Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Words Of Wisdom From...An Eight-Year-Old?

A recent conversation with my 8-year-old grandson, Jordan, was like getting an audience with a self-help guru! More on that in a moment...

You're well aware, logically, that the past and the future share two characteristics...they are both illusions! These illusions, however, have deadly side-effects; dwelling on the past leads to resentment, while fixating on the future leads to fear. So it is paramount that we stay focused on the only part of our lives that is not an illusion - the present moment!

We know we should stay focused on the present moment, but how do we do that?

As usual, fun is our invaluable sidekick. One of my Fun Commandments, Stay Focused, Yet Flexible, teaches us to remain flexible enough to accommodate life's inevitable surprises, while remaining focused on our current goals and priorities.

Balance is the cornerstone for your ability to achieve "flexible focus."

And now, back to my recent discovery of a new self-help guru (of the 8-year-old variety)...

The other night I'm watching, fascitated, as my eight-year-old grandson builds somethingwith his Kinex toys.

I muse aloud, "Jordan, I wonder what kind of interests you'll have when you're older?"

Jordan replies, in an offhand manner, "Pop-Pop, I'm not that kind of guy."

I chuckle and ask, "What kind of guy is that, Jordan?"

Jordan says, matter of factly as he continues building, "The kind of guy who thinks about his future."

Yes...out of the mouths of babes! Jordan reminded me to stay focused, yet flexible.

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Who else wants less stress, greater creativity, enhanced communication, and lowered pain? Start today with Dr. Cliff Kuhn's FREE prescription"

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