essential fatty acids have free receptors for hydrogen bonds. This characteristic changes the way the molecules are structured in terms of the shape they have. And it is this different shape, a kinked shape, that means they don't clump together with the affinity that saturated fats do. And they also have a lower melting point - so they are more liquid also. Because of this difference in structure, they also have a slight negative molecular charge, and given that like charges repel, this is another reason why they don't clump together. Erasmus characterizes these properties of unsaturated fats as providing 'fluidity' to cell membranes. He says this allows the cells to fulfill important chemical functions.

Inflammation, a characteristic of acne, is associated with a deficiency in the essential fatty acid LNA, or alpha linolenic acid. Erasmus writes that whilst inflammation is not a classical symptom of LNA, when people take alpha linolenic acid supplements, this symptom can be reversed.

Essential fatty acids as a group are strongly anti-inflammatory. Another essential fatty acid, linoleic acid (LA) has particular reference to acne. When there is a deficiency of linoleic acid, the oil producing glands in the skin make sebum that is mixed with oleic acid. Oleic acid is found in butter and land animal fats. However, in excess, it can interfere in essential fatty acid use. But more importantly for acne sufferers, sebum mixed with oleic acid is irritating to the skin. It lends itself to blockages of the pores that result in acne, blackheads and whiteheads.

For more natural acne treatments and solutions, click here. Rebecca Prescott presents the acne control site,

Children with high blood pressure

A new study in the US found 21% of school children had HBP, especially the prevalence was higher among the overweight and Hispanic group. The study group were involving 1,066 children aged 10-12 from seventeen schools in Fort Worth, Texas.

21%! what does the future hold for these kids?

Read the full study.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I've Got Acne: Which Acne Medicine Should I Be Using?

Acne is a very common condition and notorious for producing pimples on the face and upper torso. Many will additionally suffer with pimples or spots on the back and neck which can be very uncomfortable. The condition of Acne is so common that it is considered to be a normal part of puberty and usually placed into one of three categories being mild, moderate or severe. However, the bad news is that the condition isn't just restricted to adolescents so it is also possible to develop acne in later life as well.

Should We Be Worried About Getting Acne?

Acne is not a serious health threat but it can cause scars so we need to bare this in mind when considering the seriousness of the disease. Very often sufferers will find their skin inflamed and irritated; subsequently causing them to scratch the infected area/s thus creating additional unease and scarring.

How Can We Treat The Condition Effectively?

There are a number of acne medicines available on the market all of which are designed to help with the treatment of the condition and help clear the skin. One of the most popular agents for treating Acne is 'isotretinoin' which is commonly know as Accutane and will greatly reduce the irritation that acne can cause. You may also consider Acnope acne cream that is an anti-acne, anti wrinkle cream that helps dry acne and fight germs and also Clearasil vanishing cream is also meant to be a great acne cream.

Rather than being overly concerned about something that may be unavoidable, learn what Acne medicine ingredients offer effective treatment and then take it from there. It is all too easy to get caught up in the stigma of having acne and forget to pay attention to the actual underlying concern.

What About Topical Medications?

Topical acne medications may contain benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, resorcinol, salicylic acid or tretinoin, or retinoic acid. It is therefore imperative that before commencing any such treatment that you seek professional guidance from your Doctor. Particularly for women as the use of a topical acne cream during pregnancy may be questionable and as such should only be take on the advice of a medical practitioner. However, the amount of topical acne cream during pregnancy that is absorbed through the skin is really quite minimal.

Is There A Cure?

Acne Medical researchers are working on new drugs to treat acne, particularly topical antibiotics to replace some of those in current use. With this in mind it is optimistic that researchers of acne may very well introduce a solution to greatly alleviate the condition. It seems however, that people will do almost anything to sell an acne cure these days so you need to be particularly careful with when shopping around. When it comes to zits and finding the acne cure it can be quite a challenging task so proceed with caution. And, by the way, don't buy a suggested acne cure, apply it for a week and expect that your acne will be gone forever. If only life was that simple!

Your first point of call in any instance is a visit to your family Doctor who will assess the situation and advise accordingly. Your Doctor may even refer you to a specialist dermatologist for further help. Remember, don't be too worried or overly concerned if you have acne as you are not alone; it is one of the most common skin disorders and can easily be treated with the right medication.

If you suffer from or know of a person affected by Acne then be sure to visit the Acne Medicine Site. Clive thoroughly recommends this site so please check it out today here: - For comprehensive and immediate, acne and skin care information.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Finding An Acne Cure

Acne can significantly impact the lives of its sufferers – lowering self-esteem and dramatically decreasing social interaction. The truth is that our faces are the first thing to which other people react. And when our face is less than perfect – and at the mercy of a difficult skin affliction – it can be challenging to fully engage in the world around us.

Acne occurs when our pores become clogged with dirt and bacteria. Oil which we naturally produce and normally flows easily from our pores suddenly has nowhere to go. Trapped oil results in acne. Those who suffer from acne can tell you that they will often stop at nothing to find a successful acne cure for their specific condition.

