Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Jokes Teach Us How To Embrace Change

I'm fond of repeating the bumper-sticker phrase,"Change is inevitable...except from a vending machine."

I like this phrase because it reminds me of something I need to be reminded of every day (No, not to put on clean underwear!) It reminds me that I have the choice to accept change and, in doing so, release myself from my fear of it. I can show you how to embrace change, but more on that later...

I was just reading new research by the New York University's School of Continuing and Professional Studies. The NYU SCPS survey found that working adults expect to change careers at least three times during their working lives. What's more 14% said they would have four careers and 11% said they expected five careers.

That's a lot of change! It reminded me of how frightening change is; when I'm afraid of change, I just want things to be finished, done, and over. I want things wrapped up, tidily and neatly, never to be dealt with again. As in, "Okay...I've got my career wrapped up and taken care of. Now I'll never have to worry about that again!"

Those kinds of thoughts are way too serious for a humor being like you to harbor. Those thoughts will keep us in a small world with self-imposed, artificial limits - designed to give us the illusion of "safety."

Luckily, my unique prescription, The Fun Factor, comes to my rescue. Here's how I embrace change:

If I remind myself, in a lighthearted way, to embrace change (because change is inevitable), then I can accept it and move on with the rest of my day. I don't have to shortchange myself, keeping myself less successful and less healthy, by adhering to seriousness. Seriousness tells me that things should stay the way they are - that this change is the rug finally being pulled out from under me (which is what I've been fearing all along).

The Fun Factor teaches me that I can Expect the Unexpected. That's one of my Fun Commandments. The unexpected surprises in life are like presents I get to open each day when I'm utilizing my sense of humor.

For example: we can examine the sequence of a joke for guidance. Why is a joke fun? Because we're surprised by an unexpected ending! Of course, most of us have made a decision to let this kind of surprise please us. Guess what? We can make the same decisions about any surprise that life offers today!

Try it...make a decision to treat your next unexpected event like a good joke. Laugh, accept it, and move on!

Clifford Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Enjoy all Ten of Dr. Kuhn's Fun Commandments from his unique prescription for your ultimate health and success - FOR FREE"

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