Monday, December 27, 2004

Seriousness Isn't All It's "Cracked Up" To Be

Have you ever heard of a curate's egg? A curate's egg is a euphemism for something that is part good/part bad. The saying comes from a 19th century Punch magazine cartoon. I'll explain more momentarily...

On my website and in this blog you'll find me railing against seriousness quite frequently. I have good reason to do so; seriousness (taking yourself too seriously) is the leading cause of stress and illness in this country. Seriousness is responsible for more ill health than heart disease, cancer, and high blood pressure combined.

But seriousness is a curate's egg. It is very good to take some things seriously. Suffice to say that there is "bad" seriousness and there is "good" seriousness.

Let's take a moment to define bad seriousness. Bad seriousness happens when I'm taking responsibility for any or all of the things I'm not responsible for - namely the results of my footwork. This type of seriousness, thinking that things aren't turning out like they are supposed to, is deadly.

This bad type of seriousness is what I refer to when I rail against it in this blog or on my website. You can recognize this seriousness when you get angry at the way the results of your actions (or inaction) are unfolding in your life. Some of the more common symptoms of bad seriousness include high stress levels, problems with intimacy, wanting to distance yourself from people, irritability, poor health, problems sleeping, unhappiness, and general lack of energy and vigor.

You must rid yourself of this seriousness at all costs. Harboring it is like wearing an anchor while trying to swim laps - you'll eventually drown if you don't get out of the pool. And, unlike my metaphor, in real life you cannot "get out of the pool!"

Getting rid of my own deadly seriousness is exactly how I created my unique Fun Factor prescription! Read all about it on my website.

Now a word about good seriousness - although I advocate taking yourself less seriously, I highly recommend that you take your responsibilities seriously! The ideal state for my patients and clients is childlikeness; childlikeness will put you in abundant contact with the natural medicine of humor. Abdicating your responsibilities, however, is not childlikeness - it is childishness and it will only compound your living problems.

So please understand that I do not teach you to let your responsibilities go, only to ease up on yourself. If you can learn to take yourself less seriously, while still taking your responsibilities seriously, you will be amazed at how socially, personally, and professionally successful you become!

And the good news is that I will teach you how to do this, for free, on my website. Visit today and learn how to crack the curate's egg of seriousness!

By the way, the joke was that a nervous young curate (a junior-level clergyman in Great Britain) was served a bad egg at his Bishop's breakfast table. When asked whether he like the egg, the curate nervously exclaimed, "Parts of it are excellent!"

And so it is with seriousness. After reading this entry you now have a feeling that your problems with seriousness are almost completely solved and you're correct. Don't waste your new energy, visit my website today and begin implementing the amazingly powerful natural medicine of humor!

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created out of desperation by a (formerly) stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

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