But why does dirt and bacteria congregate in some people’s skin and not others? The reasons are varied and many. Hormonal changes and imbalances, heredity, diet, environmental components, and even stress are some of the more prominent culprits.

Of course, the most obvious acne cure results from lifestyle change if you are able to pinpoint those factors that cause acne breakouts for you. Changing your diet, getting more sleep, reducing stress, and increasing exercise can all go a long way towards bettering your skin.

But along with these changes, most sufferers of acne will agree that some topical intervention is required such as cleansing systems, medications, and creams. Luckily, there is a huge market devoted exclusively to acne treatments.

Because of the hormonal factor, teenagers are most often the victims of acne. As such, they are bombarded on a daily basis by all forms of media promising them the latest and greatest acne cure. Subsequently, teenaged sufferers spend hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly on acne cures.

Adults – the often forgotten sufferers of acne – generally have more complicated and serious conditions. And it is often attributed to a wider array of causes.

When searching for an acne cure, you can look for over-the counter remedies including cleansers and topical creams. These are often less expensive than their prescribed counterparts but are also meant for milder cases of acne. Look for products that contain acne fighting ingredients such as benzoil peroxide or salicylic acid. Or search out those products geared towards reducing oil for those with oily skin.

For more complicated cases, sufferers can find more assistance through a licensed dermatologist. A dermatologist can prescribe acne remedies that meet the needs of your specific skin type. Further, your affliction will be followed medically until you achieve the results you want.

Whichever way you chose to go for an acne cure, time and determination will help you locate the remedy that’s right for you. Before long – with a little patience - you’ll have clear and healthy skin.

For easy to understand, in depth information about acne visit our ezGuide 2 Acne.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Gadget - Pengembangan Aplikasi Medis PDA

Untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan melalui pemanfaatan teknologi kesehatan, salah satunya dapat dilakukan melalui pengembangan aplikasi medis PDA (Personal Digital Assistant).

Agar tidak sebagai pengguna (konsumen) saja, dengan sedikit kreativitas kita dapat melakukan pengembangan aplikasi medis PDA. Pengembangan aplikasi yang dimaksud disini, tidak hanya melalui pendekatan pemrograman/pembuatan piranti lunak, tetapi dapat juga melalui pembuatan teks elektronik (eText) dan buku elektronik (eBook).

Referensi medis format elektronik

Referensi medis seperti pedoman diagnosis dan terapi, interpretasi laboratorium, interpretasi radiologis, interaksi obat, dan sejenisnya dalam format elektronik untuk PDA tentu akan lebih bermanfaat jika selalu tersedia saat dibutuhkan, mudah diakses, dan mudah ditransfer secara nirkabel (beaming via infra merah atau Bluetooth) ke perangkat sejenis.

Keuntungan eText dan eBook ini diantaranya adalah fleksibilitas dan portabilitas. Fleksibel karena teks dan buku format elektronik ini dapat dibaca dengan berbagai perangkat baca seperti komputer dengan berbagai sistem operasi (PC/Windows, Mac, BSD, Linux), PDA/PDA Phone (Palm, Windows Mobile, Linux Mobile), Smartphone (Symbian), dan beberapa ponsel biasa serta MP3/MP4 player dapat pula membaca format .txt.
Asal perangkat pembaca tersedia, portabilitasnya membantu kita dapat membaca teks/buku elektronik dimana saja dan kapan saja, termasuk untuk melenyapkan saat menunggu yang membosankan.

Untuk dapat membuat eText atau eBook dari suatu berkas dokumen (dengan atau tanpa hyperlinks), iSiloX dapat membantu konversi dokumen HTML (dapat dibuat dengan editor teks sederhana seperti notepad dan sejenisnya) menjadi dokumen iSilo.
Microsoft Reader memiliki perangkat khusus untuk melakukan konversi format teks menjadi .lit untuk PPC (Pocket PC/Windows Mobile).
Format teks elektronik Palm OS dengan standar .DOC (beda dengan .doc dari MS Office) dapat dibuat dengan editor teks AbiWord (Linux) dan
Format universal .pdf dapat dibuat melaui dan MS Office (dalam Windows memerlukan bantuan PDF Creator atau konversi PDF sejenisnya).

Piranti lunak pembaca teks elektronik untuk PDA ada yang tersedia gratis walaupun dengan fitur terbatas, seperti ketidakmampuan membaca format teks dan hyperlinks.
Beberapa eText reader yang masih sering digunakan (cek di, diantaranya:

Menurut penulis, sebaiknya sebuah pembaca teks elektronik mampu membaca teks berformat, hyperlinks, menampilkan gambar, warna, mampu melakukan konversi format teks, dapat mengedit, dan tentu saja harus gratis, kalau perlu open source (ada nggak ya...?).

