Thursday, April 19, 2007

Safe Alternatives To HRT

HRT replacement therapy may have caused 1000+ women in the UK to die of ovarian cancer since 1991 says a study published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet. This is added to the risks of breast cancer and womb cancer.

Many women unfortunately believe that the only way to deal with the menopause is to take HRT or suffer the misery of hot flushes, low energy levels and more. But there are lots of safe alternatives. The study shows that the longer you are on HRT the more likely you are to get ovarian cancer, but it also shows that if you stop taking HRT your risk is the same as for women not taking HRT. So, if you’re taking it now, why not consider some of the safe and effective alternatives to menopausal medication.?

So what are the safe alternatives? Here are some ideas:

  1. Try taking vitamin E for hot flushes / flashes.
  2. Get fit and stay fit. Exercise stimulates endorphins (the body’s feel good hormones, revs up your metabolism, tones your body and gives you more energy)
  3. If you’re feeling miserable, old and without purpose try taking flower remedies.
  4. See an alternative and complementary therapist. Many can help and some even specialise in these sort of problems.
  5. Irregular or heavy periods? Then try Neways Wild Yam and Chaste Berry cream. It worked for me.

Don’t believe that the only solution is HRT. There’s a whole world of alternatives out there. Explore some of them first.

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