Saturday, December 25, 2004

A Near Christmas Tragedy

Christmas Day and the scene was set for a tragedy...or a comedy. I'm glad I had the choice.

It's beyond cliche to say that Christmas brings out the child in us. I revert to a little boy each year - especially when it comes to presents. I love to give them! But as much as I enjoy playing Santa Claus there is still a part of me that longs for someone to give me that "perfect" present.

Today, building a fire while my Grandchildren played joyously with their new toys behind me, I found myself staring wistfully at the flames. Something was wrong. Self-analyzing, I realized I was feeling sorry for myself. As much as I tried to tell myself I didn't need anything for Christmas, I was sad because I hadn't gotten the big present I was really hoping for.

This scene had seriousness' handwriting all over it! My "inner-Christmas-child" was ready to cry; I had put so much time and energy into making everyone else's Christmas wishes come true and no one cared enough to make mine come true. Actually, let's be seriousness was telling me that God hadn't cared enough to make my Christmas wish come true.

On the verge of launching into a horrible, depressed mood, I was rescued by the natural medicine of humor. My mood changed instantly and I had a silent, heartfelt chuckle. I didn't laugh at myself, but with myself; I laughed at the absurdity of my thoughts and at how easy it is for me to by seduced by seriousness' siren call of self-pity.

I laughed at my perfect imperfection, at how perfectly silly I am. There I was, feeling sorry for myself - surrounded by loved ones and gifted with everything I need! I've been provided with everything I need for as long as I can remember and see no reason to believe that will change. Perhaps not provided with everything I want, but always with everything I need.

Blessed as I am, I was still momentarily swayed by seriousness. Tempted to focus on not having what I want rather than focusing on wanting what I have. And during that brief period of feeling sorry for myself, I was completely shut off from the amazingly powerful natural medicine of humor.

Yet it was not really a "Christmas miracle" that saved me. It was a miracle of another sort. I was saved by the miracle of humor's natural medicine, and that's a miracle you can start experiencing today!

My humor nature, strengthened daily by my unique Fun Factor prescription, came to my rescue. The natural medicine of humor didn't change my circumstances, but it changed my attitude. Emboldened by humor, I chose to remember my blessings with gratitude and focus on the joyous gifts of life, given so freely to me.

I was able to laugh. And I instantly felt happiness and joy flood my heart. Isn't that how you'd like to respond to your seriousness?

As every word you read travels from this message to your brain, you start to understand just how much The Fun Factor could benefit your life too. Don't delay, visit my website right now. I'll teach you The Fun Factor for free.

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

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