Pengembangan melalui bahasa pemrograman

Topik sejenis ini pernah dimuat dalam (versi lama) atau blog (versi blog; baru) dan di kioss.
Menurut, menulis program untuk Palm relatif lebih mudah dibanding PPC.
Yang sering digunakan mungkin bahasa Visual C atau C++ (Palm dan PPC). Metrowerks Code Warrior (berbayar) merupakan standar baku pemrograman C. Coba juga cek di halaman pengembang Palm Source. Bahasa lainnya dapat menggunakan Pascal, Fortran, maupun Basic.
Alternatif lain adalah menggunakan Java yang sedang populer. Pengembangan Java membutuhkan beberapa perangkat seperti: Sun's JDK, Microsoft's SDK untuk Java, Microsoft's Visual J++, Symantec's Cafe, IBM's Visual Age atau yang sejenis.
Atau dapat mencoba menggunakan Waba SDK untuk dapat menjalankan program Waba yang ditulis dengan Java.

Lebih detailnya, silakan mengunjungi situs pengembang Palm dan Microsoft Windows Mobile.

Pengembangan lainnya melalui pendekatan basis data dan Rapid Application Development (RAD).

Friday, November 17, 2006

When To Seek Medical Help For An Acne Related Condition

Acne is a condition that affects people of all ages. Young and old are affected by acne. Acne also does not discriminate. Regardless of race or ethnicity, acne impacts anyone. Acne brings with it serious physical and psychological effects on those who are affected by it. An acne breakout may not have the severity of country-wide famine or a deadly epidemic, but for the acne sufferer, it can seem like it's the end of the world.

Regardless of the severity of acne you have, it is important that the condition be looked by a medical professional. Acne can have visible scarring. However, it can also create psychological scars. So even if you have a light case of acne, don't hesitate to seek treatment.

Consider seeking help from a doctor if:

  • You are embarrassed by your acne condition and don't want to be seen.
  • Your face is scarred by acne and this makes you shy about your physical appearance.
  • Your self-esteem has become low since your acne condition began.
  • You have tried every over-the-counter acne medication and they failed to improve your acne condition.
  • Your pimples result to scarring.
  • Your acne condition causes you pain, especially when you touch your face or wash it.
  • The area where breakouts frequently occur is severely inflamed or infected.
  • Not all acne condition can be completely treated. However, it is still important to seek medical help for an acne condition. While treatment may not be able to completely erase acne scars, your doctor may be able to provide you with information on how you can lessen the frequency of acne breakouts as well as future scarring.

    If you have insurance coverage, check to make sure that your insurance covers visits to a dermatologist. If you are covered then visit a doctor and have your acne condition checked out. A doctor can give you advice on how to lessen the frequency of acne breakouts as well as prescribe medication that can help minimize the scarring.

    If you don't have a severe case of acne but your particular acne condition is interfering with your life or you are getting acne scars more frequently, it's to your best interest to visit a doctor.

    For more acne fighting information including tips, advice and acne myths try visiting, a website that specializes in providing acne skin cleaning resources and treatments for the different types of acne.

    Marriage tips

    having a successful marriage or relationship needs work, but the benefits of having a supportive, happy partner are immense.

    Since 1973, Dr. John Gottman has studied what he calls the "masters and disasters" of marriage. Ordinary people from the general public took part in long-term studies, and Dr. Gottman learned what makes marriages fail, what makes them succeed.

    Here's his tips.

    Thursday, November 16, 2006

    Have You heard Of Acne Vulgaris?

    One of the most important factors we all are concerned with every single day is our appearance. We all want to look presentable, be healthy and have skin that glows. However, at times, our skin suffers; different types of diseases such as acne vulgaris, which is hard, painful and hard to cure often occur

    How Does The Term Acne Vulgaris Occur?

    Our skin releases natural oils (also known as sebum) through the pores (also known as follicles), when these pores are blocked for reasons still not clearly known by doctors, acne is formed.

    Acne vulgaris is the most common type of acne and it manifests in various forms such as: whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules, nodules and cysts. You may have one or all of the above mentioned forms of acne vulgaris as they all form the same way but are each treated very differently.

    Treatment Pattern For Acne Vulgaris

    The first thing to do when you have an acne outbreak is to determine what type it is as well as your skin type in order to proceed for a treatment pattern. Even if many insist that acne can be cured, the truth is as research found out that there is no cure but only treatment which will help you out grow the outbreak; this does not mean you may never have an attack again.

    There are many treatments for acne vulgaris some of which include natural remedies and others the traditional drugs and creams. Determining what is right for you should not be done through word of mouth or through other’s experiences but with precise diagnosis from your doctor. Only your doctor can test your skin type and decide what combination of creams and medications may work best in your case. Remember we are all different and what may work great on some may in fact have no effect on your skin.

    The Old Saying - Prevention Is So Much Better Than Cure.

    Research shows that it is better to prevent acne vulgaris even before it outbreaks and thus, keeping it under control is a lot easier than dealing with the full-blown acne vulgaris outbreak. So, if you had acne before or your doctor suggests you are predisposition to the diseases, it may be a wise choice to start a prevention treatment.

