Saturday, December 18, 2004

You'll Probably Stay Married...But You'll Definately Have Fun

How many times have we heard the often quoted statistic that half of all marriages end in divorce? We've heard it so often we've come to accept it as true...even though it's not! I'll explain in a minute...

I can tell you one oft quoted statistic, however, that is true. Stress induced illness is on the rise. In fact, we suffer stress-induced illnesses at a higher rate today than ever before. But we don't have to .

I can teach you how to lower your stress, FOR FREE. Just go to my website, sign up for my newsletter, and follow my doctor's orders.

My Fun Commandments, taken straight from my unique Fun Factor prescription guide us toward less stress and make us healthier and more successful. One of my Fun Commandments, for example, is to Welcome Our Mistakes.

Far from a license for mediocrity, welcoming mistakes takes all the pressure off us. In fact, make mistakes on purpose. That's right - be foolish (without putting yourself or others in jeopardy). Do things like wear mismatched socks.

  1. You will get used to feeling's exhilarating and liberating

  2. You will enjoy others feeling a false sense of superiority over you

  3. Being foolish is a great stress reliever

You'll soon find yourself beating the odds; you'll have less stress and actually enjoy the heck out of your life!

Back to the inaccurate statistic on is true that each year, in America, there are half the number of divorces as marriages. But if you infer that half of all marriages end in divorce from that statistic, you are forgetting that some people get divorced many times. This seriously skews the stats.

Actually, one in four people getting married today will get divorced. So you have a 75% chance of staying married, according to statistics. But you have a 100% chance of reducing your stress, when you follow my suggestions!

See you at my website!

Cliff Kuhn, M.D.

The Laugh Doctor

The Natural Medicine of Humor

"Discover a unique, FREE, and incredibly powerful prescription created by a stressed-out Kentucky psychiatrist"

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