Sunday, June 29, 2008


Just one more bit of evidence that drugs almost always have deleterious side effects. When will the public become aware that there are much, much better alternatives? Big money talks and the media listens. We only hear what they want us to. If you want more Truth you have to SEEK.

"The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is investigating whether four drugs used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and other immune system diseases might increase the risk of cancer in children.The FDA has received reports of 30 cases of cancer among children and young adults treated with the drugs. The agency did not make clear how many children had taken the drugs.The drugs involved are:

1. Enbrel, sold by Amgen and Wyeth2. Remicade, sold by Johnson & Johnson and Schering-Plough 3. Humira, sold by Abbott Laboratories4. Cimzia, sold by the Belgian company UCB."

(Be sure to read Dr. Mercols’s comments too.)

One more reason to seek out the benefits of alternative medicine in its many forms. Most effective alternative therapies have very low if any side effects. One example is ozone therapy.

“Ozone has been used successfully on scores of diseases in Europe, especially Germany, for over 50 years. Over 6,000 articles on the medical usage's of ozone are in the world literature. Nearly every disease process responds favorably to any therapy that effectively increases cellular oxygen content. Furthermore, the safety profile of proper ozone administration is virtually unparalleled. I had the opportunity to witness multiple intravenous ozone treatments in the office of Dr. Horst Kief in West Germany. It is a very simple, very safe procedure. In a survey of German ozone therapists, 5,579,238 ozone treatments on 384,775 patients demonstrated a side effect rate of only 0.0007%, and the side effects were uniformly minor and not even remotely life-threatening. On the other hand, over a million patients are hospitalized annually in the US. due to side effects of prescription medication, and over 100,000 of such individuals die from such drug usage. If one person in the U.S. dies even indirectly from the usage of a vitamin product or an herbal concoction, the FDA quickly moves to outlaw accessibility to such a product, but they remain strangely blinded to the carnage wrought annually by our pharmaceutical industry.”

The politics of AIDS and Ozone
by Thomas Levy, MD

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