    It is also very important that you don’t stop a treatment mid way because the acne cured or because you don’t see any change, in both cases you must finish the treatment and then decide on the next step otherwise you may cause yourself more damage and pain in the process.

    Acne vulgaris can be kept under control and can be prevented as well as it can be out grown naturally with patience and perseverance, which I know we must impose on ourselves if we want that glowing healthy skin back.

    If you want to read more about back acne click over to Christain's site at

    Wednesday, November 15, 2006

    Helpful Acne Treatments That Work For Sensitive Teenage Skin Without The Bad Side Effects

    There's no doubt about it - having acne is hard, particularly when you're a teenager. It's easy to get depressed about how unattractive and isolated you are, which can ruin your social life. So finding the right acne treatment is really important.

    Unfortunately, though, too many acne treatments include chemical ingredients that can be harsh on your skin. Teenage skin is often very sensitive, and reacts badly to chemical exposure. It's also really important to look after your skin properly as a teenager, so that you will have healthy skin through the rest of your life.

    So if you're looking for an acne treatment product that works, it's also important to make sure it's suitable for your skin. Plenty of acne treatment products use over the top hype about how fast and effective they are, but the reality is that most of these claims are just myths. Maybe the occasional person will have a spectacular recovery, but chances are you won't. If you're serious about getting rid of your acne for good, then don't get fooled by all these hyped up claims.

    There are plenty of effective acne treatment products available, but it's going to take some time before you see any results. However if it works, does that really matter? One thing you should look for in acne treatment products is natural ingredients. These are much gentler on your skin than chemical ingredients. These acne treatments work by providing the skin with the natural ingredients required to fight acne. They also aim to make your skin oil free.

    By working together with your skin to conquer acne, natural acne treatments give you a long lasting solution without the harshness or side effects often experienced when using the chemically based products. You will need to persist with the routine of your treatment, but in the long run you'll find yourself free of acne, and your skin will thank you for the rest of your life.

    About Author: For the very best teenage acne treatments try visiting where you will find valuable clear skin tips on acne skin care products, teenage acne solutions and home treatment for acne.

    Advice for parents of sporty children

    Being a parent always involves treading a fine line - we don't wnat to be too pushy, but we want to encourage our child too. May be there's no clearer place for this dilemma than in relation to sport. So here's some wise words from Dr. Patrick J. Cohn.

    Health Informatics - Review Blog Puskesmas Palaran, Samarinda, Kaltim

    Sebenarnya saya menemukan blog Puskesmas Palaran, Samarinda, Kaltim ini sudah beberapa waktu yang lalu dalam rangka blogwalking untuk melengkapi Bloglines Kesehatan, tetapi belum sempat berkunjung ke beberapa tautnya (link-nya), soalnya banyak sih..

    Sementara, ini satu-satunya blog puskesmas yang berhasil saya temukan dari Googling.

    Terkait dengan tulisan Pak Anis yang menyinggung clinical leadership, mungkin kisah ini dapat dijadikan contoh dalam bidang klinis, pendidikan, dan teknologi kesehatan.

    Puskesmas Palaran yang profilnya dapat dilihat disini memanfaatkan media blog untuk menampilkan informasi layanan kesehatan. Media blog kini memang banyak digunakan dalam informatika kesehatan/kedokteran (health informatics).

    Melihat isinya yang cukup teratur, blog ini nampaknya disusun oleh orang yang memahami teknologi informasi dengan sangat baik..salut. Blog Puskesmas Palaran memiliki beberapa taut: (ini nampaknya sebagai blog utama..CMIIW)

    alamat lainnya ada di:

    Blog Puskesmas Palaran yang menggunakan (menurut saya, ini salah satu blog engine gratis terbaik), memiliki menu yang menarik. Ada profil Puskesmas Palaran, profil petugas-petugasnya yang disertai foto, layanan Puskesmas, bahkan beberapa data dan informasi yang disajikan dengan menarik dapat diunduh (download).

    Struktur blog lainnya dilengkapi dengan inline comment dan kalender (khas WP), fasilitas pencarian, dan memiliki kategori:
    • ekspos data
    • health
    • health issues
    • medical review
    • ProTap
    • Warta
    Blogroll-nya menampilkan taut Puskesmas Palaran lainnya yang ada di ,,, situs pemerintah Samarinda, dan tak lupa blog-nya cak moki (creator).
    Terdapat juga taut ke Depkes RI dan WHO.
    Template-template blog nampaknya bersumber dari koleksi OpenWebDesign, OSWD, dan Solucija seperti yang tercantum pada taut yang ada di sidebar.
    Arsipnya tersedia sejak bulan Agustus - November 2006.
    Top posts, recent posts, komentar terbaru, meta (entries dan comments) sebagai plugin WP turut mewarnai tampilan blog ini (ah.. seandainya memiliki fitur lengkap ini dan valid HTML/XHTML...). Spam blocked untuk filter dan Flickr Photos juga tidak ketinggalan di era Web 2.0/3.0 ini.

