Tuesday, October 24, 2006

getting fit

For the last 10 or so years I've been a keen cyclist, but recently I've lost enthusiasm and I have also been losing fitness, so i decided to try the Global Health & Fitness program. The program is personalised so it doesn't matter if you are just starting out or are an experienced fitness fan.

I was amazed how cheap it was - about 20 US dollars a month, and they have a very very cheap one month trial program. Cheap it is, but the information and personal support is vast. I constantly found myself saying - how can they give me all this for so little?

I have access to a personal trainer - mine is Dani Myers and she's great :-) She always answers my emails quickly. I've asked her about protein intake for vegetarians and about how to do crunches without hurting my neck, and she's sent me detailed advice which is great. She also gives me lots of motivational support too.

I went to visit my mum recently so she told me about the part of the program for people who are travelling, and that was simple and straightforward to use.

I like the fact that all the strength and felxibility exercises come with litle onscreen videos as well as a list of do's and don'ts, so you can really check if you are doing the exercise correctly- I also fantasise about looking like the woman in the video!

There are recipes, motivational quotes, fit tip of the day and much more. It has been money totally well spent for me. Why don't you give it a try?

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