Saturday, September 12, 2009

Getting Rid of Pimples - Fast and Easy

Pimples are the worst thing you can get on your face they sit there and catch the eye of all your friends and family it is no wonder why they are so embarrassing. Well after suffering from acne for many years I know how it feels to have an overload of these on your face all at once so what is the best way of getting rid of pimples?

Well getting rid of pimples is easy providing you follow the right plan of action because generally you are not actually being told the whole truth about getting clear skin. There are so many acne myths out there but if you know what you are doing you can basically get rid of them overnight.

First of your all you need to eliminate dairy products for a few days because they contain hormones in them that can trigger the release of sebum in your body. Sebum is the main substance that is used in the creation of acne so limiting this is vital. Swap to soy products for similar benefits without the hormones until your pimples disappear.

Next you will need a topical treatment that you can get from your local drugstore for about $10 and it is called benzoyl peroxide. This treatment helps to oxygenate skin pores and allow them to breathe more easily so they do not clog and impurities are washed away so no more pimples can form.

Getting rid of pimples will take about 1 to 3 days as long as you follow the action plan and I also recommend washing your face with a cream based cleanser. This will help to get rid of any extra surface oils or impurities that lurk on your skin that will otherwise form acne.

If you are truly sick of your acne and want the truth once and for all follow the steps that completely cleared my skin, for more information visit - clear skin in 6 days.

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