Wednesday, December 15, 2004

There's Another Way To Minimize Job Stress Besides Quitting!

Here's something interesting.

John Kammeyer-Mueller of the University of Florida reports that emotionally draining jobs bring few monetary rewards if the employment does not require great intellectual demands.

Those in positions that are high in both intellectual and emotional demands - such as doctor, lawyer, CEO - are rewarded for the stress placed on their state of mind. Few people, the reasoning goes, are able to tackle both high cognitive and emotional challenges - and the marketplace rewards this scarcity with higher salaries.

On the flip-side, waiters, bill collectors, and child-care workers are examples of people who experience emotionally charged encounters that require shows of sympathy or other feelings. And these jobs don't pay well.

What does this tell you? It tells me that if you have a job requiring high emotional intelligence, don't count on your paycheck to provide your rewards! Count on my unique prescription, The Fun Factor, to provide you with incentives and intrinsic rewards!

And if you have a job requiring both high emotional intelligence and cognitive ability, make sure you are using The Fun Factor both for your sanity and for your continued success! You need as much help as anyone else because you've got two stress centers.

Of course, you could always quit your job and rid yourself of all job-related stress. But I don't recommend that.

Try The Fun Factor first; if The Fun Factor doesn't work, contact me and I'll hire you!

Clifford Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Who else wants to reduce her stress and find long-lasting health...FOR FREE? Enjoy these benefits and more at Dr. Cliff Kuhn's website"

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