    Beberapa tulisan menampilkan situasi nyata di Puskesmas yang kadang tidak seindah program-program tertulis dari 'atas'. Mudah-mudahan para pejabat kita membacanya.

    Di tiap blog Puskesmas Palaran, selalu tampil karya/tulisan cakmoki.
    Coba cek di profil petugas, dr. H. Hatmoko (aka cak moki), hasil Googling menemukan beliau (mohon koreksi Dok ya..) asal Jember, lulusan FK Unair 1978 1986, hobi memancing (ikan..kan), (menonton?) sepak bola, kini sebagai staf pengajar di IKM PSKU Unmul, mantan Kepala Puskesmas Palaran periode April 2001 - Juni 2006 (sempat menjabat posisi yang sama pada akhir 1986 - 1995).

    Kunjungi juga situs dan blog beliau di (banyak nih..):

    Sebenarnya masih banyak lagi, coba Googling cak moki..

    Blog ini awalnya (mungkin?) dipelopori oleh cak moki sebagai clinical leadership/user champion, dengan melakukan diseminasi pengetahuan yang dimilikinya (sempat berbagi info tentang blog juga dengan rekan-rekan sejawatnya di PSKU Unmul), maka kini usahanya dapat diteruskan oleh petugas kesehatan yang lain.

    Semoga Puskesmas Palaran dan Puskesmas lain di Indonesia dapat memberikan pelayanan kesehatan yang terbaik bagi masyarakat melalui media yang ada. Tetaplah berjuang dan berbagi informasi.

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    Tuesday, November 14, 2006

    Federal pre-emption of state-law claims medical-device manufacturers

    This issue keeps turning up on SCOTUS' docket every few years like the proverbial bad penny. Most recently, it takes the form of Riegel v. Medtronic, No. 06-179. The petition for certiorari to the Second Circuit is pending, and after it was considered by the Court at its Nov. 3 conference, the justices invited the Solicitor General's office (on Nov. 6) to file a brief addressing the

    It's been a long time . . .

    . . . not just a long time, actually: It's been a of a long time since my last post, due mostly to conferences and speeches the past few weeks at the Maguire Center for Ethics, combined with some speechifying of my own, on top of teaching, cranking out a new poetry column for the Dallas Morning News (scheduled for this Sunday's paper), and a few other official chores PLUS(arthroscopic surgery on

    Stopping Junk Mail (UK only)

    To stop those irritating marketing phone calls and cut down on the flood of tree wasting junk mail you can register with the official Mailing Preference Service and Telephone preference Service.

    See websites and for all the details. By law, companies are supposed to check with them before sending you a mailshot, or telephoning you. It is a very simple process to register.

    Vegetarian Thanksgiving

    the holday season will soon be here, and one of the first big celebrations is Thanksgiving in the US. If you are keen to eat less meat and be more compassionate, check out this article on how to have a vegetarian thanksgiving.

    Don't Give Stuff. GiveFun! a gift certificate for a Gift Experience!

    Homeopathy Study

    Here's an interesting homeopathy study:

    Homeopathy - what are the active ingredients? An exploratory study using the UK Medical Research Councils framework for the evaluation of complex interventionsTrevor DB Thompson and Marjorie Weiss BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2006, 6:37 doi:10.1186/1472-6882-6-37

    13 November 2006Abstract (provisional)
    The complete article is available as a provisional PDF. The fully formatted PDF and HTML versions are in production.

    Research in homeopathy has traditionally addressed itself to defining the effectiveness of homeopathic potencies in comparison to placebo medication. There is now increasing awareness that the homeopathic consultation is in itself a therapeutic intervention working independently or synergistically with the prescribed remedy. Our objective was to identify and evalute potential active ingredients of the homeopathic approach in a prospective formal case series, which draws on actual consultation data, and is based on the MRC framework for the evaluation of complex interventions.

    Following on from a theoretical review of how homeopathic care might mediate its effects, 18 patients were prospectively recruited to a case series based at Bristol Homeopathic Hospital. Patients, who lived with one of three index conditions, were interviewed before and after a five visit package of care. All consultations were recorded and transcribed verbatim. Additional data, including generic and condition-specific questionnaires, artwork and significant other reports were collected. Textual data was subject to thematic analysis and triangulated with other sources.

    We judged that around one third of patients had experienced a major improvement in their health over the study period, a third had some improvement and a third had no improvement. Putative active ingredients included the patients openness to the mind-body connection, consultational empathy, in-depth enquiry into bodily complaints, disclosure, the remedy matching process and, apparently, the homeopathic remedies themselves.

    This study has has identified, using primary consultation and other data, a range of factors that might account for the effectiveness of homeopathic care. Some of these, such as empathy, are non-specific. Others, such as the remedy matching process, are specific to homepathy. These findings counsel against the use of placebo-controlled RCT designs in which both arms would potentially be receiving specific active ingredients. Future research in homeopathy should focus on pragmatic trials and seek to confirm or refute the therapeutic role of constructs such as patient openness, disclosure and homeopathicity.

