Monday, December 17, 2007

10 Top Tips for Delightful Harmony through the New Year

Here are 10 tips from Ishi Khan Jackson to help you survive till the new year (and beyond):

  1. Decide you want harmony
  2. Expectation: Take an honest look at what you expect from the Christmas period
  3. Listen, really listen to the expectations of those you’ve chosen to share the time with. Can you understand where the person’s coming from?
  4. Inform: Tell them your expectations. Do they understand where you’re coming from?
  5. Get together and list all kinds of ways to spend the period. Let your imagination run free and free yourself from any fear of making changes to the norm. Don’t judge the practicality or sanity of your ideas at this stage. No matter how silly they may sound, air these ideas, they are just ideas.
  6. Honour your space. Give yourselves a day or two to digest and mull over all the ideas.
  7. Take note and listen to what the opinion of others about the ideas
  8. Freely share your thoughts about the ideas.
  9. Ultimately, pick and mix. (Not shoplifting at Woolies!) Pick parts of the ideas you like and mix them with parts of the ideas others like. Between you, you’ll definitely come up with something for everyone.
  10. Let yourselves have fun, congratulate yourselves on being proactive and celebrate your growth!

Copyright Ishi Khan-Jackson

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