Friday, June 15, 2007

Is science all it's cracked up to be?

Most of my working life has been spent in the field of complementary therapy/alternative medicine (kinesiology), and I have often found that when I talk to mainstream medical/scientific/academic people they are quite derisory about the status of my knowledge and understanding, but is science really all it's cracked up to be?

Science is seen as being rational, but there's so much evidence that a lot of the time scientists are not.

Take this example from the excellent book "Genome" by Matt Ridley:

When human chromosmes were first observed under the microscope the researcher, Theophilus Painter decided that there were 24 pairs.
"for thirty years, nobody disputed this 'fact'. One group of scientists abandoned their experiements on human liver cells because they could only find twenty-three pairs of chromosomes in each cell. .... In 1955 .... [two researchers], using better techniques, plainly saw twenty-three pairs. They even went back and counted twenty-three pairs in photographs in books where the caption stated that there were twenty-four pairs. There are none so blind as do not wish to see."

Hmmm ... this doesn't sound like rational scientific endeavour to me.

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