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    Monday, November 13, 2006

    Alternative Medicine Uses of Capsicum Or Cayenne Pepper As An Herbal Remedy

    Alternative Medicine practitioners are realizing that healing herbs should be part of their arsenal against disease. The newest touted natural herb is Capsicum, found in cayenne pepper. It has many benefits whether taken internally or externally. When taken internally, capsicum is an antibacterial which will encourage healing and deflect infections while slowing the absorption of fat in the intestines to help fight obesity. Because this natural herbal remedy is a stimulant, it improves circulation. Capsicum will also stabilize blood pressure and lower cholesterol. Herbalists are finding capsicum is useful in fighting a variety of ailments.

    It is difficult to pinpoint exactly when the herb cayenne pepper had its start as an herbal remedy. There are no writings on Capsicum in ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, or Persia. The best guess that historians are willing to put forward is that cayenne went to India and China some time in the 14th or 15th century. It is believed that Europe started cultivation around the 16th century. Today cayenne is still a popular herb in the food industry. Now because of well designed and implemented clinical studies it is widely accepted as an effective alternative medicine. Pharmacopoeias of leading medical clinics from Austria, Egypt, Germany, Belgium and Switzerland support this finding.

    The natural healing herb Capsicum contained in cayenne pepper is loaded with Vitamin A which is necessary for smooth skin and vision. Vitamin A has been found to be the most powerful killer of free radicals, which bombard us on a daily basis. Vitamin C is the other proponent active in capsicum. The healing properties of Vitamin C are clearing blood clots, eliminating plaque from the arteries, healing wounds and fighting colds. By starving them of oxygen, capsicum causes tumor cells to die.

    Capsicum can cause a burning sensation but in time you will get used to it. The active ingredients in the herbal remedy, Capsicum, stimulate the brain and salivary glands releasing endorphins into your body. Endorphins are nature's natural painkiller giving us the feeling of pleasure. Capsicum is also the main ingredient in pain killing rubs for Arthritis and Diabetes nerve damage.

    Many herbalists today recommend capsicum for such ailments as cold hands and feet, sluggish metabolisms, obesity and respiratory tract infections. Use it externally for arthritis, sore back muscles, rheumatism or sprains and bruises. One suggestion for cold feet is to wear a thin pair of socks, then get a thicker pair of socks, sprinkle the inside with cayenne pepper and put them on over the thin socks. The pepper will send a warm soothing sensation to the soles of your feet.

    An interesting study was done to see if capsicum would irritate or cause ulceration in the intestines. On the contrary it was found that the herb did not harm the tract but sped up the healing of ulcers by secreting more mucosa, the protective lining of the intestines.

    A very surprising result of many of the clinical tests is that capsicum raise the metabolic rate and is effective in burning the bodies fat. This has many implications for people with obesity problems. Early indications also show that capsicum slows the absorption of fat in the small intestine. These studies are on going but there are some weight loss products with capsicum that are available in your health food store.

    As a tropical analgesic, capsicum, the natural herbal remedy has received wide attention by qualified health professionals. It has shown to relieve the pain of shingles as well as other skin ailments. The FDA has approved it to be used for these problems as well as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Studies are being done to see if the herb can be effective in treating psoriasis and fibromyalgia.

    When using it topically a redness or burning sensation may sometimes occur. This will disappear in two to three weeks time. Once you have received control of the pain capsicum must be used continuously for the relief to be sustained.

    If you are diabetic take 3 capsules a day to help bring down your blood sugar levels. Capsicum will affect the breakdown of carbohydrates which will control the fluctuation of sugar levels after eating meals. Of course, this is still being studied in clinics around the world.

    So now we have received another healing herb from Mother Nature's food pharmacy. Capsicum can be counted as a natural herbal remedy in alternative medicines available to help our ailments and relieve our pain.

    Disclaimer: Always consult your Doctor or Herbalist before attempting any form of alternative medicine. This article is for informational purposes only.

    Copyright © Mary Hanna, All Rights Reserved.

    This article may be distributed freely on your website and in your ezines, as long as this entire article, copyright notice, links and the resource box are unchanged.

    About The Author:
    Mary Hanna is an aspiring herbalist who lives in Central Florida. This allows her to grow gardens inside and outside year round. She has published other articles on Cruising, Gardening and Cooking. Visit her websites at,, and

    Waste Food Nation

    A World Cancer Research Fund survey has found that people in the UK throw out somewhere between ten and fifty per cent of the fresh produce they bought in any one week. Statistics show that on average people throw out 194kg of organic waste per year – this is the equivalent to 2800 banana skins.

    The most commonly cited reason for this was because it goes mouldy (63 per cent) or that people forget that it’s there (31 per cent).

