Tuesday, December 14, 2004

You Can Enjoy A Healthier Workplace...Using Fun

Are we facing an epidemic of seriousness in our country? You decide:

The Office Cleanliness Monitor just released information from a recent survey. Among other things, they found that 33% of office workers admit to clipping nails at work (whether these are toe or fingernails wasn't specified), 22% see a co-worker sneeze or cough every day without covering their mouth, 45% see co-workers leave the restroom without washing their hands, and 33% say they often retrieve things from the trashcan in their office.

The Monitor claims that these behaviors are leading to more sick days and lower productivity. Come on. Haven't people been doing these things since offices were invented?

I'll let you in on a secret...at my office I don't use "germ-killer" soap, I "scratch where it itches", and (gasp!) I sometimes reach into my trashcan...and, yet, by some miracle I'm managing to survive.

How? My focus on my Fun Factor prescription keeps seriousness from ruining my creativity, sapping my energy, draining my resilience, making me sick, and raising my stress-level.

Office uncleanliness doesn't make me sick, my seriousness does.

Office cleanliness doesn't make me well, The Fun Factor does.

Let's keep it simple; try The Fun Factor first! The Fun Factor is how to rid yourself of the things that really make you sick! Start using my Fun Commandments for FREE simply by visiting my website.

If that doesn't work I'll personally scrub your office with anti-bacterial goo and monitor your employee's hand washing behavior myself!

Clifford Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor.com

"Discover a unique prescription, FOR FREE, created by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky Psychiatrist"

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