Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Tips To help You Lose Weight

A study just published by scientists from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) should have some women reaching for the tape measure. The study has shown that women with a waist measurement of 34 inches (86 cms) or more have almost double the risk of developing womb cancer. More than 6000 British women are diagnosed with womb cancer every year, and about 1000 die from it. This adds to earlier research showing an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes for women with large waists. Don’t kid yourself that it won’t happen to you. There are all sorts of other reasons to lose weight. This is not a vanity issue – it is a health and happiness issue. Being overweight is likely to lead to pain, discomfort and ill health.

You may be saying you know all that, but dieting doesn’t work. I agree that dieting doesn’t work, so try making some minor changes in your life. Here are some ideas:

1. Taking a zinc supplement can reduce a craving for chocolate.

2. Keeping a food diary can help you eat better. Write down everything you eat. You may be surprised at the junk or the quantity you actually eat.

3. Don't order a large portion in a restaurant and think it's OK because you've ordered a 'lite' drink or used a no-calorie sweetener.

4. Skipping meals makes it more likely that you'll overeat later. Eat 5-6 small meals a day to maintain your blood sugar levels and minimise mood changes.

5. If you're trying to lose weight, motivate yourself by doing it for a good cause and get your friends to sponsor you.

6. So you over-ate, don't let that be an excuse to give up. No one succeeds all the time.

7. Eat with a naturally slim friend and watch them carefully. They probably eat slowly, chew their food well and stop eating while they're talking. Copy this way of eating in your life.

8. Snack from a plate, not the packet -- it is easy to feel you should finish the packet. Put what you need on a plate, and put the rest of the pack out of sight.

9. If you always want a second helping, make your first helping smaller, so that you can have that second helping without putting on weight.

10. Get yourself even more motivated by finding more reasons to lose weight. Did you know, for example, that there’s a direct link between obesity and some of the common eye conditions that cause blindness?

11. If you like these tips you can get more by installing our Google gadget on a personalised Google homepage.

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