    The research was conducted as part of Cancer Prevention Week which aims to raise awareness about the importance of eating plenty of fruit and vegetables. Scientific evidence from the expert report Food, Nutrition and the Prevention of Cancer: a global perspective concluded that people who ate a diet rich in plant based foods can reduce their risk of cancer by up to 20 per cent. Coupled with exercise and maintaining their weight this protective factor was increased up to 40 per cent.

    Eating at least five portions of fruit and vegetables can also help to maintain a healthy weight. Other foods such as animal and saturated fat and alcohol are separately noted as increasing cancer risk and are also more likely to increase the likelihood of obesity. Being overweight or obese is, in itself, also a risk factor for cancer.

    Karen Sadler, Head of WCRF says: “These are rather dismal findings. Not only in respect of the impact on people’s health but also on the environment. We really should make our health a priority and that means eating plenty of fruit and vegetables. What we eat really is integral to our health and the quality of our lives. Few people realise that what they eat today could have a huge impact on their risk of cancer in later life. Preventing disease is always going to be the best route to take and we need to encourage more people to follow it.”

    The charity encourages people to start to make small changes to their diet. To ensure that food is not thrown away people can incorporate frozen, dried and canned fruit and vegetables as these all count towards the day’s portions. It is also helpful to plan menus ahead of going shopping.
    The best way to add more fruit and vegetables is to existing meals – some chopped vegetables in your casseroles, curries or chillies, a salad with lunch or extra tomato and cucumber in your sandwich. Breakfast could include having a glass of juice and a banana or berries with your cereal.

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    Sunday, November 12, 2006

    I'm thinking of the changing seasons and the up-coming holiday season, so I've published an article on alcohol and seniors on Health & Goodness, and an article on what to take in a skiing survival kit on Sport & Me.

    Don't forget that Vistaprint are running a sepcial offer for holiday and Christmas cards - click on the image below (on the Vistaprint site you'll need to use the dropdown menu at the top to change to your own country if you aren't in the US:

    Saturday, November 11, 2006

    Exploring Different Forms of Alternative Arthritis Medicine

    Arthritis as we know it today is a large group of conditions where damage is inflicted on the joints of the body, resulting in swollen, throbbing pain. It is a disease that afflicts all ages, but is predominately present in people over the age of sixty-five. The most common form of arthritis is the degenerative joint disease known as osteoarthritis.

    There are many forms of arthritis, and consequently, various types of medical treatment. Each form of arthritis is different, so treatment options vary, and can include traditional medicine, alternative medicine, physical and occupational therapy, and arthroplasty.

    While various options for medical treatment abound, arthritis patients may be interested in pursuing relief from aches and pains through alternative medicine in addition to traditional medicine. In this case, the sufferer often turns to alternative sources of medicine for more pain relief than their current treatment is providing. Alternative arthritis medicine runs the gamut of hot pepper-based anti-inflammatory creams to vitamin supplementation and Ayurvedic medicine.

    Some of the most frequently used, natural remedies for arthritis are the combined supplements of glucosamine and chondroitin. According to several national and international studies, both supplements taken together effectively relieve major arthritis pain. Calcium is also an essential nutrient, as is vitamin D (available in capsule form or by sunlight).

    Other alternative medicines include such anti-inflammatory supplements as alpha-lineolic acid, primrose oil, devil's claw, and capsaicin. These supplements are available in natural food stores and occasionally mainstream markets; some, like the alpha-lineolic acid and primrose oil, are also available more naturally in food, such as soy, avocadoes, beans, fruits, and wheat-germ. Devil's claw is available as a tincture, powder, capsule, or dried herb tea; capsaicin is an anti-inflammatory cream made from hot-peppers.

    Ayurveda is another form of alternative medicine that is often cited as an arthritis reliever. Considered the world's oldest form of medicine, it has formed the basis of Indian medical treatments for over 5,000 years.

    Ayurveda proposes a well-rounded routine for relieving arthritis pain that includes herbs and essential oils, yoga and a special diet that often includes one or two week detoxification diets. The kind of treatment you receive depends on the type of arthritis you have, which, according to Ayurveda, is divided into three forms: vata, pitta, and kapha. Each treatment varies depending on the corresponding type of arthritis above.

    Thus there are many forms of alternative medicine that can supplement your traditional arthritis treatment and help relieve pain, swelling, and discomfort. Always remember to listen to your body and see what works best for you.

    Seo experts @ owner of few websites. There are many online resources where you can find out about arthritis. will help you find all the information you need.

    Friday, November 10, 2006

    The Definition Of Alternative Medicine

    Have you ever suffered from a horrible headache when you thought the best remedy might be for someone to bash you over the head, or to pull your hair out? Then you might have some
    experience with alternative medicine!

    In all seriousness, alternative medicine is not about hurting yourself, but involves investigating other potential methods to treat an ailment besides synthetic drugs. A good purpose for
    alternative medicine is to avoid developing a dependence on drugs of any type, which can supersede any medicinal or curing effects they might have. Searching for different ways of
    dealing with your physical or emotional issues or conditions can end up being better for you in the long run.

    A great deal of alternative medicine treatments come from ancient medicinal knowledge and insight. Many different types of remedies used by different cultures through the years,
    including the use of needles for pain relief, herbs for medicinal treatments, or even massage therapy, are considered a form of medicine by the respective users because they work to
    some degree. However, many alternative treatments are unknown to the general public, as they are not in conformity with the mass marketed treatments and pharmaceuticals.

    The definition of alternative medicine

    There is really no one ultimate definition of alternative medicine. There are so many various methods and treatments that have been and continue to be investigated and promoted that it
    is hard to firmly define it.

    Some of these alternative names to alternative medicine include holistic medicine, natural medicine, integrated medicine, and complementary medicine. They are all variations of the same
    idea, which is natural and alternative medicine. The design of alternative medicine is to ensure that all parts of a person?s life and being are well and strong.

    The point of view of the alternative medicine collective

    A standard of those who advocate alternative medicine is that health isn?t only the absence of illness or disease. Alternative medicine works to ensure that one?s purpose in life is sustained, because a person without a purpose is not able to achieve his fullest potential. There needs to be inspiration and motivation to allow life to be lived to its fullest.

    It is thought that illness might not be the end of one?s world. Infection is not the only cause of sickness. The mind has the power to change one?s personality completely. Take the great
    warrior king Asoka, for example. He was so stirred by the death and devastation brought about by the Kalinga war that he became a Buddhist reformer. In this respect, illness has the capacity
    to bring about change, to make us better human beings. For that reason, alternative medicine strives to consider not only the physical health of a person, but also his personality and
    emotions in treating ailments and bringing about total well-being.

    Sometimes, when you aren?t feeling that great, it might be better to relax by listening to calming music, taking a walk, or just thinking about life, rather than taking a pill to treat something momentarily. Discovering your purpose will give you a feeling of strength and the realization that life is worth

    About The Author: To learn more about alternative medicine and treatments visit

    Drink more water

    Drinking enough water is really important, so I love the part of the WaterAid site which reminds us how important water is. You can use the interactive form to estimate how much water you should be drinking, download a little pop up programme to remind you to drink water, and find tips and games too. It's definitely worth a visit.

    All that is free, but while you're there you might like to think about making a donation to WaterAid's work in many different countries in Africa and Asia.

    Thursday, November 9, 2006

    Snowboarding tricks

    all the snowboarding tricks and terms are a mystery to me so it's good that there are people who enjoy writing about it in a way that beginners can understand and the more experienced can learn from. I've just added another article from Jakob Jelling on skidded turns and beyond to Sport & Me.

    Tesco and vegetarianism

    Tesco have lots of free leaflets and I've just been looking at one entitled: Understanding Vitamins.

    In it I came across this:

    Why might taking a supplement be beneficial? .....

    Box 4. Following the latest fad diet?
    * Cutting out meat, using meal replacements, or having a liquid only diet can cause problems
    * Most fad diets involve cutting out foods that contain vital nutrients your body needs to work properly.

    I cannot believe that Tesco consider cutting out meat as being "a fad diet"! But may be I can, apparently earler this year they billed a salad as vegetarian when it contained anchovies

    yet another reason not to shop at Tesco!

    This made me laugh

    I hope it will make you smile too ...

    A woman goes to the doctor for her yearly physical.
    The nurse starts with certain basic items.
    "How much do you weigh?" she asks.
    "115," she says.
    The nurse puts her on the scale.
    It turns out her weight is 140.

    The nurse asks, "Your height?"
    "5 foot 8," she says.
    The nurse checks and sees that she only measures 5' 5".

    She then takes her blood pressure
    And tells the woman it is very high.
    "Of course it's high!" she screams,
    "When I came in here I was tall and slender!
    Now I'm short and fat!"

    Wednesday, November 8, 2006

    Going veggie

    the veggie and vegan info on Health & Goodness is expanding all the time. I've just added a piece from the Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation on how favourite meals can be adapted when you become veggie.

    If you want something more adventurous, check out our free vegetarian and vegan recipes.

    Tuesday, November 7, 2006

    Blog - Bloglines Kesehatan - 2

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    Membanjirnya informasi (information overload) membuat kita harus lebih selektif memilih sumber dan jenis informasinya.

    Bloglines merupakan salah satu (lainnya ada Feedreader, Google Reader, MyYahoo, NewsGator, dll) layanan online gratis berupa news aggregator yang mampu mengoleksi judul/konten suatu situs melalui syndicated feeds atau news feeds dengan teknologi seperti Really Simple Syndication (RSS) dan ATOM. Informasi terbaru/perubahan arsip biasanya dicek tiap jamnya. Selain versi online/web-based, piranti lunak news aggregator juga ada yang versi desktop (RSS Reader).

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    Nantinya dapat diedit, dihapus dan dipilih-pilih kembali... :D
    Coba juga fasilitas: Clippings, Clip's Blog, dan pengaturan lainnya.

    Aksesoris blog lainnya yang penting: technorati

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